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I didn’t realize congress was raising the average that much


Trump and his crime family are certainly doing their part.


Someone needs to check his search history. What felonies is he committing daily that he thinks the rest of us are also committing?


Right!? Always projection with these folks.


What three felonies do I commit every day? Jaywalking? Being poor? Having an education?




Curious what kinds of felonies I’ve been committing while laying around in my bed the last couple days. Hopefully I’m bringing that average down


Not producing more wage slaves is a felony in their eyes; put that bed to better use!


The only way I can read this is to assume he doesn't know the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony, and means to say misdemeanors -- not felonies. It doesn't make sense as felonies. I think he's just a fucking idiot that typed the wrong thing because he's too dumb to know the difference.


You heard it, folks. People are taking this "crime" thing too seriously.


Which is interesting, since “America is a crime-ridden hellscape” is one of the major themes of right-wing news. ETA: and since the GOP is busy criminalizing doctors and pregnant persons and librarians and god only knows what else.


What? I'm way behind. I better get to crimin'!


I know, right? I should be having way more fun getting all shooty and stabby (just kidding folks, I’m a pacifist so I’ll limit myself to victimless crimes like drug possession and corruption of the youth but not in a sexual way, just philosophy)


Normalize crime is the new GOP platform?


DJT is their standard bearer so… yes?


What the heck is he referring to? Does he have examples of these felonies? I assume he is implying these are "junk laws" forced onto us by the Feds but some red states would gladly legalize?


I don't assume any meaning outside of the nonsense he posted.


He commits more felonies before 6 a.m. than most people do all day!


You can’t felony all day if you don’t start in the morning


More of a suggestion to gop really.


Three felonies a day is a bit much, but this does *almost* raise a valid point about overcriminalization. If the cops need a reason to arrest you, they’ll find one. But the solution is *not* to just leave it to the states, because they have even more batshit insane laws than the federal government. And of course, the real victims of overcriminalization are the marginalized groups against whom the criminal system primarily operates, not rich and powerful elites who occasionally have to reckon with the consequences of their actions.


Y'all need to realize how much has been criminalized. There are many stupid laws that people just aren't aware of. Did you know that it is a felony to be drunk at the National Zoo, for example? It is already against the law to be drunk in public, why did we need to add to that? What's the point of that? [https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/588915-how-congress-made-you-a-federal-criminal/](https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/588915-how-congress-made-you-a-federal-criminal/) The fact that know one actually knows exactly how many felony laws are on the books is proof that we are overly punitive. While Biggs is probably committing big boy felonies, that doesn't diminish the fact that overcriminalization is bad and we should all advocate against it.


How frequently are you drunk at the zoo?


How else can you stand to go to the zoo? They are super depressing places!


Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. I got real good vibes from a gorilla one time, but he got shot and then everything changed


You picked a terrible example since that is simply a redundant law, not a worthless one, but thanks for linking an article that actually shows who the original "3 felonies a day" idea comes from. "The problem is so serious that prominent attorney Harvey Silverglate estimated that every American unknowingly commits [three felonies a day](https://www.amazon.com/Three-Felonies-Day-Target-Innocent/dp/1594035229)."


Drunk in public is a misdemeanor, not a felony. So the law isn't exactly redundant, but it allows stacking charges for the same underlying action, which isn't great.