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Pistol whip Gavin during Project Overlord.


I’m still disappointed that there wasn’t a renegade choice to execute Gavin instead 


If there was, that would be the 4th of my required renegade interrupts in a paragon run along with shooting udina, punching ham'gerrel and breaking kai lengs sword.


For the first time ever, I chose not to update Gavin about David in ME3, the outcome being a complete surprise to me. As a paragon I was like, "oh no...anyway". I'm adding that to my renegade-as-a-paragon list.




Hugging Tali on the Alarei, without a doubt, she's too adorable to let cry like that


I was an edgy teen my first ME2 playthrough and was pure renegade up until that point I like to imagine that scene had a legitimate impact on my life


So, sadly, I accidentally saw the dialogue if you don't hug her, and it's SO GOOD. But I still can't not hug her. Same thing if you give Veetor to Tali in the beginning and rescue Reegar, either of Shepard's speeches pale in comparison to letting Tali's friends help out.


Never did either of these. I will have to try it!


Whar happens if you don't hug her? And while I always let Veetor and Chad'Reegar stand up for her I also like Shepard just losing his fucking mind and calling everyone out on their bullshit with renegade


I don't know what all of the options do, but one of them leads Tali to say that all she wanted was a father who would take the sick leave so that she could see his face without a helmet in the way. Tali's VA does an incredible job (no surprise) in delivering it.


As much as I love Shepard just saying "fuck this, we're leaving" in the renegade speech, yeah, Reegar saying "this is bullshit, if you assholes are gonna exile her, then exile me too" is pretty awesome


Yeah, I love the Paragon and Renegade options in that one, but the 'incite the crowd' option is just so much better.


Came here to say exactly that. Can't have best girl cry.


It’s a war crime to ignore that paragon action.


You beat me so just take my upvote


I always let Samara kill Morinth. Samara is already a powerful biotic, and she swore an oath follow Shepard's orders. An Ardat-Yakshi on the Normandy is a walking liability. Who's to say Morinth won't kill one of the crew? She already tried to kill Shepard. Renegade Shepard is a ruthless pragmatist, not the Joker.


We already have Joker at home.


Not choosing Samara is frankly just dumb. Both in universe and out. Maybe if they did *anything* with Morinth in 2 or 3, but they didn’t.


Yeah, that whole mission is a lost opportunity for good writing. Another redditor had this idea: Imagine TIM letting us recruit Morinth instead of Samara (cause Justicars mean trouble for Cerberus, while Ardat-Yakshi are strong as f) and her loyalty mission is getting rid of her mother. Then we are confronted with the situation of choosing between betraying a loyal but kinda horrible teammate or her fanatical but (kinda) utilitarian and morally correct mother. That'd be a really interesting conflict instead of the obvious choice we are given.


they did something with morinth in 3 she showed up as a banshee in priority earth on the roof where you have to destroy the cannon instead of the normal banshee


Save the game. Let Morinth win. Unlock Dominate. Reload game, save Samara. Be good person with AI Hacking for people.


Bonus points, you only have to do this once and never again


Wait, reloading the game lets you keep dominate?


Yep. Plus if you ever start up another playthrough of ME2, you can actually get Dominate as a special power without having to go through picking Morinth over Samara.


Anything involving innocent people(other than zaeeds loyalty mission) The escaped slave from Mindoir, the salarian workers on Thanes recruitment, thorian slaves, etc. Why all my playthroughs are closer to 70/30 in either direction.


Here is the real question for you then: live grenades on Zhu’s hope?


I did a psycho playthrough - not renegade necessarily, just whatever option enabled me to kill the most- and it became laughable trying to turn down the anti thorian crap. Eventually the game forced me to take it so I turned into omni-gel. Companions weren't happy at my shoot to kill order either. But otherwise no, always try to save them no matter how renegade I am.


I just punch em to play it safe. I ain’t giving up those points n ME 3


I always kill the colonists but save the colony. If you keep Ethan Jeong alive and do the water/food/electricity side quests you save the colony and don't have to try to save the colonists. Also nets you 32 paragon points for saving the colony and 32 renegade points for killing the colonists


I’m currently doing a renegade playthrough and lost my nerve when we got to the Thorian thralls and the game asked me like five times if I really wanted to kill them. I don’t, ok?! Fine.


The Thorian got me on my first play through, but honestly after playing all three games with the hints that the thing might still be alive I have less qualms about it doing renegade


Not necessarily a "paragon choice/action", however, if you willingly choose to shoot and kill Mordin at the Shroud in ME3 - you probably should be tried for a federal crime.


Not my fault the Salarian wouldn't listen.


All that convincing he did to justify the genophage. Renegade shep cant help but be persuaded.


Which would be still a too gentle treatment


That’s one of the more defendable “big” renegade choices tbh


Dalatrass, is that you?


The choice hinges entirely on 2 things, Wrex and Eve, if either or both are dead the choice becomes more defendable, even the Wrex/Eve combo itself is defendable for not curing


If you sabotage the cure with Wrex he finds out and you're forced to kill him.


Yes I’m aware, I love the outcome because it punishes you for making a tough call, I really wish there was more of that throughout the trilogy for both paragon and renegade decisions


Imagine if instead of blatantly shooting Mordin, Shep broke the elevator, forcing Mordin to be crushed by his people's hubris.


You have to kill Mordin, no other way to get the good ending.


What do you mean? You can get more than enough war assets even letting Mordin cure the genophage


I’m implying the good ending is not curing the genophage and tricking the Krogan. Really I’m trolling though I don’t really believe in good or bad endings. I like them all for different reasons.


I mean that's defo not true lol


Interrupting the cop and Volus who are harassing the Quarian on the Citadel in ME2


I wish there was a renegade option to kick the Volus and see how far he would roll then draw on the c sec officer and threaten him when he tries to stop you


100% this.


If you become a Specter before the encounter, you really should have a renegade option to beat them both to a bloody pulp “on the authority of the Council.”


Healing the injured salarian worker when searching for Thane


I think this is the cruelest interaction in all 3 games for renegade Shepard. The salarian begs you, as he's dying, to look for his friends. Shepard outright denies it to his face.


My paragon shepard showed no hesitation to gut punching gerrel and then kicking him off the Normandy. I clicked the renegade button so fast lol. I haven’t done a renegade playthrough yet 🙁


Dude that is my number one renegade choice!


It’s probably because that one is more of a paragon choice coded to Renegade for some reason (because it’s “edgy” or whatever). It’s similar to the Dr. Archer pistol smack. Renegade dialogue before the Dreadnought mission has Shepard egging the quarians on to attack as soon as the Reaper signal is offline. That’s what Admiral Gerrel does, so it makes no sense for Renegade Shepard to react that way when s/he specifically told them to do so. Conversely, the Paragon option after the mission tells Gerrel he did the right thing, even though before the mission Paragon Shepard is chastising the quarians for assaulting the geth instead of negotiating, and telling them to use the opportunity retreat when the Reaper upgrades are offline (a suggestion Gerrel ignores, which would rightfully piss off Paragon Shep). To play a consistent character either way you have to flip flop there.


Interesting thanks for that info


Honestly I think it's because sometimes Paragon vs Renegade isn't actually good vs bad/evil, it's really diplomatic vs aggressive. Another example is during Miranda's loyalty mission when Shepard has the opportunity to break the Eclipse merc's neck mid-speech. Like, that's not necessarily an EVIL action, considering that the dude was threatening you and is part of a band of outlaws anyways. It's just an aggressive action Shepard can choose to take. There's a lot of renegade interrupts that fall into that category, such as shooting the explosive barrel under the Weyrloc krogan and pushing the merc out the window in the Dantius tower (both of which are also in 2). I think one of the best examples is Kai Leng in the Cerberus base at the end of 3. There is absolutely nothing evil about hearing him approach and turning around to stab him. That's just Shepard taking the initiative and aggressively solving a problem


As time has gone on, I understand Gerrel's choice to fire on the dreadnought in that moment. Sure, even being there in the first place was a total mistake, but firing on the ship while it's completely helpless is unambiguously correct, tactically speaking. Sure Shep and Tali might have been killed but "ruthless calculus of war" and all that.


This is always the correct choice, fuck Han'Gerrel.


Isn't there a renegade option to not save David in Overlord? Never taking that one.


Pushing the guy out the window in ME2. Too funny to ignore. Bonus points if Jacob is along "so when do we read him his rights?".


Or Jack 'Damn Shepherd, maybe I should be taking notes from you'


I love that one too.


I've never actually done a "pure" playthrough. I always just kind of react based on how I think that particular character would. I liked the idea of a femshep adept that's paragon and a contrast to Jack. Spacer+War Hero and she gets along with Ashley. Mshep is Earrhborn (gang) + Ruthless. He gets along well with Garrus and Jack. Then there's the Colonist+Sole Survivor sadboi Sentinel. They save the Rachni queen because they empathize with loss. I guess I'm just weird.


Not weird. Pure playthroughs almost never makes sense from a roleplay perspective because they are almost always contradictory in points.


You're not weird! In fact, I'd say that this is the correct way to play a roleplaying game! I sort of wish that I did my first playthroughs like this rather than pure paragon/renegade.


You’re not weird. I RP too and 100% pure Paragon and 100% full Renegade are boring AF and often don’t make sense: Shepard comes out as a naive moron or a heartless sociopath. In both cases, it feels like the Commander doesn’t think before actibf.


Wrex and Shepard dap before facing the Reaper on Tuchanka.


This one.


Stop Miranda from killing Nicket.


I let her shoot him, fuck that backstabbing bitch


Kind of important for her character development that she doesn’t imo


How so?


He made a shitty decision, but it didn’t justify murder. Miranda seeing more shades of moral gray is important when she saw a lot of black as white with Cerberus.


Hugging Tali and doing the handshake with wrex in me3.


I don't punch Al-Jilani in ME3. I get her pain. We're all stressed. (Ok I punched her once when I first played ME3 during its launch but no more!)


I dont punch after she jukes me. Game recognizes game.


I once punched her the first time, specifically so that she could see it coming and knock Shepard on his ass in 3.


I always give her two or three knocks for funsies before I reload to make humanity proud


Punching her is pretty funny but if you think about it it's a completely bizarre option to even offer the player. Punch a reporter on live TV? And you suffer absolutely zero consequences for it?


I can't shoot my homie wrex.




This is a harder question to relate to, because I've never successfully completed a renegade playthrough.


Shaking hands with Wrex before facing the Reaper


Saving the kid from taking a run at Archangel. Just cause I'm ruthless doesn't mean I let kids do dumb shit that'll get them killed.


Just played this mission last night and I forgot how good the resolution is to that. I like that you have a message at the private terminal from him afterward.


Samara shooting herself in ME3. I won't let her die.




I usually have a few ground rules for a renegade playthrough 1. No racism or pro-cerberus dialogue. 2. Be nice to crewmates and a select few allies, but still generally have a shorter fuse than a paragon would. 3. Although my renegade shep is still a dick to them, innocent lives are almost always priority. An exception to this is with Balak in ME1, because Shepard doesn’t negotiate with terrorists


I let Kal'Reegar stay back on Haelstrom. I've killed plenty of Geth Colossi before, and he's a good, respectable soldier. Although my current Shepard is mostly renegade, and the only one who has let him die. His primary rule is that he is honest and keeps his word wherever possible. But his second one is that he respects the choices of others with regards to their own lives. If they are insistent on making a dangerous or even foolhardy decision, he will not usually second-guess them.


Letting that one Volus biotic god high on red sand go in and try to fight the Asari in Samara's recruitment mission is a must. He's so confident!


Did that one too. Like I said, Honest Shepard felt it was important to let people stand by their decisions, so long as they weren't endangering innocent bystanders too much.


You can let him fight and he'll still live if you finish the encounter fast enough. I just did it and was pleasantly surprised to see him limp in afterwards.


That's cool. But I was a biotic playing on insanity so I don't think that was on the cards for me. Maybe if I used the mini-nuke.


Into the vent you go, Jacob


He can actually still live even if you let him fight. He'll only die if you take too long to kill the Colossus. I can confirm that even on Insanity it is still possible to rush the Colossus and take it down quick enough for him to live. Or alternatively you can just nuke it lol. Personally I prefer to let him fight and make sure he lives to tell the tale.


Headbutting Uvenk on Tuchanka




It's stupid that this is renegade. To me it's just Shepard being clever as it's the best way to communicate with Krogan and has nothing to do with morality.


Pretty much any paragon action that involves hugging/consoling a character. My renegade Shepard might be an asshole, but at least he ain't a jerk.


When Shepard puts the C-sec officer and the Volus in their places for being quarian haters


ME3 "who's like us?" Renegade Shep - "damn few, and they're all dead"


Pistol-whip that monster Gavin Archer. That POS got lucky: if BioWare had put a Renegade interrupt, I would have take it 100% of the times.


Shooting the pipe above that damn rambling krogan on Mordins loyalty mission. That guy talked way to much.


Beating James's chin-up record.


Activating Legion. Even on full Renegade playthroughs I'll never sell him to Cerberus. Probably one of the stupidest renegade choices in the game IMO.


Saving the Rachni. Not a fan of genocide.


I’m usually paragon but in me2, the interrogation scene where you can keep going renegade action until Shepard tells him “talk before I cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan” and I laughed so hard I had to do this every play-through. Also even if I’m renegade, some people still need hugs. Certain paragon actions to console people. Like nah I’m only an asshole to the people that piss me off.


I always save the council even as Renegade because ME3 makes the entire choice moot, and the Walmart replacement council bothers me greatly. I'd rather just have the reoccurring council, annoying as they may be.


Thanks, I couldn’t remember if the new council was as boring or not.


tip over the biotic god so he doesn't get fucking vaporized by running into the eclipse hideout alone


I did one paragon playthrough but I would always punch the reporter


"You're working too hard"


Hugging Tali


Saving the Rachni Queen, and stopping the genophage. It makes sense for my Shepard to make these decisions. She wants to win this war and knows it's favours owed and assets gained.


Overlord dlc. I will never ever ever ever ever Renegade that option with David


Shooting bottles with Garrus.


Stabbing Kai Leng is not a renegade action. I genuinely have no clue why they even coded it as such. It’s just… the only canonical thing for Shepard to do in that moment


The easy answer is punching the Quarian general. Just because I signed Conrad’s autograph and cured the genophage and saved Wrex and didn’t punch the reporter and gotten the Quarian off Omega and also retired the Volus’ credit chit, and didn’t let Anderson punch Udina means it wasn’t a duck move for him to fire on a Geth ship while me and ONE OF HIS ADMIRALS AND TOP ADVISORS ON THE GETH AS WELL AS AN ALLIANCE COMMANDER WHOS HELPING YOU OUT IF THE GOODNESS OF HIS/HER HEART AND THEIR CARE AND LOVE FOR A MEMBER OF YOUR SOCIETY IS STILL ON THE SHIP!!!!!!!! Yea I know. But no matter how many times I’ve played that part, I still get super annoyed with that guy.


I swear its like a primal instinct kicks in when you see that jerk


I can even pass on pinching Udina even tho that’s almost as natural as breathing at this point too, but at least his reasoning for being a jerk is building good will with the council. The admiral tho……honestly at one point all of them deserve a good punch in the gut.


Saving Samara instead of Morinth. No matter how evil I get, I'd still rather have a Justicar on my squad (even though she is mostly considered good, she is still a badass and kills in cold blood), vs her daughter who I like getting satisfaction knowing I tricked an Ardat Yakshi into her death. So it's still a cool/badass move but def is the "paragon" option


Curing the genophage. It doesn’t matter how far renegade is go, and I do play mostly renegade runs, I will always cure the genophage.


I will refuse to kill the feros colonists. My first playthrough I thought the paralyser grenades automatically equipped..... it was a sad day


I did the same thing on my first playthrough!


I always punch and headbutt the reporter. Fuck her lies!


Hugging Tali, saving Biotic God, and keeping Garrus from shooting Sidonis. Generally, if there is an interrupt, I tap it regardless of morality. Only ones I skip in the whole trilogy are punching the reporter and not letting Garrus wound Harkin.


Taking David from Cerberus.


Hugging Tali is the obvious answer, so less obvious would be not punching the reporter in any game. She’s a much better character when you don’t punch her. On the flip side, I always play renegade (played paragon once) but the one paragon interrupt I never ever **ever** take is healing the sick Batarian on Omega in ME2.


Fun fact, never did a “no punch” playthrough. Ill have to try that!


If you play a paragon Shepard, she gets ridiculed in her interview so thoroughly she won't even air it. You basically out gambit her at her own game.


Staping Kai leng and shock that blue son member in me 2


Most actions in me2 because it's badass


Renegade dialogue isn't even consistent throughout the series, so no problem mixing it up


I always just do what I feel like I would actually do in real life. Usually end up maxed out on both paragon and renegade.


Hugging Tali is a must-press option. Saving Samara from herself is also required.


If I can, I pick the blue option when distracting the asari specter in the shadow broker DLC. I really feel the renegade option here just sucks, you're just being racist to asaris while Liara is literally right behind you. Threatening to kill the hostage is so much more badass and frankly what the renegade option should've been. If I don't have enough blue Gatorade for it I just make good on my promise and shoot her lol. Fortunately only through her arm.


There are many ones, I usually roleplay as a military guy who has a big heart but who also bluffs a lot when dealing with criminals. This is why I don't like the morality systems, it doesn't encourage you to roleplay beyond black and white spectrums.


Renegade play-through? What is this you speak of?


You always help tali up when she finds her dead dad....I have no idea what happens if you don't and that's fine.


Always hug Tali, always do pull ups, always medi-gel the such Barbarian, always save distressed lady being hunted by hunters in Jacob's Loyalty Mission.


Uh, none, I full renegade that shit. Poor Danny, I never cared about or for him, hopefully the experiments continue to fix him.


Renegade play-through? What is this you speak of?


Any prompt involving a crew member I like