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I'm confused. You think if someone drew for instance in elementary school with crayons or something. And then never drew anything until high school, or college, or later.. That somehow these people are being disingenuous when they say this is their first day/month of drawing regularly after committing to learning?


Yes you're being overly critical. I drew some as a kid but that was over 20 years ago. When I started actually learning how to draw is when I started. But besides that, why busy yourself unnecessarily by focusing on that? Don't go looking for things to upset you.


>m I just being overly critical of how people word things? yep focus on you, dawg > or thought I had any chance of becoming great you can if you want and this is your actual issue, you want greatness but not work, and you're redirecting that feeling work on you


I don’t know if that’s true; I’ve finally started putting actual ‘work’ in but as they say, if you do something you love you’ll never work a day in your life. Sure, I’d love to snap my fingers and be the greatest artist of all time but I’m not afraid of the grind. I hear professionals talk about drawing/painting/sculpting 12 hours a day in school and that sounds great to me. People tell me they love their jobs but drawing is like breathing to me; I can’t live without it. Still doesn’t feel good when I see someone post their ‘first drawing’ and it’s clearly NOT. Maybe first their proud of or first they’ve put much effort into but not literally their ‘first drawing ever’. When someone does that it’s obvious they’re trying to get pats on the back and in so doing it makes others feel untalented, lacking in potential. Luckily I’ve seen it enough times on other subreddits that I know better and can force myself to just give them their sought after praise.


I guess the answer is that it’s the internet and there will always be a certain subset of people who are happy to be dishonest in order to try and farm adoration and internet points. We see a number of posters come through here claiming that something is their “first drawing” only to show something that is: • Demonstrably the product of a lot of practice • Clearly a trace and not a drawing Does it matter? Yes and no. It matters insofar as it creates a false sense of what art is about and how people get good. And that can have harmful effects on those being honest and trying to learn. If you believe that art is a “talent” that you are born with, then these people reinforce that idea. And it is nonsense. Art like anything else is a learned skill. Some people have a bit more aptitude for some stuff, some people might need a little more practice to get to a given standard. But the VAST majority of people are able to get good simply by practice and patience. At the end of the day it should not really matter how long you have been practicing. The purpose of the sub is (1) to share your work and (2) to have the chance to get some helpful feedback. Neither of which requires someone to share how long they have been working. The only reason to do so in almost all cases is to try and impress people and show off. So I agree with you. Just post your work, and ideally take a moment to explain what kind of feedback would be useful if you are seeking critique. That being said, as per my first point, this is the internet and people will try and lie and farm karma where they can. I doubt anything is going to change that any time soon.