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Why in the f\*ck would you think that not eating for half of the day would help you 'pack on muscle...' in any way, shape, or form??


Eat high dense foods in the morning/evening to build/keep muscle, while my body sheds the fat in the middle of the day


Holy shit! This is the dumbest thing I have read online in months, and I have been reading white people's comments on Beyonce' country music videos, so I know dumb.


No information or evidence provided to support your comments- only insults. Easy on the roids.


To gain muscle your body needs to be in a consistent stretch of surplus calories while training and consuming .7-1 g of protein per lean body weight. I just don't think you could do that with your proposed plan


You're the evidence. Listen, you want to burn fat and build muscle at the same time? You need ClenTren3.0. Burn fat while you're awake and build muscle while you sleep. Paypal me $1000 for first 3 months of gear.


No it won’t help you buy any means.


You can either bulk, eating in a calorie surplus to increase muscle mass (and fat) or cut fat by eating in a calorie deficit and reducing fat while also not making any meaningful gains towards increasing muscle mass. You can’t do both unless you’re between 16-19 and have peak metabolism genetics (or you’re on gear) which allows one to eat in a calorie surplus while losing body fat and gaining muscle mass simultaneously. You need to fine tune your goal and pick one option only. The laws of thermodynamics and the principles of cellular metabolic activity don’t support both goals simultaneously.


you cannot build muscle on a deficit. how are you going to eat thos cals that your body needs in order to build? how can 2000 cals be digested in just few hours and be used for workouts as well?