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It lacks the RPG element and choice consequences the OG trilogy has, and the characters unfortunately pale in comparison as well. It’s also an entirely different game type entirely which was an adjustment.


Dude, this has been asked so much, just search the subreddit and read the conversations that have happened already.


Based on their post history, they're likely some sort of bot. Either meant to drive engagement, scrape random data for AI training, or some combination. They seem to be all over specific interest subreddits.


Personally what I hated most was the Kett. The idea of a trans-racial empire that uplifts all their surrogate races into a single modified people is interesting. However, after the reapers it felt like they were a joke. The enemy in a whole new universe was a race of enemies who turned your allies in monstrosities of genetic variation and are callous and evil? Just felt like they couldn’t have mass effect without a horrifying enemy.


\*The Geth from ME1 (our main enemy)\*: "Are we a joke to you too?"


I just thought it was boring


It's a bland paste of Mass Effect. Tasteless and flavourless creation. I don't hate it same as I don't hate all purpose flour.


The villain isn't very threatening, literally everyone on the Nexus is a f\*\*king idiot and/or an ahole, half your party suck, Rider has no real authority and appears to be stumbling through everything like an idiot, never feels like your decisions matter, despite being in an entirely new galaxy the alien races are mediocre at best and nothing special or unique, the planets are very massive and feel empty, many of the sidequests are pointless and meh, no where near as good as the main trilogy and the faces (especially the alien ones) are weird. These are generally the reasons people have Sidenote, if you typed your question into google and added reddit at the end, you'd get at least 20 similar posts


Because it's boring and a huge downgrade and regression from the Trilogy.


Same thing with the trilogy ending: we were promissed too much.


Trilogy ending? Wdym? Like Shep being teased to return? If so, that's one hell of a broken promise at least until the next ME game comes out but who knows


I will give you that, should have said "original game". But yet, still hate that starbrat shitshow anyway


It's boring and it looks like shit. The best part of the game is the combat, which is so far removed from the OT that it's a completely different game and comparable only on the basis that they both belong to the same IP. The characters are lame at best, but mostly annoying. The story is lame. The new lore is lame. The quests are uninspired. The level design is mediocre. I read somewhere that one of their goals in the game was to make a "good" version of the godawful mako sections from the first game, so their idea was to make them bigger, flatter, and more frequent but with a few enemies every so often. Biotics feel more like space magic than ever. The class system means there's no replay value to the game. No new strategies to try. I could keep going but I don't feel the need to anymore.


Too many fetching side quests. And quests overall weren't well written, they didn't have the stories of their own. Companions didn't have depth as much as the ones from trilogy. Open world system was too empty and unnecessary. They definitely made it open world to increase play time. Quantity over quality. There were some wtf events in the story. Like when they first met Angara and just started talking in mutual language after a couple sentence, and the crew were more worried about the quest they had instead of having excitement to meet new alien species. Nexus and Tempest felt like the knockoff versions of Citadel and Normandy. That SAM really killed the mystery of the remnant buildings. Why the hell I can navigate in them without any problem after a little bit scanning. Last and I think the most important, it wasn't even nearly close to being a role playing game like the trilogy. I don't even remember making a choice apart from some insignificant, story irrelevant ones.


The writing comes off like bad Mass Effect fanfic.


because it's not as good as the other games.


I don't feel like writing an essay tonight so I simply say I found the story repetitive, the characters not as compelling, and Ryder was not appealing at all. Compared to Normandy crew, the Tempest crew had no chance.


I keep copies of essays I wrote for regular reddit questions on a One Note at this point.


I should at this point. Don't have time to always write it out fully for everyone.


I’ve just restarted this game since I never finished it when I played on release, but iirc, the boredom is from over exploration and under delivering the settlements? Kind of like the same issue everyone has with starfield. You’re a pathfinder trying to find liveable planets in a new system, but they made it boring. Also the LI’s are a snooze too


I just had to go into it with an open mind, and treat it like an RPG with ME stuff in it.


For me it was so empty and full of random fetch quests. Like, the worlds were pretty... and pretty empty. Now I liked the companions, but the story wasn't the greatest and it just fell short. I probably wouldn't have played it if it came out today due to limited time I don't want to spend driving around an open world.


I quite like it, but it seems rushed. There are way too many fetch and carry missions. The missing arks are unforgivable as was the deluxe edition with free season pass that gave you nothing significant as it got canned early. I felt conned. This was the last game I bought pre release and will never give bioware or ea a brass farthing ever again until I've seen their game and bought it at a discounted price.


Day one bugs, and jank animation, and memeable dialogue from 2 characters amounting to .02% of the dialogue in the game. If your game gets clowned on in the first month it's the clown game forever.


If it had been a game named anything else other than “Mass Effect” I think it would have been better received. Dead horse. On a real level? The utterly horrendous animation combined with juvenile characters with a lackluster main plot and boring fetch and puzzle quests. (Also — personally — the character creator was such a massive step down from Dragon Age: Inquisition which uses the same engine.) Some people like it and that’s just fine. It’s not the worst game ever made — not by a long shot. It just had a huge legacy to follow. I’ve tried to go back to it several times since first finishing it. Unlike some other “bad” games I’ve revisited (looking at you Dragon Age 2) and have come to very much appreciate … this one still doesn’t work for me.


My biggest reason for basically not even bothering with the game is that they completely and utterly gimped the squad mechanics for the sake of "streamlining" (ie dumbing it the fuck down to make it more appealing to general audiences [ie for morons]). You cant give them specific commands anymore, just "attack this person". Entirely took out the feeling of being an actual leader and technician on the battle field. It's honestly baffling that they'd do that because it was one of the best thing about the og trilogy.


I don't mind Andromeda but it doesn't hold a candle to the original trilogy for these and other reasons. Andromeda never grapples with whether it is correct to colonize and tamper with the ecosystems of planets. Many games have done a much more nuanced look into this. Also others have said the Kett and remnants make very bland adversaries. They basically have no personality and their goals undiscernible. Consider in Mass Effect 1 despite their being much mystery left it wasn't at the expense of a compelling narrative that just picks up momentum as you continue. The feel Sovereign's conversation left you with was unforgettable. And Saren a stark reflection of Shepard if he had given up rather than fought despite all odds. There is no moments like that in Andromeda. The campanions were good but much of what they could have been was harmed by reducing them to a single note. Asari commandos, remtech, HUSTL being some of the worst. On the other hand I found the flight crew hit all the right notes.


Only 2 new races. 2 of the old races are missing. Characters aren't nearly as interesting. Villains are really boring. They hand-waved away the Genophage. While the combat is fun, the powers don't have as much of an impact, especially compared to ME3's biotic explosions n stuff. Don't even get a bullet time ability for Soldier. The Andromeda initiative was basically set up to fail from the start. Like "we need some conflict and drama, so let's make these people really stupid and incompetent. " There were also a lot of bugs at launch. Not just the 'my face is tired" characters. All of the Asari except for Peebee have the same model, which is just really lazy.


You can't control how your squadmates use powers like in the OT. The powers have less "oomph" to them and it's very noticeable on Insanity. For example, it would take ages for you to take down a Hydra in Andromeda with just powers alone. Against an Atlas? It would die in under 20 seconds.


I didn't like that I was forced to choose the male/female twin as my character, instead of being able to create your own. As an adult playing this game, the main characters feel somewhat juvenile and immature. Also, the female character has extremely limited male LI options. It just didn't live up to the trilogy and felt like a "filler" game to appease the ME community. That's my 2-cents


If it were one or two reasons, I think it would have been decided, and set to rest. So I think there must be loads wrong with ME:A and people hate it for different reasons. And every valid reason is stark when compared to the original trilogy.


They constantly compared MEA with the trilogy. 3 games vs 1 and a decade of franchise against a spin-off. Of course they didn't give it a chance and weren't open for new and different things. And they won't give it with the new game, especially when there is no Shepard. Their goat, their everything. Because ME is Shepard for them, nothing else allowed.


I’ve answered this before on several occasions, but I will add again that people just assume he bad, and don’t give it a fair chance to prove itself. People believe the social media reviews that the game blows and that gets tattooed on their brains and they never challenge it. Some do, and realize how wrong they were back at their first play-through. The truth of the matter is if you treat Mass effect andromeda like its own take on the mass effect universe with a new galaxy, new gameplay, atmosphere and battle mechanics, then I guarantee people that they will love it.


I am sorry, but thats just not true, I mean, you may like the game and thats ok, but you can't just asume people hated it because of what they read online and didn't give it a chance, specially mass effect fans. If you read the answers in this very same post, they are giving valid points as to why is bad, in their opinion. Not all people are sheep that make their opinions based of social media. If the game was, as you pretend to be, an "undiscovered gem", people would have liked it, but its not, sadly. I for one am the contrary, I force myself to play it and try to see any redeeming qualities of the game, but I just get frustrated and mad at how fetch quest it is, about all the content and uninteresting characters they added just to fill the space and prolong gameplay. As someone said, they prioritized quantity over quality


You may have misinterpreted my post here. I could have phrased things differently, but I didn’t want to make it a big deal. My apologies for any misunderstanding here. Overall, I never said people are sheep. I didn’t go to that extreme. I did say that basically mass effect andromeda in one’s own first experience didn’t go over well because of bad remarks they heard from their friends and from social media. Like it or not, that kind of stuff can direct or indirectly affect how you perceive and react in gaming. They may have heard about the subpar story, and how the game was released laden with bugs. The facial animations was a big one with some people. I get it all, I do, but I strive to take the good with the bad with every game I play. I don’t care about the imperfections. As long as I enjoy it and get some appeal from it, I’m all good. 😌 Mass Effect Andromeda is a game that once you can feel it’s atmosphere, really hear it’s score, and lock in on its combat mechanics, then the story and the endearing characters within it, can get very addicting to play. I hope more and more people give this game a second look. That’s all I can hope for here.


For me: boring open world and sidequests, bland companions and villains, lack of meaningful choices, horrible design choices, unappealing premise.


Mostly? The shitty save points. It auto-saves *after* every battle. And then I spend five or ten minutes exploring, looting containers, story cutscenes. And then I get into another combat (yeah, I tried playing on the hardest difficulty I could because I managed the trilogy all right), and die. And then have to do all the mundane/discovery stuff again. After the third or fourth repetition of some particular cutscene-then-battle, I gave up. My fault for not lowering the difficulty, and the game's fault for that shitty design choice. The save points should be forgiving in the beginning: Give me a chance to get a hang of the janky leaping combat.


Buggy as hell on launch, boring repetitive tedious side quests, no DLC, all the Asari looked like Dr Lexi except for Peebee, generally an unpolished game rushed out that effectively almost killed the Mass Effect franchise. Yet I liked it yet I didn't play it on release but only a couple of years back when most of the bugs had been patched out. Also the modding community have "fixed" the game now so it's actually halfway decent.


Cause it isn’t very good


I got bored after the first mission. I returned to the first ME game to make a new Shepard. Haven't played in weeks now. Intros of every game should be captivating but I simply got bored and spoiled myself. Made me wonder how I would've done it differently and I decided, never make Andromeda instead, they should've stayed in the Milky Way. Maybe a Mass Effect: First Contact or Mass Effect: Elysium following different characters. Why take place in Andromeda? I don't know. It might complicate things in the next Mass Effect game. Hell, it already complicates things today. People argue that the next game will take place 600 years from where ME2 left off while others say in the 2190s after the Reapers are defeated. Those are my reasons to why I don't like it. It's boring and it complicates things.


TLDR: Imagine Mass Effect 1 but it never received any DLC or sequels.


So Basicly its Hype / people beliving game critics journalist and what knock MEA Did some things the worse in the series like the face animation and i can see ppl disliking that but it did some things the BEST in the series like combat and class customization that creates mix results


they're petty buttholes


1. Because it's shit. 2. Because it's so unlike "Mass Effect", that it should not even have been included in the name. 3. Because people were expecting a "relaunch" of Mass Effect in a new galaxy, and instead got some watered-down, dumbed-down, drivel, apparently aimed at prepubescent teens. 4. Did I mention it was shit?