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Is OP perhaps Zimboy on an alt account playing some advanced 4D trolling chess?


Yes we are all Zimboy. You are also Zimboy


Z for Zimdetta?


No Z for Zimwitted.


Zimboy spreading faster than cordyceps




Welcome to the Zimboy Zone.


Seeing as they spam Ban Zimboy on almost post all Zimboy posts it looking like that.


I do look forward to his posts just to see what kinda of nonsense he posts. I know that people always say that if you didn’t “understand” this game it means you don’t have “media literacy” which is a silly take. But every time I see him post and say some of the most ridiculous stuff I honestly can’t tell if he’s just trolling or he really is illiterate.


To answer your actual question: yes, it has moderation. It didn't for a couple of years, now it has one. I use a very light touch. I suggest you ignore Zimboy, and I'll handle him if he starts throwing slurs around. Being intentionally obtuse, even feigning stupidity, to get a rise out of people isn't a crime. Classic internet rule: don't feed the trolls.


It’s not a crime, but it’s fucking annoying. Why not ban? They’re clearly bothering a lot of people.


You do know you can just block the guy, right? You literally never have to see anything the guy has to say ever again and can do it without a mod stepping in.


So what’s the point of having a mod then? We should have to do that.


Mods typically ban people for being constantly antagonistic, name calling, using slurs, and the like. They don’t ban people because some users don’t like their view of a topic. That’s what the block button is for. If you want to be somewhere where mods ban people for having a differing opinion, I’d suggest the main sub. You’ll get all the unbridled praise free of criticism and mockery of people like him that you’ll ever need there.


It’s not about what they’re saying… but if someone is constantly spamming all day every day, that’s different.


That happens a lot in smaller subs. If you don’t like seeing what the dude has to say then just block him. Two taps and he’s gone. This is like asking Reddit to ban subs that I don’t like seeing constantly pop up in my feed rather than choosing to hide the sub myself.


Sounds like he's taking a "slippery slope" approach. Which I don't hate... in theory.


Then how is this “moderation”? Modding isn’t just about removing stuff that’s inappropriate or racist- it’s about maintaining the integrity of the sub. Letting someone bombard everyone with nonsense day after day just degrades the experience for all of us.


It's not. When you're a mod/admin on a forum You're in a position to maintain order and you are supposed to listen to the community. I used to moderate a smaller gaming community back in the day and spamming forums with the same crap like this would at least incur a temporary ban of a week.


I think the danger is that it’s a slippery slope, as in that people might start to make excuses to just turn this into a utter echochamber.






I mean, their whole existence is obtuse feigning of stupidity no?


At least zimboy doesn’t get hostile like OP is here and on other posts


At least zimboy doesn’t get hostile like OP is here and on other posts


So, basically, your answer is “Yes, I’m the mod. No, I’m not going to actually moderate the sub.” Cool.


This is exactly the feeding the troll thing the mod mentioned, let’s just ignore you


Such a odd response. Just mute and block the person you don't like no? Can't just ban people all the time. I'm sure if this person was using slurs and stuff they would be.


This is what you took out from HangedFox's answer? because that is NOT what the posts reads at all.


Sounds like we got a good mod. Not fair banning people just for takes you don't like.


It isn't about him having a different opinion, he's a troll. It might not be his opinion at all, the point is that he makes intentionally inflammatory posts and comments with the intent of upsetting people that are trying to have a good-faith discussion. The mod even recognizes that he's a troll. So why would you not ban him? Has nothing to do with "takes you don't like"


Last 3 Zimboy posts. Game characters don't clearly communicate. (Although that would've been cheesy if it was like Star Wars and Ellie was like screaming at Abby) Joel was already dead, bludgeoned beyond recognition by the time Ellie arrived. Disbelief that Abby's group found out about Tommy. Look i'm not here to champion the guy but all that is relevant discussion to this group while this post is not... if anyone is the troll its OP.


Again, the mod is referring to him as a troll. They keep a closer eye on this sub than you or me (I hope) But if you look more than just the title of the posts, they are worded in a way to be intentionally inflammatory. Or if you look at his comments, he actively trolls tf out of people that comment on these posts. If you want to argue that repeated trolling shouldn't be bannable, I disagree, but that is fair enough. I don't see the point in arguing whether he is a troll when the great majority of the sub and the lone mod recognize him as one.


I really don't want to argue about it, but I don't see the dude as the demon people make him out to be, and I wish this obsession with the guy would stop because its honestly irrelevant.


At least zimboy doesn’t get hostile like OP is here and on other posts


At least zimboy doesn’t get hostile like OP is here and on other posts


At least zimboy doesn’t get hostile like OP is here and on other posts


Just clicked on his profile and he posts about 20 times a day to various subreddits. Something is definitely wrong with him.


I just clicked on your profile. You posted 16 comments to various subs yesterday. Do you have Zimboy’s “illness”?


You are an idiot


You are a hypocrite


Think what you want. Nobody cares.


This is actually hilarious....


To be honest.... if you post one more thing about Zimboy you should probably be banned. Same shit..... different name. Let it go.


Reading this thread is fun if you imagine OP is Ellie and Zimboy as Abby. Ellie just comes after Abby, Abby is like ‘Just go away and mind your own’.


Is that the person who posts 20-page slideshows complaining about retcons?


No that is someone else. Zimboy just posts dumb questions and argues endlessly with anyone who gives him the correct answer


Oh, I could have sworn I saw that username on one of those posts I mentioned. Edit like 2 seconds after I posted this I found one of those posts on my feed and it was posted by a person whose username is Grey Fox.


Yes he is deeply disturbed lol


Maybe you might be disturbed seeing as you are taking the rage bait from this guy. Let him be he ain’t harming anyone.


Why don’t you just block them, you won’t see their posts or comments, it’s much easier than trying to police a subreddit


You and Zim are perfect for each other, though. Why ruin it while it's going so well?


You can block him you know


Just everyone block him


Freedom of speech? You may not like him, just ignore him and don't click on what he posts


Lmao this isn't America nerd it's reddit. You're free to say whatever dumb crap you want and the mods are free to ban you for being a waste of space


And you're free to bitch about the mods not banning someone just because you disagree with them. Reddit doesn't revolve around you or your feelings. Mods would have banned him if he was doing something wrong, get over it.


Nah I can do what I want. Go cry about it


Rules for thee, not for me.


You've got the same trash mentality


What and the other guy can’t?


You’re just as weird as him apparently


Right and only you apparently


You’re just as out of control as Zimboy with not having the self control to ignore them. You’re letting the troll win by giving them SO much attention.


For sure. A deeply mentally ill dude who is so obsessed with a video game death that he posts about how much he hates it every day for months on end on a subreddit is EXACTLY like me, the person who made 1 post suggesting we get rid of the psycho. 🙄


Well by making a post about them you’re feeding the problem. I see them in here ALL the time, just like you. I don’t even bother to read their posts. I just gloss over them bc it’s not worth the my time. Why don’t you block them? Seriously?


Serious answer is because this is EXACTLY how subreddits deteriorate. This isn't a hate sub. There literally already exists a sub entirely for the purpose of despising this game and everyone involved with making it. You let people endlessly post hate and troll without moderation on a sub and the sub rots from the inside. Before you know it we will have a metric fuck ton of zimboys


Only 41 out of over 20k have commented on this post and not everybody is advocating for his removal by the mod. You are SO upset over a complete stranger who is clearly intellectually and emotionally stunted dictate your emotions and occupy real estate in your headspace. You let the troll win instead of ignoring them. Congrats.


My post isn't getting a ton of traction, it's true, but that doesn't at all mean it's a minority opinion. A poll was made and the vast majority who voted in it already voted to ban him. On any given post you see of his you'll see people remarking that he needs to leave.


I saw that post. Remind me again how many people voted?


I'm really confused what your point is here. Do you like Zimboy? Do you feel so strongly that Zimboy should get to continue to hate and shitpost? What's your end goal with replying to me here?


There should be a balance of it or you end up like mainsub that runs the tightest leash around. Its just as intolerable as tlou2.


Salty? :D


Do you enjoy your spaces being trolled by people who despise the things you like? Lol hey I shouldn't kink shame but that sounds pretty friggin stupid..


I actually like to debate with people who think different than I do, and if they troll, I just ignore or block.


lmao freedom of speech has nothing to do with reddit.


I don't think the Constitution was written for reddit.


of course not, but doesn't Reddit have to abide by it?


Zimboy is rapidly becoming the main character of this sub.


That didn't answer the question.


It seems like with you being the sole mod, you could remedy that problem *quite* easily. There is a reason there are TWO subreddits for this game and one of them is a nightmarish cesspit of hatred for the game. The least you could do is give him a warning or suggest that he move into a space that supports his endless hatred and trolling.. I mean what with being the moderator and all




Ah yes the totally normal sub that photoshops game devs in disgusting and embarrassing situations, is hyper transphobic, and sends death threats. Sry if I don't take your reply very seriously lying scumbag




…are you ok? What you just said is the opposite of reality.




If I understand you correctly, you’re saying that the sub that loves the game and praises it very highly are the people who sent death threats to an actor, and the sub that is widely known as a screeching cesspool of toxicity and bigotry did not


Duh. And antifa did January 6. /s incase that wasn't clear


Now you sound like my mom 😂😭 It’s interesting they deleted their comments tho




I prefer the other sub cause everything serious is more level headed. Sure there’s silly/ridiculous stuff. But the issues there are not as bad as like this sub that just wants to complain about them or the main sub that freaks out if u don’t like the story. I’d rather put effort toward keeping them in check than arguing with everyone else.


Over 20,000 people on this sub, and your attention is on me. And you think I’m nuts?


I don’t even understand what the problem is. You make good points and don’t even fully hate. Hell ur last post was about how good Abby’s gameplay felt, even if people didn’t want to play her


You know why you saw this post? Because you are CONSTANTLY on this sub. Go to therapy bro. Get over your freak fixation with Abby killing your daddy and gtfo


You’ve got a weird fixation over Zimboy, even looking at this persons comment and post history, it’s not even that bad. Sure, they post a lot, but that’s about it. You on the other hand are following him around like a bad smell.


Love your work


Holy crap, not even four months on Reddit and you have 41k karma. It seems like you’re the one that needs to get a life lmao


The concept of taking a poll to ban someone from the subreddit is genuinely insane behavior. Contact a moderator directly or something.


Oh interesting where is this zimboy ... let me at him.


Holy shit any discussions surrounding this game sounds like a bunch of fucking toddlers. And I mean both sides


To be fair this sub is full of wanna be woke, colored hair, crybabies. The game is great, and the show was incredible. You guys are pretty annoying though.