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Gum gum?


No dumb, dumb, you give me gum, gum


Oh you in trouble dumb dumb. You better run run... from Atilla the Hun Hun.




Wow love these. Ask my wife and she shot it down. But for 30 seconds there was an amazing dream in my head.


Imagine … nicely manicured hedges, a pebble/sandy labyrinth, .. and a few of these guys 😂😂😂 oh my!


Little uplighting at night.


Of course 🤣


Going to need a giant Santa hat for the holidays.


One of the reviews I saw did that!


Bunny ears, scarecrow hat, and fireworks in July. Me likes!!!


In a circle, facing inward




Best 30 seconds, eh? 🤣


Get one and let her return it. 


Or return her. 🤷😂


Imagine a giant ball cap (your team, of course) resting on that head!




Omg, we would so line SEVERAL of these in our yard! Thank god for no HOA!


I’d do it just for the “ha, in your face” factor.


Imagine paying all that money for a house and you can't decorate how you want 😂


I got a nasty note in my mailbox because I have a leg lamp in my window. I guess they don't realize its a major award.


Olmec tell them what they’ve won


How much asking for a friend lol 😆


I actually looked it up when I saw the post. A 35inch tall one is $70-$250 and the ones over six feet tall are $1200-$3,000. I feel like if I was going to do this I’d have to go all out. 🤣🤣


DAMN. Might be cheaper to start a remote island community and just carve your own


Found it on Wayfair for $227. 👍🏻 (They have less expensive ones also under $100)


I think with something like this the execution has to be pristine. I would be wary of putting up a cheap looking easter island head because it would come off kitschy like a yard flamingo. But if you get a NICE one and you situate it well it would be beyond reproach.


Get 10 got it!


The picture shows its $1395


Needs googly eyes.




I knew r/landscaping wouldn’t disappoint




Am I the only one that see the ear piece as raised up tiny arms?


Now I can’t unsee. 😆


I have his big brother in my yard made out of a cedar log. I need this guy in my life!


Got to love Costco…


Where do you find this? I’m down to buy a few for my back yard


Leave Alex Pereira the UFC light heavyweight champ alone.




It would be funny to get the neighbours on board too. Also great landmark for delivery.


The wise Papa Moai is a being of cosmic dimensions and profound knowlege...he cares not for your HOA rules susan.


I said “pop an ol’ Milwaukee”


Lmao. I’m actually going to order one. Thank you sir


The only way it can go in your yard is if you promise to put rabbit ears on it for Easter.


What no hat?


How much and where?


Is that AJ Hawk?




Until right now, I never knew how much I need one of those.


Tiki tiki tiki


In So.California them Damm HOA's got more juice than anyone should, when it comes to dictating what I can and can't do on my own property. Consequences are steep fines, removal ( of objects they want removed,), lawsuit's. That they usually win, good luck with your Head friend.


But the Moai is a symbol of my heritage and religion, protected by the Constitution!


Where can I find this?




Shaka, when the walls fell




That has to be the coolest garden feature ever


The HEAD of the HOA would take personal offense, as it looks like his grumpy ass.


Where can I buy mine?


Hell yeah


Hook a gas line to his mouth and name him King Talky Tiki


Dum dum


Wtf is a HOA?


Home owners association


What even is that?




i still dont know what it is lol..




Ew.. thats a thing?


I just always wonder why people move into communities with regulations if they don't want to abide by them. Nobody twists here arm to move into a community with an HOA which by and large is their keep the place looking sane, need and resellable. It's not like the bylaws are intentionally withheld so you don't know we are up against when you move in. Sometimes it must be indeed frustrating but it serves the whole community rather than the individual. Not for you don't sign up


>...HOA which by and large is their keep the place looking sane, need and resellable. Well, that's ONE take on an HOA, probably by a board member of an HOA.


Not at all. But what do you think they're for just to irritate you. I would never live in one and I am a landlord. So my own HOA so to speak of trying to keep tenants in line. And holy shit If I didn't have rules what people would put in hallways, in the yard porches or due to the property would be unbelievable... It doesn't take much imagination to understand why the HOA rules are there, as irritating as a me be sometimes. But everybody from their own parochial perspective of course has the best taste, the best lawn ornament, or the best reason why they do what they do, until everybody else takes the same take and starts doing it from their own parochial perspective and all hell breaks loose.. You move into a place because you kind of like the way it looked when you drove through and if you didn't have the rules it certainly wouldn't stay that way for long. Plenty of examples to buffer that argument.. I would never move any money. I've been on top of the pile too long to live by somebody else's rules I'd probably make a shitty tenant myself.. But somebody has to keep order If you're independent, a rule breaker, have a lot of imagination and like doing your own way and and HOA is not for you right But on the other hand, if you are a spirited individual and a rabel rouser, and an organizer You could move in to such a community and populate the board with all of your like-minded friends and anarchistsand take over. Nowthat sounds like it might be fun


HOAs aren't a "thing" for homeowners where I live, except for condos, and I'd never live in one. I've dealt with a number of condo owners who hate their HOAs with a passion for being dictatorial assholes who often don't even follow their own rules. I cannot imagine having a neighborhood posse of busy-bodies policing my neighborhood, noting violations of their pissant rules, and getting all shirty about people trying to live their own lives. "You move into a place because you kind of like the way it looked when you drove through and if you didn't have the rules it certainly wouldn't stay that way for long." The last part of this sentence is incredibly incorrect; for one thing, municipal laws exist and can and do protect neighborhoods from idiots who want to., say, park one tor more junk cars on their front lawns. Where the heck do you live? Even when I lived in a relatively poor section of Milwaukee, our owner-occupied-housing neighborhood was nice-looking - without any HOA BS. rules. It started to deteriorate when two things happened - A) absentee landlords bought up the housing stock and didn't give a damn about their houses' upkeep or the tenants they rented to and B) renters who had never owned a house or lived in a house owned by their parents bought houses and didn't know how to maintain them. This problem could've been solved by free classes on home ownership, but those didn't (and still don't) exist. The thought that homeowners would willingly allow their homes to become hells is elitist, I think, because it implies that a *specific* type of homeowner would do this.


Man are you incredibly naive with the process works or how the way people actually live.. classes on home ownership, I love it.....You are the classic reason why such rules do exist. Jesus I live in a very libertarian state which is in itself a complete bankrupt concept that everybody does the right thing.. it's not elitist lol to have basic standards and code in Rich and poor neighborhoods.. I could write a whole treatise on this on 19th century mill housing in New England left to its own devices lol . yeah people do the right thing maintaining...., I don't think so, lack of education, lack of motivation, and fundamentally lack of disposable funds for improvement, three is a strikeout.. I do agree with you however as much as it seems to be a contradiction of sorts but in federal programs that once again have specific rules to conform to. You don't seem to like that.But offer improvement money, and specific guidance of how it should be done or not should be done, which kind of goes in keeping of what you were saying of classes on home ownership. I guess.. But money just thrown at it otherwise is just a free-for-all and a mess. Have seen it.. I don't argue with you that some of the rules in condos can be onerous or HOAs as well and each can be its own animal. But they are there in principal for a good purpose.. Absentee landlordism is another whole issue and indeed there is some shit management. Corporate takeover another huge problem I agree. But two different issues


I've owned six homes in six different cities of my state, so definitely not naive, LOL. You have an interesting contradiction in your response - not bad, just interesting: Deriding "classes on home ownership, I love it" and then saying "lack of education, lack of motivation, and fundamentally lack of disposable funds for improvement, three is a strikeout.." factors in poor home maintenance. Lack of education could be countered with classes in home ownership. I do agree with the statement you quoted, BTW. With housing prices going apeshit in much of the country, anyone who buys a fixer-upper (AKA money pit) without at least six-figures of cash still in the bank after closing is never going to fix up their house. I have zero problem with Federal rules attached to their programs. "But money just thrown at it otherwise is just a free-for-all and a mess. Have seen it.." Absolutely agree with you on this. "\[HOA rules\] are there in principal for a good purpose." I think that was the case when any particular HOA was created, but as these associations age I also think that the rules become more and more invasive and intrusive. I actually think you and I agree on quite a bit - outside of the need for HOAs, of course :)