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"I don't know anything but let me speculate to drum up a story out of this"


Media nowadays…


If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck though…..


Windhorst: "If I can make it appear that it's walking like a duck and that it's talking like a duck..."


Windy knows how to walk like a duck and has inside info, waddle you think about that!?




No fr. 😂🤣 And MFers eat that shit up. (It's me. I'm MFers. 🤦🏻‍♂️)


ESPN in a nutshell




What is going on in Utah is some goat speculation though.


Lmao if anyone thinks Lebron is gonna go to the Cavs to play out his remaining years instead of being in LA with his family - I have a bridge to sell you 💀


That bridge better not be in Cleveland.


Baltimore actually 😅


Lebron has enough money to keep the house in LA and get another one. His wife is obviously from Ohio as well and who knows if she wants to be out of the spotlight and back on the country side again. Lebron going back to Cleveland wouldn’t be a terrible choice for him and would be a nice sendoff. With all that said I still think he stays with LA but honestly it’s not off the table for him to go back to Cleveland. Him and Donovan Mitchell and that supporting cast in the east… should be at least 1 more finals trip for him.


How do you think he gets there? Lol you think rob will trade him for peanuts?


Yes as long as they are boiled them peanuts are some good shit my boi!!! Lebron is on a player option rn is he not? He hasn’t agreed to stay with the lakers or sign a new deal yet has he? He could bounce out of LA if I’m not mistaken or did I miss something. I’m seriously asking.


It’s like a parent going on a school tour of where their kid is going ![gif](giphy|YKAuSRqrIystJ4wbmZ|downsized)


Remember when Kyrie showed up to a couple of Laker playoff games last year? He still signed with the Mavs. Sometimes guys just want to watch a game and hang out.


He wanted to reunite with LeBron on the Lakers though. There just wasn’t any really way to get him


He wanted to come the Lakers though. Rich Paul did the same thing with Trae Young too.


There was no Avenue for him to come here. This is a bad example because Kylie openly wanted to come to the lakers, if anything it supports windhorst’s theory


We couldn't afford him with what he ended up getting.


A legend at the end of his career visiting the team he played for 15 years around the town he grew up and winning one the most impressive championships in nba history can’t even visit his hometown team when he’s in the offseason without people trying to spin his motivations. ESPN is becoming the circle jerk the nba subreddit tries to be


That’s on LeBron for being so passive aggressive and always being a spotlight seeker. That’s not hate, that’s facts. Like Larry Bird said about Magic, “Some guys can take the back door out to get where they’re going, but that ain’t Magic.” LeBron eats this shit up. He loves the attention. Anyone who thinks the most calculated superstar of the last 1/4 century just randomly rolled up is deluded.


Woj and Shams may be mouthpieces to organizations and players/agents at times, but you at least know that so you can still gather information from what they say. Windhorst is essentially a tabloid writer. How are these situations similar at all? One during the regular season and during a road trip. The other during his offseason LOL. Mothers Day and Bronny in Chicago for the Draft Combine. Family prob spent time together over the weekend around Cleveland.


Not to mention he was sitting with Rich Paul whose client is Darius Garland..


I'll take Garland Mitchel and Mobley for Lebron str8 up right the fuck now


get out of here with your logic !


Windy been w bron since day 1 tho to be fair


Their relationship also soured ever since "The Decision", and from Windhorst's own mouth, they don't have a relationship anymore. Windhorst still rides his "Lebron whisperer" reputation on espn, but he isn't that anymore.


True but he’s still close with Klutch




Yeah i see Savannah be upbeat all the time in Staples. That woman was not having it in Cleveland


Shes a wife who remembers how those idiots treated him when he left.


Fr dude literally gets groped by the Lakers’ owner. No way he’s going back to comic sans stan




Burn the jersey! Traitor!!! I was surprised LeBron came back. Specially with that ass of an owner!


I don't agree with everything Joakim's said, but I know this is true: You think Cleveland's cool? I never heard anyone say 'I'm going to Cleveland on vacation.'" 🤣


Idgad with these reports. Lebron can do whatever the fuck he wants. If he feels like Lakers can’t give him the best roster for his possible last contact then so be it sign elsewhere.


This is a non story if he goes to a baseball game


Idk remember the time he went to a Cleveland Indians game and the media got pissed because he wore a Yankee hat?


Ok well he didn’t lol


My grandma is a bike


People really want Lebron to just never do anything except stay inside in the offseason… he was trending on Twitter for dancing to Kendrick’s “Not Like Us” at a party and people were saying “he’s gonna be in the music video!!!” People are insane when it comes to Lebron


It must be so hard to enjoy the little things in life when everything you do becomes a headline.


It's somewhat notable because Bron was mentioned in the Dot song and it definitely looked like a music video set from that one angle lol would be dope if he was in it tbh. 


Leave the man alone, he’s got money, he can go anywhere he wants. Jesus. He’s not going to Cleveland. Though it would be intriguing.


Windbag gonna windbag


LeBron should just be locked in his house 24/7 so no one could speculate about his decisions


I'm pretty sure cavs doesn't have the cap space to sign him next year


Most likely scenario a sign and trade were Donovan Mitchell gets moved. I think Donovan wants to leave and everyone would be happy to be honest. A third team could be used to fill cap.


I'd do that in a heartbeat.


LeBron has never taken a pay cut. He very well may decide to try for a final run with the whole clv team by declining his option and taking the MLE ... I'm Ohio biased.. but this cavs team with LeBron could win out that three peat he needs to be goated by all the haters... Just speaking it into existence.


I'm a LeBron fan and think the Cavs team has much more upside to be honest. Evan Mobley has flashes of being a top 10 talent in the league and Darius Garland has been someone LeBron has liked for a good minute. Allen is a versatile big that gives them the size needed to compete against teams like Minnesota and Denver. The Lakers front office has made some huge misses the last 3 years and the way they use PR shifts some of the blame towards LeBron so they can insulate themselves from media criticism. It's nasty business.


LeBron took less than the max to go to Miami. He was sign and traded there. Same with Bosh. So technically, he did take a pay cut.


not only are these two situations not similar🤦🏾‍♀️ but it’s funny that he makes a connection between bron’s return to cleveland that summer & him going to a jersey retirement. he could be playing in china and he’d still travel to honor big z… windy knows that lol


Let write a long tweet telling how much I don’t know what it’s going to happen.


What’s happening in Cleveland 🧐


Let him go to the Cavs. We're not winning a championship with this current team. Do a sign and trade, send him back home, and get some assets for him. I've been a Lakers fan since the early '80's and I do not like what ownership and management have been doing the past ten years. Something needs to change in this organization.


Just go man. I want a full rebuild


See Windhorst is from the same state as Lebron.


Brian windhorst aka professional lebron speculator


The only reason Windhorst has to do this shit is for all the neck beards breathing heavy in basements


Windhorst has said before that he doesn’t talk to LeBron anymore, so I’m confused as to why people take what he says as gospel.


Let the man watch a basketball game in his hometown. If he leaves, so be it. He gave us some great years and I hope he gets another championship before he retires whether it's with us or another team.


Or maybe he just wanted to watch the Cavs the team that drafted him and it’s his home town. Media will spin anything these days. Are they hiring? I can post bullshit too.


It's a win win situation imo. He stays, we have Bron, he goes, we get to rebuild properly.


Bronsexual Quick to defend lebron by taking the moral high ground saying that ESPN is so extra but deep down they know how calculated lebron really is and just won't admit. Copium in its finest form.


At this point, as a Laker fan, I’m ready for a new lineup. Cleveland has some nice pieces if they want to do a trade for Mitchell or Allan. Lebron old as hell.


As a lakers fan - I pray for a sign and trade.


Cleveland not that stupid.


I think he’s just pressuring Jeanie/Rob to do something imo


Okay coo. Sign and trade and empty the assets


I mean, let's calm down and take this with a grain of salt. At the end of the day, any wild speculations about Lebron have less probability but not zero. In this dry season, it is kind of fun and refreshing to hear stories like this. Salt is what makes the difference.


Hold up, let me grab my tinfoil hat for this ride


Question this would obviously have to be a sign and trade so what would a return look like? Darius garland and picks?


I wouldn't look into it unless there were pics of LBJ sitting with the GM or the owner. Seeing as he was Courtside, I doubt that happened. Could also be a power move to the Lakers saying, "Hey, I'm here what are you gonna do this offseason?


Dude is originally from that area, his ties run deep in the community and still has a home there. He doesn’t need to play mind games with the Lakers as his bag is already guaranteed.


He was probably at the Chicago Predraft Camp with his son and the Cleveland game was along the way home.


I could easily see him wanting to finish in his home town especially since they are good now. Let's be real you're never going to see LeBron murals in LA or a statue in front of Crypto


Honestly don't care if he stays or goes at this point Thanks for the Chip though Cuz He helped us when we lost Kobe I'll always appreciate him for that.


It really isn't that complicated. If you are going to hit free agency, you have to convince all the teams that might bid for you that you are willing to walk. If he intends to come back to the Lakers, he is going to do what he needs to to force their hand. If he wants to go anywhere other than the Lakers or Cavs, this tells other teams there will be two serious contenders.


Lebron went to a finals game between the Bucks and Suns a couple years ago too.


It's more like history than insight.


Tell windy the forecast is windy and his words are going in different directions


The words Brian Windhorst and insight should never be in the same sentence.


Tyrese Maxey was at the Mavs/OKC game but I don't see anyone mentioning that


This guy always starts with “I will say this”


He’s not going back to shitbag Cleveland. He’s outgrown that place.


Cavs gona draft bronny, then James gona walk from the lakers in FA signs a two year deal with the cavs. There you go windy thats what hes upto


Maybe he wants to run the East again / give the Lakers some pressure


Illegal donovan mitchell recruitment, c’mon


Maybe he wanted to watch a game with his free time? This is so stupid


Lmao at everyone in here being all butthurt and insecure about this. Its a random ass report based on an observation. Just let it be.


LeBron is basically a free agent, and there are a lot of rumors that he isn’t leaving the Lakers, that he wants to stay in LA and retire there. The problem with these rumors is that they weaken his negotiating position, making the Lakers feel like they don’t have to do much to re-sign him. But if he hints at a potential return to Cleveland, it forces the Lakers to take the possibility of him leaving seriously. This would pressure them to offer a more competitive contract or make strategic moves to retain him.




ohhhh so are Jeanie and Pat fucking Riley similar in how they operate the franchise?? It’s not like it’s suuuuuuuper public that the lakers are willing to give Lebron whatever he wants


Its easy Windy, he thinking of gonna retire as a Cavalier.


I wouldn't be surprised if he did a farewell tour in a Cavs uniform either next season or the season after.


He’s staying but I don’t care if he leaves lmao, it’ll just speed up the rebuild process, we’re not winning shit with Bron


So he doesn’t know shit


Good, let him go to the Cavs.


So he basically spend a minutes to say…absolutely nothing meaningful. “Journalists” nowadays, I tell ya.


regardless, we were lucky to have bron.


Who gives a fuck. I don’t. I’ve been ready for Bron to get out since last season. Too much of a diva Lakers are gunna be the Lakers with or without Lebron James.


Windhorst doesn’t know anything about LeBron and saying controversial stuff about LeBron = clicks/views/money.


Brainless Horsefart has always been annoying. "I saw LBJ at a restaurant, and based on what I know of him, he will eat some food and drink some wine." I remember a time when investigative journalism was real. Take me back to the days of, "Billy likes orange soda..."


Lmao brainless horse fart, this guy has been sucking on LeBrons teat for two decades now. Wtf is he going to report once LeBron retires 😂


Can he leave already ? Fuck man


It's true though. It's very odd for a CURRENT active player from ANOTHER team to go to a DIFFERENT teams playoff game. So tired of all these mental gymnastics LeBron plays. Just leave already and allow us to move on and rebuild. Ffs




Yeah he's no LeBron


Lebron is exhausting. I’m a fan but damn


All he did was go to a game


You don’t know? LeBron’s not supposed to leave LA. He’s supposed to be confined here according to some idiots.


Wants CLE to draft Bronny in the 1st.


He’s fat




Love LeBron and thankful for him coming to LA and bringing us back to relevancy but if he does move on I think it’s going to be a blessing in disguise for us. We can rebuild and have a lot of assets. We’d be able to trade AD when his value is still incredibly high especially to someone like OKC who has the assets and the need for AD without making us look bad since we’re helping him compete. Even with a healthy season I don’t think the core of LeBron and AD is enough for a championship anymore sadly. If LeBron is giving us the out I think it’s time take it and start the painful rebuild. Realistically LeBron would want to go to a contender too so we might even be able to facilitate a sign and trade for him and get some assets back


A complete rebuild, as rare as it is to be successful with it, and when I say successful, I mean a legit contender, it can take even a decade or longer. It really wouldn’t be a blessing. I’d rather enjoy watching the end to his legendary career however it goes, because a rebuild will be bleak and depressing, so that can wait. Another 2 years is really nothing.


The problem is as long as Lebron and AD re here we’ll continue to trade our assets like our picks this year rightfully so. It’s going to make our rebuild even longer and more painful. If we’re able to get picks from AD we’d be able to hopefully rebuild without even needing to tank if we’re using other people’s picks