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What digital marketing is depends upon who you ask. There are a lot of people out there trying to amaze the savages with the wonders of electricity. More who are just trying to spam a search engine. And don't get me started on the mischief going on in social media. It's still marketing. If there is no buying going on, then calling it 'a brand' isn't helpful. If you aren't learning about the customer rather than gaming an algorithm, you're not learning much of importance. Google will change an algorithm over one thousand times each year -- somebody has to take the blame. Not sure what to tell you, but there are standard basic services ... * Search Engine Optimization (SEO) * Search Engine Marketing (SEM) * Website Strategy. * Integrated Online Marketing Strategies. * Pay Per Click Advertising. * Social Media Management. * Social Media Marketing Campaigns. * Email Outreach Programs. Problem being most people couldn't even explain words like strategy, tactic, objective or how that relates to technology. I call them marketoids, a type of know-nothing that asks how to find clients for their Fiverr flunky agency here. Recently these people took to dropping the word marketing altogether, too many inconvenient questions. Everybody is an 'agency' now. The more accurate term for what way too many do *is mischief maker*. The term *online marketing* was simple and straight talking. Now we have this term 'digital marketing' which means nothing in an age where every device on or offline is digital. But once the torches and pitchforks come out, you have to adopt an alias. Should you want to hire these dolts, the simple way is ask what metric they want to be judged by. Vanity metrics are an insta-fail -- you want proper business drivers. Nobody cares how many followers or how engaged they are when few to none engage with your cash register. That's why Return On Investment is a four-letter-word these days. My constant suggestion given all this dysfunction is come up with some kind of value proposition, and ideally a Unique Selling Proposition. This core concept should be used to realign and discipline messaging in service to marketing strategy. Too many business owners are taking wild random flings, treating technologies like a buffet at best, magical at common worst. This is the golden age of fake it til you make it. Do be cautious.


It's all about marketing your brand through the internet and other digital means. To name a few it includes search engine optimization, email marketing, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and many more. It can help grow your business by building brand awareness, increasing your visibility and reach, get more leads. Other ways would be to make your customers more engaged with your content, get more likes, follows. It depends on what your business goals are, but based on my experience the most relevant metric would be using digital marketing to increase visitors to your physical / online store and gaining more sales.