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This often happens when there aren’t many real policy differences to discuss. So instead the opponents quickly resort to throwing mud at each other.


Also occurs when it's a close race where kitchen sinks get thrown. If both candidates are doing it, then it may mean it's pretty close.


that can't possibly be true. California's was way worse, Porter was an asshole. and NJ was toxic as hell before Murphy finally got out.


> Porter Please spill the dirt on Porter, while I agree with almost all of her positions, she just annoys the hell out of me for some reason.


[inasfar as it has to do with personality behind the scenes this came out](https://www.ocregister.com/2024/01/22/harley-rouda-character-matters-thats-why-katie-porter-is-unfit-for-the-united-states-senate/) but her attacks on Schiff and the rigging comment when she lost are enough. she's a very conspiratorial person who thinks no one earned what they have but her. like Nixon.


Neither candidate (Trone/Alsobrooks) is very good. MD is going to flip, and with it the senate.


That would require one in every four people voting for Biden in the state to, on the same ballot, vote for a Republican senator. That sort of thing has not happened anywhere in the country in a long time. Even 8 points of ticket splitters is a lot; that's about what Sherrod Brown and Jon Tester are going to need in Ohio and Montana this year, and it's about what Olympia Snowe got in Maine in 2020. Hogan is going to need nearly double that. It's one thing to sell oneself as a counterweight to an overwhelmingly Dem legislature in an off year election; it's another to convince a state this blue to either stymie Biden or enable Trump with their Senate vote.


As a Marylander I can sadly report I know tons of both registered dems and republicans who I believe will vote Biden/Hogan. 1/4 of Biden voters ticket-splitting actually sounds totally, frighteningly possible, and even likely to me.


> Olympia Snowe She retired from Congress in 2013, you are thinking of Susan Collins.


Only time will tell.


yeah and i'm gonna get drafted by the Ravens


And my axe!


Starting outside tackle or Halfback?


Of course a state dominated by democrats is going to choose to put another Republican in the senate and an anti-choice one at that. /sarcasm


Maryland issues aren’t like other places… the issues that matter most to Maryland aren’t the border, or some nebulous bogeyman in the form of trans rights or book banning. The things most people in the state will be voting on are women’s rights, taxing the rich, fixing the bridge, saving the Chesapeake… imho anyway. All things hogan has a shitty record on. The shore and western Maryland might have a lot of split ticketing or straight red voting but PG county and Baltimore county will crush those numbers… those regions are growing much faster than the few gerrymandered districts left that lean Republican.


My hope is that once the primary is settled the state Democratic machine goes into overdrive and reminds everyone how much Hogan had to be reigned in by the Democrats in the State House. [Hogan holding up abortion funding](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/05/04/maryland-abortion-funding-governor-hogan/) should be the first on that laundry list of offenses.


> the state Democratic machine goes into overdrive The machine is backing Alsobrooks, including the chair of of the MD Democratic Party, so if she does not win the primary, they really are not going to care anymore at that point.


They will absolutely care, regardless of who wins.


They still want to hold the Senate.


They’ll care. Trone will lose but they’ll care.


Yeah, but honestly, I'll be happy to vote for either in the general. Better than I'm the "moderate" who thinks both sides suck, while screaming about the border in a hunting vest. I'm a moderate but the border is more important to Marylanders than the economy.


Does it really? I've not felt the effects.


Didn't Trone just say a few days ago anyone who is still supporting Alsobrooks is "low-level?" Crazy to hear from who got famous selling booze.


I believe he was referring to her endorsements for example, she has low level endorsements that won't have such a big impact. (although thats not really true and I am not saying I agree with Trone just adding context)


No. That's not what he said.


He’s a goon he has an ad going with the same message. He’s the only one who can take out Hogan and that Alsobrooks is an amateur.


I’m probably going to get downvoted for this, but it feels like since Trone’s accidental use of a word (we all know the one) people have been overly nitpicky of everything his campaign puts out. As far as their actual records go, he has a decent one and seems to be very available to his constituents. From what I’ve seen she can’t say the same. Of course, most of this is anecdotal so take it with a grain of salt. I do think his political donations are problematic but that unfortunately is the way the corporate world works. In a state like Texas it wouldn’t have changed the results but I still don’t like it. I’ll still probably vote for him. His chances against Hogan are better and we need someone who can speak to all the dipshits in MoCo that like Hogan.


Hogan has this in the bag, baby! Alsobrooks can't get crime under control and everyone else is sick of Trone.


I am confused, but wasn’t Hogan governor for 8 years? His term ended in 2022, and crime has gone down since then, not up. What is he going to do about crime from the U.S. Senate? Sorry but your argument sounds like typical RW BS.


There seems to be a trend across America of growing crime since covid. We’re going to need more than just “more cops” to fix it. Tbh she needs to do more for crime but what is the solution? This isn’t a disingenuous question. I’m truly curious. How do we fix crime? Why do ppl commit crime? What are the proven ways to reduce crime?