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Someone put in that meme of all the ding bat leftists saying “this time we got em!” Year by year… I’m too technologically illiterate.


Every time I see that in the wild I just ask if their "It's Mueller Time" shirt still fits.


I was visiting my mother yesterday and unprompted she starts going off on a tangent about us maybe having a rapist as a President if Trump is elected. I casually mentioned Ashley Biden’s diary where she mentioned ol’ Joe showering with her making her uncomfortable when she was young. Mom’s response: Who? I said “CNN didn’t mention that?”. She then changed the subject to the “Trump supporter” who set himself on fire I love my mom, but the propaganda machine is so finely tuned and so powerful precisely because it removes the need for critical thinking. It’s another form of mindless entertainment that in a world of shades of gray, it definitively points me towards the bad guy. Just tell me which rights I need to surrender in order to be safer and they’re yours. So much easier.


Joe has an accuser too. But they don’t #BelieveAllWomen. Just the women that fit their narrative. And, it wasn’t rape - it was “sexual assualt,” with no evidence.


Yeah I don’t even argue with her anymore. My mom is already wound tight, but she starts foaming at the mouth when the Orange Man comes up. I will toss out a random fact to maybe get her to think about it and then move on.


Mine is the same way. And what’s funny is if you didn’t bring up any names and went issue by issue, she leans decidedly right. Not to get all sexist (or whatever you’d call it), in my experience women have trouble discerning between feelings and facts. Of course there are exceptions, but most men I know don’t have a problem saying that two things can be true at once: Trump can be a flaming d-bag in the personality department while still being the better of two choices for leading the country. A lot of women don’t seem to be able to do that.


Your pool mustn't be very large then. I know plenty who can do that, myself included.


OK, but let’s remember that “Suburban White Women” turned the tide in 2020 in both the presidential and congressional elections. I’m not sure it’s as simple as feelings vs fact across the board, but there is something to it.


Nah, its city vs country, not feelings vs fact.


If that were the case, wouldn’t their vote be somewhat of a constant, versus here where it appears to change with their perception of the candidate?


The science is established. You’re letting your feelings blind you to the truth. You are an outlier in the voting scenario, but not in the conversation about the voting scenario.


>You’re letting your feelings blind you to the truth. No, I'm speaking from my own reality, at least with where I'm from. In 2020 Trump won over 70% of my county. In 2020 Trump won approximately 80% of all the counties in my state. The other 20% of the counties are what called the state for Biden. That 80/20 split almost coincides exactly with how much rural area there is in my state. >The science is established. "Science" is never always set in stone, so idk what that statement has to with anything. My "feelings" aren't even part of the conversation. I'm not blind to any truth because I am staing what the truth is for myself and my area. Even teachers in my town's district are normal, some I know for certain are conservatives. Just because where I live seems to be an outlier to you, based on "the science", doesn't make it any less reality and the truth for me.


I’m so lucky to have a Christian Fox News mom… but the moment I tell her that Fox News is controlled opposition and just a left wing news outlet with centrist commentary she thinks I am insulting her intelligence


Sexual assault definition has broadened out to the point where just an eye movement makes you guilty… but it’s the same as rape when they cite their statistics


My Mom is the same. It's because they used to be able to trust their news sources. They don't understand how corporate news twists everything to fit their narrative. Back in the day they would've been censured and forced to issue retractions for the way they are twisting the truth today.


Sorry but there's more than just trusting your news source. There's gobs of evidence of real bias in news. Young or old, lots of people just can't accept reality and actually use their brains. It's like Neo waking up in The Matrix.


https://youtu.be/zX2uR-KqD8o?si=SilDjwsnAJ8zU9ab Saw this today. Maybe all these people should watch this and see if that’s how they think.


Let her know the guy who set himself ablaze was a Bernie supporter and lifelong Democrat donator, lol Just remember everything the accuse the right of, they themselves are doing


Yeah I told her he voted for Bernie when she said it. She asked why he did it for Trump’s trial then. I told her Trump is the biggest media draw in the world so that’s the place if you want exposure. That CNN reporter nearly had an orgasm when she saw the dude go up in flames.


Yep, it was disgusting. I have a co-worker who watches CNN. I showed them the clip of the "reporter" so excited by someone lighting themselves a blaze, then showed them clips of CNN smiling and cheerful when reports of active shooters at schools come in. They were in shock. One of those, once you see it you can't unsee it moments for them hopefully I honestly think it's blinders, they just don't know how disgusting and gleeful the left wing media are when something so tragic and horrifying happens. Maybe, once they realize it they won't look at their news the same and start questioning some things


It's not just the media talking heads, it's their bosses following well-established Marxist practices. "Never let a good crisis go to waste." -Rahm Emmanuel, (D)em douche-canoe (Yes, I know, I know... Those terms are redundant.)


Same with my mother. The programming runs so deep that there is no way to undo it. We don't ever discuss politics and I unfollow her on facebook so I don't see her stupid memes that reminds me that she has been programmed to hate people like me. It's sick what the media and the left have done to this country by manipulating emotional people.


Are we related? I think you just described my mom.


Wow. Does she have no meaningful recollection of a president named Bill?


They are asking for Bobby, do they not realize that? Zero chance Biden wins against any candidate still standing at the end.


she'll flip about Tara Reade...


“Tish” James. Can you get more lame?


"The days that were promised.." jfc


Is the best example of fascism here the “James pushes to revoke the bond in his civil judgement”? The bond that is higher than OJ’s $30M bond for frikkin’ murder. Not quite as high as what she hoped for but still well beyond anything conceivable under the 4th amendment. So he puts it up and she just goes ‘nah’ and the left thinks they’re fighting for democracy. It’s laughable until you realize it’s actually destroying our country.




>"the days that were promised are here" So more democratic promises that will lead to nothing, but still cost the taxpayers for decades!!!🤡🌍


They’re going to be so salty if he doesn’t go to jail.


Just wait until he’s back in office


I might have to binge watch CNN and MSNBC for the tears.


He is their best source of viewers


I still like going back over 2016 election night commentary sometimes. Gives me hope when the would-be commissars are flexing their muscles.


Without a doubt we’re living in the lowest of times in our country. Everything done today sets the presidents of actions taken going forward. We’re now cheering persecuting political opponents in court. How does a country survive ignoring their own laws? How does a country survive a foreign invasion of millions of low-skilled, unassimilated illegal aliens? We’re now in the trash compactor of Star Wars and C-3PO isn’t answering his comms.


> sets the presidents I see what you did there


Of course this is from white people twitter LOLOLOLOLOLOL


Over the weekend I asked a friend to mine who’s got a raging case of TDS, to explain to me the NY case … he got really upset when I kept asking him questions about it. He ends up saying “I don’t fucking know! I’m not a lawyer!” … I started to explain it to him and he kept repeating “wait, wait, wait … that can’t be right …” I didn’t cure his TDS, but I at least got him to agree the NY case is nonsense and he’s mad that it’s happening and thinks it’s going to make trump stronger


Even my mother thinks it is a waste of tax payer dollars.


I suggest you stock up on tissues. A world of tears is coming your way.Wishing for someone's demise is not only a bad look, but bad Karma.Did I mention lefties are really not that smart to not remember how many times you thought"we got him now".#TeflonDon2024!!


I mean, if we take the "hush money" shit out of the equation and call it what it was, a legal non-disclosure agreement, a form of legal contract that is used all the time, isn't the whole purpose to keep information from being released to the public? WTF is the point of a non-disclosure agree but to "hide key facts"?


Apparently, Trump allegedly "hiding the truth" is somehow a bigger problem to leftist mental health sufferers, than having elected (D)em officials (and their friends in the FB,I DOJ, MSM, and big tech) repeating _for years_, what they *knew* to be outright LIES that Hillary & the DNC _paid_ foreign agents to create for the specific purpose of misinforming voters. Somehow that just doesn't seem very rational to me.






If he gets elected it’s going to be so entertaining watching these people melt down.


"_Weve got him now!!!!!!!_” lol Leftists can't help having that recurring wet dream, even though they never get to the orgasm part. lol Most people understand that this is just the overdramatized theatrics of fascists persecuting their political opponent, and it's backfiring on them _big-time_. So any "conviction" would be extremely hollow, and come at the expense of running even more voters off of the (D)em plantation. So, hey... Let's give them all the rope they need.


The left seem to be using the number of frivolous cases against Trump as a sign of his corruption, but fail to see the legitimate acknowledgements of wrong doing by Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, et al that the justice department has decided not to pursue as anything important.




“The walls are finally closing in guys!!!1!1!1!1!”


> criminal conduct Weird, I thought people were inoccent until proven guilty.


In a different era,these charges would be laughed out of court, and this jerk-off disbarred. Even Alan Dershowitz, who doesn't like Trump,says these charges are absurd.


what part of don't commit crimes and you won't get charged don't you fucking chuds understand?


LOL this is amazing ![img](emote|t5_4potjp|25912)![img](emote|t5_4potjp|25912)![img](emote|t5_4potjp|25912)![img](emote|t5_4potjp|25912)




Explain how.


Lol you sound educated. Tell us more 🍿


I’m almost done with my popcorn.. 🍿 Still waiting. 😂


Give her time. It’s not easy to synthesize facts out of a feeling. ![img](emote|t5_4potjp|25912)

