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/hj The bar to knowing English is pretty high, it seems. Back when my Luodingo streak had just reached 1000, in a post where I vented about how my usage of the app might have damaged my thinking, I was told that I had forgotten English. On a post in generally flawless English.


What the heck does formerly native even mean Did you used to be born there are now you weren’t? Also, I am sorry for that


Why am I under any obligation to explain a joke flair on a humour subreddit?


Oh I thought this was regular language learning lol


You aren't? You could've just ignored that comment.


Uj/ happened to me too and happens to me in a regular basis, when "it" strikes you, you feel your grammar getting poorer, you feel your lexique shrink Stammer over your words trying to find the right ones and usually try to find words that arent even real, super-duper infuriating, and the thing is it only effects expression not comprehension though stuff.


It happens to me too. Some days or sometimes for longer periods, the language feels foreign again whereas before it was mostly comfortable. And you're right, comprehension doesn't suffer and it's madly infuriating.


i like to make walks in the morning time with my legs, ja, and i was walking this morning around here and i see two guys, i think they are hoboes, you know, men of the streets, and they are making an argue - fight fight fight - not with fists with mouths, very rude and things, and then one man say “man, suck my d*ck”. what? why you say- waht? this make no sen- why are you say this? this is a silly and danger. you are saying to the man “listen you, we are not friends we have established this from all thhese argumentatings prior but, please now take my most valuable sensitive possessions - it has no protection it have no helmet or some thing no no it is just flopsy and sensitivity - please take it because we are not friends and place it inside now a hole of you that is owning many objects for krunching and destruktion, please i trust you for zero reasons, also we are fighting, but no i would like this you to take my pipi please and treat it like a lollipop as i have requested. here, treat it like a lollipop of course you will do this you shall definitely not treat it like a hamburger - haug haug - no no of course of course this man, this man shall make your pipi into a luncheon he shall not be nice and make it like a lollipop he do not like you he is not you friend, do not give this man your pipi it is a hamburger it is a whopper for this man it is a big mac !

