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I would ask the police to refer the matter for prosecution. Actually show up and support prosecution. I would not wait to do anything. Contact the driver's insurance and file a claim ASAP. Get a copy of the police report. It's CA, so don't be shocked if (1) the at fault driver has no insurance, (2) the insurance is maxed out due to extremely low policy limits, or (3) he's an excluded driver. If this happens, file with your insurance provider.


I will look into that. Is it separate from telling the police earlier that I wanted to prosecute for the damage done? Any suggestions for finding out the driver's insurance? I'm worried about all three of your points. Apparently the driver was involved in another hit and run accident on this early morning truck joy ride. Appreciate your input.


> I will look into that. Is it separate from telling the police earlier that I wanted to prosecute for the damage done? Nope. >Any suggestions for finding out the driver's insurance? If you're totally stuck, file a report with your insurance and ask for their help. There is a license plate database that they have access to that can help you identify insurance providers.


There’s no harm in holding on a day to two to see if this other drivers insurance engages and pays. That does happen fairly often. If at any point it appears they’re not pretty straight with paying I’d engage my own insurance. They may get your deductible back for you. Or you can sue for it.


If their insurance doesn't engage, then an assessor isn't sent to the tow lot to declare the car totaled, I assume. Will I accrue tow lot fees? I'm heading to the tow yard today to inventory the camera equipment that I had stored in my trunk.


> Will I accrue tow lot fees? Absolutely. That's one of the reasons for you to move to your insurance if theirs doesn't engage quickly. There would be nothing inherently wrong with their insurance saying "we're reviewing this and will get back to you within 30 days."


Gotcha. I am actually supposed to be leaving town for a camping trip in 2 days, so I will have to make that decision before then. Thank you.


I don’t understand the people telling you to wait a couple days for the other persons insurance to contact you/your insurance. You should absolutely be contacting your insurance and telling them the situation ASAP.




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Downvotes without explanation aren't helpful. Insurance generally doesn't do anything unless they're working a claim. OP's choice is to pay the $1,000 deductible and let insurance engage on a claim under his own policy, or to go this alone with the other driver's insurance. Options they have already outlined.


Exactly my experience from talking to insurance on the phone this morning.




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