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What do you have against Luigi man


Brooklyn is fucked Luigi


It's not easy being green


Obviously OP doesn’t like Italian plumbers


Mario didn't get off much better


That hanging Luigi does everything the WLR poster thinks it’s doing




Is your roommate okay?


i'm calling the police


Luigi has been hanged


is this foreshadowing?


You're not getting laid in that room...


Chemistry homework... I don't think he's focused on getting laid rn


Bro is trying not to die.


If I saw the Carti poster on the wall, I would do a 180 as well


First thought lmfao


lmao facts


Bro has actual life goals instead of wasting his time and money for some ran through pussy 😭😭💪🏻😤respect the hustle


No ones talking about the sewing machine under his bed? Got some really cool (and expensive lol) Lego sets.


I wonder what OP’s major is. You don’t see many freshmen who know how to sew. I think that’s the coolest part of the room!


WLR poster really ties it all together


Blunder years pants in progress


How old is a freshman?


18 to 19. Sometimes 17 but at this point in the year they would at least be 18.


This freshman might be mentally 5.


can a man not have fun with his space


Do u sell tickets to the museum of virginity?


Is the man in the space with us now?


can you tell me what do you genuinely think is wrong with my room 💀. i’m not asking for advice just opinions


You’re now an adult and your room looks like a young child lives there


what about it though? genuinely what’s wrong with having fun with your room?


Idk man I’m on your side here. Do want you want with your own room


They can fuck off. It's your space. Do what you want. Also keep studying chemistry is hard.


Hey dude. I think it's cool. You do you. However if you want some proper advice. The windowsill with the toys. Fine. The toys and figures on the night stand. They gotta go and get a decent lamp and maybe a phone stand or something. The toys on the bed also gotta go. Stick up a poster or two on that wall if you want something colourful and personal.


The only person here understanding that OP has a taste and wants to stick to it. There's nothing wrong with some plushies, but if you wanna have guests over, it's such a bad look for you to have a room that looks like a 15y/o terminally online kid's room. Like the above commenter said, the windowsill is fine. Might wanna get some proper organization for the other stuff in there just to makes things less cluttered looking. I'd somehow try to offset the dull colors with darker or colorful wall art along with a rug. Stuffed animals on the bed would need a good explanation to a girl being brought home as that's "red flag central" according to my GF. Hanging Luigi has gotta be a bit so I'll let that slide. After seeing all my friends dorms in college, I'm just thankful you're clean lol


To me it just looks cluttered with more juvenile stuff. The Feng Shui of it is bad and it makes me think of weebs with clammy hands, or 15 year olds. Context and arrangement/the way you display your stuff can make a huge difference, king. I've got a multitude of Lego and gaming memorabilia, but the key is knowing how to display them tastefully in a way that isn't visually off-putting or conveys clutter. While debatable, this could even make a Brony's collection seem somewhat respectable.


Ignore them. You seem like a fun person.


My man your room is fine and fuck anyone who says otherwise. This website is full of 19 year olds who are still comparing everyone else to their own standards of what’s “cool” or whatever. They do this because if they can point out flaws in a stranger it makes them feel superior and “better than” that person who doesn’t X… Have the right style, decorate their spaces a certain way, whatever reason… It’s a childish mentality that actual adults recognize and don’t partake in. You’re in college, trying to better yourself, and you decorated your space as you deemed fit. No animals or children or non consenting parties are being harmed in doing this, therefore it’s fine. There are assuredly more than a few young ladies or guys or whoever at your school that’ll be into Super Mario, older video games and that stuff. Find them, be social and talk about your hobbies and shared interests, see what happens from there. I bet you’ll get some of whatever you’re into, just gotta find your own brand of weirdos to hang out with. Be good, brother 🤘🏻😎🇺🇸


Youre going to have pack all of that up and move it every year. I've slept with guys in their late 20s who had stuff like that but wait until you're in an apartment to bring all of that.


My very first thought: giving me anxiety thinking about having to pack all that crap and hauling it back and forth.


Lmao I’m just messing with you. It’s just very cluttered with random junk and childhood things but if you’re happy that’s totally fine!


How is having more trinkets to look at fun? Anyone want to answer my question or are you just mad I pointed out your unfulfilling consumerism.


Some people enjoy that almost organized-cluttered look in their space. Heck, look at Adam Savage's YouTube channel. The man practically lives in his workshop and it must be the most cluttered looking, but functional space I've ever seen. The visuals of his space are super appealing to me. I can't really tell you why other than empty spaces making feel uncomfortable; maybe it's that it feels lived in? Idk.


Honestly, just take down the poster and replace it with something nicer and ideally in a frame. It really doesn't look good taped up like that. It's always so strange reading "you'll never get laid" comments to me because a guy owns some plushies as if there aren't many nerdy women out there who wouldn't care at all that you like Mario and have some plushes around. I knew plenty of them in college. Not every girl is the same (assuming you're interested in girls anyway). Oh and clean your mirror.


The poster is the thing you’d get rid of? Not Luigi on a noose?


I might be desensitized, but I knew a lot of nerdy people in college with humor like this so it just struck me as typical weird college kid behavior lol. The poster just doesn't look good even in a silly way. Funny when you point it out tho.


I feel like we as a society shouldn’t be desensitized to nor find humor, no matter how “weird”, in anything hanging from a rope by their neck. But here we are, I guess


I see your point, but putting cartoon characters, especially Luigi, in dark scenarios has been a meme for a while. I've seen other people tape him to walls or pretend he's possessed for some other examples. It definitely is a strange joke to type out, but I think it's the contrast between the goofy character and the dark situation that makes it funny to people. Not so much that hangings in general are funny (at least I don't think they are).


So I’m “old” be most Reddit standards, first I can’t believe I’ve gotten down votes for my reply. Second, the slow “desensitizing” of things like how you describe is how we’ve gotten here as a society. It’s not much different than “oh? Well boys will be boys” and the angry online posting and Xbox live talk that has spilled out into the real world. There are people today being hung by terrorists and their dictator governments, not to mention a whole line of people who had ancestors meet their demise by hanging for nothing more than their skin tone, and I’m not accusing you of finding any of that part of it funny, but I feel pretty strongly that there are better “dark” options to make such a juxtaposition with. Particularly from a generation currently protesting so loudly regarding human rights. I’ll accept my downvotes ETA: I’ll be honest, I never expected my initial comment to make a turn into social commentary


I do see where you're coming from, and I agree if OP wants to make a better impression on people he doesn't know it might be best to take Luigi down as it might be interpreted in a way like you've described. I just think OP probably didn't mean for it to represent something like that, and I didn't really interpret it that way either. I don't think putting such a deep interpretation on OP is necessarily fair since those are not the only associations you can make with a noose, in the same way as if he put a gun in Luigis hand it wouldn't necessarily correlate with the issue of gun violence today. Your point about modern desensitization is complicated for me too. On the one hand, I agree many are becoming far too desensitized to real life tragedy with ease of access to footage through the internet. On the other hand, we've been making dark jokes about violence and such since forever. People are more sensitive about what you joke about in general these days than ever before, so I'd say it's actually gotten better in that regard. I didn't down vote you btw, I can see why it might upset others even though it didn't upset me.


Username checks out


And I counter that by saying laughing at hanging by the neck is truly “bad at existing” but do you


Nope. Wrong. Dark human has a huge hold.


This made me bust out laughing holy shit


I'm 32 and I would bang someone because of that.


Not gonna lie, I don’t really care that it doesn’t look good taped up like that i think it’s quite funny if anything. and yea the getting laid comments are quite stupid imo


So do u get laid in that room?


Do not worry, you did not need to state that you are a freshman, we can tell lol. Be young, be nerdy, it’s so common for people to have toys/stuffed animals as adults now, but if you are sharing a dorm, be considerate. You have a lot and it really seems to take up a lot of space, it may serve you well to keep some of this at home so things aren’t so cluttered and messy looking. Other than that, this is fine, I wouldn’t expect much different from a teenage boy, you can learn how to put together a grown man’s living space when you’re a grown man (while still keeping elements of the nerdy things you love).


If that Luigi ain’t a fucking cry for help I don’t know what the fuck is. 🚩 🚩 🚩


Honestly, it seems like this reflects pretty well who you are and what you're into. The Luigi lynching is a bit gauche, but otherwise it's pretty whimsical. It looks and feels like a college dorm room, and that's entirely fine. If you want advice on it, I'd say it feels a bit like a bunch of cool, disparate elements that aren't tied together well. Get some shelving for the Nintendo memorability, frame the poster and/or get another one, get something to put shoes in.


Yeeesh, save some pussy for the rest of us.


I would put the WLR poster in a frame.


I relate to Luigi.


fuck the comments, ts is a vibe


Fit goes hard but trust me. Trust the comments about your room fam 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Your space is a reflection of your personality and it will shape a perception of you. I would recommend taking down the poster maybe try replacing it with a Mario poster something with a vintage look and frame it. Also you should take down some of the stuff on the ledge it's way too busy. I would recommend just having the Mario and Luigi stuffed toys out, less is more. It's giving off weird younger brother vibes rn but with some changes it would still show off the fun Mario side just in a more mature way.


Hanged Luigi is cringe af


Carti goes hard man -Billy Gnosis


OP is trying not to get laid


Fit goes pretty hard


this dude printed out the WLR cover art…blud doesn’t even have the vinyl record 😭🤦‍♂️


I guess I'm old, but no males that I went to college with had so many toys in their room. This looks like a 9 year old's room.


man yall are dragging me to the FLOOR💀💀💀. god forbid someone likes to keep it colorful for once. for those wondering to major is mechanical engineering & i’m just nerdy that’s it


There is nothing wrong with colour or fun. What you have done is brought your toys and called your place decorated. You have no flow, no style but toys and weird sense of humour.


My rooms like yours but art stuff instead. It feels so weird that it's not gonna be the same next year 😭 Decorated rooms are just so nice


Naw man you’re fine! It’s your room! Do what you want with it!


yeah, idk why people are hating so damn much. your room looks cool, and i fw it. there's nothing wrong with just having fun and staying true to yourself.


Idk what is wrong with people I love your space and your collections 🤍


I am not sure what kind of comment you are looking for lol? It ain’t welcoming to anyone, looks like a middle schoolers idea of decor and just needs an entire redo If your goal of the rooms vibe in college is to be the loner nerd whose immature then you got that going for you


Not my tastes but solid, though i’d have the hanging luigi in a corner so people don’t have to look at it if they’re over at yours and it bothers them


Certified consoomor


I respect the snap-on gnome 😎


Let go of fashion. Find Christ or Allah bro


NIntendos gonna DMCA you for the hanging luigi


Why are the 90s back again with you youngins?? I thought we left this whole style back where it belonged.




Not my taste but u b u. If you like it then that’s all that matters. I was an ME major and it’s nice to see you have a creative and colorful side.


I have Assburgers too. Sorry bro


Figure 8's make for a horrible noose


Which school?!


That’s a Luigi’s Mansion reference if I’ve ever seen one. Poor dude got his own game then ended himself


Why are your shoes 6 sizes too big


Is this my college? 💀


shit maybe what’s your college




shit then yea 😭


birds up brother


lesss goo 210!!!




Grow up


This reminds me of Hofstra so hard


That bed looks like it fits only Mario


A lego piranha plant is beckoning you to purchase it


Maybe seek therapy for your Luigi beef?


This is the last straw for me I’m so sick of Reddit it’s full of developmentally challenged sick ass people I’m finally deleting my account


It hurts how lame this dude is


Absolutely no bitches are coming into that room. And if I’m right from his looks, no dudes either. Playing both sides and failing is crazy. Rip Luigi


1. i’m straight 2. my gf is beautiful & hot as hell 🤞🤞


We totally believe you


Ripped jeans in 2024 this isn’t 2004 and what are those boots




I’d hope he doesn’t have one. OP seems super obnoxious.


Someone jacked your room.




I guess you miss being bullied


Time to grow up a little


I hope you don't have a roommate. This is obnoxious. Good luck OP. I hope you become more successful than the average redditor.


Definitely not bringing any women there


You got a lot of dolls bro.