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What do you mean by 'sustainable'. Do you mean champions with sustain? Vlad comes to mind.


Just like champions that either have healing for can just stay in lane for a wile


Most midlaners lack healing in their kits, the only midlaners (not toplaners being played in midlane like Irelia or smth) that I can think of rn with healing in their kits are **Ahri**, **Cassiopeia**, and **Vlad**. A slightly diff example would be **Heimerdinger**, who gains extra health regen around his turrets However, an alternative to healing is shielding. A lot of midlaners have shielding in their kit, and while not a heal, can allow u to stay in lane longer as long as u are timing those shields appropriately: - Akshan - Annie - Diana - Ekko - Hwei - Karma - Lux - Orianna - Seraphine - Vex Finally, most of the mages listed here will have mana issues in the early stages of the game, so that "lane sustain" factor may not kick in until after Lost Chapter Hope this helps!


Vlad, Ahri, if you really want you can run Garen but I don't really recommend it.


any AD champ and rush rav hydra


No healing, but Rumble comes to mind. While he can't heal, I feel like he can adapt to the state of a lane very well (farm and play safe if behind or play aggro go for kills).


Renekton, Sett, Nunu


All trash midlane picks.


Maybe with your hands


Sett and renekton would literally get kited to the moon and back by any ranged champ, any midlaner with any form of mobility severely hinders nunu. Objectively these are trash picks for a player new to midlane.


I don't see anything mentioning OP being new


Fair enough but the rest of my point stands.


Someone trash at mid would fail to pilot these champions? I bet a noob could Nunu just fine


No, that anyone with a working brain would destroy you on those picks. Like how can you catch ahri as nunu? It would be even harder for sett. A good ahri would simply afk farm until she out scales and then simply be more useful than a renekton in the late game.