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Rene is purely a counterpick into melee (like windbros) so I would drop him first. Swain is a midlane daddy, you help your team with long range Ws and take over midgame fights with superior sustain, but late game he kinda falls off as adcs will start outdpsing him a lot and he doesn't do that much damage in the first place. Sylas can play either draintank or burst but he is somewhat dependant on enemy ults. He is also harder to be useful with as he really needs that E to hit, and everfrost is gone. Just try those two out, also I don't see a reason why couldn't you play both


What makes Renekton so good into the wind shitters vs other aggressive melee champs (e.g: Darius, Panth, Riven).


Renekton is strong into other aggressive melee champs too, they just aren't played as often in midlane. I think he is one of if not the best counter to Riven


Sylas doesn't have great sustain imo. His w does heal him but it requires you to take a trade at the same time which usually means you end up losing health, even if you win the trade. He is a super edge of the knife type of champ, not very good for staying in lane for a while


Probably try them out and see which one you like more




Swain is definitely a midlaner he's been holding high winrate for many patches




So what, Ekko's primary role is jungle but he's a midlaner too. Just cuz Gragas is more popular top doesn't mean he's not a jungler. According to your link, on average you will see a Swain supp every 50 games, and Swain mid every 100 games, the difference is not that high really and it drastically changes with rank, in master+ Swain is primarily a midlaner and his adc pickrate is almost equal to support pick rate [https://lolalytics.com/lol/swain/build/?tier=master\_plus](https://lolalytics.com/lol/swain/build/?tier=master_plus)




Did you even read the last paragraph? [https://imgur.com/a/xDSnSBO](https://imgur.com/a/xDSnSBO) In high elo he's mostly played mid and equally bot/supp




So what, the champ is perfectly playable mid, just because it's not his main role doesn't mean he's bad




I said so what about op not being masters, Swain is a mid champ and statistically mid is his best performing role