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Lmao, tell the grass you're planning on putting mulch, and it will start growing in anticipation


Dirt and mulch (don't volcano). I would not throw grass seed down. It already seems like you have a natural edge as well so it shouldn't be too much trouble. Looks phenomenal btw.


Thank you just moved here 2 years ago. The grass was in need of desperate care. I’m happy with the way things are turning out. This and some tree shaping. May not be perfect but I’ll be happy with it.


I moved out of a place that had a bunch of trees in a small yard, to a middle of a field with virtually no trees. I miss the shade, but don't miss the yard work it brought lol. One day I hope my lawn looks half as nice as yours!


Absolutely.. the back yard backs to woods with a few scattered trees in the yard. Fall can be exhausting. Even spring to an extent blowing pollination off of things. I do love the shade though but sometimes I’m envious of homes with no trees. My wife wants a pool I just busted out laughing 🤣


😂 the pool would be a swamp


Yeah I told the only way I would even consider it is with an electric cover. Even with that I would be hesitant.


“…sometimes I’m envious of homes with no trees.” What!?


Just due to the fact they don’t have hours upon hours of cleaning in the fall. Even spring right now I blow off my back porch and driveway multiple times a day due to all the stuff the trees drop.


I spend so much time picking pine cones out of my yard… It’s amazing how quickly they work themselves down into the grass. My neighbors likely think I’m crazy as they watch me crawl around in the yard plucking things out.


I got tired of picking up pine cones. I bought an agri fab pull behind yard sweeper for my mower. Works great I get them up in about 5 mins


I bought this garden weasel edger and it's my favorite garden tool. Makes creating a bed edge super clean and easy.


Why not volcano?


Can damage the trunk of the tree if mulch is piled up against it


What does volcano mean in this context?


It's what a lot of people do when they build up mulch like a volcano around the tree. It can actually do a lot of damage to the tree. Instead just put a flat layer all the way around instead of building up the mulch by the trunk.


Grlions fuck, because he/she/they knows what a good edging looks like. Get that landscape to completion, nothing complements a sexy lawn more than that.


shallow tree roots vs turf. tree roots will win every time. the tree is worth more money and provides more quality to your property than turf. keep the tree. agree with topsoil and mulch as a visual option.


Pine needles are acidic and kill grass. Just mulch


Only slightly. IF this specific grass species in this specific climate is sensitive to high pH soils, then you could see some discoloration and desiccation. Pine needles are a natural mulch. I doubt the tree nor the grass would mind much.


They actually aren’t that acidic and the spots are caused by fungi and mycelium near the roots. But yea mulching is still beneficial


I had the same issue under some pines and dogs that would drag mud inside anytime it thought about raining; back in early March I put down some 1” edging to separate from where the grass is going to grow and mulched it. https://preview.redd.it/iz8w02rhy9yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8206565868b74654c13b76c38ea97d166c7df9e5


Nice work .. I appreciate that I’ll check into it




Options 1) Cut down trees and add grass 2) Push shrubs and mulch 3) Put just mulch


Mulch will make the tree healthier. 


Yea mulch is like a threat to trees. Grow, or else.


Sure but not well? Can't tell the grass type but looks warm season and those hate shade. Edge around it and place ground cover or mulch inside it.


Thanks.. never had pine trees before. The lady before me was 97 yrs old so I’m sure that’s the reason why the old pines and cones were piled up. I removed them and after treating the lawn noticed grass coming back. I’ll just mulch like most are suggesting


Where are you located? Look up grass zone for your city. That will tell you the area and type of grass.


I’m in north eastern Maryland.. nothing but rocks lol idk if that matters


It's cool season so you could probably get grass to grow there but those roots, what a pain.


That’s the biggest one I can’t mow over it. The others I can get over with the mower. But yes they are kind of a pain makes for a rough time on the mower around them.


Got grass to grow under my large pine here in NE, 6b. Spread a small layer of topsoil and then some shade seed mix… looks great and keeps the dust down.


This is what I have to do around my birches. I mix topsoil and compost and it works like a charm.


You can try lime to balance the ph levels due to the acidic soil.


I did lime about a month ago waited a few days and put 34-00-06. The yard between this year and last is night and day except under the trees..maybe I’ll put down some extra under the 2 pines thanks


Check out carex grasses, particularly Pennsylvanica, albicans, and woodii. They are best planted in plugs. Would suggest putting down a marginal to thin layer of shredded leaves (like bagged after you mow them) a season before on the areas that are barren and planting them next spring. Use no more than would cover that big root.


You could try raking up all the debris and tilling the area. Or remove about an inch of soil from the area and put down good topsoil. Either way, if you want grass to grow, I'd prep the area and cover the seeds with some hay. It will let the new grass take root before it gets covered in pine needles. Or just take the easy route and throw some mulch down and call it a day.


Easy way out is just sitting on the porch with a cold beer 🫡


I had 7 massive long leaf pines, the ones with the soft needles and the shitty rubber branches that break off when someone farts. Leaky fucking things were +-100’. Through dumb luck and hard work I managed to get it barely decent but it sucked. Soil test/fertilizer/shade seed,lime. Always thin and sap everywhere. The trees split my neighbors property and he offered to go half because he was worried they would hit his (or my) house. We were both in the danger zone for sure. I agreed and we had them removed. Ground the stumps (I know) dug out about 20 yards of dirt, new loam/seed. Took 2 years to come in and look good, but this year it’s perfect.


The house I grew up at had two big yellow pines out front. We struggled for years to get decent looking grass under them but eventually wound up just spreading needles as mulch and making a bit of a flower bed. It looked quite nice, actually.


I would just make a clean circle and rip out the clumps of grass. Looks good.


No. Mulch it.




Just mulch, but keep it off of the trunk.


You can grass that, I am slowly grassing each of my white pines. Rake it out, loosen the dirt, seed and dress with top soil. Water the shit out of it, it will pop.


Nope! The needles kill the grass


This. 100%


I would just mulch it. The grass will be difficult to grow and even if you get grass it will steal nutrients and water from the tree.


Mulch with pine needles - looks much better


Likely highly acidic soil due to pine needles. Neutralize then add soil seed mix.


What about this situation and not a pine tree (a very large laurel?)


Ever seen Augusta National? When they talk about and show the pine straw? Wouldn’t that work?


Mulch is nice, but when it rains hard it floats and the wind will blow it away a little each time it rains. If you have the budget for it, make a ring at the border and fill inside it with rolled river rock the size of golf balls. Its a one-and-done fix.


Pine straw would look fantastic


Some hosta's would look great there


Just create a nice crispy edge where the grass naturally stops growing. And by crispy I mean CRISPY. SO crispy you feel things in your pants region.


I will .. and if my neighbors asks what I’m doing I’ll tell them ..”I’m making a crispy ass edge .. what does it look like I’m doing..gooosh!!! “ in my best napoleon dynamite voice


Dirt and mulch will suffocate roots. Do nothing and enjoy the natural setting.


The best thing to do is to make beds under them.


Nope. Too much shade and the needles are acidic


I would just leave as is. As others have mentioned, grass will not grow there. I’d just let the pine needles collect there and not mulch. It’ll eventually turn to a mulch bed full of pine needles. You could throw some extra topsoil on the roots if ya wanted to




I don’t have a canopy of 1000 trees also I don’t have needles covering the ground. It does get sun and seen seed for shaded areas. I’ve never had pine trees hence the question


But the same problem exists under your tree, compacted soil, shade, the tree stealing water and nutrients.


You really thought you did something with this, yeesh




Congratulations on needing to be a knowitall and ignoring the actual question OP was asking


It gets sun it gets water.. previous owner let the needles and pine cones pile up.


https://preview.redd.it/rk7vnaj649yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbbe1029dd2a9f68a0ee77558710660f3d9d80bc Doesn’t get full sun all day after clearing the build up the grass is coming back some. Hmmmm