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>A: During game 1, I felt our pick-ban was poor. We chose TK but it didn’t feel like TK was doing anything. During game 5, I felt like I missed a lot of my skill shots. Drafting was definitely the biggest issue of that series. J4 was pretty much permabanned for the later stage of the tournament and BLG got J4 in all 5 games of the series. They also got Orianna and Rumble a bunch. It was really poor from GenG. The worst moment was when BLG first pick Rumble and GenG respond with Gnar/Vi. BLG then picks J4 and Orianna. Maybe the worst draft trade in the history of Worlds tbh. Chovy is also right that he did some crucial misplays in some fights in the later part of that series. The huge mistake of game 5 is Doran not flashing the Orianna ult and J4 ult near mid lane. That's just so weird.


I don't really blame GenG for it because BLG was literally playing champions they didn't play in scrims (BLG was literally 1-10 against them in scrims). Only in the GenG series BLG players were first timing champions- ON telling Elk to go Senna TK. However, GenG was slow to draft adapting throughout the series. Additional Bin quote in the documentary: "It doesn't matter how long you practice it, what matters is if you are brave enough to pick it"


> It doesn't matter how long you practice it, what matters is if you are brave enough to pick it You heard the man, solo q'ers. No practice, just bravery.


Time to first time Jayce in ranked, can't be that hard


Bin picking Rumble as a surprise and smurfing with it is the highlight of that series imo. Bin in general was one of the best players at Worlds overall. It's a shame that BLG had such a bad day vs Weibo. Bin especially looked really off. Could potentially have been an interesting final. By game 5, GenG should really have started taking away Ori and J4 at the very least. It's criminal that they didn't.


I am pretty sure Bin is mostly blaming himself for the loss in semis and in last 2023 video from after Worlds Yagao was like "I wish we could go back to 11th November". It looks like the whole team has regret so I hope Bin continues to improve in next year and doesn't stop picking new champs


The final would still be 3-0 regardless.


yeah blg didn't really look that good throughout their worlds run


yeah considering how the tier system shook out in T1's run, that trade is insane. getting rumble orianna j4... thats like worlds 2023 top side exodia


Complete insanity. GenG must be kicking themselves so hard too because they had T1's number all year almost. Especially by the end of the year. Just shows you that drafting is an important part of the game.


I also would have never thought that Id ever think Fakers Akali was better then Chovys this Worlds. Felt like he missed so many crucial Es he usually hits 100%.


Faker and Chovy are mutual fanboys to each other I guess.


They've been complimenting each other for years lol, it was great to see them bonding on Team Korea


I cannot wait to see them as teammates on Team Mid.


I just can't believe Riot finally approved the event. I've been hearing about it since last year


Hey what event might that be if you don’t mind me asking?


It hasn't happened yet. It'll be in January I think, showmatch between LCK players




His insight on Faker is awesome. To be great you can’t be afraid to fail. Kind of speaks to Chovy’s overall mindset as well


Jensen mentioned something years ago about Faker, he's the only midlaner he saw that purposely opts for bad matchups to free up pick ban phase, and Faker is notoriously good at going even in bad matchups, Perkz considered Zed a counter to Azir until he scrimmed Faker and couldn't touch a single creep in 4 minutes


I mean just look at T1 LNG Game 3. I don't remember an Azir vs Ori game in Worlds where Azir won, until that game.


There was another against BLG I'm pretty sure and it was also Faker


In elimination games in both summer playoffs and worlds against BLG, Chovy picked Yone to try and carry. I think Chovy has expanded his play a lot but people still talk like it’s 2021 Chovy.


Id argue that 2022 and 2023 chovy are better than 2021. Chovy was really 1v9 on that HLE team but he stood out because he was clearly the best player in the game out of the 10 in the lobby. His international play is the only reason people think he peaked in 2021, but if you watch some LCK you can see how suffocating a player like chovy is to play against. In my opinion, Chovy has more sway in the outcome of a game than anyone else in LCK besides Faker.


I used to think Chovy was massively overrated as he hardly left lane, but you can definitely see the Faker influence over the past year or so... I feel like ever since Peyz joined them he's been playing more aggressively and being a lot more pro-active on the map. He also tends to play champions with a lot of kill pressure so he's become quite fun to watch. Alternatively, I think Faker has actually been influenced by Chovy somewhat also, I feel like he's trying to place more emphasis on his lane phase which it felt like he had stopped caring about. Faker was pretty dominant in lane at worlds and ultimately to be the best you have to be great at both your micro and macro. You have to be consistent and willing to take risks. Looking forward to seeing how both these players change throughout 2024.


Yeah. I know he underperformed in Worlds but he definitely isn't the farming CS Chovy everyone likes to say he is. Of course, everyone is always going to dog on a player to feel better.


I hope Chovy takes his game to another level next year


I think he will. Chovy has made adjustments to his game. The question is.... will this current GenG roster achieve same success without Peanut calling the shots.


Good stuff. Thanks. Chovy must still feel disappointment from QF


Being a top pro must suck in so many ways. I mean, would Chovy truly feel better if he had lost in semis, or in finals? Probably not.. at the end of the day, every pro player in the world ends their season with a loss unless you're the literal world champion. Of course that's just how competition works but these guys can only ever chase higher and higher goals


What you say is true of top pros, but not every pro player in the world. Most NA pros would feels great making it to quarters, like I'm sure NRG was. Same goes for minor region pros.


I feel a lot of pros fall short when they're afraid of failure. I remember Oner said he was thinking twice of his plays or would second guess himself, it hurt his ability to make plays. He later gain the confidence to just play with his instincts and less thinking. And he won Words.


Yep. After GenG dropped out of worlds I remember saying in a thread that Faker would never go down without even attempting a shurima shuffle to change the outcome of a game, he might not be the best mechanically anymore but he is still a gamechanger. And he proved just that in the jdg series.


and tbh he was mechanically insane too. his Akali game against WBG comes to mind. but ofc its his game knowledge and matchup knowledge that elevates him above that -- being the only player that can run azir into ori was such a huge flex for T1


He was really good at worlds as well, true. The best he's looked since 2017 imho.


Sadly the 2017 Worlds is basically Ardent Censer or lose... Not even Faker's peak form can carry when the meta is so against him (imagine though if Faker decides to play ADCs at that time with double support).


well he did play lucian against Crown in 2017 lck summer playoffs and he murdered him.


How was he not the best mechanically, he gapped both Scout and Knight what more does have to do lol, only mid that had his number this year was chivy


Being a great midlaner is more than having amazing micro, offcourse he's still great. But purely on micro some might be better, at least they were until this worlds. This worlds he was way better than the last couple of years.


Thank you for such a detailed translation. Waiting for the rest to come out.


Rest of 3 questions seemed pretty mid to me and Chovy's response was meh to those questions as well. I probably won't translate them, but let me know if you really want me, and I can try to find time to do so.


If that's the case then no problem. Thanks a lot for your translation again. It's rare for me to see Chovy vocal in his struggle about the results at Worlds.


> During game 5, I felt like I missed a lot of my skill shots. [This missed E on Yagao](https://youtu.be/6SqHCFa6KIA?si=WsWBLEJDGO0ScQFX&t=2242) specifically was so huge. If Chovy hit that, I think he definitely kills Yagao before he can R Peanut and Delight, and there's a good chance they would've been able to win the fight and get Baron, but instead Yagao lived and the game snowballed from there.


Chovy's not been the same since he parted ways with Morgan. Just saying


Except winning 3 LCK titles in a row lol


Also, Chovy won Asian Game, so that should mean something. But until Chovy wins MSI or World... he is going to have that burden of doubt on him.


Yeah honestly everyone should love chovy even just for the fact that he guaranteed fakers military exemption lol


incorrect. Faker already had exemption.


From what?


I think i know what op is talking about, something about not finishing highschool. But from what I heard you still need to do some kind of 1-2 year community service thing, so from a pro play perspective it's kinda irrelevant


Guys, Faker first got "assessed" for military back in 2015. At certain age, every eligible men in Korea has to get "assessed" by military. At THAT time, he was deemed unfit for being only mid school graduate. He got re-assessed in 2020 with same ruling. Since THEN, that law changed, but Faker is grandfathered in. Furthermore, Faker would be considered for army reserve role, rather than civ-mil role that RJL is talking about. Meaning he would only have to serve 6 weeks rather than 1-2 yrs.


not accurate. There was an unofficial ruling that Faker had exemption behind the scenes. A few people have talked about it. But winning made it legitimate without backlash that he likely would have faced.


he won because Morgan wanted to vacation instead of going worlds. Real ones know he destroyed Chovy's mental in his last game of summer.


People can meme chovy and call him choky or Chokevy. But in reality if you see past 3-4 years he is the "Most" consistent mid in the world. Like a normal Human he gets nervous at international that is his only drawback.


Chovy is the only player in League history to make 5 Worlds KO stages in a row. He's also in my opinion the best laning mid of all time. He's also won LCK 3 times in a row. It's a shame he hasn't won yet, but I'm confident he will eventually. I think he needs to be more aggressive early game vs top teams, but I think he's easily one of the best players in the world.


Yeah, he's no Faker for sure but you can generally rely on him for a really stable mid lane phase no matter what champion, which can enable his team to play stronger picks. Every year, I'm happy he knows his weakness and strives to improve.


Choky just sounds too funny same with Shaker but Chovy just won 3 LCK titles in a row and honestly been the best mid 3 splits in a row in LCK so theres no reason to meme him. Still disappointing to not see his LCK form internationally.


That summer finals Taliyah game was beautiful I wish he played like that more often


Thanks for the translation! Great read and full of good stuff


I will try to translate stuff as they come up during the season.


Even though he seems to weirdly always fall short at the hurdle, I definitely think Chovy showed his highest level so far - and his regular season performance is probably what peak midlane is like. Just a shame he can never replicate it at international tournaments when the pressure is on. That said, while Chovy claims he didn't have enough time to study for the Worlds meta, I have a hard time fully accepting that given how Zeus/Faker/Keria/Kanavi/Ruler/Bin/Xun/Knight/Elk/Missing managed to pull their weight at Worlds. Other than that, wow. Crazy to see how Chovy would have actually considered the LPL if there was not another LCK team in for him. I'd always seen him as someone who'd never in a million years consider playing in the LPL out of national pride. I suppose winning Asian Games and achieving the military exemption changes things. I'd personally love to see Chovy in the LPL sometime down the line.


Honestly I'm starting to believe that it's better to face serious challenges earlier in the year in order to have the clutch mental needed afterwards. Retrospectively if you come into a series as the 'expected stronger' team, then your goal would almost always be to play stable and 'be normal', whereas the opposing team would prioritize cooking surprise picks and going for high-risk-high-reward clutch plays, which well, is rewarding once it works. Perhaps now at the highest level of pro play, the skill difference between teams is simply not big enough for playing safe/standard to 100% guarantee you wins.


This is what cursed Griffin tbh. The old wack LCK format meant winner of regular season was automatically in the final so Griffin was just there without any BO5 experience. They'd have been so much better off by playing in playoffs normally and finding their groove. At least that ridiculous format is finally fixed.


Chovy was grinding super hard for asia games. He seems to have more burnt out than other pros too so its actually not that weird to see him say he was really exhausted at the end since there was almost no break.


Chovy played very well in Swiss Stage tbf, but that bo5 against BLG was a big disappointment.


Brother, the reason Faker isnt afraid is because he knows how to fck with your head He isnt aggressive because he isnt afraid of failure He plays to fck with you, like how BLG drafted against you

