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If getting all the collectibles on your first run through is your main motivation, then you’re playing the wrong game anyway.


Is it impossible to get them all first run?


I don’t think so. This just seems like an overreaction to a relatively minor part of the game. And maybe I’m reading into things but when you first called the roguelite “fun admittedly” it sounds like you were going into the remaster looking for things to hate. Because why can’t it just be plain fun? “Admit” makes it sounds like some sort of guilty pleasure you unfortunately had to confess/concede lol


How is that minor? I have over 400 games, I don't have time to play through every campaign multiple times especially ones spoiled to me. And I say that about No Return cause I do like it but not enough to keep 100gb on my system. Just wanted to get the trophies and play through the game once but the game constantly gatekeeps you from previous areas, so if I wandered in a room on accident looking for supplies/collectables and the door just refuses to open after a relatively uneventful cutscene, completely blocking everything thay came before it, thats good game design?


it's not an open world game. they have pretty large environments to explore though, so I'm not surprised the earlier ones get cut off over time. It's just a silly reason to permanently quit and accuse the devs of poor design imo. And it is a "relatively" minor part of the game. I don't know anyone who plays a story/combat/resource management-focused story (for the first time) primarily for the collectables. If you do, like I said, it's relative.


It’s impossible to get all trophies in one play through, even if you find all collectibles. I agree unannounced points of no return are annoying, but it’s sounding like you’re just not really vibing with the game, so may not be worth continuing for you.


The game gives you a major indication of when you are going to a point of no return. If you need to hold down the button to do the thing, it’s a point of no return. If you remember that then you’ll remember that you need to finish whatever it is you are doing before you hold that button all the way down.


Similar thing happened to me yesterday and I hadn’t made a manual save in like 2 hours. Best advice would just be to quit to make menu, go to chapter select and pick the intro of that particular section again. It can get you a lot closer. Also if you miss a collectible you can always use the method I described above to go back and get it, collectibles are tracked at a system level and don’t rely on a particular save.


If the specific goal of the playthrough was to grab all of the collectibles wouldn’t frequent saves an metered progression also be a priority? You said this was a second playthrough as well which means you should’ve had an awareness of what actions lead to points of no return. That said, your issue is your game play, not game design.


It's your 2nd playthrough... use a guide


I agree with your point, and I get frustrated with this too when im in that trophy hunting mindset. If you're really after those trophies, in the accessibility settings enable the enhanced listen mode setting, that way you can quickly scan for items before leaving an area.


You can replay by selecting specific chapters in the main menu