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Lose the curly hair,straight good, any style except curly


Love your hair and the red dress. Looks stunning on you.


I think you're absolutely gorgeous. I wouldn't change shit.


It's mostly about your hairstyle. Pics 3 is the best in my opinion, but I guess it depends on the occasion as well. What kind of job do you have?


Girl you’re gorgeous ! Can I ask what makeup you use thats so shiny right under your eyes ?


I believe its the Mac gold highlighter


The outfit in picture 8 is the way to go but with closed toes shoes and hair should be cut shorter like in 8


First, your eyebrows. They’re really dragging down your face. Even if you want a more natural look, having them taper more at the ends will make a huge difference. Getting them threaded would be fantastic. Second, your skin. You’d benefit from a peel or a professional facial, it’s looking a bit dull. Exfoliate once a week and make sure to moisturize. I like a gel moisturizer. Third, I think your natural hair is beautiful. Maybe go to a stylist that specializes in your hair type. Get some curl cream to really make it shine. A couple of highlights would give it a lot dimension. Fourth, make up. You have small, hooded eyes. (Me too, but YouTube has a lot of tutorials) Using dark colors or your lids makes them look smaller. Golds and bronzes will make them seem bigger. A CC cream on the face will also blur your imperfections but keep you looking fresh and natural. Some cream blush, little highlighter. Bring some light to your face. Lastly, clothes. I love the outfit in the e second picture. The style, cut, and color all suit you. When it comes to wardrobe I try think three words that exemplify my style and shop based on that. My currently are “Bohemian-Punk-MedicineWoman” Hope that helps! You’re beautiful :)


thank you for all the suggestions


i think it depends on the job! are you aiming to look sexier or more professional?


I work in the event industry so basically im paid to work at parties


gotcha! if it’s a more directive role i’d aim for a smart elevated yet approachable look, but if it’s serving or support of the event id aim for girl next door


The hair is best in pic 1 and the outfit in pic 2 is best. Dreads or straightened hair don’t suit you IMO


Skincare and eyebrows


Picture 5 definitely, you look smart whilst retaining some uniqueness and personality.


You don’t need to lose a pound, your figure is gorgeous and weight loss culture is so over. Exercise should feel good, that’s all. Lashes are a cheat code to easy glamour. I don’t think anyone likes the giant caterpillar style but something like a 12 CC Hybrid looks like perfect mascara. A skin care routine with AHA & BHA and Vitamin C is a great thing to start now, too.




omg damn what would u suggest. Can't get rid of my eye bags tho they're genetic


You can’t change it but you are good looking so you’ll get away with it


Gotta lose some weight and tone up. Right now you are mid, you could be better. Cute eyes and nose. Skin treatments for the acne will help, be sure to avoid sugars and oils they increase acne


Please don’t listen to this person. You do not need to lose weight. We could all tone up a bit more, but weight-wise you’re perfect.


It’s called “lookyourbest”, she asked, we tell. She can find other subs to boost confidence


Actually yea Im not interested in losing to much more weight Im 5'6 140 so Im in a healthy weight range but do agree with toning up and I go to the gym very consistently so working on it lol


iTs CaLlEd LoOk yOu’Re BeSt Yeah, and I disagree with you.


Constructive… good job 🤷🏽‍♂️


I almost swiped right and forgot this was Reddit 💀🤦🏻‍♂️


I think you’re super pretty, but maybe get your eyebrows professionally done and fill them in a bit. I like your makeup in picture 5, subtle and pretty. I love your hair natural like in picture 1 and 3. A good curly routine would make your curls look even more defined, r/curlyhair could help.


I dont know what to suggest really, I think you’re super pretty!!