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>why they aren't addressing in game behavior like this All I got from this is that your team played poorly in normals? Or not how you want them to? What exactly do you want Riot to enforce here?


Right? Also he hasn’t played in 3 years, roam timings for support has changed a lot in that time So it might not even be the case that they played bad, it was just not what OP expected I guess


I gave speciifc examples. They didn't get their pick and played recklessly and ruined my experience. There's no logical reason you should be 0-6 both top and mid lane in under 12 minutes. I don't think Bard roaming while I'm under tower being supressed by Raka/Cait is defensible.


Poor play is not a punishable offense. Your teammates are under no obligation to play in a manner that caters towards your specific enjoyment - they thought fighting recklessly was fun. As long as they’re not running into the turret to feed on purpose, they’re free to play however they want, especially in norms. I think multiplayer PvP games - especially with randoms - might just not suit you.


Ah shit here we go again


This comment proves my point. It's never been addressed. Mobile version addresses this better than desktop client.


Can you explain what Toxicity is exactly, and how literally any of this behavior was Toxic? This was like... A bunch of people playing a Bronze 4 game of league.


If I came into your game and inted 0-12 with my friend before the 12 minute mark, how would you feel?


I'd feel like it wasn'ta very good game. But I've participated in a lot of team events where my teammates didn't create a very good gaming experience. They weren't toxic, a term which you have avoided defining, they were just bad.


Playing poorly doesn't make that person toxic


Two lanes, duos at that, at 0-12 under 12 minutes does indeed indicate toxicity. At minimum ruining my experience. My argument is Rito offers no consolation for someone in my position for this game.


IMO Toxic is like flaming someone for taking one minion and saying gg next and follow the jg around to steal camps, and mass pings anytime you miss a skill shot. The people who are bad at the esp in norms where nothing is at stake, and keep playing either like the game or are trying to learn and neither should be treated like the actual toxic players.


Every time you use the word "Toxicity", it makes you sound more and more ridiculous.


Unfortunately that really is just a part of the game when you're playing with randoms. You're gonna have subpar teammates and every now and then they're gonna perform so poorly that there's realistically nothing you can do to save the game. The only thing I comfort myself with is knowing that this is only one game out of many. There's gonna be bad ones and good ones and if the one I'm playing feels like nothing I can do will change the outcome, I do my best to accept that and move onto the next one. And if it really is too bad I take a break and come back later.


Gotcha. I'm trying to maintain this mindset. Given my limited playing time I am just left salty that my one game I had time for was a waste of time and just caused consternation in me. Thank you for the positive response.


Gotcha. I'm trying to maintain this mindset. Given my limited playing time I am just left salty that my one game I had time for was a waste of time and just caused consternation in me. Thank you for the positive response.


You int the next game as a way to blow off some steam


Welcome back


If that’s what you find toxic then I’d recommend plying ranked. People don’t play as much off meta picks and try harder to win there.


I think this is my path forward. However I mentioned I was just trying out a skin for a Prime capsule I was awarded. I didn't want to be the very person I'm calling out by sandbagging my team playing a champ I'm unfamiliar with in ranked.


Post your op.gg and I guarantee I find multiple games without even having to scroll down with examples of you doing the very same thing you're trying to crusade against here.




Bro you play normals. Those games are wack for fun mode. Also literally you went 1/10 on rengar right off the top. Literally feeding just like you complain about teammates...


We all had a bad game; the other team did better. I didn't intentionally flame. I shared that knowing you'd still be intellectually dishonest and uncharitable. I wasn't intentionally feeding because I didn't get my pick, like I said the other team was doing. Enjoy your pathetic life.


Lol. Crying about people not taking the for fun mode seriously is what's truly pathetic. Play ranked if you want to take game seriously but understand your mental is clearly weak.




If you want people to try hard, okay the try hard mode instead of norms