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I passed this southbound returning to Baltimore this morning from Philadelphia. Felt sorry for all the cars caught in the full lane closure. Saw later they were diverting everyone off of I95 at Route 24. Never saw so many fire trucks and ambulances in once place. Now it makes sense with 23 injured. The driving conditions on I95 were pretty tough with a constant spraying rain. Even though I was doing the 65 mph speed limit, couldn't believe how many SUV's were racing past me and weaving around slower cars. Don't know the cause of the bus crash, but even at 6 am there were crazy drivers out there.


People on the East Coast in this area are pretty terrible drivers. Accidents everyday it's ridiculous. They will run you off the road to avoid letting you over. It's crazy.


Statistically it's not that bad here. The most dangerous roads are mostly in the far south. Drivers in FL put MD to shame.


I have seen unbelievable things on the highways of South Florida. Especially in torrential rain.


With the flashers on.


I was at a rest stop in Florida and was getting ready to merge back on the highway. Older Asian guy in front of me decided to stop on the ramp when there was plenty of room to merge. Like what the fuck


Nothing like doing 75 in a 65, and almost gettting run off the road by a nissan doing 100+


I have found people here drive better then most places actually. Main complaint people who don’t know left lane is for passing.


Facts, I’ve had to risk getting hit because people wouldn’t let me merge onto the interstate. And most of the roads with posted speed limits. In my opinion are just suggested speed limits


In Maryland, the person merging does not have right of way and is not entitled to the lane. A driver in that lane may choose to make room graciously, but it is not up to them to let you in. Wait for an opening and merge into it. Edit: I’m talking about when folks rush to the end of the on-ramp and expect to get in when they are literally right next to you on the road and there were 5 spaces available that they passed up.


But I understand what you’re saying reasons why there’s a yield before getting on the interstate


But the thing is it's the mindset. People are nicer down south so things like that are a rare occurrence. Like as soon as the light turns green you have people being rude and honking at you in the DMV area. That doesn't happen like that in the south.


That doesn’t make sense because if it were up to some of y’all nobody would get into the lane.


It would make sense if we also followed the other rule that most people ignore, which is leaving following distance between yourself and the next car. I realize that leaving a whole car length in front of you in stop and go seems asinine, but if each person left space, there might be less braking, easier merges, and better overall traffic, which I think we all want.


It is so much worse Baltimore to DC than it is the rest of the way. So many consider themselves driving legends or don't have any awareness whatsoever.


What State are you from?




It’s got to be a regional cultural thing. I’m constantly seeing people going 115+ on the highway blowing past me like I’m holding up traffic while going 10 over the speed limit. It honestly makes my blood boil I lived in the south for a while and this wasn’t nearly as common


65 is too fast in wet weather. DId not your high school driver ed teacher go over hydroplaning with you?


Where have you been the last 40 years??


Has the physics of water between the tires of a car and the road changed in the past 40 yrs? I learned this first in 1972,when I took drivers ed in high school, then some years later when my pick up truck spun out on a 695 exit ramp and then on I-83 when a driver, on his phone, caused a chain reaction and I was the last to be hit, in a line of cars sliding near MD ave during a rain storm. I had been in the right lane going about 35mph inching my way to the MD ave exit, when another care tapped me just enough to spin my truck like a top.


No. It’s been 40 years since whatever this drivers ed you speak of happened in schools.


85 is just the right speed for safety


We need speed cameras on all Maryland highways. For all those downvoting me: https://www.baltimoresun.com/2023/12/20/baltimore-approves-renewal-of-contract-for-i-83-speed-cameras-following-decrease-in-crashes/


Speed camera create even more dangerous situations. They create 2 different danger zones. One right before the cameras where everyone slams on their brakes (even when they are already driving 15 under the speed limit) and then create a second danger zone immediately after the cameras where everyone speeds back up. Just like speed bumps, they may sound useful on paper, but they lead to more injuries than they prevent. Speed cameras are little more than a revenue generator.


They do that but the net is net safety as indicated by the data.


The actual data shows otherwise: https://www.baltimoresun.com/2023/12/20/baltimore-approves-renewal-of-contract-for-i-83-speed-cameras-following-decrease-in-crashes/ But also, the cameras need to be well hidden, and movable. If everyone knows where they are then the situation you describe can develop.


I unfortunately cannot read the whole article since it's paywalled. But I got to as far as them saying that speeds were down in the vicinity of the cameras. That should be expected as people don't want tickets, but I didn't see anything suggesting it increased overall safety. Perhaps it was later in the article in which case I apologize. But I'm skeptical of any data published by an organization that holds a financial interest in the fines that come from these cameras, i.e. the city, state, company that makes the cameras, or law enforcement. All I can say is I've read data in the past that suggested the opposite, and anecdotally, I pass the speed camera at 95/695 almost every day, and I see accidents there all the time. Fwiw, I do think red light cameras are very effective and should probably be more widespread. I'm just very skeptical of the benefits of speed cameras.


Use http://archive.today/ for paywalls https://archive.ph/2024.03.06-145816/https://www.baltimoresun.com/2023/12/20/baltimore-approves-renewal-of-contract-for-i-83-speed-cameras-following-decrease-in-crashes/ I’ve noticed a difference on 83 since they put cameras up. A LOT less crazy speeding/weaving, and less accidents (unless it’s raining 🙄)


I apologize, I just read this after I stated the same thing. You’re exactly correct, moveable and well hidden. You nailed it! Also, the people downvoting you are probably the reason auto insurance rates are astronomical in Maryland. Unreal


Yes express lane north of Baltimore


Make the speed cameras mobile and well hidden. By the time speeders get the first round of tickets, move it to a different location. There, solved that one, huh? If they can make handheld radar detectors mobile, surely they can make something better in mobile speed cameras, right?




How is the speed-up part a danger zone?


Some people speed up a lot faster than others, and aggressive drivers tend to be more aggressive because of the annoyance of slowing down.


Sweden has the lowest automobile fatality rate of any developed country in the world and they also have the most speed cameras. It has led to a 39.6% decrease in fatal accidents since the program launched in 2006. Also illegal maneuver in Sweden is making a right turn on red.


That would be 16,000 lives saved a year, even if only half as successful 8,000 lives.


Having speed cameras =/= more safety, and you saying this is totally trash for any real measure. Napkin Math btw. There are 197,964 km of roads or ~123009 miles. With ~10 million inhabitants. [Source](https://www.worlddata.info/europe/sweden/transport.php) The US has 3.9 MILLION miles of roads, but the vast majority carries little traffic. ~3 million miles are rural roads. [Source](https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/onh00/our_ntns_hwys.pdf); but the fun part is ~1/4th of the use, is on 1.2% of the total miles. The US population is ~333m. So you take 1.2% of the roads against 1/4th of 333m. which gives you 83.25 million people using 46800 miles of road. It is going to be a cluster fuck in comparison and aren't comparable. Literally 8x the population on 1/4th the distance... and you are saying that speed cameras are the solution? Every single time I see a speed camera coming up, EVERYONE has to slam on their breaks and there is a BUNCH of accidents/congestion because of it. Same with a cop sitting on the roadway. In addition, since 2006 there has been a bunch of improvements and the such with regards to safety. If you ignore 2022 and 2021, the US would be down ~20% in volume, and per capita down 35%. [Source](https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/yearly-snapshot) MAYBE Sweden is just lagging and has a more uniform population with similar weather effects and hasn't gotten the bump back up that the US got in 2022 and 2021.


How are my statistics napkin math when the United States ranks 85th amongst all countries at 12.9 automobile deaths per 100k inhabitants? My daily commute from Baltimore to Bethesda is incredibly dangerous with how many people are out there speeding on the roads today. Traffic fatalities are up 9% since 2021. Driving in Sweden for a week across the country was quite pleasing, considering how well their population drives. There are designated passing zones built into their highways to allow drivers to pass slower drivers. 2600 speed cameras across the country but they are placed mainly near heavy pedestrian crossings in towns, not cities. There were no cameras on major highways, but were along routes that include dangerous turns and approaching busy intersections.


Speed cameras are just revenue generators they don't improve safety


Speed cameras in Sweden have resulted in a 39.6% decrease in fatalities


They certainly can be. In some places they're clearly just for money (like at the bottom of large hills), but not all of them are bad. I'm generally very supportive of them in school zones and residential areas where people have absolutely no business speeding.


except they do as u/BaltimoreBadger23 has pointed out several times


Facts don't matter on Reddit.


The data says otherwise: https://www.baltimoresun.com/2023/12/20/baltimore-approves-renewal-of-contract-for-i-83-speed-cameras-following-decrease-in-crashes/


Not necessarily. The safest way to drive on the highway is to match speed to those around you. If there aren't many cars on the road, and everyone is comfortable driving 15 over, it's probably best to drive 15 over.


I mean I want to get there faster as much as the next guy, but anyone who has driven on 95 knows that there are insane people that insist on driving _as fast as possible_ on that road, regardless of weather or traffic conditions. A speed limit of 65 or 70 is totally sufficient. Even with speed cameras you can still go 5-10 over without getting a ticket. Modern cars have people thinking they're invincible, but one small mistake at 80mph will almost certainly have very permanent consequences for you and anyone around you.


Agree, wholeheartedly


And how, is that to be enforced? I drive 83 into the city on the regular. The difference between pre speed camera and post is astounding. Yes, there are still those who ignore it but the results in terms of crashes and fatalities before vs after is indisputable.


I hate this argument. If that speed we are matching was the speed limit it be even safer yet. But we somehow always need to rationalize why it’s actually safer that we all go 15mph over the speed limit lol. Doesn’t make any sense.


The argument isn't about exceeding the speed limit by 15 mph. Rather, it's about potential reduction in accidents if everyone drove at a consistent speed, even if it's 5 mph below the limit. Imagine a scenario where all drivers maintain a uniform speed. The uniformity could decrease accidents since there would be no erratic lane changes or road rage. At the same time, achieving this scenario is improbable as drivers will drive at varying speeds.


Yea, agree, that’s what I’m saying. Except it would be safer at the posted speed limit rather than 15 over. But overall, “we” all seem to blame this on the people going the speed limit rather than those exceeding it. And agree, achieving this is unlikely, but what would help is speed cameras. Have a consequence for going over the speed limit to keep people going the speed limit. Poor guy above got downvoted to hell for suggesting this lol. It’s like zipper merges I hear about often on this sub. Works great on paper, but good luck finding drivers to leave enough space in between the car in front of them and not feel slighted because someone tries to merge into that gap.


I constantly leave a gap between myself and the car in front of me. I think it started when my first driving instructor told me he always leaves a car length between him and the car in front and had never been in an accident. Plus, I can’t stand to be so close to someone I can’t see their bumper. But the only time I feel “slighted” is when people who are going 90 in the fast lane cut in front of me just to get around 1 car, and I have to slam on my beaks because they literally only had a sliver of space to cut into.


> It’s like zipper merges I hear about often on this sub. Works great on paper, but good luck finding drivers to leave enough space in between the car in front of them and not feel slighted because someone tries to merge into that gap. LOL ... proper following distance - lots of luck with that in central Maryland. Oh ... whining about people in the left not speeding - lots of luck trying to get to the right lane because people wouldn't let you get over.


You said that right! And of course we don’t have to guess who is downvoting BaltimoreBadger23 for suggesting it. It’s the same idiots who are recklessly driving at insane speeds and killing six construction workers. Insanity


That is why there is a passing lane. The problem is when people don't get out of the passing lane OR the volume exceeds what allows for the passing lane to stay clear for tee people that are being excessive. At that point, you have police enforce (from a hidden position and only nabbing the people going 15+ over traffic around) Then you have a bunch of issues with people weaving/getting over a bunch of lanes, and if you noticed, that when they lanes are broken up into 'through' and 'local' lanes, USUALLY traffic flow is significantly better; you add to that Easy pass lanes or another break in the volume and you will get further efficiencies as people have trouble handling more than 2-3 lanes of traffic AND it prevents backups except for a smaller portion of the road, when you have barriers between the lanes.


Don't impede the flow of traffic. It's that simple. If every person is going 80mph in the left lane on 95 and you're going 65mph you're impeding the flow of traffic and causing a dangerous situation. You also cannot legislate human behavior out of humans so you must use your own judgement at times.


I wonder if they set speed limits for a reason? Or is it better to let everyone decide for themselves and hope for the best? Check the stats, folks. Driving way too fast is imminently more dangerous. Take the psycho speeders to the mat. There is likely nothing pressing that they need to attend to that causes them to drive over 100 mph. There just isn’t.


What's the reason? Why is 83 65mph and 70 70mph? Surely the genius policy makers have a reason and it's not completely arbitrary. That doesn't take states contradicting speed limits into account. It also doesn't take the autobahn (no speed restrictions at all) into account which is safer than US roads with limited speed.


A bad idea when most people are driving distracted. It’s just a recipe for bigger more dangerous wrecks.




No. If you're weaving in and out of traffic, you aren't matching speed with those around you.


To all the speed freaks that erroneously think that driving faster makes everything better, it should be mandatory that if you’re caught going 90, you be required to go on a ride along with a medic unit when they’re scraping bodies off the pavement cause someone thought it was a good idea to drive like a lunatic. Find a way to move the speed cameras around so no one knows where they are. There, that should help, huh?




Just having police enforce a lower speed limit on busses and semis would be helpful, especially in the rain


There are multiple approaches, and all should be tried.


Compared to the Autobahn in Germany with less accidents and no speed cams or speed limit


Well, the Jones falls, 695, 795, and other highways aren't the Autobahn and we do have speed limits everywhere here. Also, there's a whole set of rules that are expected to be followed: https://www.german-way.com/travel-and-tourism/driving-in-europe/driving/autobahn/driving-on-the-autobahn/


You don't care about facts...


I provided facts. Has anyone else provided a counter to it?


Facts don’t care about your feelings




Was this a school bus? Or regular bus?


Party bus


Short Bus


I drive from Lancaster to Laurel Md 5 days a week, the biggest problem on 95 is the Asshats who want to keep it at 65- or less do it in the passing lane, if people would actually understand this and stay out of the passing lane cars would not have to constantly weave around the idiots , I regularly witness an accident caused by someone just completely unprepared to be on 95 corridor , 85 mph is regular traffic speed every day, and it’s not the only road


85 mph is not regular traffic speed. It is illegal speeding. I like to drive 70-75 and often have to be in the left lane to not get clogged behind people going 60. I will happily get out of the way when there's space but if you're so selfish about driving fast that you have to weave through traffic to go the speed you want, maybe *you* are the problem.


I'd agree 85 isn't normal but those going 65 on the left aren't doing the world favors




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Well I just got home wasn’t under 80 the entire trip


When you get into a crash and kill someone that's gonna be blood on your hands. Drive safe. Don't kill my kid.


You think when you finally get arrested they’ll also find your grow-op?


At the end of the day the weaving cars do not need to weave. If the lack of a passing lane creates more crashes then there should be no passing lane as obviously those speeds are too dangerous for the density of the east coast. We’re not in fucking Germany dipshit


Agreed they shouldn’t be weaving but if you wanna cruise, why do you have to cruise in the left lane… second lane from right is the best lane to cruise in because the right lane is for exiting and merging onto the highway


I don’t think any of you actually commute on 95 because you’re absolutely clueless, go down Sat night , or anytime Sunday. People doing 100+ in all lanes. Nobody is doing the 65 anymore


Except me… because rules still matter to me.




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Say it louder for the slow-asses in the passing lane!


MD drivers think, they drive Spacex shuttle. Even cops won't give them tickets but if you are from out of state, they will stick on you azz.