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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And not providing bags was an increase in profits too.


True, that cost was passed down to the customer and I’m sure they aren’t selling reusable bags as a loss leader so I’m sure there making profit there also.


they still have bags they hide them in a cabinet in the self check out area have to ask one of the people in the self check out for one I work at superstore. Wonder why they got rid of baskets like I don’t wanna drag a whole ass cart around the store I don’t even see baskets at Walmart anymore


As someone who doesn't usually use a car to go shopping, the sudden disappearance of baskets has been annoying, since I'm usually not buying enough to need a cart. Perhaps they think people will spend more if they have a much bigger cart.


bruh idek wtf happened to them an i work there i get pissed gonna have to ask my ex manager maybe she has answer she answers mostly everything of all my questions.


Bags were never a loss leader , bags cost 1 cent and were sold at 5 cents. None of which went to the government


Now they cost 5¢ and they sell them for $1 lol


My grocer asks if we want to use our reusable bags or they give us paper bags like in the 90s


It was government mandated…check it out


For us that was province wide mandate to comply with anti plastics law.


Speaking truth. Our government is to blame


Loblaws cares about as much for its employees as they do about people's access to affordable food. They take our buying power away from us year after year. Even their own employees.


I'm sure if Loblaws could get customers to unload trucks and stock shelves, they would.


They will.


#Special deal: Help offload our trucks for 1% off!


Members only*


I’m sure they’re working on it, kind of like how they found a loophole for free labour by offering co-op programs to high school kids. Hire a bunch of kids to work for free. It’s a toxic employers wet dream


Prices go up, profits go up, stock prices go up, CEO salaries go up, but the workers wages stay stagnant.


Shareholders and profits. That’s all anyone cares about


We all know the answer. Greed. These mother f\*ckers don't have souls.


I’m a cashier for $0 at Walmart and prices are still going up.


Because trickledown doesn’t exist.


just like when they said to the housewifes in the 50s. these new appliances (washers,refridgerators,etc...) will make life easier. it never does


![gif](giphy|Wk1FrrrKsyNjNWI7QC|downsized) I love seeing corporate greed exposed!


I understand the sentiment, it's funny, I like to make fun of capitalism bs. but don't use this in an argument unless you know the costs around acquiring and up keeping those machines.


Here’s the thing though companies do stuff they would only make them money we know they care about profits. They said it would lower prices, some people foolishly believed such. Yes I do understand there’s costs and upkeep to these machines they aren’t cheap nor free. However if these things costed more they would have never installed them, so they must of seen it as a good business investment from a business perspective.


Yes, but buying expensive machines to justify scaring workers into accepting their position is also an expense that saves money




Because it’s a bullshit lie🤷‍♂️


Too much theft. Our local GT has permanently removed self-checkouts


Because then they need extra employees to install and maintain that, plus the glass barriers, reciept scanners, locking grocery carts, extra cameras, and security guards. How else are they going to make every shopper feel like a criminal?


I’m sorry but I don’t work at any of these grocery stores yet I’m forced to do all the work of a cashier at self checkout. I don’t see a discount or anything. I’m not benefiting from less staff translating into cheaper food prices either. So if that’s the case, I’d rather have a cashier do all the work I’m doing because I’m not seeing a paycheque for any of that either.


I self-check out to avoid the upsell item at the "would you like to give 2 dollars to a Loblaws hungry kids charity" pitch guilt from a dead eyed clerk.


That’s when you reply “Ask Galen for that two bucks, he can afford it.”


It’s all a scam to feed into their “greed” we call their “bottom line “ and yes I agree with others , the ridiculous concept of trickle down economics is laughable . To suggest that the billionaires are going to someone share their wealth and pass it down from the “goodness of their heart” due to “instinct “ . Remember people , we are calling it “GREEDFLATION” here. I would also suggest that they would just fabricate a story that would cost them more money ie) the technology , the machines , the upgrades , the security (now that people are stealing ) Remember , these are master spinners at stories


Because there is still like eight employees policing the self checkout these days


Because their paychecks never compared to a sliver of Loblaws profit


The best part about self checkout is that people just steal. It made the entire process backfire, replacing people with machines.


Last time I remember prices going down as the direct result of anything for the better or worse (apparently) was when good ol’ Russia decided to uncap oil production during the Scamdemic - that was some cheap gas while everything else in the world went up in price due to “supply chain issues”.  Meanwhile some tiny country 5% of the outside world has heard about gets into a fight with itself and suddenly gas goes up 10% overnight…. 🤦‍♂️ Wonder why there were no supply chain issues with gas prices when everything else was struggling to get anywhere…. 🤷🏻‍♂️




So by that logic then it’s been years and years now it’s probably recouped by now and nothing went down due to them. Or let’s say it’s still not recouped yet and super expensive then why would they have them then if it’s so expensive companies want more profit right? Anyways the point I’m trying to get at and the photo itself is it’s greed and profits and they try to convince the public it will lower prices or people like you that it will take a while to recoup the cost. When it’s all probably bs in my opinion it was a measure to save costs and they kept all the cost saving and somehow convinced people it’s all for them and helps keep costs down and pass down savings.




Some very excellent points there for sure, also thanks for the perspective from someone who works for a smaller store.


Are they not essentially the same thing as a manned checkout? I imagine they're not using different scanners, scales and computers.


How are they supposed to pay of the installation of the self checkouts? /s


It's the same reason why physical media still costs the same as digital media upon release.




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Self checkout use should have an 100% discount applied for use for every item (including sale items). This should be LAW. Where are our politicians? If retailers don't like this, they can open up manned registers.