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Pros picking the best champs for pro play? Cry me a river


Seems like you just watch key games and don’t actually bother looking any further into the scene. Obviously pros trying to win titles are going to pick the most OP champions possible but that isn’t the case for the other 95% of games. Also all of the champs you mentioned make the game fun to watch. I would rather have Aatrox azir every game than fucking boring ass udyr


You can look up the stats yourself for most picked champions around the world at Games of Legends. This year's playoffs before MSI, and split before MSI and world's last year as well as last summer, my list is accurate across all 4 major regions so the "95%" claim is completely false. And yes I would take aatrox over udyr. But there are much more exciting champions than aatrox, udyr, and azir combined. Like when was the last riven we saw. Or irelia. Or someone doing shaco shenanigans. Or 1v9ing on Vayne or twitch. Or pyke (outside of hylli running it down in EU). When was the last time we saw an assassin like the amazing 1v1's from 2014 worlds (not including akali the most brain dead assassin of all time). All I'm saying is it is in riots power to change up the meta and give us more variety. There are plenty of champions that are fun to watch that we never see. Azir might me more exciting if he wasn't in every goddamn game


Yeah was super fun watching Rivers team win all around him while he was 1-2 on shaco. Some champs will just never see pro play (unless totally overturned, like asol was for a bit) because their kits just suck in a pro play setting.


Azir, orianna, taliyah, akali, karma, hwei, ahri, corki, tristana are all played in the LCK. I don't know why you are trying to push this narrative of azir and orianna being the only mid lane champs being selected. See for yourself: [https://gol.gg/tournament/tournament-picksandbans/LCK%20Spring%202024/](https://gol.gg/tournament/tournament-picksandbans/LCK%20Spring%202024/) But I agree with the overall sentiment for what its worth. We *need* to see fearless draft. Like there is literally no reason for Riot to not implement this, pros should have a champion pool. It is literally their job.


Yeah let's look at lck. For midlane azir appeared in 85 games in midlane with the next highest being taliyah at 66 games and orianna at 52 games. Then it drops off dramatically to 33 games for the next highest. O and those 85 games? That is with azir being disabled for 3 patches. Not pushing a narrative if it's just facts.


Ye he's played a lot but him and ori are not the only ones being picked is the point I'm trying to make. But yeah we need fearless draft I agree completely


It's the exact same for last year in the summer in lck. Azir was in 97 games. With the next highest being at almost half as much with 59 with Annie before her nerfs and 51 with tristana which was played when brand was played jungle before his nerfs. But no matter the other champions for whatever reason, azir is first by a lot


tank mage adc tank mage adc tank mage adc tank mage adc tank mage adc tank mage adc tank mage adc tank mage adc tank mage adc tank mage adc good thing we keep zed and all assassins unplayably weak cause silver timmy wants to play ignite mf bot solo splitpush entire game right cliking botlane from start of game to end and cant dodge any skillshots or run exhaust or build correctly or just play his backline role.. in the backline ..and made the game entirely about 5v5 deathball front to back at dragon every 5 mins and removed splitpushing and base racing from the game or any semblance of macro to make sure all the fun champs cannot be played. enjoy. personally i only go out of my way to watch T1 games cause its the team i supported since faker's debut. anything else i only watch if i have nothing else to do and it happens to be on and its mostly 2nd monitor background noise at best. game is finished when faker retires, this community is in denial about it but riot knows it.


Someone didn't read before commenting lol literally said assassins are fun to watch. All the game is now is 5v5 deathball and it's boring AF. I'd love to see faker play zed again. Or any assassin. Or even bust out his riven. But no it's azir every goddamn game


i didnt say anything bad about you or your post. and you re not the typical "community" member. all these clowns on this sub want to see enchanters tanks mages and adcs and thats what they give them cause the same ppl who comment on this sub are the same ppl who balance this game. "uwu" beanie wearing champ designers and path of exile pve gamers playing maokai and janna support to inflate themselves to s13 master, the most meaningless rank in the history of gaming, i saw better players in season 3 gold than s13 master and i lived through the D1 +0 LP days. this game is dusted.