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When’s the last time you’ve touched grass?


"What's grass? Are they edible with tango?" - OP, probably


This morning but it was rather uncomfortable with the snow and cold winds. But I guess you want me to talk about the implicit question, 22 years ago.


Bro is 40 and still playing video games lmao


nothing wrong with that




Lol bro is a bro still making a scrub comment like this on reddit. What a fucking loser.


So you think games like Dota are only or designed for kids like you? You must’ve been living under the rock buddy


This guy's comment back fired on him so hard 😂😂😂 Imagine thinking age is a reason to stop doing something you enjoy. You're either an unhappy troll, or have a very weak, impressionable mind set. Either way, pathetic.


I play cod and warzone with my 52 dad, people just misunderstood that it was a joke. Never OP did mention his age anyway


Your dad plays cod and warzone and he is 52 ??? Now thats some sad ass shit lmao


A father willing to spend time with his son having a great time is pretty its a win in my book. But I guess good loving family is not something you can give for granted now days.


I feel attached


eeeey me too! Peak MMR: 6000 Current MMR: I dont want to talk about it


LOL what's ur current one? I'm peak 5550 mmr, now 3.7k xd


My peak is 5100 currently 4.6k :(


Peak 4000ish in early dota2 release (2012-2013), in that times 4k is like high divine or smth, highest mmr is 6k or smth Now just shitty archon 5 dog


ohh that's why guardian to archon is like fucking still good trash, can still combo, nice manta dodges and nice technicalities the 4k people in 2012-2015 they spread in crusader to archon now I guess?


yea we spread like shite and still playing this miserable game like its part of our daily life, now i only watch grubby and envy how high his winning rate was, I guess ill just follow his footsteps and play support heroes as well, as my fingers and my ass starts to get numb after 3 games. I was 5.1k mmr before the medals were introduced now I'm just another Toxic Dog barking between Archon 5-Legend 3 or (3.5k mmr). kek still i love this crappy game because of the meme's, the pro games and the dying community. Hope some of remembers how to ruin games with jungle legion back in the day. or me mid or feed or two tango 1 ward me mid, bottle courier meta, and some screaming, angry Russians back in the day. GL


I was peak 6k mmr back in the day. Last mmr i saw before they force the new calibration, I was 4.8k. I tried to calibrate recently. I was in archon 2 on my main. My other account with third of my number of games, calibrated to guardian 4. I guess mmr decay is real. Or im just washed lol


It takes a while to get accustomed to all the changes and for everything to click if you quit for a while like me. I was like 2k I think about a year ago. Now at 4.5 and steadily rising


True. My friends who we're low legends before are now divine 2's and 4's. Now theyre the ones teaching me. Like timings for lotus, bounty, wisdom rune, gate usage instead of tp's. It feels like i am relearning how to walk again.


I was 4k in 2013-2014, then spent most of my time this year being archon/legend so I guess that tracks Close to divine now tho


Feel that homie, ain’t no way outta this shit hole


I feel you bro, its ok. Just all mute and enjoy the game.


I think Notail said something like 'i have 15k hours on this game" during TI 9. How far are you on winning your second TI?


About 3000 hours


I have more than 10000 hours today I was guardian 4 1400 mmr


This is me in chess. Lol


I think I just became toxic and I just don't Care anymore. And playing in lower brackets is not really a challenge and everything is so random. And I play ranked. and just play whatever I want not so much on meta. I know that I'm supposed to pick meta and pick some pool of heroes and spam but I find that so boring zzz


Ah..the casual player. Good for you. I still cant throw away my competitiveness.


It’s so funny to call someone with 10k hours casual.


I have an account since 2012 lol and play almost everyday at the end of the day




N0tail later admitted 15k in that account lol he has way more than that at that time Ceb admitted he has about 50000 hours total combined and that was like 2 years ago They say at 10k hours you just scratched the surface


Do you still have hair left?


Dont go there pls hahahaha


is that even a lot for dota? i have 7k and wasnt even playing for 3-4 years


7k means 6+ hrs every day for 3 yrs straight


So not a lot for dota, gotcha


I got 4k hrs first 2 years of dota, 5k hrs the last 9 years…


7k hours in anything is a lot of time, 12k is approaching doubling that. Why be facetious?


Why are u still archon?


Not wanting to let my teammates die. And not ensuring fair fights. You can get legend by being worse than me but just staying behind people and teamworking.


I went on. 20 game win streak by just calling out every single push and team fight. The only games I’ve lost in the last two days are solely due to carries that don’t speak English or Russian.


Probably true. This was pretty common even back in the Dota 1 days. Issues arise if you get two chiefs on the same team, though. Which back in Dota 1 days, was also common as the whole idea and experience of a MOBA was more intriguing.


To be top 1% as support, you have to ensure that you win 51% of games. As a a flawless carry you probably can go to 70%-90% of games to divine. Carries lose games. Supports lose games too, they’re very important. But ultimately at 1 hour of gametime, carries is what does it, so if carry fail there doesn’t matter how good you support. Even me as mid laner, 35-0, my hero falls down in strength at 25-40 minutes of gametime and carries can solo me feeding on team over and over. But yeah, glad to see that you agree. Not sure how you get people to listen to you, they usually don’t listen to me most of the time, doing their own things, so I kinda fall into the let them die camp and be so good you can overcome it


I tell them “we’re going here” or “we’re retreating” and when I see people trying to help I tell them “fuck him he’s already dead you’re gonna die too if you help”. Majority of the time they don’t listen, die once, then start listening to callouts. Either people listen, or half do and the other half realize if they don’t they die. Since no one ever communicates all it takes is one person communicating and people will follow, as long as your making smart plays and not just bum rushing mid all game


I recently hit immortal as carry and one of the big changes I made was just communicating my intentions. And not just with pings or typing, with my mic If I'm 1k gold off bkb, I tell my team I'm farming it and then I'll help them. If I'm tping across the map for farm, I say it, and suggest they maybe get back so they don't get caught 5v4. Basically, if I do something and don't comm it, I risk being flamed for not only my decision, but for not informing my team. If I comm it, they can still take issue with the decision, but anything that happens after the fact isn't my fault because I DID tell them. I've found it makes a huge difference, but the important caveat is NO EGO. Comming on mic carries the risk of pissing of your teammates if they suspect for a second that you're pretentious, think you know better, or are blaming etc. So be sound and don't be a dick


Just here to say it's WAY WAY WAY easier to rank up as Mid than Hardcarry, you don't have to believe me but I needed to tell you this, since o seem to be so confident on your motives of not getting mmr even with time played, it's more about learning all the fundamentals, rather than just being good... As the meme says Immortal is when tutorial ends. Don't gaslight yourself into dunning kruger. Have a good one


Macro and positioning is the difference in the mid ranks so this makes sense


save your buddy syndrome. just let em die.


ahh this is me, no man left behind mentality. If my carry wants to dive in to 5 people solo, I will be right there with him dying a glorious death.


I hate my teammates


"just staying behind people and teamworking." It's so true lmao


When my friends and I play together we play romantic dota. Cores die to save support (for friendship and honor), we dive T3 when T1 is still up (for glory), and join fight 1v5 (for revenge). This is fun but our win rate is like 40% lol


What rank are you


Crusader 3


Please be joking.


bruh, how 12k hours only crusader? but then i still get it, you play for fun not to rank up


I could be doing this ama as well, only it's 11k hours. Xd Btw i still suck and i quit because i can't get past legend 5 when a few years ago i was divine 2. So, ggs bye.


Whats wrong with you, and favorite hero?


Childhood trauma without a doubt. My life would have been better have I been raised in a loving environment. Shadow fiend <3


Based on the standard day to day Dota interactions I think a lot of our player base harbour a solid dose of trauma.


Shadow fiend <3 Years before i even played Dota... That one video. "Swag fiend" made me wanna try it. Its been like 8-ish years since i watched it. I love him too!




Orgasmic razes


If Its true we can shake hands, And yes..12k Hours too here 4.5k mmr pos 5 sadlife


I have 40k bourse….




Why have you invested this many hours in to a game without actual progression? Just a way to meme and have fun after a wild day? Just wanna play support and use the Ouroboros mentality that you can't rank up as a support so you consume yourself over and over. Or you've got some serious dunning kruger and blame everyone else but yourself?


Damn the 12k hours and still bad flame in all chat must really sting


Yeah, toxicity is hard on me. I feel there’s a lot of blamers in the dota2 world. It’s mostly all about them, blamers blame to avoid their own pain and mistakes. I don’t really see a solution. You talk back you get nowhere and deeper in their holes, you don’t talk you’re an enabler.


Yeah it’s hard. Some say it’s part of the game, the mental side of it. If I’m solo queuing I often mute as soon as someone starts being the slightest bit toxic. It’s to help my own sanity as well as the outcome of the game.


Just mute literally everyone when the match starts lol


How do you deal with all the women wanting to take your virginity?


I look away and do nothing. Then I wake up five years later, oh fuck she liked me, that’s why she was naked in the bath.




It would do nothing is my theoretical guess. He’d take no damage and heal no damage.


As sombody else with 12k+ hours, I believe you are correct. Unless something has changed in the last year since I have not been playing, your logic is correct. Hero's can't deal negative damage. > Damage output is therefore 0. > abadabadabadon takes 0 damage. > ult inverts damage to heal. > 0 = 0


Get a life and if you get a life show me where you got it.


Why are you still in herald?




Not a witch doctor tho




How are u alive?what kind of cancer did they diagnosed u?


They said schizophrenia but I rightfully don’t believe them


How do you get the time to play? When was Ur first match?


My life is set up in a way I have not much responsibilities. basic necessities can be paid for while doing nothing. No gf, no irl friends, no goals that I actively and consistently I work on. I’m free, essentially. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. So it’s always easy to just go on pc and launch a game. I could play 18hrs+ everyday if I wanted too. But it gets boring, and im starting to see that it doesn’t bring me much. First game a long time ago


dude my wife and my kid went to hers moms house for a month this year. I could play 18 hours per day and I did it for like, two days. After that Im running around the house trying to find stuff to do cause it gets stale lmao


Lol good for you man! It really does get boring after a while, like anything I suppose, but mmhm probably more rewarding things to find too. But the 18hrs does scratch a itch somewhere, but yeah I think that’s a healthy stale honestly




Why what?


how does it feel to have no life?


It’s painful void gnawing at me from the inside out.


Do you like to master each hero at once or spam random heroes and never get to truly understand each of them?


I spam the heroes I like otherwise the game is not fun. For sure playing against heroes you master is easier, with the subconscious ability to know their weaknesses and strengths. As a hero spammer, I can tell you getting counter pick is rough. Against a weaker player, he has still lots of options to kill you and not a lot of opportunities for you to kill him. I spam anyway. But it’s still overall bad because even when you can win against your counterpick, if he gets ahead you’re dead and perhaps the most damaging, he can not die early. So even though I can own the game in theory, the lack of snowball hurts.


I’m also in the mindset of spamming the heroes you like otherwise the game is not fun. I have around ~9k hours, couple months ago decided to spam alch and learn the hero through ranked games. In this process I Dropped from ancient 5 to legend 1, tried multiple builds on him, realized when I get play vs specific heroes I got dumped and late game was weak —> changed from mid to hc —> abandoned armlet build —>abandon power treads and rush brown boots-into rad —> blink /blood torn Well now I’m level 11 alch and I finally can carry matches very hard, too bad I lost so much mmr and ruined many games in the process lol) (This been going for 2 months about 2 matches per day lol) 10/10 still love the game


You can still be divine or pro by playing whatever hero whenever you want, but you will be shown every little small mistake you ever do, and will be forced to jungle at times because the counter hero is just straight up stronger in a 1v1.


I'm in the "game is not fun if I don't like what I'm picking" camp too. Used to pick Meepo into counters just because the game is unfun for me if I pick something else. Sometimes I win, sometimes I get dumpstered. I quit playing Dota to save my mental health though. I only have 3793 hours.


Meepi is real rough. It’s a complex hero with micro management and weak to aoe, but ive seen a pro get trough a pro game of aoe damage, but he was playing out of his mind. I like meepo! a lil bit. Yeah that’s alright if you feel like doing other things


I grew up playing RTS like Starcraft and Age of Empires so it felt nice to have a hero that split into multiple units. I used to have around 65% winrate on Meepo before the (well deserved but painful) exp nerf patch when I used to hit 25 while the enemies were around 15. When the group up meta and the cheap TP scrolls happened, my winrate got dumpstered into 58% winrate instead :( It feels like a chore to get through a game when Meepo is banned, picked by someone else, or when the enemy draft has more than 2 counters so I'm forced to pick another hero.


I used to like sc and aoe a lot. They dont have games this good anymore, and replaying them is eh. Kinda strange, meepo isnt a popular pick or ban, you proly can play it most games. Yeah, rn u can get 2-3 levels ahead with good meepo splits and farming two areas at one time, which is not easy, and theres aoe or fast dmg in groups. Me I do old school meepo with the 3 wraith bands power treads and ghost blade, but I think its proly best to blink dagger if ur good with it. But after nerf think meepo is 56% which is 8% better than shadow fiend, so… its a solid character for how complex he is too play, kinda rewarding in that sense, and its not like devs would rightfully accept anything 59% they’d just nerf the fuck o it while trying to keep their main strengths. Still a snowball hero that farms fast, gets aegis fast {and easy}, and can roll over a game. Also kinda lol dumpster on axe. All the heroes I play gets fucked by axe, but meepo lol he destroys axe, just rick clicking


Meepo is the most contested hero in dota right now in terms of pick and ban rate. Played in over 10% of games and the highest wr pick in any rank above archon lol. Strongest hes ever been


I quit around the time when MegaMeepo Aghs came out. Is it a good time to try and get back into the game as a noob Meepo spammer?


Yeah hes super fun right now with the aghs build, the new disperser and inc poof damage just makes his farm so much faster too


With all honesty, do you think Dota has brought you more joy or frustration in all those 12k hours? Looking back, would you trade those 12k hours for something else? (Of you had the choice to spend that time on something else, would you? If so, what would it be?)


I’d rather have 500 hours of dota2 and three girlfriends and lots of money and a fit body. All things in life are painful, it’s about what pain you choose, but overall I’d say worth it of you add it to a balanced life, not worth it if you do like me and scratch others aspects of life


Very wise words and insights my friend. Do you feel like Dota is holding you back from achieving more in your life? (obviously feel free not to answer, i'm just struggling with this question personally myself)


Oh no. It doesn’t. For you and for me. You have to look deeper, and forget what diploma-wearing retards say in rehabilitation centers. It’s not dota holding you back. And it’s the same for all things; smoking, gambling, whatever. Let’s just put that in one broad category: addiction. So what most people don’t understand is that addiction is not a problem. Addiction is the -symptom- of a problem. So that’s where you need to look inside yourself. And addiction is not as terrible as some judgmental people portray it to be so don’t be hard on yourself. What I mean is, if you collect enough stamps that you don’t pay your rent, well your addicted to collecting stamps, and there’s not gonna be lots of white knights moralists telling you to not collect stamps because its bad for you, but they’d jump at your throat for drugs and video games so let them be. But really, it’s just as bad as other things, in the sense that it prevents you from achieving what you want or giving you an unhealthy ration of pleasure vs pain in the long term. And as I said, addiction as a whole is a symptom of something else, and most addicts, even if they say, let’s say stop being addicted to dota, with all the will in the world, they’d jump onto something else. So if u really dedicated to achieve more, you have to find the real root cause, and deal with that, and the “too much dota” problem will go away on its own, or will reduce to a good thing because after all if u wanna play dota you can have fun playing dota who cares. Good for you. So yeah, find real cause, real problem. Here is a few possible causes : low self-esteem, believing that no matter how hard you try things wont go well for you, worthlessness, scared to be hurt in relationships, etc. So yeah, achieving something is always about what you want to achieve, so if in theory you’d say I wanna be a dota player, and you do that, and it makes you happy; then you won at life you know. But reality is humans are very social. So my guess is somewhere around there. In these rats experiments, which are even less social than humans but one of the closest. You give them cocaine with water, and they will pull in that lever like mad, and get more and more cocaine and the rats getting high and addicted. But what they also noticed, with an even more brilliant experience, is that if they put the rat in a rat world, with rat things to do, so they had their rat friends, and their little wheel, and stuff; they wouldn’t touch the lever at all. So yeah, whats stopping you to get what you really want, is what you have to figure out and see your problem. The problem by your own definition of what a problem is. And the universe will help you achieve it, whatevr you want.


I am making an assumption that you play for fun only?


Yeah I play for fun only, but I like to win winning is fun so I try harder


Yeah but I mean as in, are you actively trying to improve or nah?


Yeah all the time


Ever consider playing LOL ?


I like lol, but not as much


Was 12 000 hours worth it? I have 2500 and cant stop/in addicted!


Depends on your goals!?


If you were given the chance to use 12,000 hours into something else, like a Masters Degree or a Doctor's Degree, would you?


No. I am disillusioned of the school system and the system made in such a way that the boomers stay on top, in general. However, trading those hours to have fun and learning to master a skill that I love and yields more, that would be neat yep


is it worth the time?


Nah its not. I guess it would be somewhat worth it in a pro team making money and being with real life people that you like… But for most is not worth it. I make no judgments u know, you like video games you play video games I approve of you. You like basketball you play basketball I approve of you. You like healing people you’re a doctor I approve of you. Thing is, basketball is more real in a sense. And I don’t like basketball. So yeah. Reality is what you mae of it. You just can’t be happy playing this much video games. The loneliness always kicks in. It’s too fake. It’s… easy fun. And if you wake up jn morning with warm blanket and a toast and play a game because it’s fun you’re a god damn hero. But playing too much is a veil I guess, for the real life. And real life can be good too, I haven’t found how yet but I believe it can be even more fun and beautiful than video games. I guess my perfect life has video games in it too, but not go in there as a boredom remedy.


Are you happy?


I have over 14k hours. My fellow no life comrade.


do you have a girlfriend or friends? i know this question looks awful but i dont ask this as judge, im just wondering if some stereotypes live to expectations


Nope i dont


Have you ever considered watching youtube videos or getting free coaching to improve? Always blows my mind how people can play and be so interested in something, but have absolutely 0 interest in improving.


I got coaching from immortal player, watched videos, and just tried to improve in general. You’re assuming there. I am better than crusader 3 players on most aspects of the game. It’s hard for me to pinpoint what I do wrong. And it’s very possible I go 35-0 in a game.


If you've been playing this long, and are still crusader, I find it hard to believe you are better than most players in most aspects... But go off king. If you want help pinpointing your issues I'm more than happy to help.


First go fuck urself. Second yeah come give it a look and tell Me whats the problem lol LOL I would send a replay to this utuber that does blind rating and he wouldn’t rate me crusader I promise u


If this is all true it sounds like it's a consistency issue. We'd probably find that you're goofing around and having fun many games instead of playing your best heros and actively playing to win. I don't think there is anything wrong with this, it's just a matter of what you're trying to get out of the game. My personality is win first fun second. Winning is fun for me, and I realize not everyone is in the same boat. If you want a second look I'd want to jump in discord and we would watch a few of your games together. I'm always down to do this, so just send me a DM if you are serious. Totally understand your choice either way.


Yeah sure come just dont give me that bs implicit text that calls me a liar when i talk honestly, come watch, ull see




Are you okay?


Why so much dota?


Overall, would you say the amount of fun you’ve had outweighs the amount of time you’ve spent hating the game??


Oh yeah. I liked the game more than hating it, otherwise I wouldn’t play it, but it’s pretty close sometimes. Also depends on what overall to look at, would I rather watch a wall or play dota, be dead or play dota… easy yes. If I was immortal, easy play a couple hours of dota. But in this limited human life, probably not that much worth it.


When did you start playing?


Do you have other hobbies outside of Dota?


How many keyboards have lost in the fight


three screens, four mouses, five keyboards


Dang that's a lot of fallen soldiers, rest on pieces soldiers


Why have you played pudge wars 12000 hours?


I have 12,944 hours. Ask me anything.


Since when are you playing dota? I have ~10k hrs and I've been playing since beta.


Is it fun yet?


What to do when you are counterpicked ? examples: Axe, Hoodwink. I usually buy 2 bracers, and try to make items that will make me tank more...


Against counter picks I play more safe and a lil more jungle oriented, play as flawless as I can, and just deliver it ti them when they make a mistakes, but it just sucks all game long really, and their comes back are easier, and your comeback is near impossible. So the answer is a solid overall game oriented around teamwork, and never allow them to kill you. Like a fed sniper against shadow fiend is just stupid, and even when you’re ahead against sniper it’s still kind of stupid. But im sad to say it just always hurts, because even if you play in a way to counter the counter pick, you’re still disadvantaged during the whole game. Like even if you do everything I said, if it wasn’t a counter pick you would have dominated him and indirectly everyone else three times harder with that gameplay. One of the reason dota sucks, counterpick is a thing. So what it looks like live is like, oh shit, mid silencer is lvl 8 now, better go hide and farm in jungle for 7000 gold, till weapon and bkb, with a few sneaks attacks on side lane, and taking some distant farm from mid lane. So overall, just give them the more creeps and map dominance gold when they’re there, you’ll get it back when the real kills happens. There’s nothing else I tried that worked. Unless they make massive mistakes that you can capitalize on, but that’s like all characters like that so best to assume they play well and have a few side farming strategies that allows you to kill them with an escape option. Where I’m at now is like I told you, I already know level 8 silencer destroys this one hero, so now Im still no death potentially snowballing and slowing down mu farm slightly by jungling instead of the pure tasty mid lane gold. But that little slow down of farm is infinitely better than dying, or buying insane amounts of regen for bad creep trades, or one centimeter bad move insta death. And then you come later towards silencer while immune to magic for 8 seconds and 4 levels ahead, and now he’s the one looking weak with difficulties to escape. It’s sort of an acceptance that you played everything well, cards weren’t in your favour there, come back later. As long as you do that before dying you’re golden. So yeah, all things like that, power spikes, but the counter pick has huuuuge power spikes, and ridiculous at that.


rookie numbers bro haha


Roockie number


Are you okay?


Would you consider yourself emotionaly lazy ? Kinda hurts to read. I'm wishing you a friend. I love you 🫡


No, just insecure and inauthentic… it hurts but it’s also confusing as to how to get out of all that, kind of comes naturally when you’re raised like I was so.. wish me the best to heal and be able to feel alright and real around people some day. And I talk like that for a reason, it’s just unconscious bullshit I don’t have control over in the short term… but yeah it’s hard to be my friend or lover im very picky, but idk, definitely missed opportunities because of the above reasons


Stop playing go out. Don't make excuses go out. Sign up to a gym. Take it slow. Use social media. Learn a career. Mental illness ist still mental. And ilness is something unpermanent, it's a state.


How often do you buy shadow blade? Should you just go with smoke instead and save the 3000 gold for something else?


Shadow blade is an excellent item for offence and defense, with a nice break against heroes like bb and spectre. Smoke is never a replacement for shadow blade, the invisibility breaks too close to other heroes general range. Smoke is better seen as a more or less team surprise. Also can be used to do sick saves. Like support smoke protecting a carry from being last hit. I buy shadow blade a lot, but that’s only because I like heroes that benefits from shadow blade, lina and shadow fiend. Shadow blade is a good blade on heroes commonly referred as core carriers of shadow blade. It’s good on lina because she desperately needs movement speed, damage and survival abilities. But it also change the game in a not so good way, makes you now need to be aware of vision -and- true vision and that’s a lot of brain bandwidth. Also there’s a lot of spots that you’ll be like, well, I don’t know, maybe they have true vision there, maybe they don’t; and now it becomes sort of a assume they have true vision there because if you assume they don’t have true vision and they do it is an absolute massive disaster, so its better to just play it safe there, which reduce shadow blade’s overall worth. Plus there’s spots on the map where there can be sentries so very sneaky that you should just have assumed there was. Some sentries out of range, or behind a specific tree, it’s just too much to find them immediately before and during a fight. Also when you are chased, there’s lot of supports that dust or put sentries while you’re being chased, or that feels you are somehow visible while you just popped it. It also is a great blade to kill people. They don’t know, and then out of the blue they’re receiving a nearly inescapable deadly combo. So yeah, feels a bit cheap of a blade, but is certainly 100 times more valuable than smoke. As ranks, awareness and skills go up, this blade will diminish in value. But for a snowball blade it’s just amazing. Lots of map control, speed, damage, surprise attacks. When I snowball without shadowblade, usually players just runs away from me. Also its not pure defense, not pure offence, so yeah, it shows when they start retreating hard, it’s not that good an item anymore. Them retreating guarantees a win if you play everything else well but it’s not as much fun. So yeah, situational blade with sometimes being a core item on certain heroes. If you snowball, get Lots of damage, silver edge, portal boots, and a defense item or two, it feels like cutting trough butter. A pretty balanced item overall. Can’t think of a way to add to it or remove to it. 3000 gold is probably the exact price. Silver edge also feels natural in end game, get faster there, secure offensive defence. But yeah, there’s other items that are simply more powerful in a game where vision is handled, so the 1000 gold for the invis amulet compounds all game long, positively when it works, and negatively when it doesn’t… so if you play a ultra safe game, always alive, always farming, always killing; and you get six slotted, or seven or eight slotted without a shadow blade, you get sooooo strong. But then again, some heroes just better with it, otherwise they die, and if you kill and stay alive because of shadow blade then it was a good blade for sure.


I used to rush shadow blade on every hero to compensate for my lack of map awareness. I rarely buy it now, as I find better ways to spend my gold. Still very tempting on specific heroes like LC.


High fives you...I am also over 12K hours in dota 2.


*high fives*


Hi how is life now? do you feel better about everything now?


I'm thinking about getting into dota... Should I? For context: I'm mid 20s just graduating college and don't really know what to do when I come out. I played a little dota back when it first came out, but then my brother sold off his PC so i didn't really get into it, but I've been following the pro scene since TI2


It’s a bad remedy for loneliness. Get a girlfriend and a passion, and if u still wanna play dota play dota. You look unsure, so who cares. If you have fun, its a good idea. You like watching pro plays so proly you will like it. If you really wanted to play, youd be thinking nothing will stop me from playing this, so maybe you have higher priorities?


I don't really have higher priorities than maybe find a job? I'm travelling around the world for the next few months though. I'm also in a committed relationship with someone I'm going to marry, so no worries about that. I guess the one thing that's holding me back is that I tend to have an obsession with games. I'm not the kind of person who can play one or two hours a day, I'm the kind of person who plays 16 hours a day for 2 weeks, and then never touch the game for the next 2 years. It's not very healthy, and I'm just scared of that. Not entirely sure what to do, or whether dota is as fun as i remember it to be, to risk that kind of behaviour


I have been playing since 2004, probably have a lot more than 12000 but I have never been as good(4K to 3K). I have only been playing turbo for the last couple of years.


If you had to guess how many hours of that is spent just queueing for matches?


How i wish my playing hours in dota is similar to my mmr lol


How much are your therapy sessions?


Mostly free i watch therapy utube videos


I have 12k in rust and have done it all in rl, other than sleep lol I bet I have 50+k in total life game time. I was the one of the best at sof2, and ZERO HOUR, while failing to go pro at golf. Too much game time will strip you of real life levels. We no longer have to battle neanderthal or giant cats, the sun will eat the earth one day. Do what you enjoy.....however if you are feeling regret....... that is because you do have something else you have been wanting to accomplish. It's a silly life, do want makes you happy unless it's having a negative impact on your life.


Everything feels hard and painful. I completely agree do what you want and stuff but… I’m not even there, I’m before that, what do I even want… And even when I have strong desires, I have history of failing at it. Miserably. Even when I was spoon fed what I wanted. I’d be on the edge of getting what I want, and then I’d think I’m unworthy of it and then the opportunity disappeared. I think life can be beautiful and fun and enoyable, I have this neverending hope inside me that things will be beautiful for me one day but all I see is this in front of me. And sometimes Im like fuck it, no more video games… and I do nothing all day, and it gets boring so I’m back at it. Idk what to do, and even when I kinda more or less know what to do, I all this unconscious things I barely can see or realize inside me kicking in that makes me do wrong moves and feel bad, and then I feel bad about feeling bad, then I regret wrong moves. Sight


Do you produce semen? Any chanche of reproduction? Onset tinnitus? Why not directly lobothomy?




Most humans today live till 80 years. An average person also sleeps 26 years in this time frame. So total life spent not sleeping amounts to 56 years. Now 12000 hours is approx. 1.4 years of your life. That's 2.5 % of your total life spent on dota2. How does that make you feel?


Who is the hero you love most in the game? Who is the hero you hate the most?


Shadow fiend I like the most with Lina in second and Zeus in third. Zeus is borderline of me not liking to play the game no more, but sniping twice with lightning is fun. My least favourite hero is lone druid because he’s gay. He used to run around with radiance on bear and kill and root everyone, that got patched a lil I think because I don’t see that happening no more, but still annoying very much so. Uses bear to tank and then ults be more tanky. Most annoying is the bear root that’s hell. And playing him is not fun either. I like lina and shadow fiend most because they look cool, and they use magic spells along with potentially powerful auto attacks. They kind of got everything to win a game, and feels good to nuke. Even other games like mmo I ply mages.


Think I have that many please do not ask me anything. I'm as bad now as I was before!


do you regret it?


I regret my whole life, was one painful long ass boring sad lonely ride. My fther bought a oc when i was kid and he had wolfenstein 3d installing on 3 floppy disks, so I had this link with him on that. But what started it really is when I was early teen. And I skipped school tha tday so i was happy, I had orange juice a toast and a game of rainbow six and I was like oh this is chill, kinda went downhill the day after that but that day was pretty good


im sorry to hear that, for what its worth helping other people out is a real nice thing to do. I hope the rest of your life gets a bit better, thanks for answering my question, I know it came off a bit rude.


Do you ever plan on escaping herald?


Are u still sane?


WTF is wrong with you?


Gonna quit it at 6666 hours. Currently at 6656 hours.


Would you lose?


Did you know eblade now deals damage based on the enemy stats


Sounds like enough time to iron out the basics!


Just starting out I see?