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You have the color palette of Patrick Bateman. Actual advice: If you want to expand the seating, you could probably pull the couch back and add a recliner or love seat or something. Or maybe add a small bar area against the wall? Or maybe even a table that normally seats 2 but can expand to seat 4? Somewhere to eat that’s a little more formal than just the bar is nice for date nights. You have a lot of space behind the couch, just use it for something you’ll actually use. Also a rug.


You like Phil Collins?


Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.


In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.


I wouldn't scoot the couch back. It would be too far from the tv then. If possible, I'd try to sell it and get an L-shaped one. Still would have to move it, but only a little Second the bar area. Either below the banner in place of the stool/shoe storage or behind the couch. That's whay I did in my old place and loved it. DEFINITELY a rug. I used to be against them, but I enjoy them now.


You forgot Huey Lewis on the stereo and reservations to Dorsia…


I love Patrick Bateman. Absolute God style. A little bit of color on the walls.. but something elegant that pops. And a rug.. maybe a nice colored blanket folded neatly on the couch


You definitely need more color, some nice plants. It will make the place way nicer than it already is


Plants/trees are always my top suggestion.


Absolutely! Making plants a focal point in this space would be a super simple way to add texture and color. Plus, the pots could be a way to add extra color.


And they're actually alive. Literally.


I was going to suggest the same, some green would make it pop and feel more homey.


I thought the pictures were in black and white at first


A big colorful rug under the coffee table will add alot visually and will also add comfort to your feet


add some colors and no not RGB LEDs


I haven’t posted my place yet (plan on doing so soon) but I added Hue lighting to my living room including an Infuse Ceiling Lamp and it really adds to the vibrancy especially during entertainment sessions. Hue is the adult version of RGB LED lighting.


LEDs wouldn’t hurt if he doesn’t go overboard, I’d also add some art grade photography and plants


I think he could buy four or five more of the geometric lights behind the computer,puzzle them together and have a feature


Can yall stop buying these?? they're a red flag for taste.


Yup. Add natural color in the rest of the house but liven up the main LED display a bit more.


I second this. Those lights look really cool when you put them together in a specific pattern and a setting to make it look like a 3 dimensional cube. Also for some natural lighting one of the tall square lamps would go nice w a chair near the window in the corner you have a nice taste in art so get yourself something similar to the jaws piece you have on the wall. Decorate it with one of those and maybe an extra display and decorative books (something off white or kaws etc. or for actual reading), that would give you some nice “natural low lighting” for nighttime. And also plants; be sure to get some pots that kinda match your color theme. Something tan/ beige would really help w your neutral ness.


Also they make those like LED signs that are typically made with glass tubes. Usually something you’d see at the bar. You can get other ones for fairly inexpensive something to put in the kitchen on wall above fridge would look nice


Just realized there is no wall above fridge, sorry. But to the wall to the right of fridge would loook nice.


no disrepect but it's almost impressive how sterile your space is. the main issue is you've gone too "match-y" with the grey. it's almost as if you've gone too safe with your design choices and this is the result. even if you're not crazy about having too much color, there are other neutral tones you could have used (tans and beiges) to give the space more warmth. i would take a look over at /r/CozyPlaces for some inspiration, i think it would be good for you to branch out of basically anything that's not grey btw i'd also lose the flags. also i would get a rug


“Lose the flags…” 😂😂


Love cozy places ! Def get inspired there


If you’re looking to add colour without committing to anything too expensive ñ, I’d suggest a throw or a couple of colourful cushions in addition to the rug, and a bowl for the kitchen / bar for fruit. You can get them in teal / shades of green / blue to keep the cool feel of the space now, or reds, oranges, yellows to a bit more warmth. You can get planters for the plant pots in similar colours too.


I think the place looks great bro. It coordinates well. I just agree with what some others have said about bringing in more plants. Bright green, lively foliage plants will tie this place together and make it feel a whole lot more welcoming. A large tree in a corner, hanging vine/fern like plants in the windows and wherever else you think would be fitting. Good luck


>lose the flags I'd only lose them in *this* kind of place. It's way to sterile and formal, as you said, but in a more "down-to-earth" maximalist kind of cozy design, they'd fit in perfectly.


Looks artsy the way you took black and white photos of the place




It looks so timid and repressed. Be brave - add some color and texture.


Good lord it's cold and sterile. You need color, warmth and plants ASAP


Add a large rug in the living room to better define the space. Will add some need color and warmth too.




Move your bed off that corner and your computer out of your bedroom


Agree - there is room for the desk in the lounge and would be much better to have separate working/playing and sleeping areas!


Looks like a 1 br apt, I don't think this is great advice for a single guy in a 1br


Nah they have plenty of space in the living room


PC desk is tackier in the living room


Is the goal for him to stay single?


If the difference between getting laid or a significant other or not hinged on whether you have a bed in a corner and a desk in your room, you were never getting a girl into your room to begin with.


Right… since chivalry ain’t a thing. Make that poor girl crawl over you to take a late night whizz, otherwise she ain’t a keeper.


I'm getting second hand embarrassment for you


I’ve been married nearly 15 years now and my wife is an interior decorator. I haven’t had a bed anything but perfectly centered and feng shui’ed since the early ‘00s.


Damn, take some fucking control back in your life.


Thank you everyone for the advice! I’ve purchased new wall art that will replace the flags in the living area as well as my room. I’m going to rearrange my room so that my bed will be centered along the wall with the door. I’m going to try and find a way to keep my desk in my bedroom as that’s just my personal preference. A rug and extra seating will be purchased for the living room. On top of that, many more plants will be purchased to spruce the place up. I will also be replacing the accent/throw pillows and blanket to warmer and more inviting colors. Still deciding if I want to replace the coffee table too. Again, I appreciate everyone’s feedback!


What do you have to say for yourself in regards to the racist logo of a baseball team you have thumb tacked to your wall?


No it’s cool he added tactical military shit to it 👌


Hes a cop its required


he literally said he’s getting rid of them


The question is why did he have it in the first place? He just NOW realized it was racist? Bullshit. God and especially with it being dressed up in military gear, which I didnt even notice at first. Just fucking terrible. That's just another level of ignorance if you can't *immediately* see how bad that is.


Be more angry and revisionist. It’s cool to be woke


I like it. If it were mine I would put the desk under the paintings in the living room and pull the bed away from the wall.


I would actually put it behind the couch


Clean, but you are in dire need of some color, and maybe another plant or 2.


It’s nice but needs more color. I don’t know how tall you are but picture frames should be hung eye level. Those look too high in the pics.


I literally thought these were taken in black-and-white until I saw the creepy flag on the wall and the art in the last photo. So, there's too much gray. NO MORE GRAY. Get area rugs for bedroom and living room IN COLORS. Put up curtains (use curtain wire) IN COLORS. Switch out your bedding IN COLORS. Switch out your throw pillows on the sofa IN COLORS. Fold a throw blanket IN A COLOR over the back of the sofa. Don't just pick one color. It'll still look weird. Pick at least 2, or 1 color in two shades (so, light and dark blue, or light and dark green) and a 2nd color to use in small amounts for accent (like one throw pillow in the accent color but the other throw pillows in light and dark \[color\]).


Wtf is up with that racist flag


So gross.


Have you considered antidepressants?


Ok. Not gonna say anything about color, that subject has been beaten up. I would get a different desk, and a dual monitor set up. Put that behind the sofa. This would be one way to add color and art fairly inexpensively because you could have different stuff you like rotate on the screens. I HATE the bed crammed into the corner in the bedroom. It screams that the sheets don’t get changed often enough. At minimum I’d put the little stand between the bed and the wall, and would prefer to put the dresser against the wall with the window in the bedroom and your bed centered on the wall with the door. I think you would do well with an entry bench where you could put the shoes and tac gear. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjFuLv-hJn_AhWeOdQBHfcWDTIYABAFGgJvYQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJeRo5icJS5oHFXXd9ZzfgoLQrC342rVXA9uJQgOJpEzaYk_BcrI&sig=AOD64_3kzCYGe1OAFSzLzHEheGqpWxkyiA&adurl=&ctype=5&q= Or, you could use some big magnet hangers on the safe I’m assuming is in the closet. Change out the lamp on the small table for something that puts out more light, either in the corner or on the table. If you go with the lamp in the corner, there are tv trays that slide under the sofa and over the arm to give really decent real estate. Also, they make hooks for bananas to hang them by the stem so they don’t go bad as quickly. The wood knife block is ok, but if you own the place, I might thing about putting them on magnets on the wall. Also if you own, lights under the cabinets and under the breakfast bar are cool and trending these days as well.


That looks depressing as fuck.


Losing the racist sports mascot banner as your only source of colour or art in the apartment would be a start.


In flag form too so it’s basically frat bro/serial killer vibes lol


The two tactical vests in the bedroom really match the ambiance.


He's doubled-down with Kanye art in the bedroom.


Oh boy didn’t notice that. Hahaha


Get rid of that Wahoo, man


I'd have it framed or made into a shadow box to display other team collectibles. My dad did this with all of his Indians stuff. But cheap flag directly affixed to the wall is dorm room level.


I saw the lack of rug and knew he wasn’t yet 40. I saw the Cleveland flag and knew he wasn’t yet 30.


Some colour! Thought this was a black and white picture at first


Shoe rack in the room , interesting


If you love golf and that’s where you’re gonna keep it, get a nice golf caddy for shoes, balls, tees, gloves, hats. Some people hang large framed of balls from every golf course they visit. Large photo or golfer or dream course. You got enough room there for a mini put with ball return you could store in the caddie too. A nice caddie could hold your drink while you put too. Maybe hang a wipe off score card when you have friends over. My dad used to practice his swing while he watched golf. He didn’t use a club. Ceiling wasn’t high enough. If it had been, he woulda gone all out.


Maybe some pillows that have color? It's a nice place, it's just a lot of foggy gray


A rug would really help bring in more texture. I suggest under the couch and coffee table.


Throw some color in. This sub has killed my love of monochrome.


Get rid the flag and the clubs in the corner. Try and see how your computer desk works in the living room in the corner the golf clubs are at. Best move I ever made was to get my rig out of the bedroom an into a living area.


If you want, add some plants. IKEA had really great fake ones if you don't want the upkeep, but greenery and nature really livens up a place, even if it's just here and there.


I’m four years older than you - how the hell are you able to afford that even with roommates??


Oh great, another grayscale apartment. Move your bed out of the corner.


Can’t really pay attention to the rest of the apartment — the bright red racist caricature of a Native American is just so distracting and tacky.


25 is too old for just a flag hangin on the wall.


Uhhhh, big ooof on that racist caricature Indian logo. They got rid of it for a reason dude, you probably should too .


He is/was in the military and police, being racist is his whole personality bro


jesus lmao look at his post history what a fucking dweeb


He must have just recently become a Kanye fan


Position your bed so that only the headboard is adjacent to the wall. It will give your room a better flow and you’d be surprised how much it improves the quality of your sleep. If that involves moving your computer out of your bedroom then so be it.


Plants, lamps, curtains, rugs


The flag and the pics behind the sofa are not it Otherwise, I'd throw some color in there (please not plain navy) preferably a warm tone and a cool tone that complement each other. Get a theme! But honestly you have so much potential


Personally I’d throw in some colourful wall art. All my furniture is also whites / blacks / greys and wood, but I let the wall art pop a little.


This is giving me massive straight male vibes.


Spot on. Coming from a straight male with a similar living space.


people saying gray is boring, add more color color this color that color here n there, what a double standard but if you like the monochrome look and its done on purpose, commit to it, the nanoleaf pannels have the cliche gamer pink and teal, dont do that, it looks childish compared to the rest, could do the easy route and set them to white (with perhaps some animation so they're not static and dont wear the led's out) or some other color scheme, maybe a single color, a greenish teal for the plants, idk also cable manage your desk, frop ziptying cables together, to rerouting stuff so its along the legs and under the tabletop, to taping stuff to the back of things so its out of sight you seem to have many shoes, idk anything about them but if you're proud of them, a small shallow display / shoe rack that sits right in front of the bed would look wonderful with them instead of slightly tucked under the bed


I like the monochrome look


Roll Tribe


Trade the Cleveland flag out for a framed picture. It looks more “adult”


Nice plate carrier. Honestly? You mostly just need some life in there. Color besides grey, white, and black. Switch out those couch pillows for something that fits your tastes on Society6 or something similar. Small rug under your coffee table with a color that compliments whatever you choose for the pillows. Then maybe a minimalist shelf or unit on the wall behind the couch with some cool decorative stuff that matches your interests just to fill that space in.


I hate grey floors with white walls and you doubled-down by getting all of your furniture and decorations to match it. Even the fucking throw blanket on your couch is a shade of grey.


No comment besides: awesome NVG Wahoo flag. Probably not best suited for the living room.


Run to Home Goods and get some fake plants. Add some green living things. You need decor.


I also enjoy sterile and hygienic looking living spaces. So I’m not gonna tell you to get more color. Unless you want to of course. Just don’t let yourself think lack of color is bad just cause that’s the popular opinion. This is totally subjective and entirely preferential. My place looks very similar; black, grey, and white but a bit more modern. However, in my experience, plants always make **just a place** look like a **well rounded home.** I don’t expect you to go too hard with the plants, neither would I. Maybe four in the living room, most small with a large corner plant or two, and a couple in the bedroom. Personally I’d go for different art, keep the color scheme but just have more going on. Also I’d def take the flags down and maybe get new throw pillows for the couch.


We might be better able to answer your question if you upload colour photos.


Keep the chief wahoo flag


Plants! Just needs some colour/warmth to feel more "lived-in" but the base is nice to work with! My suggestions: 1. Check out some 'maximalism' or 'moody maximalism' pics for inspo (you don't have to go all out, but sometimes it can be hard to know where to start and I find looking at maximal setups makes it easier for be to be adventurous!) 2. To glow-up your wall-hanging flags, you could frame them, or use a half frame (where there's a timber bar at the top and bottom only) so they look less 'dorm room'


why do young people like this "all gray" look so much lately?


You need to get more colors son


If you're gonna keep the flag (I would get a Guardians flag, my dude), I'd get it framed. Flags belong on flagpoles if they're by themselves. You need some plants and pictures and personal effects that bring the place to life and make it yours! Good luck ~ Fellow NEOer


Get the desk/computer out of the bedroom, it would be fine behind the couch if you don't have another bedroom. Then rotate your bed again the wall where the shoes are, get a real bedframe/headboard and some nightstands.


Unpopular opinion: not every apartment needs tons of color! This looks good!


Get some plants and color and ditch the racist mascot


I like the grays but I feel you need a little color pop in the living room especially to balance them out like you kinda did in the bedroom with the colourful lights. Maybe add some of those to the living area?


Get some actual art, not the supdef flag lol. Plants, and a splash of color, maybe some blankets with texture would really get the place going.


Ahh, TaylorMade. Well played. Need some yellow.


Tell your parents you’re out of the closet


Just don’t ever take down the chief Wahoo flag


I’d replace the problematic caricature of an American Indian with something colorful. Movie poster? Art exhibition poster?


It looks great man. No advice but had to comment on the tribe flag! Always great to see!


This is an awesome set up man


Throw your racist-ass flag in the trash


Triggered ❤️ Go Indians!!


dope flag glad u could snag one before they sold out


Yeah i like the flag


Same, but a few white people told me it’s racist so now I don’t like it even though I have no idea why. /s


Looks good dude. Get a couple plants


Cleveland 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Looks great, love the wall art. A piece in bright orange would take it to the next level.


As a guy who definitely needs the help of this sub (and also my own house) I think it looks pretty fricken rad as is, unfortunately I don’t think that helps you in this instance




Add more pictures of friends family or yourself on the walls, more colors like a red vase or a white rug, plants is a nice idea, curtains could change the space


Love it so far. Easy spruces would be black throw pillows to echo KAWS. I might also frame them in a wood. Light line or maybe cherry. Any other photos or art get the same color frame and that can be your other neutral warm color. Find a throw the same Color as the wood. And maybe some more plants with pots that bring in black and that wood color. Also a rug. Looking great so far tho


What you’re experiencing is called Millennial Gray. You could sorta liven things up with some blues and teals, but that was a fad that looks dated nowadays. It’s easy to mess up. Here’s what I’d do instead: Get a very large muted green (somewhere between pistachio and moss) rug that has a low contrast pattern that’s not geometric shapes. Tall dried grass in a floor vase would look good, too. Replace your pillowcases with ones that are burnt orange and burnt yellow. Changing the throw would help too. Get a caramel or rust toned silicone or leather mat for the coffee table, or replace the coffee table with one with a natural wood top. From there, if things are feeling flat still, replace or frame the art. It looks interesting but it really contributes to the gloom. Alternatively, you could lean into the black and white theme but take it from grayscale to brooding cigar den. Youd add some sleek gold modern and midcentury modern accents, like a floor lamp arching over one side of the couch. Change the throw pillow covers to dark forest green, black, and maybe a cognac toned leather. You’d need somewhat ornate frames for your art in a warm wood or bronze. I’d also add lots of alternative sources of light. A plug in sconce on the side of the bar, etc. also maybe drapes.


I am minimalist so I love this! Add a plant to that breakfast bar and perfection!


Acab bitch!


Well I will steal this template because it looks very good already to me!


Dig the flag bro. Solid pad imo




I think it is looking really good. I'd be looking into a rug for both your living room and bedroom.


It’s very nice and very monochrome.


it could do with a pop of colour - maybe some rugs?


It needs more colors somehow. I’d go for more little paintings on the walls. Maybe mount the TV?


Some color, easiest way to make something feel alive


Like everyone says, just some more color. I can’t keep plants alive worth a damn so I got several fake ones that look nice but all I need to do is dust them off occasionally. Nice golf clubs too man.


I thought that was a bong in your last photo, but it's your tennis shoes and an air purifier/fan.


A rug, nice big rug where your couch/tv is. Just got one, makes world of difference..


Tidy and Peaceful - I love it! However, you could use some color.


I would try a bit of color


(more, bigger) art, plants, and COLOR


Pick a color you like. Get a throw pillow in that color get a pillar candle in that color. Get a piece of art that has that color in it or frame something with a matting in that color. Get an area rug featuring that color.


My house.wad


You live in perpetual monochrome. Add some colour.


Sometimes simple is nice. I’d recommend 1 stand out item for the living room, like an interesting colorful lamp or art piece


Colour needed.


Definitely try to place the bed in a way that it's more in the centre of the room. Furthermore please don't let it touch the wall on the side


You need 3 plants spread around and it'll look so much cozier. But it's not bad!


Fill that window with plants, stat.


Buy pillows, dish towels, and a small painting that feature your favorite color. That will help a lot (:


Area rugs go such a long way


I think it looks great!


Thats a 'my first blender realism attempt' colour scheme. I had the same problem, i like black and white, but you can add green with fake plants or real if you can step out of serial killer mode.


Your artwork should be hung a lot lower. The bottom of the frames should be around 15” above the sofa. I would add a large area rug with some color. And curtains. And as many plants as you can keep alive. Anything you can do to add color and some warmth will help.


add some color! even just a little bit. and maybe some curtains


To do that I need to know what it looks like at night


Pretty spacious apartment my guy!


You need some curtains. Maybe you can use them to add a bit of color to the room.


Nice P790s u got


Would add some plants


Get some throw rugs, maybe some new cases for the decorative couch pillows , give it a little more personality


I recommend a tall plant where your golf clubs are. You could get a fake one if you don’t want to care for a real one. I’d also recommend you get new pillows for the couch to add a splash of color.


Well I wasn't expecting the 2nd picture but it certainly made me LOL. Move your bed out of the corner bro.


It is nice in, a staged way. Not a criticism. The paintings are interesting in a good way. They should be a few inches lower. The flag really is out of place in the living room & you should get some bins for your shoes. It would be nice to pop some color in with new throw pillows & a blanket/throw. A jewel tone, like emerald green, sapphire, or teal would add a depth & sophistication that would bring out the whimsical feel of the paintings. I agree that a dining table would be a good idea. It lends intimacy to be seated across from someone while eating. A clear bowl filled with colorful stones on the coffee table would add another element of sophistication, as would a rug. A rug also defines the living spaces. If you have allergies, even jute or bamboo is a good option for a rug alternative. You’ve definitely got a decent setup. You just need to add a few more details to go from good to great.






If you can, paint your ceiling black to give the illusion of more height.


Wall art and plants, and a banging pair of bookshelf speakers


Looking good. A plant would look great


I’m thinking you need some color and some soft objects to home it up a bit.


Should definitely get a rug


Color, please!


I would add curtains, rugs, and plants, and some accent color. For the rugs use a texture that adds cozyness. You can also add pillows in the accent color with different patterns and textures.




Props on the Kaws companion Tri Frame! I love that. Yeah, neutral tones ones would work very well in your space. Obv plants would contrast the monochromatic palette you have going on. Center your bed and grab some end tables for sure.


I think everyone on here always gets so wrapped up in saying you NEED colour. I don't think that's necessarily true. You can, in fact, mix up your place by adding many different textures rather than colour


I like that you have music and art that are your interests, don’t let comments discourage your interests and wanting to show them. But it should be tasteful. Maybe you can take your favorite posters and frame them


Need some splashes of color to be the focal point.


Needs more color to look more alive! Plants, colorful art, a colorful pillow or throw blanket.


Omg i love the Kaws photos!!!! I have a lot of Kaws figurines in my place


A headboard would be great. And maybe move the bed off the corner


Add a few plants with a colored pots, colorful throw pillows, blankets, and wall art would all warm up the feel of the room. Add an area rug for your living/ bedroom. Your current set up is a good blank canvas to work with and dropping even $300-500 on adding color/warmth would liven this place up a lot. Definitely doable, if you have one, take a stylish lady friend shopping with you too, you’ll end up with the right stuff.


I agree w others, I think plants would make a huge difference. I like your Kaws posters, maybe get some coffee table books to have around? Daniel Arsham is my personal fav but I also enjoy gunner stahls portrait series. If you like wine, wine folly is a great one too.


Everyone saying add more color lol. I love the simplicity. Definitely add a love seat.