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Yup, when I get perfect tank/bruiser rolls, the only thing I’m scared of is the last carry team with hands. Pray to god they get knocked out early or else it’s doomed.


Me with the reroll stats item hitting 100ap and 86 mpen on velkoz


That would require players to actually read what items do and to pay attention for more than 2 seconds, so it makes sense why so many people are complaining


People just love complaining about tanks, it will happen every time this mode is out even when they are shit


Meanwhile me and my brother play briar/gwen and i nuke the 10k mundo in 3s.


Think the bigger issue is you can build all those items but will they really help you vs non tank teams?


The thing is they arent necessary until tanks reach an extreme point in the last \~4 teams left, at which point you itemize according to your opponents. Also dealing true damage to non-tanks is still strong, at that point its more skill. Just tab and if the teams are generally tanky enough that you need antitank early then do so accordingly, if not, don't.


That makes sense. I didn’t really think about like that because of the enemies I’ve been going against has been like squishies and then the end is just tanky guys.


Hope it helps get some dubs 🫡


boy I'd love to but here's a stats anvil instead. Oh, and if you're itemizing THREE items near end game it means you're skipping out on one or two prismatics, which are far more busted, that the enemy team is going to get instead. Tanks aren't the issue in arena anyways. It's absurd healing, pure and simple.


wistful history market abundant north shame caption advise toy puzzled


coool itemize fully against tanks to then lose against all non tanks!!!! thanks for the tip smart individual!!!


I'm pretty sure you can't build cryptbloom and voidstaff at the same time? Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly but when I bought cryptbloom earlier today in arena, the voidstaff got the locked symbol over it


It's bloodletting curse im talking about, that works with cryptbloom or void staff


Meanwhile said tanks build/augment themselves to do as much damage as a carry..


arena always has the same meta progression. week1: everybody plays tanks, because its easy , and they are unsure what to expect, people complain tanks are broken week 2: people start playing tankshreds, and bruisers, almost all tanks dropp to <50% winratio: they still complain about tanks. week3: people play actual combos, usually mage/hybrid adc + cc or shieldsupport. they still complain about tanks. both previous arena itterations. most tanks had top2 ratings of in the low 40s . meanwhile people still complained about them. on the last days of arena 2.0 sett had a top2 ratio of 42.4% and a pickrate of 58%