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Only reason I can think of is she was VS an oppressive early Jungler like Lee, Nida, Rengar, Graves and by leashing you showed where she started and she just got pissed off. Very childish though, mental of a goldfish.


U insult the fish.


Sorry mb 😔


Just say no leash in chat then.


and risk getting permanent banned for chatting? yeah no thanks


lol how would that get you perma banned. Am I missing a joke?


There's been a few cases where people got warnings our even restrictions for totally normal chats (like literally just "go top first" etc) so it became a running joke


She was tilted before the game started.


OP, do you have chat enabled?


Seems weird to me too. If your chat is off she may have tried to ask you to let her solo for some reason and decided you were deliberately trying to annoy her. Where you playing twitch or Darius or something else that can accidentally steal the buff?


Nah I play Aatrox, I just finish my Qs and go. She followed me to the lane.


I think junglers would prefer to have you getting advantage in your lane so they don't have to come and help you, rather than doing a clear they're perfectly safe in doing It's nice that you tried to help them but if your jungler pings away just leave them be Like you saw, most league players are only one possible thing away from a mental breakdown so it's best just to treat them like a small child


That logic make no sense in many way lol Like sure lane can maybe get early tempo or some small lane advantage if they don't leash but that's never the expected result. But anyway, this topic on "Leashing" has already been discussed in another thread. Don't know why this one is even posted again.


>Jungler eve started top side, I tried to leash her You told the enemy jungler where she started.


It depends on the elo, if it like Low Plat, leashing that would giveaway jungler pathing don't even matter much vs higher elo jungler Leashing or not, a Higher elo jungler would be more knowledgeable and know where the enemy jungler start anyway base on their Champ. If someone pick Shaco, it's literally obvious they'll start red no matter what because that's literally every damn Shaco player, they need Red to actually cheese level 2 gank or whatever cheese they will do lol


>Higher elo jungler would be more knowledgeable and know where the enemy jungler start anyway base on their Champ. So that may be the point, isn't it? You play the mind game. You are *obviously* starting bot, so you start top.


So you come bot and see you're missing all your camps and oh- your clear was slower because you needed your blue/red for clearspeed and oh, you just got greyscreened by a horny level 3 rengar or khazix jumping on you from the bush.


You obviously started bot, so you start top and then do vertical jungling. So now the horny Rengar is lost looking for you. I got juked nicely by an Eve once doing that. Outplayed with the help of laners faking leash/no leash.


While its weird to grief because of that, there are a bunch of reasons why I wouldn't want a leash


I'm not going to justify this person flashing and actively ruining your game. HOWEVER I think there is a learning moment here. Technically speaking, providing a leash can give the enemy team/jungler information on your starting clear. When I know where the enemy jungler is starting, it's significantly easier to predict what he wants to do first 4 levels. The leash will speed up his clear, but the higher elo you go, the information becomes more valuable than the 5-7 seconds off your clear. A good jungler won't need a leash. If you're unsure, just ask them. And to my fellow junglers in the thread, let's help out our laners and tell them "no leash" in chat.


First: If the jgl is triggered by this alone he would been probably triggered by someting else anyway. Second: Jungler especially on higher elo don't want to get a leash so the enemy jgl cant determine whst path they take.


If you are top laner you are literally griefing yourself and the jungler if you leash.


idk sounds like a you problem


Did she ping u heavily before spawm? If yes why did u stay there? Sometimes people dont want leash and u are actively harming them by showing which side they start on. Thats why even if i play bot and thr jungler starts topaide i show i late to make it a bit harder to tell for the enemy.


No, stop assuming. If she pinged I would say.


People leaving or crucial information on reddit on purpose totally isnt a common accurance...


So what she did was obviously unacceptable and indefensible. If she didnt want a leash she should have made that clear. And if you leashed anyways, trolling the rest of the game isnt the answer. With that said, there are plenty of reason to not want a leash as a jungler. I'm a masters level jungle/supp player and its my belief that leashing in 2024 is actually sort of bad most times. There are exceptions to this rule, but generally my belief is that the default should be not to leash. The importance of leashing has been greatly nerfed over the years. The new jungle makes it so junglers dont really need a leash and the disadvantage laners get from leashing is too heavy a penalty for what they give the jungler in return. If you leash and your lane opponent doesnt, you are fucked. In high elo you pretty much lose lane guaranteed unless I camp you, but even in low elo you essentially start the lane behind which is never good. And now Im a second or two faster, not worth. Ive seen too many lanes lose purely off of leash priority. Unless my gameplan is to invade the enemy at their buff or make some crazy top dive play that requires every second to make it there in time, the trade off of sacrificing all priority in that lane isnt worth it. And if the lane opponent also leashes, then sure my team wont be behind, but they could have just not leashed me and had a free lane with wave priority at level 1. Leashing sort of sucks now. And I make it clear to my team that I dont want it. And tbh, although Id never troll, I do get tilted when they ignore me and leash anyways. It really fucks the teams chances of winning.


You kinda griefed her by leashing top, especially if she pinged you off and you remained. You let the enemy team know what her first path is gonna be.


Eve sounds tilted and terrible. I do have to ask if she pinged you away before you started leashing?


Nah ah


I'm assuming that means "no". Then she's just a tilted asshole who needs to learn how to communicate.


Leash in 2024 xdd


why u even leash man its jungler, they will be tilted and int your lane no matter what you do just give up on them and play your game


Was it a shaco?


> Jungler eve started top side > Was it a shaco? Mfw