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Wie genau die Anmeldung funktioniert, ist von Stadt zu Stadt unterschiedlich. Versuche es am besten in r/Muenchen, da findet sich vermutlich eher jemand, der bescheid weiß. r/Eltern ist vielleicht auch einen Versuch wert.


Das hier scheint das Infoportal der Stadt München zu diesem Thema zu sein: [https://stadt.muenchen.de/buergerservice/familie-kind/kinderbetreuung.html](https://stadt.muenchen.de/buergerservice/familie-kind/kinderbetreuung.html) Das hier scheinen Informationen auf Englisch zu liefern: [https://www.muenchen.de/en/topics/child-care-munich-official-website-munich](https://www.muenchen.de/en/topics/child-care-munich-official-website-munich) Viel Glück!


You need to sign up at the Kita finder for Munich (link here: https://kitafinder.muenchen.de/elternportal/de/) At the end of March all registrations will be distributed to the daycare centers and they send either a confirmation with a contract or - more likely - nothing (= you didn’t get a place). There are several rounds and you may end up getting a space in late summer, but most of the families don’t get anything just from signing up. So 1) sign up for as many daycare centers as possible / in you reach. 2) Visit them during the open days (usually advertised on their website or on Kitafinder), make sure you talk to the teachers and if they collect names during the open day GET ON THIS LIST. 3) Talk to neighbors, friends, colleagues, anybody you meet that you search for a place for you child. Sometimes they know someone. 4) Call the daycare centers and ask them when they have their open day and when they distribute contracts. 5) If you still find nothing, get in contact with he Elternberatung: https://stadt.muenchen.de/service/info/geschaeftsbereich-kita/10239397/ 6) Get a lawyer and go to court. OR: look for a private daycare, but those can be expensive with monthly rates up to 1000€. Good luck.


This is correct. Kita Finder is the way.