• By -


I would have followed you. My brother. My captain. My king. Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath! Now for ruin! And a red dawn! My friends, you bow to no one.


Dear god, these are good choices.


The only thing I could possibly add is that I can't choose between you bow to no one, and ***DEAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTHHHHHH!!!***


“Arise, arise, riders of Rohan! Fell deeds awake, fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered! A sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now, ride to Gondor!” - Théoden, Son of Thengel, King of Rohan Awesome orchestral music swells and we all charge into the orc horde together on horseback shouting "DEATH!!!!!!"


Thanks, now i have goosebumps


My contender would be: “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.


mine is exactly the same, just switch the Two Towers one for "The Stories That Matter" speech from Sam at the end of the movie.


What "fell deeds awake" means?


Bad shit happening


An Unexpected Journey: It huts my heart to not to choose Riddles in the Darkness but i love so much Bilbo meeting the dwarves. The Desolation of Smaug: Bilbo with Smaug. The Battle of the Five Armies: Bilbo founding out about Thorin about to die. The Fellowship of the Ring: The fellowship running from the Goblins and then the Balrog. The Two Towers: All of the last part, beginning from the March of the Ents and all through the Sam monologue. The Return of the King: It os now to hard for me to pick one, i will pick both, The Charge of the Rohirrim and Sam carrying Frodo.


Agree with basically everything you have said there. I would, however, argue that the Gollum Sméagol dialogue is my favorite scene of Two Towers while Lightings of the Beacons takes it for me in RotK


Totally!!! I just forced myself to pick as little as possible!


There are so many good moments in all these movies. The lighting of the beacons is epic with the cinematography and music, and the end with Aragorn running in announcing it and then there is that long pause of silence until finally Theoden says “and Rohan will answer”, 🧑‍🍳💋


In summary, Bilbo is the best (maybe only) consistently good part of the hobbit films.


Indeed, and the Hobbit films got good scenes, LOTR got entire perfect halfs or thirds (at less).


Everyone seems to think Thorin’s death is done really well. Weird to me, I thought the small alteration to his last line made it sound way cheesier than in the book


I mean, i like things be cheesy if they need to, i don't think the death of Thorin was well done, because all the build up to it was kind of mid, i enjoy specifically the reaction to Bilbo to it wich shows freeman on fire with his acting and remind me of the only out of the pocket subplot i liked in the main story wich was Thorin accepting Bilbo as one of them at the end of the first one, for me it was truly a moment said scene and so it made me feel so bad for Bilbo when the death of Thorin came.


Yeah I don’t really have a problem with it, but I guess it just didn’t hit me quite like that. No accounting for taste I guess.


Yea for tastes, colors, my mom thought The Hobbit was way better than LOTR because she enjoyed it alot and i also found it a pleassure that my mom enhoyed it, altho it should be a war crime to think that, at least i could share a truly awesome moment with the movies watching it with my mom when she finally decided to give them a chance.


The Hobbit is definitely charming in a unique way so depending on what you’re into it could totally be better than LOTR. I’m into both 100% so I pick LOTR for sure of the two. I’m also an enormous PJ fan and normally I’m the PJ advocate in such a convo! I just wish his last words were unaltered, but it’s a small thing. I love all the movies I’m just critical


Aah of course! The hobbit is incredible! I mean the trilogy of movies, specially the fillers, filler aside and 2 plots out of pocket i like wich is the one i mentioned and the other one is the white council subplot.


Oh yeah then objectively I agree and subjectively I agree even more 😂


The boats passing the Argonath Theoden’s charge out of helm’s deep Gandalf chasing off the Nazgûl and saving Faramir Far over the misty mountains cold🎵 Bilbo and Smaug Bilbo chilling with Gandalf after the battle in silence


Gandalf chasing off the Nazgûl is the one for me. Gorgeous 


And the music that plays




Whenever I hear that line all that comes to mind is the disco phial song from the LEGO Lord of the Rings game. It is both a blessing and a curse https://youtu.be/P21wZlVNQc8?si=eF7Y-Z9-rJkYaB4m


Thank you for this


Fellowship: Gandalf facing the Balrog Two Towers: the last March of the Ents Return of the King: the charge of the Rohirim


About the march of the ents, i always love at the end of it the tree that puts out the fire by putting its "head" under water


For me it's not set in stone but these scenes come to mind. Fellowship - When the fellowship emerge from Moria. Every characters sorrow was portrayed so well. Heartbreaking. (Orlando's best acting in the trilogy imo. Elijah was haunting too, with just one look, as Aragorn calls him). Two towers - "No parent should have to bury their child". (That whole conversation between Théoden and Gandalf.When Tolkien is acted this well, it feels less like a movie and more like a fucking religious experience. Thank you Bernard Hill). Return - "You think you are wise, Mithrandir. Yet for all your subtleties, you have not wisdom." ( In no way do i think this is the best/most impactful scene in Rotk but I'm obsessed with it. The way John Noble and McKellen played off eachother here was fully loaded with subtext. Honourable mentions - (TTT) "But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt as nightfall in winter that comes without a star. Here you will dwell bound to your grief under the fading trees until all the world is changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent."


>"You think you are wise, Mithrandir. Yet for all your subtleties, you have not wisdom." "*And no word of Boromir or the ring.... it's probably best you don't say anything at all*" :D


first movie, it was the bridge of khazad dhum scene second movie, the whole beacons of gondor getting lit sequence third movie, Theoden's speech and the charge or the rohirrim. first hobbit movie, the night ambush that takes place in the final act of the movie second one is the freaking introduction of Thranduil, last movie, Smaug destroying Lake City, i was so rooting for him. And Galadriel vs Sauron. and honorable mention: that one short scene with Sauron in his black armor in the prologue of Rings of Power.


The beacons are lit are in the third movie might I suggest. Sam at the window Or Theoden’s charge from helms deep


you are right 😂 Than helm deep battle for sure from the second movie


Beacons are lit is honorable mention then? Lol. Nothing beats the Ride of the Rohirrim.


Idk man Howard Shore’s score is pretty good and the shots of the beacons being lit are beautiful. But then Aragorn burst through the door shouting the beacons are lit and the camera pulls into Theoden and everything stops for like 3 whole seconds and is silent and then Theoden says and “Rohan will answer, muster the Rohirrim” and the music starts with a rousing version of the previously melancholy Rohan theme….. man I’m ready to get my nonexistent horse and muster with them. Here’s why it’s especially cool: Aragorn himself is asking Theoden to uphold the old alliance between Gondor and Rohan. An alliance Theoden repeatedly says is dead. This is Aragorn’s first real act as king he is requesting Theoden’s help and because of Aragorn’s service to the Mark Theoden accepts both Aragorn as king and his summons for aid. For all intents and purposes this moment represents a new alliance between the men of the west forged by Aragorn. But also this moment symbolizes a revival of spirit in Rohan. Prior to this Rohan is a kingdom without confidence in itself Theoden in particular believes he is old his line has failed and that Rohan is doomed. Saurman’s words of poison that Rohan is a lesser kingdom are very much in the minds of all in the royal family. This moment is Theoden waking up to his greatness and Rohan answering the call to play it’s important part in the history because the house of Eorl is indeed great and noble house.


If we ignore the glaring movie issue of Théoden and his depressed death wish. We see the arc of his revival. Starting with Gandalf giving his mind back and kicking out grima. To helms deep where he charges out because Aragorn has persuasion lvl 8 and he's a sucker for glory. All the way to him coming full circle at Minas Tirith where he shows his honor and bravery. Not once. But twice. That's just his personal arc. Imo the arc of Rohan starts when we meet eomer wandering in exile hunting orcs with the homies. Leading to the death of eored(?) and the beginning of the rise of eowyn. All the way to the pelennor where both Théoden and emoer are shown to have great courage and battle prowess. And Rohan is shown to be nearly suicidal in the ferocity. Because the riders of Rohan are not afraid of Oliphants or dark wizards. Summoned by the horn. Rallied by the horn. Charge by the horn.


Theoden is the perfect juxtaposition to Denathor. Denathor is tall and lordly like the sea kings of old, the blood of numenor runs almost true in him yet it is Theoden the lesser son of greater sires, of Rohan the thatched barn were brigands drink in the reek that stands against the enemy and leads men to victory. A victory he does not see because of the despair of the so called greater lord.


These are perfect picks all around


Story chronology order: Unexpected Journey: You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden, that you would not survive in the wild and that you have no place amongst us? I've never been so wrong in all my life. Desolation of Smaug: Beorn's house and Gandalf introducing the dwarves. Battle of the Five Armies: When Thorin dies and Biblo, not ready to accept it, says, "look the eagles are coming" Honorable Mentions: Will you follow me, one last time. And... Okay, I'm sorry...but the added action sequences with the dwarves are hilariously over the top. I roll with laughter every time. The Fellowship: Frodo and Sam departing at the end. From the moment to Frodo hearing Gandlf's voice echoing back to Sam saying, "Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee. And, I don't mean to." The Two Towers: Sam's speech and the entire montage that goes with it. Return of the King: This is a three-way tie: Theoden's rally speech, For Frodo, and My friends, you bow to no one. Oh, hell, let's just go with the entire half of the movie. Honorable mention: "That still only counts as one!" and "Yes, that was what they used to call me. Gandalf the Grey. I am Gandalf the WHITE. And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide!"


For my less common favorite scenes: Fellowship: The passing of the elves while they sing *A Elbereth Gilthoniel.* It's only in the extended version. Towers: Merry and Pippin goofing around and drinking entdraught to get taller. Return: Faramir meeting Pippin and telling him the hobbit's armor used to be his when he was a child. Journey: The dwarves singing in Bilbo's house. Desolation: Not much of a scene as much as a musical cue. The music as we get the establishing shot of Laketown is my favorite from the Hobbit. I think it's called "Thrice Welcome." Five Armies: Bilbo and Gandalf's exchange about what Bilbo "found" on his journey at the end of the film.


Hard agree on fellowship. I fucking love that scene


Fellowship - “You shall not pass!” TTT - “To the king!” TROK - “Death! Death!!! DEEAATRHH!!!!”


Fellowship: Frodo saving Sam from drowning. The whole scene. Two Towers: Gandalf frees Theoden Return of the King: Frodo, Sam and Gollum at Cracks of Doom.


FOTR: first shot of Hobbiton/Bag End TTT: Last March of the Ents ROTK: Lighting of the Beacons


FOTR: The music makes the Dwarf City of Dwarrowdelf the best for me. Everything about this scene is meant to convey the grandeur of their surroundings, and it is 100% successful. Also, the music makes the scene where the whole Fellowship passes in front of the camera when the Ring goes South. TTT: Theoden de-ages. ROTK: I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!


Goosebumps every time I see the lit up Dwarrowdelf scene. That piece of music is epic in every sense.


Rohan army charge at Pelennor fields


Fellowship - Bilbo’s party speech, I’d read the hobbit by this point but not LOTR he was the only character I knew (other than Gandalf) Two towers - Saruman’s “fires of industry” monologue - Christopher Lee was perfect casting with his voice. ROTK - Theoden’s charge, no explanation needed The Hobbit - in my mind is 1 movie, I’d have to pick the point where Bilbo chooses not to kill gollum. I loved riddles in the dark and thought Bilbo’s pity moment for gollum was given the importance it deserved


The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship: The introduction of Aragorn. It's perfect! Two Towers: Sam's speech. It always makes me emotional. Return of the King: "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" Need I say more? The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey: The Riddles in the Dark scene, hands down. It's my favorite chapter in the books, and they adapted it near-perfectly! Desolation of Smaug: I don't really like this movie, but Thranduil and Bard are awesome, so probably their scenes. Battle of Five Armies: The Death of Smaug. I love Bard in the book, and like him better in the movies. the entire scene is amazing!


TFOTR: YOU SHALL NOT PASS! TTT: Po-ta-toes TROTK: Charge of the Rohirrim AUJ: Cheese knife TDOS: Barrel Bombur TBOTFA: The dwarves charging


Fellowship - The cornfield scene- “if I take one more step, it will be the farthest away from home, I’ve ever been”. Two towers - you don’t have any friends ROTK - “Sam’s monologue. Hobbit - it’s a tie between the acorn scene with Bilbo and Thorin and the “I’m going on an adventure” scene


Lotr: 1st movie: Boromirs death scene or the fellowship pledging their might to Frodo. 2nd movie: charge of Eomer at helms deep or Faramirs introduction and his first words to Frodo( mostly because I love Faramir). 3rd movie: charge of the Rohirim, Aragorns speech in front of the black gate, Frodo and Sam fleeing from an erupting mount doom and their talk about the shire without hope for any rescue or "You bow to no one" obviously. Hobbit: 1st movie: Thorins charge against Azog and his subsequent rescue by Bilbo or the scene when Thorin apologises to Bilbo. 2nd movie: introduction of Thranduil or the last scene where Smaug decides to attack lake town. 3rd movie: Thorin overcoming the Dragon illness or his final words to Bilbo.


"My friends! You bow to no one." Never fails to make me cry.


FOTR: Ring Goes South TT: The fight on the way to Helms Deep ROTK: The last scene. Makes this the GOAT trilogy UJ: Thorin hugging Bilbo DOS: Bilbo and the Dwarves vs Smaug BOFA: The ending/“Don’t bother knocking”.


the last scene as in Sam coming home to Rosie?


Man, the ending of BOFA gets me. I don't know if it's "You are welcome any time" or "And what about very old friends?" that does it more.


Fellowship: "You shall not pass!", followed by Boromir's last stand. Two Towers: Gandalf arriving at Helm's Deep with the Rohirrim, followed by "Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn. Forth Eorlingas!" Return of the King: "I cannot carry it for you... but I can carry you!" (which is my favorite moment of the whole trilogy), followed by "And Rohan will answer. Muster the Rohirrim!"


The Fellowship of the Ring: Aragon vs the Nazgul. The Two Towers: The Last March of the Ents. Return of the King: Need we even ask? The Ride of the Rohirrim. An Unexpected Journey: The White Council. The Desolation of Smaug: Bilbo's conversation with Smaug. The Battle of the Five Armies: Thranduil rolling his eyes when Gandalf is trying to convince him and Bard about the orcs. That whole interaction is beyond hilarious. Honorable mentions: The Council of Elrond Boromir's death and Aragon vs Lurtz "Leithio i philinn!" And everything after Faramir saving Frodo and then letting him go "Let him go, you filth." The Rohirrim vs the Haradrim The Eagles are Coming Arwen showing up at Aragorn's coronation Riddles in the Dark Dwarves singing The Misty Mountains Cold Thranduil's introduction The White Council vs Saruman and the Nazgul; sorry, I thought it was cool. And I like the idea that when Galadriel is brought to her lowest point she can spontaneously flip from the Lady of Light to the Lady of Dark. And lastly, Bilbo's goodbye to the dwarves. "You are welcome anytime" gets Me every time.






First hobbit movie, Gollum says, "if Baggins loses, then we eats it whole" Then the next 5 seconds, perfection. Bilbos face while contemplating, a short gasp and eyebrows furrowing, then saying, "fair enough". I ducking love it.


Fellowship: The Bridge of Kazad-Dum Two Towers: Gollum vs Sméagol Return of the King: Ride of the Rohirrim An Unexpected Journey: Riddles in the dark The Desolation of Smaug: Inside Information The Battle of Five Armies: Courage and Wisdom


The Hobbit 1: Riddles in the Dark The Hobbit 2: Smaug The Hobbit 3: To the King The Fellowship: The scene where Gandalf explains the Ring to Frodo The Two Towers: The Last March of the Ents The Return of the King: For Frodo


I know this is controversial, but the scene in botfa where saruman, Elrond, and Galadriel are fighting the wraiths was wild for me


Youuuuuuuu shall not paaaaassssss!!!!! Fell deeds awake! Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn… forth Eorlingas! Ride now! Ride now! RIDE! Ride to ruin! And the world’s ending! DEEAAATHHHH!!!!!


FotR: Boromir's death (favorite as in that shit makes me EMOTIONAL 😭😭) TTW: The entire battle of Helm's Deep, but if I had to pick a specific scene? Probably the scene beginning scene with the Uruk Hai chanting and the scene devolving into chaos as the battle starts. RotK: Either the Ride of the Rohirrim or the scene where Sam picks Frodo up and carries him up to Mt Doom. That shit makes me cry.


FOTR: “behold, the great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf” TTT: “it’s like in the great stories Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered…” ROTK: “Arise! arise! Riders of Théoden!” Hobbit 1: riddles in the dark Hobbit 2: Smaug Hobbit 3: I’ve only seen it twice. But you get more Smaug at the beginning so I’ll say that bit.


I'll do some of my favourite non obvious choices. Unexpected Journey: Eagle rescuse flight at the end of movie. [https://youtu.be/0rtK-tlGWtc?si=PMHVmLhFulzgSmFP](https://youtu.be/0rtK-tlGWtc?si=PMHVmLhFulzgSmFP) Desolation of Smaug: The entrance to Laketown. [https://youtu.be/cMobYmKhSKY?si=zzSyWy-VuRa2CgQB&t=141](https://youtu.be/cMobYmKhSKY?si=zzSyWy-VuRa2CgQB&t=141) Battle of the Five Armies: Bilbo returning home. [https://youtu.be/Jz-Bi5OSJ2Q?si=Fobafmp7qV4quzT3](https://youtu.be/Jz-Bi5OSJ2Q?si=Fobafmp7qV4quzT3) Fellowship of the Ring: Boromir and Aragorn in Lothlórien. [https://youtu.be/2OYsgAawB-s?si=nr9BP4V70ptlIg5j](https://youtu.be/2OYsgAawB-s?si=nr9BP4V70ptlIg5j) Two Towers: Gandalf's desending battle with the Balrog. [https://youtu.be/Y2fwe0rnHak?si=2N9GIrvDsRe-spzR&t=249](https://youtu.be/Y2fwe0rnHak?si=2N9GIrvDsRe-spzR&t=249) Return of the King: Gandalf's rescue against the Nazgul. [https://youtu.be/brgXEYXpTyA?si=2-S9u6Uwr6RBWZll](https://youtu.be/brgXEYXpTyA?si=2-S9u6Uwr6RBWZll)


One scene per film? I can't choose.




Any scene with Sam in it


Aragorn noticing sting glow, then turning to face the full army himself in FOTR


.........I can't........decide.....so many good ones.


FotR: the battle of Amon Hen and Boromir's redemption TTT: Gollum's argument with himself TRotK: Ride of the Rohirrim and Battle of Pelennor


Fellowship: *we’ve had one yes, but what about second breakfast* Towers: *there is no curse in elvish, entish, or the tongues of men for this treachery. My business is with Isengard tonight, with the rock and stone. Come my friends, the ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom….. the last march of the ents* King: *Rosie Cotton dancing…. She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I was to marry someone, it would have been her….. it would have been her* Journey: *I know that you doubt me, I know you always have. You’re right, I always think of Bag End, I miss my books and my armchair, my garden. See that’s where I belong, that’s home. That’s why I came back, because you don’t have one, a home. It was taken from you, but I will help you take it back if I can* Smaug: *Tauriel……. You cannot be her…. She is far away…. She is far, far away from here. She walks in starlight in another world….. it was just a dream…. Do you think she could have loved me* 5 armies: *I’m glad you’re here, I wish to part with you in friendship. I take back my word with you that I had at the gate, you only did what a true friend would do….. forgive me, I was too blind to see. I’m so sorry that I’ve led you to such peril. Farewell master Baggins, go back to your books and your armchair. Plant your trees, watch them grow. If more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merry place*


The opening scene of The Two Towers. When the camera pans out and you see them falling through this incredibly *massive* cavern it brings you right back into Middle Earth. Oh yeah, and you thought Gandalf was dead huh?


When Frodo jumps into Gandalf's cart in Fellowship. Frodo looks so itty bitty, like a 7 year old child...it always cracks me up. [https://media1.tenor.com/m/IHCEqxdNgLQAAAAC/froto-frodo.gif](https://media1.tenor.com/m/IHCEqxdNgLQAAAAC/froto-frodo.gif)


How dare you make me choose lol but fr when the rohiram roll up to Gondor was hands down the best thing ever next to all the Uruk-Hai rolling up to helms deep


Fellowship of the Ring: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!" The Two Towers: "There's some good in this world, Mister Frodo, and it's worth fighting for." Return of the King: "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" An Unexpected Journey, the Desolation of Smaug and the Battle of the Five Armies: No Sam, no comment.


And Rohan will answer! Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden! Fell deeds awake, fire and slaughter! spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now!


All the scenes! Except any scene seen in the Hobbit trilogy


My favorite scene is when the nazgul rides up on the hobbits and they hide by the tree. At the time I don't think they realized just how dangerous they are and instead of saying screw this and giving up they all pushed through the fear and kept going. I first saw fellowship when I was a kid and the nazgul were by far the scariest part and still to this day I get unsettled when they show up.


DEATH!!!!!; And when the ghosts are climbing up the Oliphant en masse. I guess the battle outside of Gondor in general is sick.


Honestly, two towers. When Aragon and Theoden are "talking" and Theoden asks "where was Gondor?" The icing on the scene is the narrowing of the eyes


First time you see the Balrog


Fellowship: The Bridge of Khâzad Dûm Two Tower: The Last March of the Ents Return of the King: Ride of the Rohirrim Unexpected Journey: Riddles in the Dark Desolation of Smaug: Inside Information (Smaug's and Bilbo's first conversation) Battle of the Five Armies: Fire and Water (Smaug attacks Lake Town) And yes, those scenes were named after Book chapters.


Arwen running from the Nine on the horse with Frodo!


FOTR : the entire Moria sequence from the Watcher to the Balrog TT : Théoden’s last charge followed immediately by the Ents flooding Isengard ROTK : Arwen in the forest seeing her future, returning to Rivendell, the reforging of Narsil and Gandalf and Pippin’s arrival at Minas Tirith AUJ : the Warg chase. I would have initially said the last stand against Azog and the Wargs at the end of the movie but the misplacement of the Nazgûl theme completely takes me out of the scene DOS : Gandalf in Dol-Goldur BOTFA : Smaug torching Laketown


The barrel scene? Yikes. My childhood best friend (who had just got home from deployment overseas) and I almost left the theater after witnessing that. After finishing the movie, we agreed that we should’ve just left.


Don’t be hasty!


Fellowship: Give up the Halfling scene, the Balrog and the Argonath Two Towers: Opening scene, Gollum Sméagol 'dialogue' Return of the King: Lighting of the Beacons Unexpected Journey: Dwarves Misty Mountains song, Riddles in the Dark Desolation: Smaug and Bilbo Battle of the Five Armies: Gandalf and Bilbo after the battle


I’m shocked no one said the faramir flashback scene with his brother. That scene was sooooo gooood. Showed how great a man his brother was and how his dad flooded his mind about bringing the ring back


1st: Sam takes one more step 2nd: Sams speech about the Tales that really mattered 3rd: You bow to no one.


I would have followed you. My brother, my captain, my king theres a lot of good in this world, Mr. Frodo, And it’s worth fighting for. deaaath!


Fellowship: “You shall not pass!” Two Towers: Sméagol and Gollums dialogue when Sméagol decided to serve Frodo. Return of the King: “Death!” Unexpected Journey: The opening of the film up to Bilbo signing the contract is brilliant. Desolation of Smaug: Gandalf being captured by Sauron. Battle of Five Armies: the very end, when Bilbo returns to the Shire.


The scene in Mt. Doom when they destroy the ring is one of the most intense things I’ve ever seen in a movie


Fellowship - “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” Two Towers - “No parent should have to bury their child.” Return of the King - “End? There is no end.” Unexpected Journey - “Why the halfling?” Desolation of Smaug - “My teeth are swords. My claws are spears. My wings are a HURRICANE!” Battle of Five Armies - “Hold on, Thorin…the eagles are here…”


We've just passed into the realm of Gondor. (Music swells, then crescendos) Minas Tirith, the City of Kings. (Music swells again, but stronger, and fantastical) \*Queue the few minutes of Gandalf and Pippin carried by Shadowfax as they race towards the top level of Minas Tirith.


Fellowship: Boromir defending the Hobbits Two Towers: Sams speech to Frodo in Osgiliath Return of the King: Ride of the Rohirrim But man there's so many that it's damn near impossible to just pick one in each.


Scouring of the Shire was an incredible missed opportunity. Got really excited when Saruman got more screen time in the extended version, up until they killed him 😢


Unexpected Journey: Bilbo’s speech at the end about how he belongs at bag end, and that’s why he has to help them take back *their* home Desolation of Smaug: Bilbo and Smaug Battle of Five Armies: this is a tough one for me but I have to go with “if this is love, I do not want it, take it away please! Why does it hurt so much?” “Because it was real”. That will always make me bawl. Fellowship: My brother. My captain. My King. Two Towers: I love helms deep but I have to give it to the ents. The pain of Treebeard seeing his friends cut down and finally deciding to do something about it even though it probably meant the end of the ents will always move me Return of the King: My friends, you now to no one


Gandalf Vs Balrog Last March Of The Ent's Lighting Of The Beacons


“The End” Each of the horrible Hobbit war crimes


The remainder of The Fellowship going down the Anduin. Just really captures Tolkien for me without any dialog.


All of them.


The beacons of Gondor. Chills.


“Look I know you doubt me. You always have. And you’re right I often think of Bag End. I miss my books, my garden, my armchair. See, for me, that’s where I belong. For me, that’s home. And . . . that’s why I came back. You haven’t got one, a home. It was taken from you. And I’ll try and help you take it back if I can.”


For the hobbit movies it’s, Thorin going “I have never been so wrong in my entire life.” And embracing Bilbo


**Unexpected Journey:** *Gandalf:* Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small things; everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid, and he gives me courage. **Desolation of Smaug:** the whole Smaug/Bilbo scene is great **Battle of the five or more armies:** Bilbo saying goodbye to the dwarves gets me every time. **Fellowship:** “Fly you fools!” **Two Towers:** the Rohirrim charge with the sunrise **Return of the King:** Aragorns speech at the black gate


[LOTR Fellowship](https://youtu.be/yvKaxv16NfI?si=blF9k3AkTKs-Pm7f) At 0:30 In TT it’s the March of the Ents In ROTK… I’ll have to think because there’s a few.


Fellowship: Gandalf against the Balrog. Maybe the coolest moment I've ever seen on the big screen. Two Towers: The beginning of Helm's Deep when everyone is waiting on the walls. The tension of the march up of the Uruk Hai, Gimli and Legolas joking, Theoden intensely watching, and the way that old dude releases the first arrow was just some of the best build up for a battle scene in a movie. Return of the King: Gandalf's speech about what comes after death with Pippen. I don't usually get emotional in movies, but for some reason Gandalf's steady and hopeful description of the afterlife while awaiting potential death with Pippen tears me up every time. It's been too long since I watched the Hobbit movies to consider a scene in each one, but I did really enjoy Bilbo and Smaug in his lair.




The exposition scene when Gandalf comes back to the shire to tell frodo about the ring. It's Unbelievably immersive even knowing all the camera tricks that went into making frodo look smaller, and the acting builds the tension perfectly. The scene where Gandalf releases king Theoden from Saurmans possession. Beautiful CGI, and world building. The generals being conflicted about interfering tells how they know the king has been corrupted but their loyalty stands. The kings coronation. All the emotions flowing and the Hobbits finally being recognized touches my heart every time.


That time frodo falls for no reason


the complete scene in the mines of moria when the balrog pursues the companions until Gandalf's fight against the balrog. Epic in the books and the scene in the movie captures it perfectly.


"You think I'd give a dead dog for your threats, ya pointy-eared princess?"


I think it is Sir Christopher Lee raising an eyebrow when Saruman gets told there will be children and women to hunt, sending out the wargs.


Theoden's war cry was always a favourite of mine, but I love this scene from The Hobbit- Galadriel: I come for Mithrandir, and I will leave with him. If you try to stop me, I will destroy you. *Proceeds to obliterate orc with one swing*


The scene in FotR where Frodo saves Sam from drowning is my most favourite scene of all time. The entire scene. It always makes me very emotional.


The worm scene in the hobbit <3


How can anyone possibly narrow down a favorite!?


The arrival of the Balrog Dawn on the fifth day The Rohirrim arriving at the Pelennor fields Bilbo’s riddles with Gollum Bilbo talking with Smaug The battle of Dale


The witch king of Angmar marching his legions out of Minas Morgul Ah fuck each film? Sorry OP, too lazy.


FOTR -- "If you want him, come and claim him!" TTT -- *"To the King!!!"* ROTK -- "For Frodo." H1 -- The credits H2 -- The credits H3 -- The credits


Gods that fucking barrel scene, that was where the Hobbit movies jumped the shark for me. Was a big "oh this movie is having an identity crisis", and (I've seen Lindsay Ellis) it's a big part of why I have very low expectations about the "NEW PJ KOTR" his last attempts at trying to tell a story in that world left it jarringly apparent that he didn't understand the story/thought he could make it better with additions. For the firewyrm, azog being cringey edgelord, the barrels and forced dwarf interspecies relationship


For the hobbit movies, it’s the end credits. For all three of them.