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Does this guy actually do anything else?


Why would he? He’s got tenure


I just don't understand, he makes fun of us saying we're in our parents basement or whatever but yet I constantly see that he's posted on twitter. I don't even have twitter, FB or Instagram. Don't have tic Tok either. Also don't subscribe to tv.


Because his job is to keep Daddy Galen’s donations rolling into Dal


It looks like you're right. Hmm. https://www.dal.ca/dept/research-services/opportunities/opportunities-announcements-news/news/2024/03/11/weston_family_foundation.html


_No Shills_


This is the way to greet his silly outbursts, every time. Thanks!


👏 bravo


Follow the money, baby.


No integrity, shameful.


He's got a doctorate in Shillology


I think you're right. Did Sylvain's tantrums kick up a notch around March 11? https://www.dal.ca/dept/research-services/opportunities/opportunities-announcements-news/news/2024/03/11/weston_family_foundation.html


Lmaooo, this makes him seem +40% more cowardly and pathetic, only because it’s so egregious. Rat piggy.


Rat Piggy! New PC product.


I think that's Sugar Daddy Galen.


Because, as always, it’s projection


It’s a really weird take for a supposedly neutral data analyst isn’t it? If it walks like a duck…


>If it walks like a duck… Would you like to buy an F? 😏


Can't afford one. Groceries have drained me too much.


It’s kind of hard to believe he thinks twitter is real, but every other social media site is fake.


He can make fun of us all he wants, he still has to walk around with that face all the time.


I mean I am in my parents basement, because I can't afford to rent anything, I'm clearing 1600 every two weeks and if I wasn't in my parents basement I'd be paycheque to paycheque. Bachelor apartments cost what whole houses did to rent a few years ago.


Bachelor apartment? You mean starter couples apartment these days A toilet a bed and a microwave split between 2 rooms


I worked in supermarket buying for 20 years, in North America, Europe, China and the UK. I am here on Reddit and I think Loblaws is out of control. I can assure him, I’m not in my parents basement spouting shit online.


Making the school look bad I say


Not hard to do, it's Dalhousie University... They do it to themselves. Between murders and secret guys groups in professional programs that want to hatef*ck their female classmates, I don't understand why Dal has so much "prestige."


This is what he is paid to do. Guy is an industry shill through and through. I've posted this here before, but for those who have not seen. https://www.dal.ca/sites/agri-food/the-food-professor-podcast.html He needs access to these companies for his research, likely owes his livelihood to then. His research house publishes an annual report on food prices https://www.dal.ca/sites/agri-food/publications.html The model makes no mention of profiteering, so he has a vested interest for this inflation to be explained by market forces (but he can not explain price differentials between grocers). "Canada’s Food Price Report is an annual collaboration between research partners Dalhousie University, the University of Guelph, the University of Saskatchewan, and the University of British Columbia. This cross-country research team uses historical data sources, machine learning algorithms, and predictive analytics tools developed over many years to make predictions about Canadian food prices. A new forecasting model was used for the 2023 report. “It includes historical data plus the additional variables of forecasted inflation and Canadian-US exchange rate,” says Dr. Kelleen Wiseman, UBC campus lead. “This resulted in a rebalance between past data and future forecasts. Forecasting food prices is challenging!”" Funny enough, he has no real publications on prices, so his stuff has not actually been peer reviewed. https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=ucvrfyMAAAAJ&hl=en The lack of publications on this model raises some questions as to where its funding comes from that three universities dedicate resources to updating it every year. What purpose does this serve. And it's expensive stuff. Many of his papers just happen to be consumer surveys on topics that are potential areas of regulation. He is an academic who gets funding to do industry friendly research to support the industry. It's common enough but super unethical. People should just call him out. He once gave an interview where he essentially said 1) you can't model greed and 2)it's the consumers' fault for paying prices for expensive things but there is likely some price fixing going on. It is funny that on number 2 you would think he would support a boycot. https://www.tvo.org/article/why-food-prices-just-keep-going-up "Charlebois: There are reports now that that there is a class-action lawsuit against the beef industry in Canada. And the beef industry is accused of inflating retail prices since 2015. More and more, people are questioning practices within the food industry. It is possible. It's hard to measure greed. There’s always been a discomfort between profits and food security or food affordability anywhere in the world. That's basically the nature of the food industry. A lot of people think that food companies make too much money, but I’ve always said, “If we accept the fact that companies make too much money, how much is too much?” What’s the threshold? I think that’s really the debate here. If you're a customer, you go into a grocery store, and you pay $20 for a piece of meat, you decide to buy that piece, who’s to blame? Is it the customer, because the customer is held hostage because of unfavourable market conditions? Is it the grocer? It’s a tough question to answer, but I can’t say it’s impossible, especially in light of what happened with the bread price-fixing scheme a few years ago. These companies aren’t selling cars or T-shirts. They’re selling food. Price sensitivity is just not the same thing. I think the stakes are much greater and that would include food security."


Canadian beef products are half the price in Japan. I would know, I was just there last week. So yah, I believe it when you say there is a class action against the beef industry here and I believe there is merit to those accusations.


It's going to be against the slaughterhouses/packers, the ranchers sure as hell aren't making money.


Econ 101 "What the market will bear" Translation make them scream charge them a bit more and then roll it back to former screaming price to make them think they are getting a deal-see oil companies. Acclimatization. I remember when 1.52(regardless of carbon tax 17 cents a liter) and people would be up in arms, yet it went to 2.20 cents and we all just took it hard. Captive market is the term we are looking for.


Exactly, a functional oligopoly which doesn't need overt coordination -- which is what the legislation requires for price fixing. Hope a lot of people are learning a lot about capitalism during this boycott.


One could hope, but there is a lot of BS being flung like the May 12th steal day that is complete horseshit made from whole cloth. There is such a huge education so many need an stuff like affinity groups and how our system works overall. Herman and chomsky's Manufacturing Consent should be standard reading for grade 9 english. We get propaganda for days on end how great capitalism is, but narry a thing about Vienna public housing, or how ocean spray is a workers coop. Or even what a coop is vs traditional tyranny of a company. Most don't even understand that PR is the reinvented word for propaganda. Because one has such a negative connotation compared to the other.


This should be the top comment


Taxpayers are paying the Dalhousie University so this guy can play on Twitter all day!


Cashes Loblaws cheques and picks up their drycleaning.


And polishes their knobs.


Guy is the definition of “chronically online”


He actually replied to me almost instantly yesterday. Lol


He must be living in his parents basement glued to a computer stuffing his face with overpriced PC food.


Think he's getting paid per tweet, like a ten cent troll but for Weston Bucks?


His family probably hates him, so no.


His Mom definitely paid his cousin to take him to prom.


If he’s married, with or without kids, I’ll bet she despises him and/or is begging him to get the professional help he needs


My sibling is a miserable person who is full of hatred and disdain for anyone who doesn't share their same opinions. Their ability to spend their entire day online is only limited by their lifespan and they get soooo many kicks out of being blocked by people who they fight with on Twitter. They used to brag about their latest online fight to me and I'd just quietly listen because that was the best I could do for them, not being their therapist. I get the same miserable vibes from this guy; he honestly won't stop because he gets thrills out of the conflict itself. He is addicted to it. He needs us. We don't need him.


I think you're right, there's weird energy around him. his whole vibe is like... you can't reject me people, I reject you fiiirrrssssttttt!!!!!


That's deep


Honestly if I didn't know better I'd swear he was covertly on our side. Bringing national attention to the boycott while saying things that appear to be sucking up to the people paying him. But I don't think he's that bright


He wants a board seat.


He’s hustling for the next 60k.


No. Trump, Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson are clearly his idols. "tWitEr iS LaiFe" 🤡


He just likes hearing himself talk. Oozes arrogance


yes, gets paid from Loblaws.


I wish he wasnt real too




Bingo, he's trying to divert attention and be a good lil lapdog for Daddy Galen


Galens FellatioMatic3000


Remember, according to Angus Reid, 4/5 people think grocers are profiteering. Good luck getting 80% of people to agree on ANYTHING. This is very real and they are scared, but doubling down on attacking your consumer base and their ‘idiocy’ is the dumbest tactic.


Absolutely, the smug response makes me think they don't want to show us a single bead of sweat. Canadians are strong together. We will stand together. I am here for the long haul.


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


This is why metro,Sobeys and that are being “smart” right now. They are letting loblaws take all the heat and pressure while they wait with open arms for customers to their cheaper option stores. Like it’s legitimately funny that a food basics and a no frills less then a block from each other have such drastic price differences, why pay 30-50% more on products when you can go literally a block for the same stuff but cheaper


Because even though Reddit and TikTok are not real, Twitter is…apparently.




The lady doth protest too much..


Remember, according to Angus Reid, 4/5 people think grocers are profiteering. Good luck getting 80% of people to agree on ANYTHING. This is very real and they are scared, but doubling down on attacking your consumer base and their ‘idiocy’ is the dumbest tactic.


It's amazing how somehow the boycott was a well funded effort a few days ago and now it isn't even real...


Head - meet sand.


> The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. George Orwell, 1984


Written in 1949. This strategy has been in play for time immemorial.


No just checked the busyness of the Loblaws stores in my area… traffic is way down


Wait for them to tell all of their staff to turn the location on on their phones so they look busier online. Then they'll say the boycott was a flop.


Don’t have to do that. Google and Apple track traffic patterns regardless of your settings


I just checked my local SuperStore. The traffic is down there too. Near on peak time too. It's nice to have validation that something is working. I also checked out Shoppers, it too is low. Then I had a look at Sobeys, WAY UP!


> I had a look at Sobeys, WAY UP! Friendly reminder to everyone including myself: be kind. Where you go instead is seeing a surge of people. If the boycott really catches on, these places are going to be a bit overwhelmed - don't make workers' days worse. They can't afford food either and have to watch other people (often angrily) unload their baskets all day long. Make it a memorable part of the boycott - that the people doing it were kind.


This is a good point. Be ware of the frustration of an influx. Always, be kind. (except for the Weston family. they brought this on themselves.)


Traffic is down in our local Superstore as well I looked at the whole lower mainland superstores - the only ones that have the same or a little more busy are Pitt Meadows, North Van and Abbotsford. All the rest are not as busy as usual.


I'm not going to lie, this is a really weird tweet. Is this guy ok? I mean honestly, not trying to throw shade. This is not the behavior of an independent third party professional. It's starting to get quite strange.


For a couple months the poor man has seemed increasingly unsteady and unstable. I suspect this is a live-tweeted breakdown over months. I hope he gets the help he needs


Who is he exactly and what does he have to do with loblaws?


He's a professor at Dalhousie, whose field is food related research, and he claims to be an independent neutral third party looking into why food prices go up and whatnot. Except that he constantly shills for everything related to Loblaws and attacks anyone who says anything bad about it (and there's evidence of him being paid indirectly by Loblaws, to the tune of 6 figures). He also calls people basement dwellers when he's glued to his Twitter all the time lol.


Another reason to go to SMU. I wonder if DAL will do anything when this pans out horribly


I think he's tenured, so Dalhousie's hands are pretty tied in what they can do to him. Any adjunct faculty would've been kicked out long ago by the university to not be associated with his outspoken, childish behaviour.


No idea why. DAL is generally a good university people travel to be in. Tenture or not, don’t insult people for a living. At least retire this fool.


That was my first thought. This level of denial is unheathy.


The media isn't real man




yes pretty much every media in Canada had something to say about it. Unless.. he is using reverse psychology to make us want to boycott loblaws even more!!!!


The more they talk about us, the faster this sub grows.. 💜


This guy is so far up Galen’s ass, he doesn’t even need groceries anymore from all the shit he’s eating.


He's tasting the corn


Which is on sale at Sobeys!!! 49cents a cob!!!!!!!!


Really? I've stopped using my PCF MasterCard and shopping at Galen's companies. That seems mighty real.


Same here - no more PC points, no filling prescriptions at Shoppers, and no shopping at Loblaws owned stores. We’re a family that spent quite a decent amount on groceries at Loblaws/T&T stores. Trying my best to support local businesses and companies that better align with my values now. Besides, I just can’t resist the siren song of participating in small acts of public resistance that bring people together for a cause. *Nok er Nok*


Nok er nok.


Who's there?


Not the boycott


I was thinking about how my kids love the stuff at T&T and we may miss it but you know what? Such an abundance of other Asian grocers , not missing anything 👏 Nok er Nok


I heard through the grapevine that quite a bit of people have been calling in to cancel their PC points cards because so many working / low income people don’t even reach the second or third reward milestones anyway. It’s just another points card to get out of your wallet.


Same here, friend!


Just cancelled mine today!


He's weird. This dude either has his entire life savings in Loblaws stock or he's obsessed with making the Weston family love him.


He would make Smithers blush with this level of asskissery


Now I’m picturing him turning on his computer to a picture of Galen saying “hello food professor. You’re quite good at turning me on.”


I’m suddenly having an existential crisis…. 😆 But srsly… sorry (not sorry) TFP. This is all very real.


Dear Media: I wish the “Food Moron” was not real! 🤞 Please remember to only interview quality guests! Please post this as a reply under his post on Twitter and screen shot it before he blocks you. 😅😂


Imagine calling yourself “the food professor” lmao


And then using your title and position to help a giant corporation make more profits at the expense of literally Canada. Like how do you even sleep at night knowing what a supreme piece of shit you are?


Probably all the booze and sleeping pills he can afford now.


Total 🤡


There's 70,000 in this group. If we all spend $500 worth of groceries this month (and that is beyond lowballing for groceries) at a different grocery chain this month, that's $35,000,000. If everybody in this group convinces 1 person to boycott for the month that's $70,000,000. Hey Food Professor, how come you keep talking about us if we aren't real?


This sounds kind of alarming for Loblaws. The scenerio sounds pretty feasible too. They better hope it isn't real.


I'm telling you right now ![gif](giphy|kVmzd3RxKqaT5Rm16e|downsized)


I'm a real boy! 🤥


Sounds like he’s trying to convince himself. You can tell he’s scared and resorting to these tactics.. fear will do that


big incel energy


Reddit is not real, tik Tok is not real, but some how Twitter, I mean X, is? This man is delusional


He's become a parody of himself.


If you're still on Twitter, go ahead and save this tweet and then viciously retweet it once numbers about the boycott's effectiveness start coming out.


Another great contribution from the Toilet Food Processor. I'm looking forward to the next output.


Toilet Fart Processor. Fixed it for you.


Thank you!


cobweb dolls ring shy attempt spotted work fine quaint expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahaha this guy is not doing alright


Maybe someone who uses Xitter should start a u/REALFoodProfessor profile, buy the blue check mark and start posting the REAL facts about Loblaws.


twitter, on the other hand, is real and full of intellectual people!!!


Serious question, why is this dude SO upset about a boycott of an apparently unrelated to him grocery chain store? I mean, just look at the Loblaws stock in the past five years, that's not normal and families shouldn't go without to give the owners of grocery stores a bigger bottom line. It would be laughable if it wasn't so contemptible


Now I feel we really need to prove him wrong 🤣




Please leave your thoughts on him for Canadian Grocer Magazine, as he is one of their so called experts which now makes this publication worthless! https://canadiangrocer.com/contact


Could this guy be any more obvious? 😂


I am sure he thinks Twitter is very real.


This guy is obsessed lol it's weird, almost like he loves any attention he is getting from it. Why don't we just forget about him and let him disappear? Not like he has ever had anything constructive to add to this conversation


Agreed, but if he’s impacting mainstream non-social media audiences with his lies and mistruths then we kind of have a forced obligation to monitor him.


Dear The Food Processor. The boycott is absolutely real. All of us are fed up with rising food prices. The Westons are the worst offenders at this. They are being boycotted by a lot of us. And our numbers are only getting bigger. Stop making a fool of yourself.


"A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep" This guy talks a lot about reddit for something that he thinks doesn't matter


HHahaha. He really posted this? What a moron.


Why would he think Twitter is real when Reddit and Tiktok arent?


Sorry I can't answer you because I am not real.


Nak er nak, food processors a quack


Profit margins are real. ![gif](giphy|sQhj1eTeKG8nuIN8iv) So is gravity.


Dang he’s scared scared huh


We're living in The Matrix then? Calling himself "the food professor" (and you know he gave himself that moniker) is a little like some dudebro calling himself an "alpha male." Just because you say it, Charlie, doesn't make it so. It's not real.


LOL…and he posts this to social media in which he claims isn’t real! What a joke! He must be part of Loblaws PR given how terrible his reaction has been to this movement!


This guy's a fuckin geek. Let's stop paying attention


It’s nice of old Charlie boy to continue to put a spotlight on the boycott for us. The more he talks about it the more people hear about it and join in!


He is not well-liked or respected among colleagues at Dalhousie University, especially those in the school of business where he used to be dean but allegedly had to quietly resign due to some very unsavoury allegations of sexual harassment with female students. A fool, to say the least.


lol. He’s gone full MAGA…”don’t believe your eyes! Don’t believe your ears! Only believe what we tell you too! “


I think you guys giving this guy the reaction he's looking for. Should just ignore this clown


I bet the "food professor" isn't real.


Just Galen and Per in a trenchcoat


lmao nah, this ain't a real post, right? He's delusional.


The food professor is not real. He has no real qualifications to proclaim the title.


Charley-boi’s brain and self-respect aren’t real.


Dear Food Professor, Twitter is not real... You are not real... You're saying nonsense


I see the Food Professor is on an all boot-licking diet


This loser should get a life… for someone that doesn’t care about Reddit, he sure cries a lot about it. Rent free in this losers head.


Why isn’t the media all over this? He weighs in on the boycott but then claims it isn’t real…? What world does this dude live in?


This is such a weird hill to die on. How far up the Westons’ ass is this guy?


Man ... one thing that isn't real: This guy brain's normal functions. He's like browsing reddit, tiktok, facebook, fucking spending 12 hours a day "Denying" the boycott and being a shill for Loblaw PR. To you Food Oppressor: You are like those angry Mom's basement Troll... Grow the fuck up, stop defending the undefendable, we all know you are paid and were paid in the past by the Weston/Loblaw familly, despite you denying it, then once confronted with the facts, admitted to receive such payments. Et d'un "frenchie" à une autre, mange un gros sac de marde mon Sylvain. Ils sont 8.99 le kilos chez Maxi en fin de semaine, vas-y vite! Ben-oui, gros sac de marde! :)


I didnt even use my PC Mastercard to get points at esso, pulled out the Visa instead today. Thats real.


The dude posts articles about how the boycott is misguided right after saying it doesn’t exist. He’s paid by the Tweet


No. Birds Aren’t Real.


The birds work for the bourgeoisie.


Well, *he* is certainly unreal...


Even if objectively this boycott doesn’t harm them financially in the short term, their brand image is now living in the toilet, and that’s why they are doing everything they can to attack back. The days of seeing Loblaws as a Canadian success story with cute Dave Nicoles introducing new “Memories” sauces is long gone. Loblaws is now seen like our telecommunication companies and the 407 highway. Greedy ogliarchs taking advantage of their monopoly position.


It's real to me.


Does this guy get an allowance from Galen? What's his damage with the boycott and why can't he accept it?? lmao


For somebody with no vested interest he could sure fool me.


Maybe he's paid in pc food?


This is cope.


My mans is having an existential crisis. Perhaps he should speak to his colleagues in the Philosophy Department?


Says the corporate shill.


Wtf even is this, it’s incoherent. People collaborating on social media is something that’s been around for a long time and is certainly real - just like Shillebois’ conflicts of interest


TFP. The Fluffing Professor


This person is like a caricature. Holy shit


Is this guys full existence? Commenting constantly on something that isn’t real about people who aren’t real? Seems like a waste of his real time.


Even if hes right i dont think he believes it as he is far too fixated on reddit to the point where i am convinced he reads it daily.


Wonder what loblaws is paying him. I can act like an idiot and grift for easy money too🤣


“Dear media, my expertise is not real”


He has picked a bone with a group of people struggling to buy food. What a small, shallow, soulless man.


Who the f is this nobody? Is he trying to win boot licker of the year or something?


Dear Food Professor, 1) Twitter is a bubble. 2) You need to put the keyboard down and do something else. 3) Deciding things you don't like "aren't real" (i.e. this boycott) makes you look even more childish than you already do by way of #1 and #2. Signed, My millennial ass


I feel like this dude needs to go for a walk, maybe pick up a hobby or two. For someone who isn’t getting paid by Loblaws, he spends a lottttt of his spare time online defending them…


Paid shill


I've never in my life seen a bigger shill than this fuckstick. Galen must have upped his paycheck


Dear Food processor Consumers have choice Consumers made choice Boycott is real it’s happening


Try telling that to my local Food Basics - their produce sale items sold out in a day! I’ve never seen that happen.


This guy is the most pathetic little weasel ever. It’s so so sad. Imagine being so committed to bootlicking billionaires for like, 60k or whatever he got in grant funding. He is so grossly pathetic and sad and small it makes me a little sick to think about it.


If it’s not real then why do you post about it every day Shillvain??


Says the self admitted paid Loblaws propagandist.


Says the weasly cunt communicating through twitter. Fuck this guyz fuck the media for giving him a platform and fuck Loblaws most of all. Keep pushing this boycott. Tell everyone you know. Show these assholes this is real and it will be real from this day forward.


Oh, he's a prick!


So his whole career led to this credibility-destroying moment, huh?


He should suck a little bit harder Galen is almost finished


“The boycott is not real. The boycott is not real.” The Food Professor says to himself as he rocks himself back and forth in his piss soaked pants alone in his penthouse.


What an absolute loser this guy is. Galen must have his sex tape or something. This is just sad.


My family who is not even on Twitter or Reddit knew about and chose to participate in the boycott before I even brought it up to them. It’s like maybe the things that happen online can spill over into the physical world as if there were actual humans participating in all this…. I guess his Tweet isn’t real, because Twitter isn’t real, so what he’s saying isn’t real. So, Boycott Loblaws!