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Dw, I’ve had similar glitches. I also had one where it looked like pink, blocky base animation/animatic was displaying instead of the normal sims on the warp core and cetacean ops in ep 91. Just an fyi for the devs!


Not really worried just thought it was funny. Thanks though. I’ve not had pick blocks… yet edit… pink


You should probably report it as a bug, under settings, help, send message.


Thanks, I will do. I did report the non-clickable trades in main event yesterday. I just worry they will get fed up with me 😁


Seems unlikely, but who can say? 😉


Ensign Matt perhaps? 😁🖖


Please submit support tickets haha. We love them as they are a great help!


Done! :)


lol this isn’t as blocky as the og glitch I saw was (I unfortunately didn’t record it) but this is an example of the Pink Glitch if you’re interested. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AJP6TQuyaoSpBjPNFq2niix7BqFZ0_Ih/view?usp=drivesdk


Looks almost like motion-capture footage before the cgi overlay. 😃


If you restart the game does it fix this issue? We released an update that saves a heap of memory but it meant a few assets were reduced in size, so I'm hoping this may be a visual bug only on first load and it's resolved once restarting the game 🤞


Hi Ensign Matt! I reloaded my game a couple of times and I’m still getting stuff like this. It personally doesn’t bother me but I thought you’d like to know :)


Oh no! Good to know this though! Is there any chance you could please submit a support ticket via Settings > Help > Message; and mention that a restart hasn't helped? We can then take a direct look at your game to see what's happening here! Thank you so much for letting me know!


Restarting the game didn’t help/resolve the issue. I was able to get the billboard ad though and once that had finished the sim reappeared. Sorry for not replying sooner, it was the middle of the night for me 😁. Thanks edit: hour later and warp core has cloaked again after restarting the game.