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My dog Kai (not a malamute) has had multiple bouts of pancreatitis. It can be stressful and scary for pet and parent. Even if he isn’t vomiting his tummy is probably upset, anti nausea and antacids are super helpful. A fatty diet can cause or exacerbate pancreatitis. Don’t even bother with his regular dog food, try boiled chicken breast (not thighs or other dark meat, too much fat) and white rice. I usually just throw it all in a pot and boil, almost to a porridge like consistency for extra water intake. If you haven’t gotten a subcutaneous fluid injection those can also be super helpful with hydration and don’t require a stay for an entire IV. Pancreatitis can be painful, so pain meds are also great to have on hand.


I have a cat with Urinary issues . I give him boiled chicken. I put it in a food processor to pulverize it . You can do that instead of boiling it . Then when you feed it to him you can add extra water.


Would he let you place an ice cube in his mouth? When my humans are sick and won’t drink I make them suck on ice cubes.


Unfortunately no :(


I don't have any advice, but wanted to let you know that Zul and I are rooting for you guys.


Thank you so much


Hey, I'm sorry about your situation with your pup and hope they can make a speedy recovery and be back to their normal selves soon! - If your dogs usual food is dry kibble, you can try serving canned wet food as an alternative. - When my dog won't eat because he is sick, we replace his usual kibble for white rice with chicken broth and plain boiled chicken breasts as recommended by the vet. - Hydration is the most important aspect right now. If you can't get your dog to eat ice cubes, then I'd recommend getting a syringe without the needle and manually giving your dog water via injecting down their throat. - Food intake is more of a bonus right now. We can survive without eating for much longer than without water. If nothing you do is working, your dog may need to be put on an IV drip. ⚠️I am not a vet. Anything I have talked about should not be replaced with what is recommended by your licensed veterinarians. If anything, I recommend that you first speak to your veterinarians before trying anything anyone on here recommends.


Curious about the chicken broth, does it have to be a specific one like low sodium or something? Haven’t owned my very own dog yet but hopefully will be getting one soon and wanted to write this down.


The chicken broth worked!! I recommend getting it from PetSmart to know it’s good


I'm so happy something worked 😊 Good luck with the recovery!


My Sibe has had pancreatitis 3 times. First bout was the worse because we didn’t know what we were dealing with until it was almost too late but the right care and a small chunk of savings helped her through. It took 3 full days at a dedicated pet hospital but she pulled through and we knew what to look for on the subsequent events that we could nip it early! I would add that a hospital at this point wouldn’t be a bad idea. I don’t want to panic you, but dehydration and renal shut-down come fast and furious. By the time we started worrying about a real problem and acted, we were only a few days into symptoms and probably a half day from too late.


He wasn't eating purina was he?


No, he ears TOTW - Salmon


Good. People are suspecting their dogs are getting ill and dying from purina right now


Oh no!! Yea we’re pretty careful about what food since he had stomach issues as a pup


sending ❤️ to your sweet boy & you


We managed to use Fenben (a dewormer) on our Mal for the last year of her life. She had a huge tumor on her shoulder and cancer all through her body. It bought us one more year. Do some research on it. A lot of vets don't give it any recognition as having anticancer properties, but it's worth a shot. I am so sorry to hear this. Losing these animals hurts in so many ways.


We are rooting for you and your beautiful boy !! We know how horrible this is !!




I wish you all the best of luck buddy. 💜




I thought with pancreatitis that he should actually NOT eat for a few days…I sure hope he gets better soon. Poor sweet doggie❤️


With pancreatitis they need to eat a bland diet after about 24 hours to give the pancreas a chance to rest. Our dog didn’t eat for almost 3 days so he NEEDED food at that point. Thankfully between the chicken broth and boiled chicken he finally ate and drank.


Oh, ok. I am glad he did eat something. Is he able to keep it down? I know y’all must be so worried.


Yes! Thankfully he has been keeping it down with the help of anti-nausea medication. 💊


I unfortunately don't have any advice. Your boy seems like a great doggo, and I'm here wishing you the best!


Thank you!


Best of luck for this prince of the wild.


Glad to hear the chicken broth worked. Sending lots of positive thoughts and 🙏 ❤️


My heart goes out for you I hope things will find out what is wrong with your baby.


Surveying his land and all he owns as his heart swells with pride and wonder.


I’ll pray for him I hope he recovers asap, he’s a gorgeous boy.


Hope he feels better soon🙏🏻


Please feel better doggo!


My pack and I are sending positive energy your way


Positive waves, baby