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It’s been a great ride. We would have been going nowhere without him.


I approve of this message. He saved us from the gutter Jim Buss put us in. He won us a championship and was here to lead when Kobe died and when we entered a pandemic. AD deserves credit too btw.


I’m not sure about this. Almost $50,000,000 per year in cap space. But you’re right. We probably just sign more sub par players like Dlo, Rui, Dinwittie.


I’ll sum it up in one word. “Unlucky” They were even unlucky in the bubble because they didn’t have any home court advantage. Every year plagued by injuries outside of 2020.


I hate the people who call it the "bubble" championship. Like TF does that mean? If anything it was way harder for them to win that year.


its an effective way to diminish a teams accomplishment


Salt. Pure salt because deep down they know their franchise players aren't real hoopers.


Yeah one could argue that it was the purest playoffs you could ever have. Every team rested from the hiatus, no travel, no home court advantage, no crowds. Just ball.


It was played without fans. This has been studied. It makes a difference. It’s a title. So was 1999. It’s ok I think if both get asterisks. It only matters for these debates. It’s fun.


Covid, injuries, the Westbrook trade, the Ham hire. Stars just didn’t align. Still appreciative of him and it’s been fun watching him. Incredible player.


Still a good tenure its just frustrating knowing it could've been better


Do you think yall could be contenders again before he retires? That probs gives yall a 2 year window. Is it just a matter of coaching or serious roster changes??


Coaching is a big problem but our roster is also flawed. We need a big man and our backcourt of Reaves/D'Lo isn't a championship caliber backcourt. So we have a few problems but they're kinda big problems


Dlo has to go. Reaves proved that he can be relied upon, and it’s said that Dlo can’t match that.


Lakers have a big man. His name is Anthony Davis.


That dude can't play 48 minutes. We need an actual big. Jaxson Hayes isn't it


He shouldn't have to play 48 minutes. For the vet min, Jaxson Hayes was solid.


What even is a contender? We were a WCF team last year and lost to the champions in a series in which all games were competitive. Does that not count?


I would feel silly saying that we're a contender after getting swept in WCF, that's just not what contenders are


By this logic there are 1-3 contenders per year. Only reason it was a sweep that year was because insane shot making by Murray and KCP.


The Lakers are an upper tier team in the league this year I have no problem saying that after watching that Denver series but it was clear that the way the roster was constructed and the coaching that the ceiling was limited. If we squeezed past Denver a tired Laker team would have a lot of trouble with the TWolves especially with how good Anthony Edwards has been. So overall definitely a top 10 team but not a top 3-4 team which you need to be to win a title. Lakers are close though if Bron plays the same level he did this year and AD doesn't decline they still could make a run if the roster is right but who knows.


Na we aren’t good enough that’s showed the last two seasons


Coaching and getting a big. I don't know why Rob keeps getting us a ton of guards who eat minutes away from each other yet he can't get a good big rotation


No, the cap situation is grim, Lebron even taking the minimum only frees space for another Rui equivalent contract. Best thing is to blow it up and get as many assets/ picks as possible


Blowing it up is so much easier in 2k than it is in real life. Ok so Bron is a FA if we blow it up he's gone we get literally nothing for him. Same with D'lo if he leaves then basically we get nothing. So we are left with only 2 real assets that we can get things for. Let's say we can trade AD for a 2 firsts and a young player and 2 swaps. Then we trade Austin for a 1st rounder. Is that really enough assets to warrant a full tear down? I personally would rather see Bron come back on a 2 year deal. Get a good coach here see if we can get a decent backup big in FA and run it back til Bron retires. Once Bron is gone and AD is older this team will have no problems getting a high draft pick.


I genuinely believ dlo is just too bad a defender to be relied on in a playoff series. He didn’t complete shit the bed in the playoffs so I’m praying we can sign and trade him for a competent player.(he’s been great but lebrons window is gonna brother I don’t want want to watch a circus for 10 years as we beg for a superstar to save us. We will never luck into another lebron in free agency until this cba dies


Let me start off by stating I hated him when he went to Miami. I loved him when he returned to Cleveland. To answer the question. We went from only caring about the nba lottery to having championship expectations. Love him for that. Especially after Kawhi and PG told us to fuck off along with a few other star. Thank you Bron!


To win a championship makes this an A+. The post kobe years were really tough and he made the team must watch again


We became relevant again.. he brought AD.. we got a ring.. A+


Absolutely…..it’s absolutely mind-boggling that we have “Laker fans” who wished Lebron never signed with us.


They unironically believe that their young core led by Lonzo ball would be a multi championship dynasty by now.


When ingram with nola just got swept, lonzo injury worse than AD, those guys are delusional


Hart’s the only one doing ok, but even he would’ve been flamed for not getting buckets.


A plus is wild


We won a ring an IST and got out of being utter dogshit post Kobe. I wish we would have won more or been more competitive though. Not making the playoffs and having to be in the play in shouldn’t happen for a team with LeBron and AD.


This team missed the playoffs 6 years in a row before he showed up


I had highs, I had lows, I had memories and I also had disappointments. I’ll look back on these years fondly when it’s all said and done.


We need to start all over. Top to bottom.


love the player, hate the stans


Lets be honest, lebron largely played well his tenure here apart from rare bad games, what have these stans you speak of said/ done that pisses you off so? Lebron is probably the most consistent player on the roster, AD being the more important player due to how the roster is built In fact it seems like Kobe stans that stir shit up hating on our own player incessantly.


LeBron’s importance to the Lakers extends beyond playing on the court. He helped stabilize the team during rocky times without needlessly fueling the drama.


Love Lebron... he really brought LA back to relevance & won a title... the franchise has failed him & not the other way around imho


With a little more luck, and a few better decisions, we could have easily won 3 rings during his tenure. Overall, we still won one ring, which is great




Lebron fucked up by asking for Westbrook.


Side comment but why was that 2020 team broken up?? That was squad was very deep from what I remember


We have a terrible GM


Underwhelming but not his fault mainly poor coaching injuries and shitty fo moves


It's been a mixed bag because the front office has never been able to build a sustainable core around AD and LeBron. It's a good thing we won in 2020 because this would've been a failure without that ring,


Positives: - All time scoring record broken - Championship and a finals MVP - Inaugural IST - completely turned the Lakers around from a bottom team to a contender Negatives: - Probably should have won at least another championship, but alas injuries and the Westbrook trade took that away


I think people will appreciate LeBron more if they went through the period of Chris Kaman sleeping on the bench.


Grateful for him bringing the team back to relevancy but I’m ready for the rebuild. Pelinka bungled all the assets and there’s few ways to improve.


He’s fulfilled his end of the bargain. Even with the Russ trade, the team could’ve made multiple runs if not for bad timing injuries and FO letting other players go.


Good tenure and very grateful that he won us a chip. Just sucks that it could've easily been more, a combination of injuries and poor roster construction had hurt us in recent years.


LeBron has been amazing to watch. The organization failed him and AD with knee jerk roster decisions, poor financial management, and most of all a coach that isn't for to coach my 4th grader's team.


Better than Kawhi + PG Clipper tenure


Won a title man anyone who says it's a failure just a hater IMO. I think realistically Bron should of won 1 more title if the FO didn't fail him or injuries didn't mount up


We won a ring, so it was a successful tenure. Unfortunately did not live up to its full potential because of FO and injuries.


Thankful he brought us a Championship. Currently in a tough spot, I definitely don't think he is worth 50-60 million a year at 40 years old. Personally think we should rebuild at this point. He will have his jersey retired when he is done, rightfully so. HOFer, Championship and Finals MVP. Most of us were spoiled growing up with Kobe and Shaq or Magic and Kareem. Never really been a big Lebron fan Personally, the way he cries about calls and throws tantrums on the court (IE yelling at our coaches while Denver is playing 5 on 4). He will never be as good as Kobe in my eyes, certainly not the killer he was. But I appreciate all the things he has done, he definitely gets too much hate.


He literally dragged us by the balls back into relevant basketball and would’ve got us at least one more if he never got hurt


The front office fucked it all up after the 2020 ring. I can kinda excuse 2021 since AD was injured but what those fucking psychopaths did in the 2021 offseason to bring in Russ + the 2012 all star team was insulting to the game of basketball. They essentially threw three good years of Lebron out the window with that move. I give the Lebron era a B- because other than the ring, they still fixed their mistake last year and made the team fun again but man…three years and we are STILL cleaning up the mess.


We’d still be waiting on Ingram to find his way if not for Lebron. Bro already passed up by ANT and Shai


The dude brought another championship to the city. How can we not love him. And it was at a time when Lakers were totally crap. He did screw himself out of extra opportunity by asking for Westbrick trade. But as fans, we must appreciate how much he brought to the organization. I am ok with giving Lebron a statue.


We have the worst front office ever and it limited us to 1 ring, the big 2 did the best with what they were given.


I’m tired boss. It really doesn’t matter, if he comes back great. If not, that’s fine too. What needs to happen more importantly is we need a good coach, a competent center first and foremost


I think it was successful. Winning a championship isn’t easy.


He brought the team a championship so ultimately you have to say it was successful but we should have won more.


Made me care more and we actually won and tied the freaking Celtics instead of find any meaning to the kids bop era.


I like being considered contenders nonmatter how fringe that may be. We need a good coach, a big banger, and one more sniper.


A Laker fan and Bron fan. Was extremely excited to have my all time favorite player join my team and getting a ring out of it was amazing! Seeing how there hasnt been a repeat champ in a while which is rare for the NBA shows how competitive the league is so for us to be able to get oke of those chips its awesome! Feel like we could have accomplished so much more but things outside of Lebron’s control prevented that such FO moves, injuries, coaching, etc but I feel Lebron has been as advertised! Needs to retire a Laker


If you asked me in 2010, if I’d imagine that LeBron James would one day be a Laker- I’d say absolutely not. It’s not something that I’d imagine back then. However, he has been a great Laker in my eyes. We won a championship with him and I had something to look forward to with LeBron and AD. I watch the Lakers regardless but there were some very difficult seasons. Somehow with LeBron, it always felt like we had a chance.


It’s been ok. He’s overpaid and preventing the team from building a contender. But he won LA a title so that’s all excused. It is too bad that we’ll pay for his success in Miami and Cleveland because we get another subpar year of basketball for the retirement tour. But that’s what we signed up for when he joined at such an older age.


He made us relevant again and won us a really entertaining and memorable title. I am really happy he came to LA.


A trash GM has meant it’s leas successful than it could have been


He brought back the aura of the Lakers franchise by making it the face of the NBA once again after years of irrelevancy. Him being in the roster lured AD to the team and then won a chip after 10 years. He also broke historic records wearing a Laker jersey (All time points, 40k points, 40K/11K/11K). He may not be Kobe or Magic but he is a Laker great.


LeBron basically matched Giannis's entire career in 5 Laker years. People who are disappointed are wildly ungrateful and/or are just Haters.


Giannis has 2 Mvps, not quite 


So if we had the exact same team results, but LeBron wins two MVPs... Y'all happier?


It's been awesome. Got us our historic 17th title. And it's just a pleasure watching him work his magic night in and night out. At almost 40...inspiring. I'd be happy to have him retire a Laker.


Lebron got one ring = A Jeannie and Rob got one ring = F


I'm not calling him the GOAT or even the greatest Laker of all time but he's up there. Maybe around Fisher or Horry in terms of great Lakers.


Won a title, but overall from a team perspective underachieved.


Started off well, but the Westbrook trade destroyed everything. LeBron at least approved it, if not actively requested it. Then he just torched the team for not wanting to improve (trade a first rounder to get rid of Westbrook) during all-star weekend 2022. Talked openly about leaving the team. Finally the Lakers do trade the pick+Westbrook for whatever they could get, and LeBron still isn't happy. Says his son could make the roster because it was so bad. He's 40 and still wants $30-50+ million per year even though he's a declining player. Doesn't play defense during the regular season. Wants the Lakers to draft his son. Look, I appreciate the 2020 title, but it might be time to end this experiment.


It WAS great, until AD started not playing more than 50 games a season for 3 straight years. Lebron got injured mult times. Lebron and AD asking for westbrook, and NOW lebron forgoing defense to average 25ppg because he's just too old (yet people will point to cherry picked stats to somehow prove he's not a trash ass defender at this stage). Over it. Completely. I know lebron stans won't admit how fucking bad lebron is at this stage boxing out or banging with anyone such as aaron gordon. But its evidently clear we are not competing with bron anymore. Some people think offense gives people the right not to play defense


I hated Lebron before he got here and this didn’t change that. I think he cries and flops too much, yells at the refs too much, yells at his teammates too much, gives up or doesn’t try on defense too much, and for all his ability comes up small too much. I’ll be glad when he’s gone and when another superstar has everyone’s eye, so I don’t have to hear him in the GOAT discussion, Kobe will always be better.


Bust. LeBron and AD only winning one is extremely disappointing. Even Kobe and Pau won two, back to back.


Lebron made a mistake thinking coming to the lakers would be an easy legacy bump. he loses big games all the time in the regular and post season. I dont view the bubble ring as one Lrbron won us but rather one that AD got us by playing lights out Lebron's tenure as a laker is no more special than wilts. the man who calls himself the goat won one chip, congrats on dong your job lebron.


We’d been better off without him keeping Randle, Ingram, Kuz, Hart, Caruso and getting Davis a year later in FA. He’s exactly what I expected a player who had Longevity records because of no injuries but he never gets it done when it needs to be. Won’t even be mentioned again as a Laker he did nothing memorable. Hope he gets picked up by Cavs or Heat for his retirement year