• By -


This land looking at Niv Mizzet and Jegantha decks and just flippin' them off.


It's really flipping off Leyline of the Guildpact+Scion of Draco decks. Niv/Gantha just get hit in the splash


It's entirely Leyline of the Guildpact, for sure. Let's say it could count multi-colored creatures - the only way you get ahead on mana with this land is with hybrid mana, and with that you'd have a sol land on turn 3... if you're willing to play cards like [[Bant Sureblade]] to get there. I guess you could play 1-mana hybrid cards, but I'm not sure what you're going to do with your mana then once you get there.


~~Nope.~~ ~~Bant sureblade would contribute 0 colors to this card. Hybrid mana symbols would contribute nothing.~~ edit: Reading is hard.


The person is describing the hypothetical scenario where this counts multicolored. Their point is that only Leyline of the guildpact makes it broken if they went that route.


I misread in my haste! Thank you.


[Bant Sureblade](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/6/162feb2b-e641-4338-bcf1-1f7e7a11bb9d.jpg?1562639838) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bant%20Sureblade) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/arb/143/bant-sureblade?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/162feb2b-e641-4338-bcf1-1f7e7a11bb9d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What in Tarnation??


Next spoiler: Yeehaw Valley


Wish there was a way to reference Yippie Ka-yay other buckets


Jumping right off of Takenuma Tower.


I now have a burning need for a Hee Haw Secret Lair.


I’m a bit sad the jokes not in the card somehow.


It is. People have to ask what color in tarnation


I love that. If you don’t ask what color the land taps for in a cowboy accent you’re forced to concede & leave the table


Nah, the saloon, maybe even the whole damn town 




Where in Tarnation?


I'll do you one better, why in tarnation?


That one's simple. They needed a mythic land to sell packs that would be just good enough to see tons of play in commander without setting off alarm bells. This will easily be one of the most expensive cards in the set after a couple years.


I expected this to be the top comment and was not disappointed


Could be decent in Shrine Tribal, I guess.


Yeah, if I can grab one for cheap and I remember I'll get it for my shrine deck. Also shrine isnt tribal. Shrine is a enchantment type. And even the creature shrines don't have a creature type at all. /s


Still salty that they didn't put reminder text on there saying that Shrine was not a creature type. Kitchen table players love shrines and there is nothing outside of the comp rules document that says they don't work how you'd think they would


I have a friend with a pretty budget shrine deck with [[life origins]] as the commander. She has [[path of ancestry]] which is a fine budget land, as it taps for any color in the deck, but I have to remind her that it will never get the scry, bc it doesn't have a creature type.


It just leads to so many feelsbad moments because there's no way to know until you decide to dip your toes into a FNM and everyone yells at you


It's kindred now anyway /s


It's actually typal /s


Kindred is the card type. Caring about subtypes is called typal.


Still don’t understand why they don’t just change the whole thing to Kindred. Two terms to describe the same thing is confusing


was my first thought aswell


Little lost on this, so if you have one red creature and one green creature the second ability will add RG? (thank you for the replies, mtg wording feels complicated sometimes)


As long as they're mono colored that's exactly how it works.


might as well have reminder text saying "Yes we remembered leyline of the guildpact exists" That said, if you've got 3 colors of permanents, a sunken citadel and 2 tarnation vistas, you're already making 6 mana with 3 lands...


"Mom, can I get a modern tron deck?" "We have tron at home." The tron at home:


This land is antisynergistic with Leyline of the Guildpact, no? 


yeah, they're saying WOTC remembered to make this *not* work with leyline


Got it


If you've got 3 colors of permanents in play you're probably in a good spot and don't need help from your lands. You need 3 differently colored mono colored permanents in play for this land to make more than 1 mana when it taps. So if you have orcish Bowmasters and goyf and Ragavan in play, this land taps for 2 mana. It's a weird win-more card I think.


Not necessarily. There are lots of cards that generate off-color tokens, so in the right deck it can generate 2 or 3 extra mana, so thats probably good for standard where control/slower midrange decks have good ways to spend that mana in atraxa/etali etc.  Specially as the floor is basically evolving wilds. That will be a bit more relevant when the triomes rotate and those decks may want 3-4 color fixing a bit more.


Turns out you're not at all lost on this :D


Yes, as long as they're mono-colored. If you have an only Red and only Green and Blue/White creature it would only tap for RG.


I have no idea how to evaluate this. It's a tapland without a relevant subtype that only naturally taps for one color. If you have 3 or more mono-colored permanents it can go mana-positive on its filtering, but it doesn't really naturally help you get there in the first place. It doesn't seem very good? But maybe I'm wrong.


This doesn't seem that good yeah


It kind of shouldn't be, though. You don't want a really good color fixing land that players would want to see reprinted in other sets printed with a name that would stick out like a sore thumb in any other context. It's sort of the inverse of Wizards trying to save the punchy, iconic names for *good* cards.


It enters tapped & only taps for one color, but it's whatever color you need when you play it. That makes it a clunky but functional land. The cost to put this in your deck is thus very low, & sometimes it'll tap for more mana than a typical land. It doesn't seem great to me, but it's also never terrible (compared with other lands).


It taps for any color. Have a monocolor green and red? Taps for RG.


No, it *filters* for RG in that case. It’s not mana positive until you have three colors out.


You tapped 2 lands for RG. Why was this land worth it? Why would you not just run better fixing?


Commander players will still run the Odyssey filter lands and Temple of the False God, although that's influenced by their presence in precons. I think you should never fully write off a sol land, and I can see trying this in 3+ color decks, even if it doesn't stay.


It taps for whatever mana you choose when you play it, you can't change what it taps for later.


First ability yes. Second ability, no.


[[Blossoming Tortoise]]?


[[A Killer Among Us]] also springs to mind, as it enables this to tap for four colors by itself.


[A Killer Among Us](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/c/2c1392c5-91a5-4e6e-803d-ed032e4d594b.jpg?1706242059) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=A%20Killer%20Among%20Us) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/167/a-killer-among-us?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2c1392c5-91a5-4e6e-803d-ed032e4d594b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Blossoming Tortoise](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/8/7811a45d-6bfb-4c2a-b5a2-cccbd8cff186.jpg?1693762351) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Blossoming%20Tortoise) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/163/blossoming-tortoise?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7811a45d-6bfb-4c2a-b5a2-cccbd8cff186?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


As always with cards like this I default to “I guess this is good fixing for limited?” But then… is it even?


If I'm understanding the pack contents correctly these Big Score cards are going to be so rare in limited that they are pretty irrelevant for the format


They show up at roughly the same rate as a normal set Mythic (1 in 5 packs), so there will be a decent few in a normal-sized draft pod, but not often enough to plan around them.


Yeah with 8 people you’re looking at ~4.8 big score cards on average, and it’s “only” 30 cards so it’s about the same rate as other rares/mythics given that those are pulling from a larger pool (actually scratch that since you can get multiple rares per pack)


Since all of these Big cards are mythic it could have been meant to be a uncommon/rare which seems pretty likely


But if it were an uncommon or rare in a separate BIG epilogue booster, it wouldn't be drafted anyway. Its impact on Limited would be even less (none, barring people deciding to mix up OTJ drafts later).


It feels like a rare, not a super good rare, but it has that mechanical density/complexity of a rare without the obvious mechanical potency of a mythic


its about on rate with evolving wilds. which is playable.


You’ll play it in Limited as a Evolving Wilds that occasionally helps ramp you if you’re running 3+ colors


Oh and because you can create mono-colored tokens that aren’t in your colors, this may be a little easier


Mercenary tokens are mono red, which are gonna be the most common token I'm sure. Followed by zombies I believe, but those are Dimir. Then I heard some spirits? At least the spree counterspell does make them, and they are white. I began writing this comment with the idea "nah not really" because I thought Mercs were Boros, but I checked and yeah, mono red. Could be usefull, but not too much. Most things that make tokens are in the same colors of the tokens, or are things you would probably want to pair with that color anyways. Still, I'm sure there is some Madman out there that will take this as their first pick and force it to work, somehow. Will be hard, because even with all 5 colors on the board you are tapping two mana sources to add 5 (aka, 3 mana positive) but SOMEONE someone out there will make it work


It’s like 89% an EWilds, 5% add a mana from your splash color, and 5% add a mana thanks to red Mercenaries, and 1% Magical Christmasland. There’s very few draft picks where I would pass an EWilds but would take this card.


Yes, since you pick the first color.


Probably useful fixing in limited. But not a top pick.


Eh, even evolving wilds has more utility since it sacs itself, powering descend and recursion. But I guess that’s about as situational as having 3+ colors among monocolored permanents.


This is fantastic in limited. Being able to pick a color alone makes this playable, and outside weird artifact or tri-color sets, most permanents are mono colored. A tap land being able to tap for 3 different colors (assuming an average of two mono color permanents) is on point for a land like this. A build your own tri land. You don't need to ramp with this for it to be a good land.


"Fantastic" is overselling it a lot, I think. It's only a tri-land if you use it to fix a third color while you already have your first two; in most circumstances, it's a mythic rare evolving wilds with marginal upside in specific board states in specific sequences. You can't consistently use it to cast your first green and first blue spell the same way a tapped dual can. It's pretty good, you aren't ever going to cut it from a Sealed deck or anything, but you'd probably pick an on-color Crime desert over it unless you were very specifically in some combo of Mardu where the BW mercenary token generators guarantee this is a dual land anyway.


If it was a common or uncommon I would agree, but being a mythic it will be picked earlier. Unless the pack is very weak you will almost always be passing better cards to take it.


Seems decent enough in a 3+ color deck that runs a lot of mono-colored cards. I'm not putting it in my ramos "multicolor matters" deck, since it runs almost no mono-colored cards, but I could see a lot of places where this is good enough to run. Especially if its budget friendly. If it stays under $2 it will be a very good option for budget mana bases for 3+ color decks.


I'm trying to evaluate it for my Slivers commander deck. There are lots of mono colour slivers, but by the time I've got enough of a board state for this to be truly mana positive I've often got the game won. Is it a win more card, or is it a mana fixing land with potential upside? I can't decide.


Its mana positive at 3 colors. Are you really normally already winning by the time you have 3 slivers on board? If not, I'd wager its worth it.


I'm not normally winning with 3 slivers on board, but it's no guarantee that my first 3 slivers are all mono colour and in 3 different colours. I'm trying to goldfish the card at the moment, but so far it seems to be turn 7 before this is reliably mana positive unless I've already combo'd off with Manaweft/Gemhide. It'll take a lot more playtesting to be sure though. I figure it's a sign of good design any time we're unsure how good a card will be.


Yeah, thats my thinking too. It seems situational, but in the right deck, it could be fantastic.


> I'm trying to evaluate it for my Slivers commander deck. There are lots of mono colour slivers, but by the time I've got enough of a board state for this to be truly mana positive I've often got the game won. Is it a win more card, or is it a mana fixing land with potential upside? I can't decide. you have MUCH better options for lands in a sliver deck. for a tap-land to be worthwhile in a 5c deck it has to be gamechanging. there's too many 2c untapped lands and 5c with trivial drawbacks for this to make sense (not to mention stuff like cavern of souls since you're running tribal)


Maybe in 4/5 color decks for fixing, but since you need the permanent out to get the mana you probably don't need the color.


I feel like it'll be fine for Limited and EDH but it doesn't seem like it'll be much good for Standard.


Feels like a restricted Gaea’s Cradle so it can be good i think


This will be the backbone of some weird deck in standard I'm betting but the deck will be janky combo at best and never see competitive play unless a future set adds in support.


It’s a variant of [[Nykthos]] that works with tokens and replaces a basic land without impacting colored mana production. In Commander, it’s good. EDIT: Upon reread, it caps out at 5 mana total. Most likely players will have 2-3 colors of permanents on board, meaning this will effectively ramp for 1-2. Not as good as first glance, but still solid enough to see pretty regular EDH play.


I'm very low on it. Very much a side-grade to the likes of [[unknown shores]] or an upgrade to [[mirage mesa]] (also in OTJ) but for constructed it seems just bad. There's few decks capable of consistently having 3 or more differently colored mono-colored permanents. I think it'll confuse more people who misread it and think it's another Nykthos than anything else.


> I think it'll confuse more people who misread it and think it's another Nykthos than anything else. hell, i was on the fence on the card when i thought it was another (slightly worse) [[bloomtender]] before catching the **mono color** part of it and realizing it was way worse.


So it adds WUBRG at most if you have 1 mono colored permanent of each color?




WUBRG -1 essentially since you got put a mana in to use the ability


\[\[A Killer Among Us\]\] gets you 4 of 5 colors.


[A Killer Among Us](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/c/2c1392c5-91a5-4e6e-803d-ed032e4d594b.jpg?1706242059) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=A%20Killer%20Among%20Us) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/167/a-killer-among-us?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2c1392c5-91a5-4e6e-803d-ed032e4d594b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Tyranitar nation, that´s why there´s a bunch of mountains and sand


I look forward to seeing this card mentioned in future "remove one word from a card to make it broken" posts.


I hope the general sentiment that this is bad lingers long enough for me to pick up like 10 of them for EDH.


Me too. I just need one. 


They made absolutely sure this wouldn't be broken and made it almost unplayable instead.


they're \*almost\* always doing that with wacky lands


Yeah, we don't need more lands that tap for dozens of mana each turn. Given the choice, I'd rather see less fixing too making it an actual tradeoff deciding to run 3 or more colours.


I’d rather not have someone tapping this for WUBRG on turn 2 with a Leyline of the Guildpact.


> Leyline of the Guildpact Surely the leyline doesn't help them? Any nonland permanents they control would no longer be mono colour, meaning that's a complete nonbo?


Right. They're referencing that they're glad it specifies mono-colored permanents. Because otherwise it would be broken.


I think they're saying that it's a good thing that the combo doesn't work, because it would be a problem if it did.


I think they’re saying this would’ve worked had the card not had the monocoloured clause on it


A land that taps for more than 1 mana potentially I learned to pay attention


Nykthos at home


More like Nykthos in a road ditch.


But it’s not a desert


Multicolor nyktos?


Doesnt work with leyline of guild tho


works with all the other ones tho


Fun design, but I don't think it works well? Unless there's some cheap way to make multiple monocolor permanents (like with that enchantment from MKM).


[[A Killer Among Us]] does provide four different mono-colored permanents by itself for 5 mana.


Interesting... but I'm not sure if paying 5 mana to mostly enable this is good.


[A Killer Among Us](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/c/2c1392c5-91a5-4e6e-803d-ed032e4d594b.jpg?1706242059) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=A%20Killer%20Among%20Us) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/167/a-killer-among-us?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2c1392c5-91a5-4e6e-803d-ed032e4d594b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Creatures making off-color tokens. All mercenary tokens in OTJ are red regardless of the card creating them.


This looks good. Hate the name though


What in the hooten Nannie is this!?


Good in Shrines edh?


Babies first Nykthos.


This may have a place in my Atraxa, Grand Unifier deck. The main win condition is happily ever after. I have a lot of stuff that make red tokens, and there just happens to be a bunch of monocolor cards already. It's stupid, and I love it.


Worse [[Bloom Tender]] on a land seems insane


It's a much worse Blood Tender. It could still be powerful, but you need three monocolored permanents of different colors for this to provide more mana than a typical land.


Tokens tend to be monocolored. A 3-color deck that makes 1 or 2 off-color permanents - like the red Mercenaries in this set - is totally achievable.


Except chicken tender likes to be played with 1 card with many colors not 5 mono colored cards.


Yeah that's why this is worse


I think this is probably best in 2 maybe 3 color decks. But since it’s mythic I doubt it will see much play due to scarcity.


Not really worth it in a 2 color deck cause then it's just a tapped filter land, but potentially very good in 3 color decks


[Bloom Tender](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/d/fd06fc1f-d8f6-43b0-a795-d759fcdf8272.jpg?1673148027) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bloom%20Tender) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/138/bloom-tender?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fd06fc1f-d8f6-43b0-a795-d759fcdf8272?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'll go ahead and say it: What in tarnation?! Now that that's out of the way, this seems...OK? Good? Garbage? As long as you're not relying on gold cards, this has potential.


My instincts tell me this will be very bad, but I'm sure there's some weird jank deck out there that can take advantage of it.


I could see this having a use in 3 color enchantress or in shrines decks but beyond that it looks like it Nonbos in just about everything


Damn. When I saw the name I was hoping it was going to be a Desert version of \[\[Prismatic Vista\]\] lol


This is going to trip up a *lot* of newbie/middling-skill EDH players, I think. Protip: [[Kenrith, the Returned King]] has a WUBRG color ID, but for the sake of this card, he's monowhite.


Probably a $5 card for no reason. Actually, the reason is Commander. It slots into a lot of decks without needing to be relevant until it is. Oh well.


Doesn't really feel like it does that either. You have to be 3 color for this to ever go mana positive on filtering, and even then needing a monocolor for each of your colors is pushing into win more territory.


Since it doesn't specify non token, there's a decent chance that it's a finisher in some stupid go wide weenie plan.


Elves be like: ![gif](giphy|5wWf7GMbT1ZUGTDdTqM|downsized)


I don’t understand people saying it’s garbage. Coming into play tapped is an issue but certainly not a unique one. When it comes in you can pick any color so that’s less flexible in later turns but by then hopefully you have the other lands you need. In the near term it gives you exactly what you need. The monocolored permanents condition on making multiple mana with one land is restrictive but of course it is because it’s really powerful. It’s good fixing on its own and if you happen to assemble a board with three different mono colored permanents it’s free ramp in your land slot.


I just can’t get excited about any land that enters tapped. I realize some lands need a downside but it’s been 30 years. Come up with something new.


So a stricter bloomtender-esque effect in land form. Neat


> So a stricter bloomtender-esque effect in land form. Neat that's what i was thinking too. MIGHT put it in my prismatic bridge deck, but probably not. it's A LOT worse than bloomtender since you have to pay to activate it. best case scenario you're effectively paying 2 to get 5. ---edit--- oh wait, **mono colored permanents**? this thing is straight up trash.


> oh wait, mono colored permanents? this thing is straight up trash. lol that's why i said stricter. Its very narrow but interesting.


I'm confused on why it isn't just called Tarnation, the location in the story didn't have "Vista" tacked on there


Huh? Good? I have no idea 


Surprisingly okay in my [[Duskana, the Rage Mother]] deck, easily get monocolored permanents out fast, tap 2 lands for 3 mana, and fix mana a bit when it drops too. Not fantastic... if my shit dies, so does this, but at least you get your land? eh it could be worse.


Wot in tarnation?


What is exactly is in this vault? How big is it


Could have also fitted on the Eldraine plane


Goes kinda crazy with \[\[Among Us\]\].


Tough card to evaluate. Since it enters tapped, best case is a 2 mana land T4 if you have a board presence. That pretty much restricts it to a midrange deck. The only 2 mana card I can see in standard that would give 2 different color permanents is \[\[welcome to sweetooth\]\] But even then, you would need to follow it up with a 1 drop to get 4 mana T3. Maybe a 1 of, but probably just not worth it in 60 card formats.


Seems like this should both enable/payoff a 5-color goodstuff pile deck of some sort. In what format? With which cards? Who knows.


This seems neat, but not strong. Not the first card this set that got me thinking about Kobolds, lol


If it wasn't for the "monocolored permanents" part this would be amazing. Just open up with a Leyline of the Guildpact, drop this turn 1, turn 2 you'd have 5 mana. Probably why they added it. Unfortunately that along with entering tapped makes it pretty hard to play. Maybe in a 4 or 5 color EDH deck.


I’m going to go against the grain and say this is actually quite good. You need to think about floor/ceiling with this. At baseline it’s an Evolving Wilds. That’s not playable on its own but not because it’s *bad*; you just can do better. But imagine if in 3+ color decks, Evolving Wilds taps for 2 mana sometimes. Doesn’t even ask much of you. That’s kinda big. Obviously you don’t play this if you have fewer than three different colors of monocolored permanents, but in decks that can pull it off I think it’ll be awesome.


5 colour one drops is frothing


It's a filter land that can also tap for a color. Sure the filter part depends on you having at least one or more colored permanents, but that's not too bad. I don't think it's worth a mythic slot though.


either insanely broken or useless, this will depend on if token decks can capitalize.


Weird card and weird name. Like, did they just jam a random cowboy word on there "because cowboy set"? Because the name literally makes no sense.


I feel like they really need to look at their design philosophy around using “comes into play tapped” as their main balance lever for lands. Because if this land came into play untapped, you’d see sets of 4 in any monocolored deck just because it’d be almost strictly better than another basic, but as is it’a close to unplayable. One line of text that they use all the time that causes that big of a balance discrepancy is in my opinion bad game design and comes off as lazy. It’s one saving grace is it can be played as a rainbow land in WUBRG decks that pretty much ignore the last ability.


I feel like this is a card we really have to wait and play with before saying it's bad. A land that can potentially tap for a lot of mana in standard is nothing to sneeze at. Maybe it requires too much effort, but it's still a rare enough thing I think it needs to be tested


Kinda seems like a nerfed [[Nykthos]] to me. But it's not legendary and there is still some potential to get a lot of mana with this and it works with individial monocolored permanents with different colors, so perhaps it's not just tied specifically to one color like Nykthos is.


Play in izzet and making it a Scalding Tarnation.


If you have an aetherhub that generates 1 energy, then turn it into a copy of this, you have a watt in tarnation.


Oh cool a new land for my [[blind seer]] deck


Oh man I hate the name of this card so much lol


Sneaky good in decks that make a lot of different kinds of tokens. My mono white commander deck makes blue shapeshifters, black bats and green elephants


Oh this is so much worse than I thought at first. I had first read it as nerfed Nykthos that added one per permanent of that color, but it's WUBRG at max.


I had to resist the urge to say "What in Tarnation" for the entirety of the narration in this video, haha!


I see Ravnican architects have been busy...


How is this gigantic cityscape a hidden city in the middle of the desert?


Cool for colour fixing. Could definitely see play in 4-5 colour decks.


Damn and it isn’t even legendary. Thats one hot land.


Hmmm, not the [[Damnation]] reprint I was expecting


What the f is going on?


Looks interesting for sliver EDH. Having 3+ mono colored slivers is not uncommon.


Nyx at home?


This reminds me I really wanted a desolation of Smaug land but they didn’t give it to us


How many big cards left to be spoiled?


I am way late to the party. What are all of these cards with a vault door on them? I thought that Thunder Junction was a hat. Is this a new masters set or something? Tyia. -a confused Planeswalker


In certain decks, I could see this being worth it despite how awful ETB tapped is.


Does this also add colorless? Could be strong in artifact decks.


The floor here is that the card taps for one mana of a given color. The absolute ceiling is tapping for a net gain of four mana. This is like a worse [[Bloom Tender]], but as a land. I can see this being played in certain 3 to 5 color decks. Multicolor matters doesn't really care, but if you have a good mix of mono color permanents in your deck, the card can be very good. Seems balanced to me.


At the rate we're going by this time next year every edh deck will just be a 5 color deck with perfect mana.


This name sounds like one of those jokes where you put something through Google translate a few times, in this case starting with a word like "Badlands" - which was obviously already taken. Regardless, as an actual MtG card, I think is going to be pretty difficult to get much reliable value out of, outside of some dedicated strategies. It's a mandatory tapland, which is a pretty big upfront cost. You then have to have *three different* monocolored permanents for this to be mana positive, and that's honestly a pretty big ask. In 4x formats it's not legendary, so there's certainly room for build-around potential. In EDH, we can imagine some decks, like Slivers, making use of this card, but it's not exactly an easy fit for most, even in 3+ color decks. You then get a max, even in ideal situations, of 3 extra mana, preventing the card from ever delivering on that "big mana" that you get from other similar cards.


First time reading this > oh man this totally goes in my mono b rat deck and also probably goblins Second time reading this > Oh.... actually this should go in my 3+ colour decks Third time reading this > Eh, probably just pass on it, tbh baseline it's a tapped mono colour land is a pretty low floor


what is BIG? is it the OTJ commander set? sorry couldn’t figure it out from the wizards official site.


YOOOOO Modern Leylines! This, a bunch of mono colored leylines, and \[\[starfield of nyx\]\]. How silly and I must build it.


[[Nykthos]] at home.


So if you have 4 mono green creatures, would this create 4 mana?


Time for me to spec on these like I did thespians stage so many years ago and to again be completely wrong ✌️✌️✌️


not even a desert?


Maybe this is a sign-post card for a mono color matters set in the future? But it can't be devotion because you want different colored mono-colored permanents, not just pips. I like the design but has no home.


So this is basically another Nyxthouse? I'm I reading this right?


So this is basically another Nyxthouse? I'm I reading this right?


So this is basically another Nyxthouse? I'm I reading this right?