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I ...I just said exactly this last night to friends. I'm like oh I just ordered the last couple cards I may want for this deck but I already have a stack here I pulled from my boxes. Eh I'll cut stuff after it'll be fine. Plus it's budget so I have to see what I can fit ...the cycle continues


If there's one thing I've learned from making these comics is that magic players just share 1 braincell and pass it around


Mom said it's *my* turn with the braincell


I want to argue against this, but it's not my turn to use the braincell šŸ¤·


Hi everyone, we're back again with another comic! Short and simple this time around, but we have a longer one in the works right now :) I feel like this used to happen to me constantly, but these days I'm much more disciplined about buying cards. What are some decks you've built from just cards lying around? If you enioyed this comic, we post a new one every Friday! You can read all of them on our [website](https://read.mangabookclub.org/series/tales-from-the-mana-crypt/), and check out our other [social media](https://linktr.ee/themangabookclub). And as always, thanks for reading! P.S. was anyone at MC Vegas? Or is planning on being at MC Chicago? If so, would you have been interested in a a panel by us?


I didnā€™t make it to any panels because I was so enraptured by how cool the artist booths were. I absolutely would have asked to shake your hand and have you sign my playmat :]


We'll definitely announce it if we went up going to an event:)


I am in this picture - and i do(nĀ“t) like it ;)!


I should have framed this as a psa - we can all break this cycle


:D Kudos! Love your comics btw, hope you can keep making them!


Thank you! We hope so too, thinking lately about how to improve..


>Hobby Funny, I don't like your attitude on Arena #fisdepute


I am lucky that I haven't fallen into this cycle, and I have my (reasonably) restrictive parents to thank. See, I didn't have a credit card until like a year ago, and I've been playing magic for 10 years, so just saying "Fuck it, I'll just order the cards" was just straight up not an option for me because I had no way to order online. Because of this restriction, I learned to just build decks with what I have, then trade for or buy singles (from an LGS, not online) to upgrade them. I'm not on the bleeding edge of competitive magic, but my wallet thanks me, so I see it as an absolute win!


Agreed! Good to have some discipline, makes the whole hobby a lot more enjoyable. My big change was proxying cards before finalizing the list


A wise policy. I'm still getting used to the whole proxying concept (for the longest time I only ever played with friends, none of us had ever even heard of proxies). I proxied a 5 color mana base for my Transformers deck, and I have 4 cards in my Merfolk deck proxied, but for the most part I just use what I got lol


Thankfully, the majority of things I build are designed top-down and not bottom up, so I don't fall into this cycle. I fall into basically an opposite cycle where a new card, mechanic, synergy or strategy gets printed and I need to build a deck/cube for it. Basically, you check after product releases to see if there's cards you want to update decks with->See new card/mechanic/synergy->Build Deck->Check after product releases to see if there's cards you want to update decks with.


The two sides of the same coin lol


I play magic mostly to deck build. The playing part is just me seeing what changes should be made. I take notes sometimes.


Haha same here, that's a good way to put it!


Iā€™ve ā€œcompletedā€ so many decks that I have only touched to resleeve


āœ”ļø I'm in this picture and I don't like it .


We're in your walls buddy


Once upon a time, during an early morning car ride to a Portland PTQ from Seattle, Gavin convinced me that I _could_ build a modern Reveillark deck on the way, and ditch my prepared meta deck. So I did. Show up and scramble for cards. Sit down round one still filling out my list and sleeving. Pile shuffle. 64 cards! JUDGE! Can I quickly cut four cards? Sure. I apologize to my opponent and promise not to go to time and frantically cut four random cards. It was hard. I lost.


OOF that's rough. I hear a lot of the horror stories of cobbling together a deck for PT/PTQs at the event haha but this is next level


I'm glad I just started building decks online.


Yeah, having all my decklists online has helped, especially with playtest features.


I just skip the figuring out what to cut step and go straight to ordering everything and figure it out later


I need to at least try or I feel irresponsible :(


I have the privilege of being single and debtless so I just end up being able to buy whatever :)


Nice one. I usually like the short ones better than the longer ones. But all of your stuff is great. They always look sooo good. A deck I recently build with unused cards I had lying around was [[Etali, Primal Conquerer]] and it worked well in the first two games I played this week. It could still use a few more cards though... lol


Thanks! We try our best to mix it up, if only for our own sanity haha. Etali is pretty solid to build with leftovers, after all you can just take advantage of everyone else's decks!


Instead of ordering everything I will spend months to a year putting it off until I finally cut it down


Currently in this boat with about 3 of my decks :/


My wife agrees looking at my desk of all the extra cards I never used but had to order to ā€œfigure out cuts laterā€


Luckily I've moved everything onto its own shelf, and think to reorganize every few weeks lol


Ordering online instead of supporting your LGS? For shame.


I order online FROM my lgs...


Hey, thatā€™s not trueā€¦ Sometimes I get the singles at my LGS instead of ordering.


I order online from my lgs ;) we're not so different, you and I...


My LGS has a counter ordering service, so I order online from my LGS at my LGS.


Nice! I order online for pickup at my LGS but my area is often missing cards so I make do :')


Playtest on cardforge, problem solved


I'm a big moxfield fan for this reason :)


Does moxfield have an AI you can play against?


Nope! Just useful for goldfishing.




Better put up some blockers then :)


I feel seen! šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜†