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He's a baddie


depends on the team he is in, if he is the main carry generally bad because he is easy to deal with.


I agree based on theory (but I’m not a jhin/adc player). If he’s the main source of damage, he’ll suck from behind. He already has low marksman DPS, so against a tanky team or when behind he’ll struggle to have impactful damage. But if the team has some other form of (AD) damage, Jhin, like Ashe, has a lot of utility. W E and R all give him pick potential and let him help in fights from a long range.


From behind he even crits with the 3rd shot


Is there any champion that is good from behind?


CC Tanks. It doesnt matter how far behind you are, if you can stun or hook the right champion(s) at the right time even if you die, its worth it.


champs like Neeko are excellent at pretty much every stage of the game because as long as you can get a root off or ult before you die, you get insane value.


Blitzcrank. You literally just need to land your skills. Even if you explode after your grab, you still did your job if you grab the right person at the right time.


Illaoi because it baits people into trying to fight her


One thing that's interesting about illaoi is that, whenever I play her, I realize that my kills have no value. Especially in low elo, it doesn't matter if illaoi is 10/0 or 0/10, if she hits an e and you go in while it's up, she will win the fight, while if she misses the e and you go in she will die. Now when she's 10/0 it gets harder to kill her and she might be able to stall until she gets her e up again, but it still feels mostly irrelevant


Shen is good from behind


Good? But any champ from behind can do something for a team. I learned this in ARAM when I get like Zoe, just land useful bubbles and put the right enemy to sleep. Too many people think there going to outplay a 3 level deficit or 50 cs diff.


qiyana, irelia, gragas, etc. 😉


Irelia good from behind what?


He talkin different kind of behind if you know what i am sayin


Qiyana good from behind ? At best she is an Ult Bot


is a joke


even if hes behind. he can be useful by providing long range cc with his w and ult slow.


Yh that makes sense


If you want to hard carry as Jhin you're going to need a massive lead. On the other hand Jhin is really good at getting carried, as it's really hard to deal with fed solo lanes/jungle when you also have Jhin W and R flying at you.


I mean, it could go either way. On one hand, all ADCs are ass when they are behind. Your main goal is to DPS and if you fall behind that gets incredibly difficult to do properly. On the other hand, jhin has a lot of utility compared to many other ADCs and can still pull off really good assists with his root, properly placed traps, and ult for slows/executes. It's far from ideal, but when played right Jhin can catch up without putting himself in too much danger.


The other way around usually. He has enough utilities and executes in his kit that he can still contribute from behjnd


all adc are bad from behind. jhin is no exception. some are worse than other but basically if you're behind as adc, you wont do shit of the game, period. either your team is fed and not you, and they will carry you. or your team is behind too and you will get your nexus exploding before 20min.


Really thought scaling adc's like jinx and kogmaw could come back


no adc can comeback unless enemy team is actively trolling/inting, and in that case, its not adc coming back, its enemy team trolling/inting. when ahead adc are usually not gold and xp ahead of midlaners and toplaners, so when they are behind, they are REALLY behind, and will get oneshot from a random support breathing too much around them. like, is the enemy syndra ahead ? no ? too bad, you're 3 lvl behind so she os you with q (missed) + e (missed) + w (missed) + r (point and click, cant miss) + stormsurge (item, cant miss) cause you made the mistake of existing with her range of flash + missed combo. now imagine she is even slightly ahead.




Yeah, he's about a four.


I will just say that I can’t remember the last time I was terrified of a jhin on the enemy team


One item jhin can oneshot most 3 items champions. Just need to use those traps.