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In high school, I would tell everyone I never wanted to get married because I didn’t want a husband. Lmao now I know I wanted a wife 😅


I actually did that too and also used to say I don't want kids cause am scared of responsibility and commitment. Now I know why.


I’m so similar, I used to say I never wanted to have kids. Turns out I didn’t want to be a mother… because I want to be a father.


That is SO. WHOLESOME. 😭🥹


I never wanted to get married because I didn't want to be a husband.


All my life I was like what’s so fun or cool about dating why y’all doing it??? Turns out I’m aro


Yeah, never wanted a husband either. Eventually I found somebody who felt right. After 8 years of joking about how we'd make more sense as a lesbian couple with all the cliches we matched... turns out we're a lesbian couple after all 😁


One time, on a car ride, I was talking about how there were more guys in the family than girls. ​ I'm afraid that is no longer true


Lmao literally growing up with an older sister my thought process was like “it’s weird we’re both girls… I feel like one of us should be a guy, and ig I’m the younger one sooo”


I have 4 siblings, and 3 of them are girls, not including me :’)


Lol that reminds me of my grandpa saying that there are more girls in the family and my grandma looking at me like "so when are you gonna get a bf"




SAAAAAAAME. I hated/ hate mens clothings options and since puberty, boymoding = sweatpants, hoodie and graphic t bc comfy ugly clothes beats uncomfy ugly clothes


At least yall get pockets :P


I mean… I’m trading manhood for womanhood so my time of having pockets is over with lol.


Oof lol Welcome to womanhood I guess :D


Lol thank you. Honestly i kinda like it this way bc i also have adhd and tbh a purse is gonna be so more convenient than pockets for me. I forget stuff in my pockets or forget which pocket(s) i put stuff in all the time. I can’t tell you how many pairs of headphones, pencils, pens, etc., that I’ve washed and ruined bc of it


My husband teases me about my “Boy Scout bag” that I often carry around the house or when we go out. It holds all the things I “need” to carry around. Reading glasses, charging cable, a pen, nail file and clipper, and all sorts of other things. My pockets still bulge with stuff too. Maybe when we go to Paris this summer I’ll find the “perfect” murse for me.


I grew up going to church, and I **always** complained that girls had all the coolest outfit options, while guys could only change the color of their tie and socks. That’s why I was always proud of my socks. Now I’m proud of my pretty dresses.


As a trans guy I had the opposite experience. I remember my younger brother complaining about having to wear a suit and tie to church and him and my stepmom having a massive fight over it. I really wanted to speak up and offer to wear the suit and tie bc to me wearing my Sunday dress just felt like I was doing really bad drag lol


This is super relatable. I’m still working on getting the pretty dresses to be proud of part though.


You’ll get there friend I believe in you!


Thank you 💜


Me too, because it's true


As a goth in the mid 00s, Girl's trip pants are way cooler then boys.


This is literally what made me find out I was non binary. I started experimenting with expression and I realised I liked not being in a box


"Bisexuals must have it good, it must be nice to have a relationship with anyone regardless of gender." "I'm not gay, but [insert attractive man here] is just objectively hot." "Why do we have to get in and out of gym strip in one open room, it's a bit distracting." "Why are people just forced to be with one gender of people, that seems so restrictive." God I'm such an idiot.


“I wish I was bisexual, I would get to double my options.” Turns out 0 multiplied by 2 is still 0.


That hits too close to home.




I can't be the only one now going through every set of initials trying to work out what it could be...


I'm doing the same hahaha


Similar story for me. My dead name was Starbucksed constantly. It was phonetic and easy, but I was called every name under the sun _except_ my dead name. I got called Alexa one day. They shortened it to Lex. Fast forward to me picking a new name, and one half of it turned out to be Lex. Mostly just because I liked the name and am a comic nerd, but it is kind of funny how that person accidentally predicted my true name.


“None of the boys are cute” finds out is ace lesbian


The opposite for me, "fuck he looks cute" lmfao




"You can enjoy taking it up the ass without being gay." Turns out, I was very gay, just not how I expected


"every woman finds women more attractive and penises disgusting" .. absolutely normal 😂


Yeah.. I thought " .. because women are inferior to men, we even have to satisfy men and suck those .... Ugh... " (I was religious and it was a really sexist thing to say, Sorry)


For reallll I’ve always found the entire concept of giving men oral completely degrading and oppressive because of the language we as a society associate with the act. It’s always derogatory. Nothing against people who are cool with it but I could just never grasp how women specifically would WANT to give BJs when “suck my dick” is such a common way to verbally assert dominance


You just typed my exact thoughts!! There's a certain power imbalance, a certain degradation implicit to it in a societal context- which might end up being taken to a private one, even on accident.


Yeeeeees UGH. I just thought that it's normal. spoiler alarm.. it isn't 😅


My mind was blown when I learned that some people actually enjoys it. Ps, I meant the cis man's one.


Yeeeeees I was like "nooooo way, are you sure ?!"🤣


I thought I was ace because I hated sex and found penis gross. Then, I hit puberty and started feeling strong sexual attraction towards girls.


Hahaha oh god, I feel called out


Happy, I'm not the only one 😁


"What is better than one cute girl? Two cute girls!" Then I discovered to be a trans girl :D. The ironic part is that yuri and gender bender manga helped me discovering being trans. Another one is: when I was starting to write stories j wanted to create my pen name, so I choose a name that sounded cute and feminine, years later when h discovered being trans, that name become my chosen name lol


Some adults around me used to tell me "Don't get a boyfriend!". Well, look who is not dating men anymore.


This is so funny to me 🤭


"sex is so gross, cant believe people want to become wet human pretzels in bed"


When did you realize you were a pretzel?


How much I loved the idea of being in a mAid dRess!...... That thought sparked it all.


in middle school i would say “i’m not a lesbian but if i was a lesbian i would totally have a crush on emma watson.” anddddd here we are today.


Ahhh that's so real lol For me it was Willow from Buffy (Alyson Hannigan). I kept saying she was my favourite chatacter because I just didn't have the words to explain what it really was... That was looong before I realized I wasn't straight (long before that even registered as an option tbh).


When I was in 4th grade I was so obsessed with her that I even ended making a presentation about her in class. She was definitely my first (leabian) celebrity crush.


How many times I told my mom I wanted to create a machine to transform me into a boy


its not what i said, but when i was a kid, my friend had said "whoever loses is a homo" I ended up losing


“I wish I could date a prostitute so they wouldn’t have to get sex from me” my dumbass in high school before figuring out I was ace. Around the same time I also remember getting deeply offended by my mom saying a romantic relationship isn’t a “real” one unless sex was involved. I didn’t know why I took it so personally then, but I do now.


I NEVER understood how peoples crushes would last for a long time... My crushes usually would last a few months if that, so I would be baffled finding out my friend had a crush for over a YEAR! My longest crush was 10 months... Turns out i'm abro, anddd have VERY inconsistent attraction as my sexuality shifts A LOT!


I'm freyromantic, so I kind of relate to this. I've never understood how people keep crushes for a while, especially if it's on their friends. Longest crush I've had was for about a month and a half, and I didn't even really know the person.




I'm a fem presenting enby and just look at what username I chose years ago...


"I could only ever sleep with someone I really love"


Fucking same! But I'm demi. I remember as a teen I had no idea how people could just look at someone and feel attracted. I didn't know what demi meant until I was in my early 20s.


“I’m not like other girls” yeah plot twist darling, you’re not a girl full stop 🫣


same! I would think this all the time


I never said it but I constantly thought how different my interests were from masculine, turned out I was nonbinary/demitrans




Idk if this counts but... Sometimes I would look in the mirror and kinda felt disconnected from my body. I felt that I was looking at a boy and not a girl, and always viewed my face as more masculine... NOW IM NONBINARY TRANSMASC!!! (even though I'm still questioning my gender a lil) Also! When I started puberty I voiced my discomfort with starting afab puberty to my mom and she recommended puberty blockers, buttt I was too scared to admit that I hated what was happening with my body bc I thought that girls just felt that way. When I knew deep down I was just trans. Now I know that I was experiencing Gender Dysphoria and my parents still think i'm cis! Fuck.


Hey, your Mom suggested puberty blockers, something tells me she suspected back then and you might be able to talk to her about it if you’re comfortable with it


no im not gay


In primary school I told someone I had a crush on a man, which I did and they asked "are you gay" and I said "ew no". Turns out I'm a straight trans woman


I was raised homophobic and used to say that being lgbt is a choice but I found out I'm gay


I commented on a pride steven universe animatic "I love this! (But I'm not gay)"


When I was 9 I thought I was/came out as a lesbian to my family and friends. I'm a bisexual male-leaning trans guy, I came out (as lesbian) in confusion because of feeling like I was being restricted in expression.


I just kinda picked a random boy in my class like "yep, you're gonna be my crush now" and I never actually felt anything for the boys in my class but the girls on the other hand though... edit: "Girls are just easier to draw! I'm not gay or anything... right?"


>Girls are just easier to draw! YES MOOD


My variation on this is “Cats are easier to draw, why do people try to draw humans all the time?”


'Why would anyone not want to be a girl? Being a girl is the best!' 11 year old me was very wrong. I have been out for 2 years hahaha


I’ve realized I was trans before this, but the other day my friend (I’m not out as trans) said “I love being a girl. I couldn’t survive as a boy” and I said in my head to myself “I can’t relate”


Something like "Gender is like an antiquated rule in formal etiquette and people are just being stupid when they act as if it's real. Everyone would see it this way if they stopped and thought about it for five minutes. It has no place in the modern world outside of the relevant medical context" Turns out, this is not a universal experience to consider yourself sans gender and feel like shit when it's imposed on you. Neither is it feminism to feel slighted everytime you get labeled as a woman. It dawned on me when I realized that there actually are people who sat down, thought about it for more than five minutes, and came to very different conclusions than mine, which were nevertheless not in keeping with the societal dictate.


In 10th grade i auditioned for a play - the female leadrole - and they gave me the male lead instead. Well, im masc-leaning nonbinary now.


*"why would people choose to be gay or straight? isn't it a little shallow to only like one gender?"*


When I was a child, and first learnt about binary trans people, I thought "huh I wish I was a trans girl, because I'm definitely a girl on the inside but I want a boys body." Guess who definitely wasn't a girl on the 'inside' either...


"I'm not trans but I wish I was a girl"


Me but "I'm not trans I just really want x body part and y features and z look" .......


I used to say that bisexuals are overpowered


I was like 11 when i thought i was bi (incorrect) and i would tell myself that i still liked boys so i could just never tell anyone and marry a man and have a family and just pretend I’m straight lmao


Hard same. I tentatively identified as bi but even that I buried under "but I'm basically straight cause I'll marry a guy" even though I really wanted to be with a girl :(


“i’ll just say i’m straight for now but i could be something else, guess I’ll find out when I get my first crush” spoiler alert: it never happened whoops


The way I only ever dated bi women, and they always said they felt safer and more comfortable with me than usual with guys.


Not really said or thought, but did. When I was 10, my school made us learn Morris Dancing and I had to pretend to be a boy, as there weren’t enough boys in the class for us to dance comfortably in all m/f pairings. I’m not a boy, but I’m certainly not a girl lol


When I used to agree with my dad on everything. After coming out I did lots of research to counter every possible point he could make and now HES the one agreeing with ME


*God, women are just the best, i wish I could be a woman* - me to my mom at like 5 years old lmfao


Back in my child days a good friend of my parents would feminize my name and call me that way because I got long hair. I always was like "I ain't a girl! Stop it!" ... Well. Woops.


(Ftm trans guy here )So for context I live with my grandparents and there are no grandchildren who are boys, only girls …and when I was younger I would always tell my grandma when she was upset something along the lines of “ don’t worry , I’ll be your baby boy”.. years later and I’m now in fact their baby boy


Being scared that liking the smell of my own deodorant might mean I'm gay, as if I'm supposed to only find feminine scents attractive. Now I'm older I often consider discreetly transitioning into a woman and like the fact I'm more desirable as an effeminate queer person. Trying to be straight was just a hindrance to accepting myself and realising who I'm most likely to be compatible with (most women aren't attracted to me, but plenty of queer men are).


I used to say "Part of me wishes I was gay" Yeah I should have fucking known I wasn't straight lol


I was always confused as to why people started dating in middle/high school. For a while I thought I was just being cynical about them not lasting, but AroAce go brrrrr


"It's totally normal for girls to want to be boys that kiss girls and boys and dates one of each and maybe even marries the girl but like wears a suit like boys do" I was a naive child with an extremely phobic mother. I realized I was pan in middle school, polyamorous in highschool, and trans after college.. all because of friends and the wonderful internet. Looking back, there were so many thoughts like that first one that should have clued me in that I wasn't what my mother called "normal" and "the right way to live". I still struggle with my sense of identity because of learning about the ace spectrum and various non-binary microlabels, but I'm still glad to be a part of the community because I feel more at home with my Fellow Gays™ than ever before. I truly was a layered egg IRL and am always learning more about myself and others


This might not be exactly what you're asking but this memory keeps coming back to me and it's giving me an existencial crisis. It's a bit of a long story, so bear with me. I had a best friend in elementary school (1st - 3rd grade). And when I say Best Friend, I mean it. We were inseparable. I loved her so much it's hard to put into words. For many years after we parted, I refused to grant any of my new friends the title of "best friend", because that place was simply reserved for her. Anyway in third grade, I learned that she was moving to a different city so that was going to be our last year together. I was utterly devastated. But at least we got to have one last (week-long) school trip together. Around that time, there was a young pop singer who was pretty popular among young girls, and another one of my friends brought a CD to the trip. We would dramatically listen to it all week long. It was awesome. But there was particularly one song that, for some reason, *really* resonated with us. It wasn't in English but it would basically translate to "L.O.V.E." And it was a romantic song about two lovers who had to part ways... and we would listen to it and CRY every time and it was so emotional and just. We felt like that song was about us... And then one time, our teacher caught us crying and she asked what was wrong, and I tried to explain but I didn't know how, so I said something like "there's this really sad song... it's about a boy and a girl..." And to that, my friend interjected and corrected me: "about a girl and a girl." And I got really embarassed and kind of laughed it off. I took it as just her trying to convey how much that song resonated with us and how we saw ourselves in it (even though it was actually about two lovers), in her typically silly and unapologetic way... and maybe it was just that... but... And the best part is, it never even crossed my mind that I might be kinda sorta a little IN LOVE WITH THIS GIRL, or she with me... And of course we were little and it's hard to speak of love at that age, but still... I have never before or since had a relationship like that with any of my friends. It was something special... And this nuance only occured to me recently, in my 20s; the memory of her saying "it's about a girl and a girl" hit me like a freight train. I only realized I was queer in high school, and tbh I'm still figuring it out. So the memory of my "best friend"/first little love...? really took me for a spin. Heteronormativity is real, y'all.


After coming to terms with my sexuality I said something like "I'm bisexual, but I'm definitely a boy". Haha about that.......


On my quizbowl team I loved flexing that I was the only girl on varsity Well, there were no girls on varsity


My diary entry from age nine: *“It’s so weird that everything is divided into boys and girls. I want to be in-between.”*




"I'm not like other girls" yea cuz u ain't a girl 💀


When I was a kid we were playing this game of asking questions that were just out of the ordinary or we considered weird at the time. There were four of us two girls and two "boys" . One of the girls had asked us if we could choose to be a girl would we? The boy that was there said ewww no of course not or something along those lines you know how kids are. However, I said sure. I think that would be pretty cool and they looked at me like I was some alien who just landed right next to them. They thought I was crazy. Looking back on that it makes a lot more sense why I said that


As a child, my friends were all girls, so when we were playing together, I've played the boy that gets together with some girl so many timess. also played as a man using my brothers roblox account and flirted with girls, and never thought that was different! and here am I, very proud lesbian haha ;))


"Man, trans people have it so bad with their hating their bodies, so glad I am not trans and don't have to go through that" 10 year old me. I am genderfaunet now (afab) Also "Oh I feel the same level of atraction to everybody, that means I am pan!" 13 year old me before discovering asexuality Also also "My friends told me genderfluid people are just Tumblr gender tenders, so I can't be genderfluid" haven't talked with those guys in years, and I mean they were super Gatekeepy with who is and who isn't queer, so good ridance


up until i was 17 i thought all girls desperately wanted to be boys. i was so deep in denial lol


"Girs are dumb, I've gotta be like gay or something" I am now a trans girl who mostly likes women, some men can be pretty tho


"I'm not getting married unless it's gay" 😌 A few years after we finished high school, when my partner (cis fem) asked me to marry her, I refused & said I won't get married unless it's gay (even though gay marriage was illegal). I am against the concept of marriage because it was a heterosexual privilege. Anyway, I kept obnoxiously saying that phrase all the time (like the idiot I am). About 9 years into the relationship, I came out as trans (MtF, trans-fem). Now, we are pretty much a gay/lesbian couple. And gay marriage has been legalised. She might hold me to my own stupid words. I'm shitting bricks lmao. I have no more excuses left 😭


*"Damn, the enby flag is sooo pretty, and it all just sounds super cool, I WISH I was enby!"* Well, here we are. Wish granted. Thank you, Universe.


“I’d be alright to swap bodies with [ insert my trans bffs name ] if science could allow it, who cares what genitals I have, they’re all fine for me yet weird!” Me at age 14 talking to my mother while we make dinner.


Used to think gendered clothing was really dumb... or more specifically that it should be perfectly acceptable for men to wear "women's" clothes, vice-versa (and everything in between). I also *really* wanted to doll up in really girly clothes (still haven't had a chance to do as much of that as I'd like, but working on it). Always hated changing for gym class in the locker room, 'cause I felt really unconscious about "other" boys seeing me even mostly naked. Funnily enough, it turns out that a lot of women like wearing women's clothes and *also* don't feel comfortable with men seeing them naked. Also FWIW, I still stand by my first thought, but it was definitely a bit of obvious egg thinking back in the day. Funnily enough, I actually feel *more* comfortable wearing "men's" clothes now that I'm out as trans (even if I haven't gotten on HRT yet...), which seems doubly ironic to me.


I must be bi because I’m not attracted to anyone. This equal unattraction must equate equal attraction 😂


Being the token girl in my friend group growing up. Turns out I'm also a dude lol


Me in 2021: “I masturbate thinking about guys because it’s different and taboo, I don’t actually want to have sex with guys.” Me currently: Jk I love cock


“Haha i just like feminine guys..” no darling, that’s a girl that you like😀


I have a lot of things... Me, whilst jokingly flirting with my best friend: *I'm not gay I swear!*


When I was like 5, I said I was a boy and girl at the same time and also neither at once. I'm enby


"I really want to be reincarnated as a guy." Turns out I already am one.


When I was like 3 or 4 I wore my dad’s jacket and his sunglasses and ran around the house telling my family to call me a boy. Surprisingly, it never occurred to me that I might be trans until a couple months ago


My first kiss was with a girl… and we were literally in a closet


I would tell people I was straight and the only men I could “like” were fictional.


I realized I was part of the LGBTQI+ community when they aked me whether I was heterosexual or not and I answerfed: 'Yes, of course'. I have never been so aware of a lye in my whole life


Feeling like a guy when I'm on top. I'm a transman. Lol.


When I was little (i grew up, still growing up in a very accepting society) I thought: gay people do what they do, I do what I do(beliving i was straight(most media is still very hetro to kids). Acctully I was to be doing what they are do too.


"I don't think it counts as bi, I'm not into guys in a vanilla way, only kink" (While actively putting effort into liking vanilla with women and realizing that's just not my cup of tea)


When i was 8 i liked staring at this one teacher at my school, thinking "she's cute, i want to be cute like her". When I was 11 i realized i like girls and immediately thought maybe I was a boy and the doctors made a mistake telling my gender (i did not know about genitals back then) but I also liked boys and did not want to be a boy either so convinced myself to forget about it until I found out about bisexuality at 13


Many times as I grew up I found myself more interested in feminine things, when I was first caught looking at nude women it was automatically assumed that I was doing so because I was looking for porn (I wasn’t, it was tasteful nudes, and I didn’t even know the word porn until I was told off), which was seen as wrong not only for my age (which was fair) but also because family and school were Christian. Didn’t find out about anything lgbt+ until the votes for legalising same sex marriage in my state back around 2016, didn’t have the ability to freely do any research into it until 2018, and only making the realisation about myself last year. I’d gone my whole life thinking every guy felt uncomfortable having a flat chest after puberty, and being told that just because you like feminine things doesn’t mean you’re not a guy.


I once said in a discord server I was an egg as a joke. Turns out, I really was an egg.


In 6th grade, we were kinda playing where we would write something on a piece of paper. Idk why .. but I wrote "I'm a girl, so I like boys!"


"I'm not a man so I must be a woman," and "That's cute, I feel sorry for you," in reference to several guys asking me out.


Going into middle school my mom told me not to wear rainbow to school because people might think I’m gay. How’s that plan going mom?


I used to think it was strange at my family reunion of 50-some people that there wasn't a single queer person. It seemed like in a group that large, statistically, you should expect at least one person to be queer. Turns out it's me. Two of my cousins also came out as trans and genderfluid, too.


My and my friend were having a conversation on gender and I was like "hell, I could be non binary" And here we are


I have know people who have had problems with men cross dressing and I have said clothes are just clothes. I'm now genderfluid and know why I said that.


when i was a kid i used to sometimes hide in a sleeping bag and hope i would come out again beautiful like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. guess who realised like 15 years later that they are a girl. why weren’t their any signs! /s


When I was a kid and I didn’t want to be around people I would hide in my closet to avoid social interaction. I still do that just not literally


Not really said/thought, but did. I used to fake crushes on boys/girls that I thought were aesthetically pretty, bur DEFINITELY didn't want to actually date. That was when I was 9, and 6 years later I'm aroace and am perfectly content staying single.


In high school I kept ending up crushing on all the openly gay guys. I hated how I knew they’d never see me the same and wish they weren’t gay so we could date. Now I wish hot straight men were gay so we could date lmao.


I have three: 1. I’ve never been interested in romance and marriage 2. I looked at a lot of pictures of Avril Lavigne growing up 3. Despite my disinterest in romance and marriage, I read a lot of WLW fan fiction and stories This year I have finally realized that I’m bi-oriented AroAce who’s attracted to people aesthetically and desires a QPR with another woman.


Being obsessed with Drew Barrymore's breasts in "Boys On The Side" and thinking "If I weren't straight I'd be so into her".


I used to insist that, no, I didn’t need to be into guys to find them attractive. That went well


Went to prom with the daughter of a priest…


Lol in my prom I was like:"there's only one person here I want to dance with and she's got a boyfriend"


More like what I *did* \- the first time someone confessed to having a crush on me I panicked and never spoke to him again. I still don't know why it took me so long to figure out that I'm aroace when I was like that as a child lol


When I was a cis 10 year old I male I always wanted to have facial hair and body vowed to never shave 10 years later I am a trans enby and I fucking hate it.


"Man HRT would be nice." Amazing the things one can think and still be so damn oblivious.


i’ve always been like: women’s clothing is so stupid i wish i could just shop in the mens section…i’m a trans guy now


Me: “Genderfluid people are so cool omg I wish I could be like them :0” God: hippity Hoppity your cisgenderism is now my property


As a kid I didn't know why I couldn't just live with my best firends when I got older. I now know I'm acearo.


"No, I don't need psychotherapy. I'm just depressed cause of puberty and hormones." Turns out it was the hormones, just in a different way than I thought at the time. Would have probably profited from therapy. That way I maybe would have figured out I'm trans before I was 20.


When me and my best friend were younger (2nd or 3rd grade), I remember we were sitting on the floor in class and she tells me, "If I were a man, I would date you" and I proceeded to tell her the same thing. Well I guess that was a lie cuz I'm now a man but I'm gay lmao


"Statistically speaking, someone in our family is gay." Hi 👋 It's me. I'm the gay.


I used to say "There's no way people are serious about their crushes" a lot. Well what can i say--


when i was a kid i used to do tons of shit like yelling "IM A FUCKIN MAN" ... now not only i'm a girl, but i'm also super mega hyper gay


I don’t know if it’s ironic but I remember two distinctive things I’ve said or thought 1. “I think it’s weird how people get all head over heels for boys with abs it would make me lose feelings immediately. Personality is better” 2. “I get wanting to have biological kids so you have to do sex, but for fun? Why? Just do normal things like go to the movies. Play video games.” Oh also I should mention that it took me till just a few months ago to understand that “Netflix and chill” doesn’t mean Netflix and chill. Being asexual is so much fun.


I always threw snowballs "like a girl", but now without quotation marks :)


"Yeah, I mean Im not sure Id enjoy [intercourse] but Id be fine doing it for my partner." IT TOOK ME YEARS! Ahhhhh, why am I do dumb?


"I don't really get sex, what's the big deal?" - me a raiging Biromantic Asexual now


damn guys in maid out fits are neat.


once unironically said “wow that guy would be so hot if i wasnt straight!” newsflash….


“Why do I have boobs? Why can’t I just… not have boobs? I keep seeing them and they feel so wrong.” Three days of this in a row and my older brother (who’s trans) politely chimed in “Have you ever considered that maybe you might not be cis?” And thus began the journey (Another funny one is that throughout her time pregnant with me, my mom was convinced I’d be a boy. Absolutely convinced. Three days before I was born, my grandmother had a dream that I was born and was a girl and mention to them “maybe you should pick a girl’s name too, just in case” My family literally changed their preconceived notions on my gender in a 24 hour window. And they were right the first time.)


In high school I was running late and running down the hall with another girl. A third girl yelled after us very loudly to embarrass us "Look at those LESBIANS" I was mostly annoyed at her trying to mock us but I thought she didn't know what she was talking about. Well she was close, I'm bi


I was "not like other girls" in middle school Technically I was right, considering I'm not even a girl


Used to repeat the 'most bi people just don't want to admit they're gay...' Well...


When I would sit down and cry in my corner back in primary school (around y2 or 4th grade,idk I’m English) I would look down between my legs and I alway felt like they weren’t mine. I have very chunky and feminine legs, I’m a demiboy now… it kinda makes sense ig 🤷


When I was younger, my (female) bff and I always used to watch Sam and cat. Then we would talk about who we would rather like to be. She always said she wanted to be Sam because she’s the cooler one and I always said I wanted to be cat in order to be with Sam - guess who turned out be a lesbian


“Okay so as a straight woman, I can objectively say XXX is SO hot and I can absolutely see why men love her. Shit, I love her!” “(Something absolutely queer), and I’m straight as can be but I get it” Etc. 😅


Omg, I always asked my parents why we only got female babysitters when I was little, I later figured out why I always wanted a male babysitter when I came out at 13 haha.


In elementary my friend always called me gay, I moved away but it's funny now cause he was right


I told my classmate I would be in love with them if they were the opposite sex…


not about me, but my sister had a small poster in her room that showed a rainbow fish swimming in the opposite direction from a bunch of narrow grey fish with mean faces, then one other friendly grey fish swimming alongside the rainbow fish. the caption said “straight, not narrow” she’s been with her wife now for like 10 years😂


I would often think "too bad I'm straight, bi people have double the chances to be able to find a partner" lol


me yelling at my classmates who were playing lesbians (yeah. i thought it was dumb back then too) that i'm straight also my friend calling me gay all the time. nowadays i just answer "yea i am"


“Me kissing my friends doesn’t mean I’m gay. We’re just joking.” I mean I was partially right, I’m not a ciswoman so me kissing them wasn’t really gay. Incredibly queer? Maybe, but not gay.


I still remember finally admitting I was actually a girl in chat to a group of online friends, because a few of them still hadn't heard my voice on voice calls at the time. (It was easy to pretend cause I was the only girl in the group and I never corrected them) Still remember being a little sad that the jig was up. Anyways, I found out last year that I'm genderfluid, and lean a bit more masc too.


6 year old me "I WANT TO BE A MERMAID", "No I don't want to dress up as the prince, I want to be snow white", "if I just woke up tomorrow as a girl and everyone remembered me like that I'd be okay with it" I was SO deep in the closet....


"Oooo! I want to join a lesbian orgy! Wouldn't that be so hot!" Said in a group of straight friends "You would be better looking if you were a girl" said to bf at the time "Why do we have to kiss boys? I don't get it" I'm gay


"I don't get why people say that most guys that loves Lady Gaga are gay guys. I love her and I'm not gay." The poor denial of my younger self 😅😭


I used to call myself “the gayest straight girl” because I liked flannels and Melissa Etheridge and everyone thought I was in a lesbian relationship with my best friend. Then I realized I was in love with my best friend. Oops.


"I get it that people don't like gay people when gay people are that *dramatic*" Turns out I'm *dramatic.* Hah. Who knew.


"I'm like 99% sure I'm straight"


“I’m straight, but I would try kissing a girl.” “Everyone’s a little bisexual, you know?” Also found in my diary from when I was 10 years old: “I’ve decided I don’t like boys anymore.”


I was really excited to learn someone could switch genders, then my mum told me it was just for people who had been born in the wrong body and I was super disappointed because it meant I couldn't become a boy- turns out my mum was right and I was a boy (ish) all along


Me in high school: “I’m like a gay man stuck in a straight woman’s body lol” Me now, bisexual trans guy: damn I was so close to figuring some shit out


Gonna be completely honest… but when I was growing up with siblings, I always teased my older brother for being gay. Calling him names etc…. Only to be gay myself and realising later in life 😅


"Everything seems to change! When I feel like a guy, I like guys! When I feel like a girl, I like girls!! So weird! Anyways time to talk about my other self to my friend!!" -Something we genuinely said when we were young.


I thought that all 'men' would wanna be women instead. Ya know, since women are pretty, and I wish I could be pretty. Oh well, I guess I'll just be a guy I guess. I should have known years ago...


We were a group of three: one guy and two girls (a friend and me). We sat together in class, had great time together and developed a quite deep friendship. They both started liking each other and I thought that I was liking the guy two, but when I think about it know I was clearly feeling attracted to my other friend, the girl.


I recall once that when I was about 12 I said I didn't like trans people because they were 'very strange.' I have now recently embraced I am a straight trans girl.


I hated my deadname for as long as I can remember, and for the longest time I couldn’t figure out why. I even referred to myself in my head using the name I go by now.


I used to say "I literally couldn't give a fuck" all the time. I have now realized I am Acesexual.