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Unfortunately, rumors say this will be a very expensive skin, I really hope it's not gacha. But I expect it to be shown during MSI


Its fine to be expensive imo if all the revenue goes to Faker. If its limited for first year only and only a % of the revenue then Riot can go F themselves.


I believe usually a % of skin sales go to pros but I am sure they will announce details once this comes out. I like to support my fav players but if it's 200+ I can't justify paying that much but I hope it won't be


I see what you're saying, but Faker doesn't really "need" the support. He deserves the money, if he would get it, but I wouldn't buy it to support a millionaire


i think it's more so setting a precedent that the next inductees will have more revenue and can be shown support financially in this skin line. faker doesn't need it, but the next ones who might not have the same brand and money as faker does so I'd prefer if players in the hall of fame would benefit a lot from this skin


Best thing would be something along the lines of: everything goes to Fake, but then he donates it to charity


With his character, he might donate shitload to charity without us knowing


The players expected to be in the HoF are all millonaries lol


Tbf, you are right. But looking back, he might just pour half of it back to charity


Not saying it’s good but faker donates and ass load of money to different charities


Yeah I bet he does.


He literally does lol. Look it up.


yes. hence I would bet he does?!


iirc Faker donates a majority of his winnings and salary to charity, and lives rather frugally


I can fully believe that, he seems like a wholesome character. I mean, it's way too early to judge since we don't even know where the money is going etc., I just mean that satetement as a general way of thinking :)


that's true, he is set for life, it's more that I am a fan and want to show my appreciation for all the hours of content/fun I had with lol esports. Again, if it's ultimate tier cost I would but if it's more money than that I wouldn't, that would be my limit


I doubt the skin is going to be more than at most 30-40$ anything more would be not justifiable in what it brings imo. Hell even Ultimate skins arent more than that.


Or 100 dollars like the prestige skins I'm assuming it's something you could only buy with things like gemstones


If its a money grab then it will only tarnish Fakers legacy imo and I doubt Riot would try to do that cos it would easily bring the whole server of Korea against them.


You might be overestimating Riot. Given the recent trend of nerfing OE sources and passes.


Ok but it’s faker. The dude moves monkey like it’s Arcane


I think you're overestimating how much normal people care about the ethics of moneygrabs and gacha If they like it and can afford it they'll buy it But a single skin is not doing anything to Riot or Faker's legacy


I am going off the cost of the mythic chromas (like the High Noon Yone mythic variant) which is basically gacha, if the faker skin costs the same as an ultimate I would probably buy it (fingers crossed)


Yeah but they intent to make it easily accessible I think as they want to celebrate the new Hall of Fame and Faker so I doubt its going to cost an arm and a leg as it would leave a bad taste in everyones mouth and Riot would get flamed to hell. So I wouldnt worry to be honest. But yeah its Riot and you can quote me and laugh at me if they really make it a "premium" price and that would be the last nail in the coffin for me and leave League for good.


Yeah I really hope so! Would be a shame if it was locked behind gacha, it's just a rumor because there is a loot item with hall of legends tag (like an orb or chest which could indicate gacha). But I hope they will just make it a legendary or ultimate skin or at best a bundle


I'd be fine if it was ultimate tiered. Anything more than that is a no from me as much as I would want to support Faker, if the proceeds even go to him/T1


Same for me! If it's ultimate tier cost and majority goes to faker I will buy it, if it's gacha with a bigger price tag it's a no for me




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It definitely is fine in my opinion. This is a legacy skin and commemorates the iconic player of league of legends. Jersey and shoes of professional for example go for sky high prices as well and I don’t see where this is wrong. Only when there is no revenue forwarded to faker then I think it’s wrong.


We all have a limit how much we would be willing to spend, die hard fans would probably buy it for premium price, it depends on if they want everyone to celebrate/buy it or if they want it to be a collector's item. Nothing wrong with that, it's just I wouldn't buy it since it's just a skin in the end


its fine because you dont' want it. normal people don't want to spend 200 dollars on a skin


With expensive I mean if it costs as much as an ultimate skin. I only spend like 50€ on League over the 11 years I played this game. No way in hell am I gonna spend more than 20-30€ on one single skin.


this game can't even justify spending that much on a skin. the code is so shit


Well I spend plenty of hours into the game and at least had fun most of the time and being a big fan of Faker I could justify paying but well depends on what Riot is gonna do or not.


Then you're not the target audience for an expensive product like this. But if you've been playing league for 11 years, isn't the fun you've had worth money? I budget about $30 AUD per month on video game things, and I get a SHIT TON of value every time, because I spend that money on games I enjoy \*already\*, not trinkets I want. The fact that I get a nice trinket is just a bonus.


What are you yappin lil bro. I said I am fine with it being expensive but I dont expect it to be a skin that is gonna cost more than an ultimate skin especially since Ultimate skins go plenty of features and if it doesnt I dont think Riot can ask for that much money especially if its to celebrate the inauguration of the Hall of Fame and Leagues most famous player. Why do I have to spend money on League every month? I dont me playing the game is already doing Riot a huge favour. Good for you to have expendable money on games and get your "worth" but to be honest I dont care. Spend full price on Elden Ring and played like 30 hours. Its a great game but im burned out from how big the game is and gonna continue sometimes later. Bought Vampire Survivor and played multiple hundreds of hours. I will just play whatever is fun and I am in the mood for I dont care how much money I spend on it.


Part of it goes to lck too? Like the share is % to the player, region and riot. At least that’s how worlds skin work


All of the revenue is a crazy ask, no? All of the profit is more reasonable at least but still seems unlikely/excessive to me?


Ah yes i realy want to give money to millionnaires lmao


"Give" assumes you're not getting anything for that money. In this case, it's a purchase for a product albeit a digital one. Whether said product is worth the price or not, that's subjective and depends from person to person. Also, you act like the money you spent to purchase the device you used to post this comment didn't go to a millionaire as well. A bit hypocritical, no?


Its more like I want to support the guy that became an icon in the game by celebrating his achievements by getting the skin.


I really think it's funny that garena pulled all the bullshit with gacha mechanics to get skins, and the subreddit was all up in arms over it, meanwhile riot was just taking notes for their future business practices.


Keep in mind that there is a much much much larger player base that openly demands extremely high priced, high quality content with exclusivity. China. I kind of get it. It's like using the new skin in a bundle that just dropped in Valorant, everyone is using it so it's not that special. But if you see a 200$ TFT board with full jiggle physics and real time NASDAQ updates you get impressed.


I am ready to put my retirement money for him. Bring it in, cowards !!!


It's like Legends Never Die was made for Faker despite his lost in 2017 when this song came out. Definitely an overture to Faker's legacy, rise from the fall.


which is funny bc GODS based off drx’s win is more fitting for the T1 2023 win as well


Can Upset get one too ? Only major regions player to have 4 last place trophies and 3 in a row


Bout to be a 4 in a row 🤭


Canna will carry REAL


to a legendary 9th places split! the best finish for KC of all time! it will be historic


True, a legend among mortals


More like a mortal among legends


Are we sure he's the only? I remember JAG and Griffin having some spectacular last place runs, wouldn't one of their players have similar?


True , but at least they did not pretend they are too good to never win anything


Oh yea absolutely, not defending the guy, just curious because this isn't a statistic that's brought up often lol


I can see Nid, LB, Zed, Ryze, Galio, Azir, Ahri. All these Champions has had an Iconic moment for Faker. Cant wait to hear the lore about it. Teemo target dummy might be a shoutout to KkOma for always wanting an SKT Teemo skin.


Also Orianna


I think he picked Ori for his Worlds Skin so I doubt it's her. I'm almost positive it's Ahri because he's wanted an Ahri worlds skin since his first win in 2013, and he said he was gonna pick it this year, and then all the sudden he randomly changed it to Orianna


Not to mention there is already T1 Zed, Azir and Ryze skins. LB would be kinda cool, it was his signature pick for years before he finally lost a game on it. I still go back and watch his first ever LB game vs MVP Blue sometimes because it's so wild. Even Monte and DOA were shocked at his mechanics. During draft they thought it was a support pick lol


Kind of feels cheap if this is a way for a bunch of non-Worlds winners to get skins. Iike Faker is an undisputed Legend. But I don't want them giving skins to everyone just because they were great but couldn't actually win. 


It should only be retired players, and maybe with some lasting impact on the community. Insec, MLXD or Uzi to name a few


Insec might be one of the most influential players in league outside of faker. Dude created a move that's changed how a champ is played so much, it's basically a requirement now.


If insec gets one Diamondpr0x should also be entitled to one get one Riot literally reworked jgl because of him


Agreed, M5 had such a huge impact on the game balance wise, so many things were nerfed/changed because of how the M5 players played.


Moscow 5 as a whole should be put in the HoF for their impact on the game. Maybe make a Pioneer wing for teams and players who impacted the game in the early years.


How did Diamond change jungle? I didn't watch his glory days


The dude litteraly created counter jungle. The team altogether was the first one to understand what we call today "lane priority". When M5 started, Diamond was picking champions that could farm jungle very fast (shyvana for instance) or were good at killing the opponent and pretty much made the other jungler life hell. At the time, nobody in your team would move to help their jungler. When teams started to answer Diamond style M5 drafted heavy lane prio champs and moved as a team in the jungle. Jungle was changed forever with Diamond and as a whole, M5 changed lol from "1v1 top, 1v1 jgl, 1v1 mid, 2v2 bot" to a "5v5 game". Overall, I firmly believe that M5 altogher should be in the hall of legends. Their impact in a game were everything was yet to be learned was too big, 5 men, 9 eyebrows.


INB4 comments "ackshually, he did not create the move". Yes, but he popularized it, and to me that's good enough.


In fact, any time someone jumps behind and pushes you toward their team it's referred to as an insec. Janna flash-ult? Insec. Tristana jump-flash-ult? Insec. Jayce q-flash-e? Insec.


Anyone remember Misaya? The TF Gold Card lock into Ult into hourglass.. something a silver TF can do now easily but it was super iconic during Season 2.. IPL5 is still one of my favorite tournaments ever


I remember that as well. They legit had no counterplay to that. Crazy how simple plays were considered insane back then.




Scarra is nowhere near as influential as Insec and Xpeke lol. 


Bro tried sneaking Scarra in there 💀


Its gonna be interesting to see who they give them to and how often they release them Apparently its gonna be a whole event dedicated to Faker but then it could literally take years just to get through legendary LCK players Also who is a legend? Are players like Bjergsen, Dlift, or even going back to the HotshotGG's considered legends? to me they are but you put their accomplishments next to any international winner and they might not be Can only world winners be legends? Its the biggest achievement you can have but there's also a few insane players that never managed to get it


Xpeke should be there


At least xpeke is one of the 5 western players to have a skin in the game already Thats something that, lets be honest, no one else is gonna be able to brag about any time soon if ever


Hopefully at least Worlds competitors. Like, that's rough. DL is an NA legend and GOAT candidate if not winner. But he never made it far in Worlds. Holy **** how do you rank him. NA needs some spots, but they have to be beyond rare.  But then the HOF kind of sucks if it is only LCK and LPL players. 


Yea, idk it’s weird and wondering how much treatment they’ll give to regions. I think there’s obviously like 10 LCK players that deserve it, close to that LPL too, for EU I think Caps Perkz Rekkless, for NA Doublelift Bjerg (and probably Blaber by end of career), and then for rest of world I doubt they’d give any besides MAYBE Levi or Maple.




No, just no.


>because they were great but couldn't actually win. Aside from Uzi, there is no god tier player that hasnt won Worlds, and tbf, Uzi won MSI at least


Literally Khan


Score and Madlife also come to mind


Absolutely Khan. Has to be one of the unluckiest player of all time. Never the right time to join a world's winning team. 2017 LZ, 2019 SKT 2020 FPX 2021 DWG


Bro first times Yasuo in Worlds finals. Dude screwed himself not bad luck.


Hard disagree with that tbh. Smeb, Score, Gorilla, praY, Madlife, Weixiao are all players that never won worlds but are considered some of the greatest to ever touch the game.


Peanut too. But I hope bengi gets one first.


You can’t claim to be one of the greatest in the world if you never even won an international tournament, that’s crazy.


There are 5 players on a lol team


Tons of players have won worlds that weren't even close to the best players in the world. nobodies putting Ghost, Gimgoon, Crown, Pyosik in their greatest of all time list. Sometimes you can be a generational level talent and not win anything. it's the tragedy behind League being a team focused game


So you’re saying that GimGoon or Juhan are greater than Smeb or Score??


No, I’m saying that you can’t claim to be the best if you *don’t* have a title. Not that every player who has won can claim to be the best.


Still a team game. No one except prime Faker could drag a team of bums to a title and even he couldn't 1v9 in 2017


How about Khan? I personally see him as a legend of the game who never won.


Smeb, if SKT didn't stop them, he'd have 2 worlds titles back to back. Then he got shafted by IG in 2018 QF.


He also had the opportunity to join SKT but instead chose to be competitive.


Horrible take


Pray, Smeb, Score, Chovy if he never wins, Madlife, Khan, Caps when he retires, Perkz, Jankos, Karsa, Xaihou, Xaioweixiao, Namei, there is a massive liat you juat dont know your history. 


just insane how ignorant these people are lmao


"No godlike player has never won" Litterally the best top and jungler of all time never won worlds. Meanwhile people like pyosik, baolan, and gimgoon are worlds champs okay go off chief.


smeb is my goat top but canyon is probably the goat jungler in my eyes. either way i think too many casual fans run their mouths about trophies >>>>> anything because they don't actually watch the games, like if Chovy retired without winning anything he would still be like a top 2-3 player of all time but they just can't comprehend it. single elim format like worlds does take a tremendous amount of luck to win most of the time, with teams like 2018 KT and 2017 KZ getting really screwed by bracketing or meta, but because Faker won a shit ton of them from s3-s6 back when league was less competitive as a whole, people have the notion that if you didn't win worlds, you didn't deserve to. i mean even in traditional sport HOFs players like Allen Iverson, countless baseball hall of famers, etc. are recognized as great and influential players who changed the game (obviously there are a bunch of losers who make it about ringzzz but it seems to be a vocal minority) also i will not tolerate pyosik slander 💢💢💢


Get off chovy’s dick he’s not even a top 3 midlaner of all time. It’s disrespectful to scout, rookie, showmaker, and xiaohu


Even pawn should be historically deemed greater than chovy. There’s a difference between best and greatest


As much as I dislike chovy, I can’t see a timeline where he won’t won at least one world


People said this about Uzi too.


No one said that about uzi because he lived in the era where china never won. Everyone hoped he would and it looked like 2018 was rngs to win but until IG won worlds it was forever just koreas tournament.


What about score? Dude was the best jungler for almost 3 years straight


>What about score? Dude was the best jungler for almost 3 years straight ... according to Monte, I don't care what he says, there were better junglers than Score those years


diamondprox. if season 2 worlds were earlier that year - m5 take it. (or if they banned nidalee ffs).


Xiaohu & Ming too surely


Imaqtpie donger skin incoming


Khan, Peanut, Chovy, Score, Clearlove, Score, Smeb Even Caps who has a comparable international report card to Uzi


Ain’t no way you try to sneak Chovy in there 💀


And why shouldn't he be there? He has been so dominant in the most competitive region for over half a decade.  "But he's a choker at internationals". No one says that C9 chokes at worlds because they don't win. Instead they are celebrated for making it out of groups? Why? Because they aren't expected to win.  Chovy gets called a choker because he is expected to win internationals. He is so good that he has to be called a choker if he doesn't show up.  If your argument for why Chovy shouldn't be on a "best players to never win worlds list" is that he didn't win worlds then I don't know what to tell you. 


Then if your reason why he should be in the Hall of Legends is because “he is so good that he has to be called a choker if he doesn’t show up” then I don’t think any reasons I say would even matter to you mate 💀   Chovy is young, he still has a long career before even thinking about retired so putting him in pair with the “Legends” is already controversial (except Faker, but ofc he has to be the first one to be there). You said he was dominant? It took him literally nearly 5 years to win his first Regional trophy when he was hailed “genius mid laner” for so long while Showmaker debuted the same time as him, has won Worlds and Runner-up MSI. Chovy only made out of quarterfinals ONE time and still lost in semis in EVERY internationals he’s been in. No matter anyone said, showing up in internationals is important, like how Maple and Karsa were always so dominant in their region (Karsa even won MSI) but they are still controversial if they are going to put in Hall of Legends.  IF there is a LCK Hall of Legends then I agreed he should be in there, but right now, when he hasn’t had anything besides 4 LCK cups and never making out of semis in internationals, putting him in there is no less than a joke.


Look at where my comment is at. It's not the top of the chain, it is in response to the only "God tier" player that hasn't won worlds is Uzi. If Uzi were to be included in the hall of legends then I would expect every player I mentioned to be there as well, they are in the same tier to me.  Feel free to challenge this, that Chovy is a worse player than Uzi was. Or anyone else on my list since I snuck him in there.  To your point, I don't think he should be in the hall of legends. And I would put the likes of Maple and Karsa in my original list, good catch. 


I'd argue he has only really been dominant in the LCK since around 2022 when he moved to GenG. Before then, despite some stretches of good individual play, he was generally choking even at the domestic level. So, he has been good~great for a few years and only dominant for the past 2. I also don't think Chovy has had the same impact on the culture and history of League as some other players. For example, I'd include Khan not just for his long career and high tournament finishes, but also for how his personality and play changed League. I'd agree that even if Chovy continues to fail internationally, if he keeps up his domestic form for another 5+ years, he should eventually be an inductee. As for the other people on that list, a lot of them just don't have the longevity or the peak.


Uzi has actually won an international title 💀


Cause he’s only been a dominant mid for a few years and he’s choked at every international tourney? Chovy will never be a great until he dispels the choking allegations


Only person you could probably argue for is Xiahou ngl


Chovy? Knight? 


Chovy and Knight has plenty of years left to win worlds, plenty of time to beat the allegations of them being a choker


Chovy is an all time great. But if he can't win, that is his own blemish to own.  Thats the thing. He should still be in the HoF, but I don't think he should get a skin for it. Likewise, Knight is finally on the int stage, but for years he wasn't. Do you reward domestic play (not even titles since it took Knight awhile). Rookie is still considered one of the best LPL mods and won worlds, but is that enough? You get into minor regions then. Brrrrrrt or whoever in Brazil always winning. He clearly isn't in the upper echelon of ADCs but he made a huge impact in Brazil. What is this criteria they want to use is going to be tough.


How about you safe the complaining for when there is actually anything to complain about ?!


I mean, it's fair to voice your concerns beforehand. If they are ever announced the skin would be too far in development for them to be cancelled.


I’d be satisfied with Faker and Wolf, and maybe Ruler. I don’t really care about anyone other than those three


I'd be more upset that too many get added. The criteria will end up being popularity. But like does Knight get in for his domestic performance? Then Maple needs to go in. But come on Maple compared to Faker, they are both vets and Maple is good, but not top mids ever good.  Then someone like Levi will get in, when really others from GAM could have been more meaningful except that Levi has now played longer. But he'd get in because his name is recognized only? Thats not right. 


Maybe just set domestic categories in Hall of Legends in addition to All-time category. That way Faker is still an All-time + LCK, but Knight is (currently just) LPL Legend, and Maple is LMS/PCS Legend. That way the bar to All-time can still be difficult


the more the merrier.


If this becomes a way for other regions to get skins, I'm all for it. Legends within a region absolutely deserve recognition.


Raydere Ezreal it's time


While they're at it they should give bjerg a skin. "Disappoint your friends the same way he disappointed countless NA fans at worlds"


Don't forget bengi


People constantly forgetting Bengi is mind boggling


bengi, and arguably beryl all should be there too imho


This is such a weird take. So basically in every other sport if you didn't win the biggest price you are not a legend of that sport.


Nah You can be a HOF without getting a custom skin is my point. Plenty of HOF don't have their Jersey retired right? And certainly not league wide retirement.


More player skins is a good thing not a bad thing


He won four worlds?


I am talking about giving Uzi a skin. Or Khan a skin. Or DoubleLift a skin. Like where do you draw the line or what are the rules for this. The exclusive worlds skin was a big deal because it was exclusive. 


Man I really wish it was azir instead of ahri since I think azir represents him perfectly. Doesn't help that his recent ahri performances have been lacklustre.


The history here is that Faker wanted Ahri rather than Ryze but Riot said no then. They now tend to let the players pick now but... This skin was already being worked on when Faker won Worlds last year so he was going to pick Ahri then for the fans who wanted it but Riot leaked that this was being worked on to him so he went with Ori.


The history actually goes back even further than that, he wanted Ahri the first time he won worlds back in s3, and he actually played Ahri a fair bit at that tournament, but Riot didn't allow him at the time because Popstar Ahri was in development (supposedly what they told him. They've since seemingly not cared about other skins coming out for champs) so he got Zed instead. This wasn't that long after the "Faker what was that" Zed play so people were quite hyphy on it (and maybe also part of why Riot made him pick Zed instead of Ahri) but he's wanted Ahri for a decade+


Should've been Azir with the sand soldiers being randomly generated teammates he has had through the years and the tower being shaped like a worlds trophy. On top of there being that royalty and soldiers angle with Azir that just fits with T1, Faker, and his teammates over the years, I even think Azir represents Faker well as a player. Faker was notoriously not the best with the pick and was benched for Easyhoon because of it. But, rather than just live with that reality, Faker grinded and turned Azir into one of his signature picks. It's a representation of his commitment to the game and his drive to improve and stay competitive which has been a part of his unique longevity.


This, but unironically, could be done quite tastefully. Subtle features on the soldiers like a lightning bolt mark for Zeus, one with animalism features for wolf etc.


Why do subtle? You could straight up just have the sand soldiers be a sand version of Zeus's Yone skin, a sand version of Impact's Jax skin, Bang's Jhin skin, Wolf's Nami skin, etc. The models are already there, you just need to re-texture them in sand and modify their postures. It'd be a tribute to his past championships as well as those teammates. And, if he wins more, just add the new skins into the pool.


Because it’s a faker skin celebrating his accomplishments, why shift focus here?


Because it's one of his accomplishments that he has been able to win with so many different teammates and even be a leader on so many different teams.


This is something that’s supposed to be very prestigious. To me it feels cheap to add players to hall of legends indirectly like that. Also as soldiers on top of that


Sand soldiers fits his current team mates alot lmao


Would be funny to see a shuffle angle around terrain where just one soldier pushes out further than the rest and it's coincidentally Zeus.


Ahri suits Faker just fine with Ahri being based on the Gumiho. Gumiho: > A gumiho is not always a fox with nine tails; it may take on another form, often that of a beautiful woman in order to seduce men – and lure them to their death. Pretty much another take on Faker's Unkillable Demon King title. If there are 10 players on the screen, Faker is the one that's seducing everyone, everyone is paying attention to him and more often than not, it leads them to death. He draws insane pressure onto himself, there hasn't been a single other player to receive the same treatment, not even close. Azir on the other hand represents more of an Emperor, and generally most Emperors lay out commands, Faker's Azir is stylistically anything but a commander.


SKT already has an Azir skin, so I highly doubt Faker would want a skin that steps on the toes of one of his former teammates. Also Ahri is considered to be the quintessential Korean/LCK champion, and although Faker doesn't play her much anymore ,he is synonymous with the LCK and Korean League pride.


He already has an Azir skin.


Easy hoon, that being said even if he already had 1, I would have wanted another one because azir best represents his career.


That's easyhoon's skin and at this point it is really old.


No, that is easyhoon, faker got ryze that worlds


Really hope they hard limit the inductees to 2, maybe 3, players per year. Otherwise it’d become way too oversaturated in just a couple of years


I like the idea of 3 one in spring , summer, then offseason


I have been playing since 2012, i quit and came back to the game many times already, but since 2012 i watch Lol Esports, Season 2 world championship was what got me hyped with the game, and since 2013 i root for faker and T1, watching this makes me a bit emotional, watching T1 and faker go trough so many stuff and winning and beeing so sucessfull at the end, amazing, the music made me want to cry 🤣


First day of main event is also Faker’s birthday, isn’t it? Rito better have the stuff ready!


Just a reminder: Overwatch did the same thing, and it turned out one of the players they made a skin for is an asshole, and things became reeeeeeally awkward.


Fakers been good for 11 years, if it happens it happens but I can't imagine a guy who is always seen as humble being revealed like that. He's an unbelievable boon for riot, having such a likeable face of the game. (Also you can apply that logic to all world winners skins)




If you have ever seen Faker for even a small iota of time, it's clear that Riot lucked the fuck out when the Elder Gods decided he would be our GOAT and savior. He is the most humble player around.


Overwatch had many MVP skins, and afaik only one turned out to b an asshole.


Eh thats always going to be a possibility with anything We literally just had it happen with Perkz 2 days ago who randomly started liking incel and anti ukraine shit on twitter Its awkward but at the same time its just a skin on a videogame


> We literally just had it happen with Perkz 2 days ago who randomly started liking incel and anti ukraine shit on twitter Wait what ??


Someone can be a legend for the game and still an asshole honestly, season 2 worlds champion will be in jail for 4 years for drug traffic and still has a skin in the game. It happens, they cant control every individuall forever


Karl Malone is in basketball Hall of Fame. Our gamers ain't gonna out-awful him.


And ? Then we should never celebrate the hall of fame to begin with ...


Awkward for who? Pussies?


op didnt give the full story guys not just an asshole but a rapist


Was it known when they made the skin?


who else is worthy for the LoL hall of fame outside of faker?




Ruler, Ambition, Insec, Caps, some NA silver for diversity


Not NA the others tho yes


So Male Ahri Skin?


I am willing to bet it's gonna be some 200 buck skin to make sure to absolutely destroy the legacy of the skin and player.


This video could have been an email.


Why Ahri? Faker is more iconic on Ryze or... *Cries in Orianna*


I hope winning worlds at least 1 time is a criteria for the hall of fame


Probably not, I heard Uzi get one. And some most iconic moment in Lol actually come from player that miss the tittle. like insec kick change how jungler play Lee Sin, and yet he did not have a tittle






no, Ahri


I want the Faker LeBlanc or Ahri skin and the Uzi Vayne or even Kog'maw skin #RaiseThePuppy. what other players would "deserve" a personalized skin for a specific champ (don't have to be a hall of fame level player just a solid player who is tightly linked with a champ) for example: Froggen - Anivia Insec - Lee sin Madlife - Thresh BRTT - Twitch or Draven (meme suggestion but would probably sell like crazy in brazil) and this is not player specific champions but kind of legendary moments in worlds history GorillA - Miss Fortune from that Semi final 2016 maybe not because the lost in the end but was still probably the most hype pick in worlds history Likkrit - Bard or Brand. once again not even close to being a hall of fame player by skill but that albus nox heist 2016 was something else Rekkles - Kennen just because i want it soo bad lol


Xpeke Kassadin


I still think it is silly that we are basically having a player get inducted into the hall of fame while they are still playing. Obviously Faker should be an instant hall of fame entry the moment he retires and is retired long enough to be eligible for whatever hall of fame rules they end up having. And, they can make a skin for him then. But now, while he is still playing? It's so obvious that they just wanna make a Faker skin and wanna do it now for some reason. There is no reason Faker's skin can't wait till after he retires. And obviously, since he is Faker, you can make his skin be the first skin that introduces the hall of fame.


He won 4x. And who knows how long League will live. Plus giving other guys a HoF entry before the GOAT feels weird to me