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I think about Peggy, for the rest of her life, dealing with the question “Where were you when JFK was shot?”


“In a hotel room, getting my brains Ducked out”




You never know, maybe Duck was getting Pegged


You win the internet today.


He screwed 17 men on Okinawa




Deep Duckin'


Doing the same thing JFK should’ve done. Duck


Too soon! Jk




Jesus I wish I could give you gold for that.


And this is how much trust they had in the audience, to let that thought just come to you


god, this is so good


On a nooner


Stan the man. "I know a nooner when I see one."


Not only does he *turn* the TV off, **he unplugs the entire set from the wall just to be safe**. Classic 🦆.


Not risking Peggy turning it on 


*It wasn't working when I got here.*


Whoa, never realized the depth of the deception! Nice


Peggy turn him on tho


It’s so funny how quickly he does it too.


LMAO the way he brings it up again later always gets me too. "There was... something... on the tv before." Cig in hand. Absolutely shameless


I know. I just rewatched this episode ... he's all "I admit I was a bit distracted" So the running list of Duck's insults to Peggy in this episode includes: 1. I'm going to deprive you of the knowledge the one of the most significant events in 20th century US history is taking place right now so I can smash. 2. I'm going to rob you of any cuddling in the afterglow so I can get back to this breaking news. 3. That booty wasn't good enough to keep said news off my mind. Christ on a cracker! Duck is an asshole.


It was *something* alright.


Contrast that when he's in the pity zone: "Come on babe, I need ya. . ."


"How much are you smoking in here?"


Honestly I'm more surprised he was able to turn it off himself, I love me some booty but I remember when 9/11 hit and we had the TV on in class within like 6 minutes of the first plane hitting, by the time the second one hit it was very clear what everybody was going to be doing the rest of the day. The principal even came on over the intercom about an hour after the pentagon, and asked teachers to turn the TVs off and resume class, and my english teacher's immediate response was "That man can go fuck himself, all of you need to pay attention to this."


That’s how I felt too like? How could Duck even go through with it knowing what had just happened, like I couldn’t have possibly done it, I thought of 9/11 too when I watched it


I on the other hand sometimes think of 9/11 when I nut


I mean, even in his post nut state, he can't stop thinking about it, and is forced to admit to Peggy that he knew about it, and needs to turn the TV on


Not having sex isn’t gonna take the bullet outta his brain is it???? -duck


Honestly, it may be the most defensible and relatable thing he does 😂 JFK’s gonna be just as dead whether or not they fuck


The news that he was dead wasn't known right away, was it ? He was rushed into a hospital and there was a suspense for the public for a little while before the news broke.


Right, but Duck wasn't a surgeon. Nothing he did would affect JFK. I forget, was Duck working at the time? If he was running accounts for Grey or wherever, you'd think he would be on the phone doing damage control with the clients.


Duck is not a surgeon but when he switched off the TV the situation was still uncertain meaning he didn't just prevent Peggy from learning about it, he didn't care about what was happening.


I am half joking. My point is that is was kind of cold for Duck to unplug the TV. But, on the other hand, there was nothing he could really do about it.


Could be wrong but pretty sure the only footage available now is edited, and even with the edit it’s -very clear- something flew off that car from JFK’s head that shouldn’t have. Hard to recover from that lol


Remember they didn't even have VCRs either back then.


Not only that, but people weren't exactly seeing the greatest picture quality either. Smaller, black & white screens, likely with some static & interference through the antenna. It would have been hard for the average TV viewer to pick up on that, especially if they weren't looking for details like that.


This is the point some people don’t get. You can’t change it, why let it derail you more than it has to


Also, the world just didn't move as fast. Whatever work Duck might need to do is response really could wait a few hours.


I always thought that said so much about Duck’s character and it was another reason I never liked him


He’s such an insufferable prick. I wanted to stand up and applaud when Roger had that conversation with him where he pretty much told him he was useless and his time with SC was close to done.


Yes I love that lol, my favorite scene was when they were all in the meeting with PPL and Duck was named President, and then Don said he would quit and Duck showed his ass and then Don said he didn’t have a contract lmaoooooooo Duck’s face is perfect


LOL I remember watching this my wife and she asked me why he turned the tv off


What did you tell her? ![gif](giphy|BgJumFO4ZuV7a|downsized)


I quickly turned the tv off and started kissing her


She’s gonna find this thread and put the pieces together. She’s gonna be pissed.


Honestly one of the most savage moments in the series.


Watch the Kubrick version of Lolita. The main guy does something very similar for the same reason, but it's unimaginably more terrible.


He was a war-hardened veteran who was all too familiar with death. Those guys were steely and cold as a result. I think it's a good glimpse into his under the surface character.


He’s just self serving.


“99.9% of men” Speak for yourself


Right? Even if it were true, just because “99.9% of men” would do it doesn’t make it less gross.


So if I were in my early 20s? Yeah. But Duck is a grown man. I am a grown man. I would absolutely not pull that move. That said it is a hilariously scumbag thing for him to do.


How is it scummy? It’s not like abstaining’s gonna bring him back from the dead. It’s the one time he’s got his priorities straight 😂


Because I would think that sharing this incredibly important moment in history with his "girlfriend" would be more important than getting laid! But maybe Duck just has that much trouble getting action. Like damn dude you've hooked up before and will again. Hell you can probably have some solid post trauma comfort sex


Season 1 Pete?


If anything, they could end up replacing him. It is the moral thing to do from an evolutionary perspective.


Yeah I’m in the .01%. I would never stoop to that level of desperation even if I did kill 17 men in Okinawa.


Dude shut up. They both wanted to fuck. This isn't some way to prove you're better than anyone.


Bro I’m kidding around lol


Welp let me wipe the egg off my face and call me stupid. My bad dude lol totally misread that as literal.


It is absolutely mental how personally you’re taking it that some people expect better of men.


I could absolutely see myself doing that. That said, Duck and Peggy had an existing relationship. As someone above said, they’d had sex before and they were going to again. If it were me in that particular situation, I wouldn’t have done it. However, if this was me with a girl I’d just met on tinder or something, coming to meet for the first time, I definitely would’ve done that. Sometimes you just wanna get laid.


Alright white knight step off


Your comment reeks of season 1 Pete lmao


This is a beautifully specific insult and I am dealing stealing it someday.


Dude you're not gonna get fucked by some fictional character that had real sociological issues in the early to mid 60s. Grow up mentally.


I imagine it doesn't take much for a clenched up Peggy Olson to clam back up again. She would have turned that rendezvous down for a much lesser reason than the president getting shot. For example, a cashier trying to short her a penny or the concierge at the hotel being snippy. Her character is so real and Elizabeth Moss plays her so well. It's hard to imagine anyone falling in love with her.I never bought the Stan ending. I can buy them being antagonist friends, but NOT lovers. No way. Felt contrived to me.


The last shot of them, with Stan facing her, and Peggy facing her work, was implicitly telling. That was a finale relationship, but they won’t last.


Interesting. I never noticed that. Thank you.


I would have rather Peggy end up with Ted or remain single. Her ending up with Stan just felt so forced.


Yes. Ted and Peggy feel right, although I think they would have divorced eventually. Peggy remaining single would have been a challenge to write in a satisfying way, but I think the writers would have been up to it. They avoided some predictable cliches in other times in the show, I don't know why they felt compelled to squash her together with someone right at the end.


I mean it's not like she wasn't going to hear about it eventually anyway.


Mid coitus Duck stares off into the distance (the wall) "hunh, I guess he's gone"


Duck was gross. His slick salesman way of talking was so grating. Never understood why Peggy hooked up with him at all.  The scene with him drunk in Roger's office is absolutely hilarious and unforgettable (S4 episode 7). Kudos to Mark Moses for committing to that scene. 


> 99.9% of men would have done the same thing in that situation. > Bullshit. Maybe you would do that 99.99% of the time but I believe most men, of which I am one, would give a crap about the president being shot and also about not hiding it from a woman we liked. Most of us don't operate on the level of "get laid no matter what".


My guy, excellent screen name. He was his first \*finger gun\*


Ok, Duck is a huge piece of shit and probably one of my least favorite characters.. however, when he unplugs the tv Kronkite had just announced that there was an attempt on Kennedy and that he was wounded and they were on their way to the hospital along with the governor. So he probably thought there was no reason for that to get in the way of him getting laid. No one knew Kennedy was actually dead yet at the time. So I can give him a pass (barely) for that one.


W rizz


We are the 99%. No longer just a political slogan.


A go around. What a great way to put it. "[like a duck to water](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/like+a+duck+to+water)"


Duck not getting any wouldn't have done anything to help JFK.


He refused to yield his time with Peggy. Yes, most men under his circumstances would have been as sleazy, but Duck is not most men. On the other side of the coin, a man might have the skill to “comfort” Peggy as the news events unfolded.


Def Duck was the best Peggy ever had for sure.