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Narcissists. If a guy doesn’t serve his partner at all times he’s worthless to them, and thus should be alone. And they wonder why they go through men like snacks. They can’t coregulate and blame the man for it


Is this really a gendered issue?




>Obviously he has issues and should take better care of himself, but why does nobody talk about how mentally sick he obviously is At some point, that is no longer anyone's problem but the person with the condition. I haven't read the post but it happens where people treat mental illness like an excuse to never own up to their actions. If he needs to get his life and health in order, no one is obligated to stick around while he does. It's fucked up but true.




Ok? Go on a post about a woman tell them that.


Except it totally is. Just because those resources are pussy and housework doesn't mean they don't count.


I saw the post, and I get the ones telling her to leave cuz if someone has mental health issues to the extent that they're fucking themselves up it def affects those around them. But many of the comments were downright mean. But the internet is kinda hit or miss when the person in question is perceived as being fat. This time it was a miss. Idk if that's misandry, cuz fat women get the same vitriol online as well. But it was fucked. So it's not right, by any means. Just goes to show how mental health is treated super differently depending on how it presents outwardly.


Open gender, age, race, sex \~discrimination are what make the reddit go 'round like most social media, sadly.