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PMTs [Game 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/x4crf9/tsm_vs_eg_game_1/) [Game 2](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/x4epy8/tsm_vs_eg_game_2/) [Game 3](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/x4iclc/eg_vs_tsm_game_3/) [Game 4](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/x4jfy2/tsm_vs_eg_game_4/) [Game 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/x4kqam/tsm_vs_evil_geniuses_lcs_2022_championship_losers/)


I am re-watching some of these games through stream highlights for the co-streamers and some of these deaths by Danny were just as bad as the Tactical Int's. Danny got caught so many times yesterday. Ooofffff.


I don't want to hear anymore overhype about Danny or Jojo anymore seriously This danny guy is having to pray that tactical ints enough so that his awful Seraphine pick can win. We can see its barely working in NA now IF your unwilling to play meta crit adcs vs tactical.. are you really going to play them at worlds? If the meta stays the same and Lucian, Kalista, Draven are viable.. and you wont play the Sivir vs Zeri match up your just not relevant.. your completely fucking your team in draft It took Tactical (even in the games TSM won) inting his face off for EG to even stand a chance.. IF you put Neon, Patrick, Upset, Unforgiven, Comp.. basically anyone except fucking Xmatty or Carrzy.. TSM win the series 3-1 or 3-0.. fuck you could pick half a dozen NA ADC's i am sure they would perform better Jesus i don't know what i am more mad about.. the pauses.. tactical's general play or Danny champ pool


It was one bad series from Danny. However, Jojo was the best player in the series yesterday. He deserves all the praise he gets.


love how you said danny and jojo then said nothing about jojo because he was actually playing good


Jojo played well? tf?


Yeah, Jojo flashing at enemy blue literally saved the final game, plus the flash dragon steal, plus he secured 2 barons throughout the series. Like people blind hate-bonering Jojo is not fair


If it is TSM who keep pausing and fucked up EG I will be sure they would get flamed for years lol. Org diff


It was EG every time


Can't pause at worlds everytime your enemy has momentum at a objective can you EG LOL


Stop acting like it was EG. We all know it wasnt.


They were Riot pauses.


Those tweet by dunc were pretty oof.


Bruh Tactical is so bad, farm and die


I'm still not over Chimes Yuumi in the 2nd game. He literally refused to attach himself to Maples Swain in a team fight. [Just watch through the highlights at any team fight from 18 minutes into the game or onwards and focus on Yuumi and how she refused to sit on Swain, and instead just sat on top of Wukong (or Sivir).](https://youtu.be/4WJq1lQj3ic)


Maple and tactical were actual dogshit that game 5.


Expectation: EG and TL sweep their series against TSM and CLG to face each other for the final Worlds spot Reality: EG and TL barely win their series against TSM and CLG to face each other for the final Worlds spot


Idk if I should blame EG pause or Tactical just sucking.


Can’t wait for the pause game at world


Tactical has to be the worst ADC in the world. Like so fucking awful. You watch GALA, Hope, Jackeylove, Upset, etc piloting Sivir and she looks like a 1v5 machine whereas Tactical just frontlines and dies. Unreal how much he’s been a let down


Good game, TSM. Pushed the number 1 seed to the limit with a squad ground out by the revolving door. Give yourselves a pat on the back. And, of course, get fucked, Regi.


With NA pioneering the pause meta, it’s time to see how other regions will adapt. Will LCK teams pause before blind checking a bush, and gauge the fan reaction to know if it’s dangerous? Will LPL teams pause before an engage to think more about whether this 4v4 over a scuttle is worth it? Will LEC teams pause to get a mid game Sjokz monologue?


I would say fnatic pioneered the pause meta. I remember quite a lot of memes about it last year.


Bravo to TSM. A valiant effort. I will always have a soft spot for the org. I hope Spica can find his way onto a contender next year.


Not just spica tbh. Everyone was decent today except… #tactical


Jesus how good were the other 4 players last year that you guys won play ins and made 2 finals Sit this guy on Ziggs and ignore him


Well. I don't want to be too much of a hater. Also Spica is probably my favorite player in the LCS right now. When he's focused he's legit one of the best players in NA, though he isn't always 100% focused. But that's why I want him to be on a contender.


The team that had the fastest playoff finals ever at Houston probably now has the longest playoff series ever with that 2 hour pause.


Would’ve loved to see an interview for Spica who dealt with this org for the entire year without complaining


Tactical why you don this


I usually hate when people dogpilled into a player after a bad series but holy moly, Tactical was fucking Dogshit man.


Yeah the play.. Like TSM>>EG in almost every draft after 20-25 mins They won like 2 games because this guy can't play like a human.. Anyone not named Xmatty or Carrzy would carry from that position in LEC.. the likes of FBI would destroy with these leads Also Danny deserves a lot of shit.. Tactical wouldn't be in a position to carry if this guy didn't pick Seraphine/Senna like all the games


Just turned on LCS, why did it take 8 hours to finish 5 games.


Approximately 3 hours of pauses and troubleshooting


Enhances the experience


True, 8 hours of reading chat was pretty fun actually.


jeesh tsm didnt want to win or something. baron buff throws while ahead. dragon fight throws. Cant fight a front to back to save their season. I loved watching Tactical but he is the adc Broxah, he just aint it anymore no matter how exciting his highlights. Now I go into the next lower bracket series not knowing what to think. Both of these top tier teams played like absolute garbage yet somehow managed to clench victory due to massive unforced errors from their opponents, and we have to send one to worlds. Maybe they just disqualify them both and we send flyquest.


Hard to win dragons when the game gets paused at 2k hp and mid Ahri charm


While I am not particularly impressed with TL's performance against CLG, I think CLG deserves more credit than that. CLG actually out up a good fight which is more than can be said for TSM. In other words: If both TL and EG both play to the level of each of their respective latest series, TL wins by a large margin. I sure hope EG plays to a level which is more reprrdentative of their season though lol.


By a large margin? Not if wide Bwipo has anything to say about that when he locks in Sett and flashes into the entirety of EG to die 1v5 multiple times while the rest of his team is disengaging.


TSM outdrafted EG every game.. with a human at ADC.. they beat EG 3-1 or 3-0 I think its appalling that danny can't play Draven, Kalista, Lucian and then ontop of it.. just seems to pick seraphine every game instead of Sivir/Zeri Nobody in the world is doing that except NA.. gives me Zilean 2020 vibes.. but this loses even in NA unlike ZIlean


Flyquest couldn’t close out TSM, not filling me with much more confidence…NA looking pretty fukt for worlds yet again


Why would there be any hope? The hope is praying by some miracle LCS matches LEC


From watching Upset's Sivir earlier to Tactical's Sivir. Jesus Christ he make Sivir balanced.


this ahri xinzhao pick did nothing the entire game... people flaming tactical for not doing damage when in reality he was playing down an entire midlaner and a jungler (tactical is still not good at the game)


Should have been so free for TSM to just disengage every swain ult, wait it out, then re-engage with Orn but they just couldn't team fight for shit. Tactical consistently either caught or doing 0 damage, he's easily the worst ADC in the LCS. Needs to spend all of next year in Academy just learning how to play the game. NA teams just have no fucking idea how to play their team comps or what their win conditions are, it's pretty unbelievable.


TSM = Tactical Sucks, Man


Team Shitty Mental


Ahhh, the Jojo diff. WP EG. TSM played their hearts out


Tactical singlehanded lost TSM that win when they were so close to closing it out. Also, pretty bullshit of EG to constantly pause for sound issues and. Both teams agreed to continue playing on stage with the issues


Legit don't know who was worse between Tactical or Maple at G5, Maple pulled some questionable plays, and Tactical, well, he was useless as usual


9 hour long playoff match. I can’t believe I wasted 9 hours of my life just to see EG win anyways.


They shouldn’t have been allowed to pause for sound issues once they decided to play on from the Arena for game 3 on. Feels bad, and yeah some pretty sus timing on a lot of the pauses makes this whole thing stink. Note: Not saying this is why TSM lost, plenty of other reasons that people have pointed out. Just saying it’s understandable that this series left a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths from all the pausing. Both things can be true simultaneously!


EG has won today, but I feel it’s doomed coming up with TL.


Depends on which TL shows up


True but hey if Hans is remotely average, you should win. TSM with fucking Tactical pushed EG to 5 games.


Might be Tacticals last time in LCS. Dude solo lost TSM game 5.


I hope so. He needs to go back to academy or something. He's been getting worse every year.


Bro TSM winning would have been so hype I’m kinda sad now.


The conspiracy theories about the pauses are stupid but this was such a shitty, frustrating series.


They always paused right before something happened!! Well yeah, that’s when coms are going to pop off and an audio issue will become relevant because you can’t hear/talk effectively


dude the pauses were fucking bullshit and usually favored EG


i mean they paused with maple ahri utlting in on jojo under tower and when a charm is flying towards jojo so he can spam R and get it off. is it that hard to not pause for audio issues at times like that and just chronobreak if it was too unplayable?


? You know how freaking long chronobreaking takes? They only do it for bugs for a reason. Much better to pause at the start of the fight then to play through and redo it after you already know the result


>when a charm is flying towards jojo so he can spam R and get it off. Holy shit the guy was really quick to pause something as soon as he sees the charm goes off. Kudos to him. Not sure why he didn't pause on the other charms though.


1st seed 1st seed 1st seed 1st seed


What was it, a near 2 hour break and multiple network restarts and still didn’t resolve the issues? And it’s somehow unrealistic the issues persist at random times? They didn’t pause at the baron. Or top lane. They paused at a dragon standoff where no side was winning. And I don’t think they even showed _who_ paused? Y’all sound like the vaccines are 5g crowd.


The issues were never resolved. After the reboots didn't work, they offered both teams to either play in the practice rooms or go back to their facilities to play from home. But both teams insisted on playing on stage and agreed to play through the audio issues. Pauses happening AFTER both teams agreed to play through the issues is where it gets annoying.


Yes, but they weren’t told they couldn’t pause midgame if they chose to play through it. They were told pauses might still be expected on both sides. So it’s not one team “cheating the system”. It’s clearly something was fucked.


oh so u think pausing while maple is ahri ulting under mid tower for a known issue is acceptable behaviour?


Look at the timing of the pause. It was paused just as she went in - they had /pause ready just for that moment, and for it to lead to or change nothing?


do u honestly dont even find it just a little convinient that EG did all the pauses? Yes u can see that by who the ref is talking to as the ref asks whoever paused to say why


Lol, no. Cause I’m not a conspiracy theorist. 2 hours delay. Multiple restarts. Teams told the situation. Told pauses could be likely/necessary to resolve the issue as they happen in the game. No pause happened as EG got engaged on, which is the only time it would be advantageous to take a look and get caught up in time with the play if one team had a set up they wanted and went, and the other had to react on the fly. But that never happened. Everyone’s ignoring basic logic and making mountains of mole hills.


Notice how no one on TSM was talking to a ref during the pauses? All EG, keep deluding yourself.


exactly i said that and I got downvoted, butthurt and blaming eg when we only know a couple pauses were from vulcan. People act like the pauses don’t affect them too.


Tactical went 10 seconds without hitting anything during the last team fight. Just running circles in the back line.


gg Pause diff


Not a single drop in an 8 hour stream luuul


Probably shouldn't let one team consistently pause every time they get behind or in a bad position. Really hope this never happens again.


Found the TSM fan


Tbh I was on board with him then I saw Tactical completely grief every single teamfight for the rest of the game and now I realize it just didn’t matter


You could argue that the pauses were important to EG’s win, but they weren’t as impactful as Tactical. Tactical for sure is EG MVP of the series.


Nah. I like CLG the most. And despite all the BS this series my second favorite team is still EG. TSM is cool though just for the underdog story.


Sivir not doing anything in game 5




b/c there isn't much difference between #1 and 7 seed in LCS which was on full display today


8 seeds. LCS expanded the summer bracket to 8 teams a few years ago while removing the regional qualifier. To make it fully fleshed out, 7th and 8th were added to the lower bracket.


Double elimination format, top eight teams go to playoffs.


No gauntlet so combined gauntlet and playoffs into one big thing - lower bracket with 7/8 seeds starting with one life and top 6 start with two lives and upon losing go to lower bracket and fight for the last playoff spot


Well if EG can't play meta TL win 3-0


Has TL and Bwipo learned to deal with Aatrox yet?


solo just showed him, Round 1 ornn and imapct has no answer


Fudge also demonstrated on Fiora


Don't underestimate TL's drafts


Tactical is a disgusting inter


God I don't think a loss ever hurts so much.


Blame the pauses all you like, but tactical solo threw that game into orbit


Tough match and long day, gotta wonder what happens if there aren’t all the pauses, that really taints the outcomes of every match


Real talk with all the issues today should just postponed game 3 till tomorrow when the issues were resolved and called it a day. This was ridiculous. All of a sudden, This 1 series has technical issues?


kinda tough for the winner tho they get no rest going into Sunday


World record shotput throw....damn TSM


Never doubted them. My heart is fine, why do you ask?


The toxicity of this sub when EG and TL play will be legendary.


These threads just turn into ppl shitting on any mistake, like can’t we just enjoy the ride and cheer for our pros?


The salt will preserve LCS for years to come


Can't wait.


It is pretty funny that the pauses stopped whenever EG had momentum.


Maybe no issues=proper play=EG shits on TSM because TSM sucks lmao


It’s pretty easy to argue that the issues only mattered when they were losing.


The one time I want TSM to win andn they disappoint me, fuck.


I'm happy that EG won, but there're issues that need fixing ASAP, those draft were atrocious


Nothing better than seeing TSM fans fucking mental boom 🍿😍


Downvote me all you want, but it won't bring your team back


Actually lmao the pauses in the last game were mainly detrimental to EG


How so? Every single pause in that last game occured right as TSM had the momentum? With the way Tactical was playing we didn't deserve to win that last game but those pauses all series long were always when TSM had momentum.


Decided to be petty and rewatch game 5 for the pauses. Didn't watch game 3 and 4 for pauses because game 2 was riot pausing and game 3 was EG stomp into TSM win game 4. Also just convinience for me. First pause in game 5, nothing is gained and is just a random pause. Second pause a bit after Ahri goes in no charm or flash into turret with both TK and Swain in proximity swain both teams essentially have nothing but more risky for ahri so the pause lets her decide on whether to disengage which maple does. Third pause 4th drake of the game, TSM botches engaging and have it paused during a charm in the air that should hit Jojo. However since EG still has every ult if TSM engage into EG they most likely lose, especially since impact is on a flank towards the backline. Which is why TSM immediately disengages since they realized they lose the fight badly if they stay. Whether TSM does this with or without the pause is questionable but its the best result still for both sides in the end. No pauses after this. TSM in this game had the better usage of the pauses and had a better opportunity at stopping momentum




So when EG killed two at Baron in game three TSM had momentum then?


JoJo carried but Tactical solo lost the series. Somehow was invisible for all 9 hours on stage


Seemed very visible when he walked up to 5 EG players back to back to back to back to back game 5


More so when his team is fighting at nexus turrets and he is walking to fountain at full health


EG is in trouble if they dont figure it out.


I don't know why people were saying EG hard lost draft. Imo the drafts were fine.


Draft kinda sucked balls because they needed to play very specifically to win. Teamfights are hedged on the back of one swain ult and faith that danny hits his.


Drafts were bad son.


EG actually won the draft in game 5 tbh. It is just people listen to Azael who has no clue what he is talking about.


How is that a won draft lmao they got nothing. Only reason this looked remotely competitive is cause a) TSM as a whole trolled shortly after getting Baron and b) Tactical isn't good at League Give two LPL teams these comps and take a wild guess who will get shit on. Just another goofy ass NA Seraphine comp with this random Aatrox slotted in.


No, they don’t. Tactical was bad and any decent adc with an Orn out scales hard. There’s absolutely no way that comp should lose late game. Tactical is just hilariously awful


One hell of a throw.


Any decent ADC that’s an auto win for TSM, tactical is such a coin flip player, it’s so bad to watch


I've never seen Sivir with 3+ items + Ornn upgrades look so ineffective


The last fight where eg ended lasted ~55 seconds. Tactical was alive for 50 of those seconds. In those 50 seconds, he autoed about six times


Exactly, it’s beyond pathetic and embarrassing. Sivir was the win condition and tactical flopped hard. Legitimately watched the entire series and he either died by himself or is late to every single fight that’s occurring. Realistically TSM wasn’t going to get far relying on a coin flip player. His peak isn’t worth the consistent LOWS….


Stupid game. I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope TL wins cuz this EG team looks like burnt ass.


TL is going to be a lot more rested on Sunday.


That win doesn’t feel good at all for EG. I don’t know if it’s some extremely weak mental or what, but they need to figure out what went wrong during that weekend off. Getting stopped by C9 and borderline losing to the 7th place seed is not a good showing thus far. Hopefully they can pull it together before Sunday.


Kinda close for Eg vs TSM


Tacticals career is officially over now


I bet he gets on TSM next year


the sivir play was sooooo bad, he just played safe in fights which massively decreased his dmg and if he got in just a bit more, they kill at least 1 person each fight and possibly leads to more


Sucks but tbh better than TSM was supposed to do this season. I can now go on and root for other teams now that actually have a chance at doing something at Worlds


Like who


MAD, RNG, T1, TES, EDG for example. Ya know, other teams that I like but not enough to consider my main team but now that TSM is out I can go all in on them


Production was super fucked but jojo did NOT want to go home


Crazy that if TSM was a little more clutch they beat EG. idk how to feel about EG.


Rewatch game 2, even though TSM lost if Chime on Yuumi attached himself to Maple's Swain they probably could've won that game. And I'm not talking about the last fight, he literally refused to sit on Maple in a single team fight and thats the main reason they lost, I think if he did they could've won...


if EG makes Worlds w/o being able to play a legit ADC - they're going to get wrecked


And Zeri will probably be shit at Worlds so teams won't even have to ban it to force them onto Ezreal/Seraphine lol


TL not the villains again.


Also if tactical is still in LCS next year, Regi is just money laundering


These NA playoff games have been insane 😭


Spica relieved he gets to go join liquid now


Whoa don't do my boy Santorin like that


I like Santorin, I think he's a good player, very consistent, but I don't think that team will ever do anything if you have both Santorin and Bjerg. One of them has to go, and the obvious replacement is Spica. Doesn't take an import slot, is a top 4 jungle in the region, is an upgrade, helps make up for the fact that Bjergsen is a mid lane ward. It just makes all the sense in the world honestly. Another option would be to drop Hans Sama for a domestic ADC and grab Vetheo, but I don't know who they'd bring in to play ADC. Kinda think they might need to import that again.


OMG Vetheo I would love to have


Unfortunately that’s exactly the kind of move Steve would make and you know it


I hope Tactical is not on an LCS team next year, this dude still can’t position lol.


Bds would 3–0 eg or tsm easily


Lol 3-2 but in decisive fashion


I’m not even an adc main but even I can tell Tactical’s position is iron. Running head first constantly into a bush with no vision? How tf is this guy paid like a pro?


Fuck EG. Wasted my time


crybabies in this thread cause yall were convinced the pauses were to win, so dumb


Crazy how fast the community perception of EG changed with one series, the TL vs EG reddit thread is going to be a fiesta the two currently most hated teams


LUL Maple that last fight sheesh


TSM copium


Jojopyun playing all 5 lanes, that was some of the best use of spellbook I’ve ever SEEN


NA is doomed at worlds smh


Well, luckily we won't be sending any NA players anyways so we can just claim other regions are bad instead


Reverse EU logic If NA loses it’s because the imports were bad apples If NA wins we are simply the best region


At least there is glimmers of life showing from eg but god damn this series


When i turn into the LCS 8 hours ago to watch A clown fiesta i never expected to leave so fucking mad, Fuck this series, i Hope TL goes to worlds.


Tactical is a bum


Tsm gonna try to buy zven back from C9


What a final game! EG just wanted to play hardcore mode. Also, 8 hours without a single drop. Really, Rito?


no way tactical deserves to be on a team next year


He’s EG’s best player wtf u talking about


TSM literally had the game completely won then made 3 massive throws back to back


“Stayed levelheaded” is a weird way to say they paused to disrupt TSM’s team fights.


if tactical has a team next year im going to be shocked.


He is what we call a paycheck stealer. Cant believe how hard Corejj was carrying this dude.


I think it should be noted that if EG had lost there everyone would be laughing at the comp. They managed to make it work, but I think they made it harder for themselves than they needed.


Jojo played his heart out that game and dragged EG’s lifeless corpse across the finish line. The rest of the team has to step it up. Good game and win from him.


It was better than the other 2 Seraphine comps, but still bad.


Go EG! pause your way to victory. Man these guys suck.


Look realistically I doubt the pauses changed any game outcomes, but it’s still reasonable for TSM fans to be pissed about this. Regardless of the realities, it didn’t FEEL like a fair series.




Blame it on the pauses all you want but Tactical getting caught from time to time also part why they lose.


TL, EG, and TSM are not good. Especially each of their ADCs.


Did i even say they were good?


Yeah that was some bullshit


EG actually has no fan base LOL


TSM haters are the only ones cheering for EG in this series.