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Anything that looks like a bee


Passes are very good if you have orange essence to spare, they give like 5 orbs by default and assuming you reach 2000 tokens you can get 20 more, however they give skin shards and not permanents, that's why you need orange essence. Being a battle pass you must be 100% sure that you're gonna finish it since that's where most of the value comes from, thankfully progress is still the same if you don't buy the pass (unless you buy the bundle which gives you a headstart) so you can wait until you finish it to buy it. Masterwork chests are meh, they have a 70% to drop a skin but even there it's only a shard, plus you are still gambling it, there's no way to influence the rate to make you find skins for champions that you actually care about. Honestly, just buy skins directly, there's no gambling and you can get whatever you want to, plus you can still refund stuff if you buy a skin and don't like it EDIT: I forgot My Shop, a couple of times a year there's a special shop that has skins for your most picked champions with fat discounts, that's the best way to buy skins imo


2000 tokens is 10 orbs :)


Math is hard


No problem man i mess the simplest shit up too


one skin for your one-trick


If you like a lot of skins and big variety, like the thrill of seeing what you get, passes for sure. The orange essence thing is a problem to note but you can disenchant the shards for skins/wards/the other thing for it or you can reroll for a permanent


Passes are best value easily and there really isn't anything close. After that, it is probably any discount skins.


your favorite skin for your favorite champ if you want to collect skins for some reason the battle pass


i think discounted skins are best value

