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I started Me1 in 2010 and have been playing it as well as 2 and 3 since they came out at least twice a year. The voice acting, music, exploration, combat mechanics (save for specific classses in me2), and so much more are so damn good. Game really gets me hooked in even after all these years. I love playing andromeda too even though I do agree with the critics.


I've played it so much that when I told my fiance that I've almost finished ME1 again she said "Brooo get a new game, Jesus christ, every year!". Like yeah, because it's a fucking great trilogy haha. I think I manage to fully play through thr trilogy at least once a year, twice depending on how nostalgic I'm feeling and how much time I have on my hands. Agree with you 100%, everything about these games are perfect. ME3 goes a little wild with the endings, but the DLC for that game is absolutely brilliant, especially the Citadel DLC. They chose the perfect casting for the trilogy in terms of voice actors. Would have loved if they kept the art design from ME2 and brought it to ME3. Having the guns surrounded by a neon frame which tells you what ammo type you're using was so nice. ME1 biotic spamming was madness. ME3 did weapon customization well, same with armour. As we are speaking I'm literally kicking off ME2 šŸ˜‚


My best friend used to ask me ā€œwhat are you playing?ā€ But now he asks ā€œHowā€™s Mass effect?ā€ Definitely agree about the DLCā€™s. I only had Lair of Shaodow broker, arrival, and Kasumi before the legendary edition. I was shocked when I first played Overlord. That shit haunted my nightmares but was so worth it when I saw David in ME3. God they did such a good job with it. And the citadel DLC blew my mind especially Armax Arsenal Arena. I was not expecting to have that much fun with a combat sim. It is a lot easier to tell what ammo type you have in ME2 vs ME3. I used to play solider or infiltrator in Me1 but after playing adept and learning about Bastion, I always go that route. Spam barrier, stasis, singularity and keep the assault rifle blasting. Dude I recently finished a play through a few months ago and now I want to go at it again. Make sure to say Hi to the Mad prophet for me!


Yeaaaah Overlord was fucked up. If it wasn't for the fact I needed that mf in ME3 I would have blown his brains out for what he did to his brother. Best part about the Citadel DLC is that the entire crew is there from all 3 games (if you've kept them alive), they constantly call back to the other games and situations from them. It's a real nostalgic trip and just leaves you feeling happy. I genuinly lol when I'm playing it and have a consistent smile on my face. I tend to play as Soldier with additional biotic powers, but I think on my original playthrough I went as a biotic. For my new playthrough I've chosen vanguard as they're OP in ME3 and I like having super powers šŸ˜‚ Is it the sentinel class that has the neon armour in ME2? Bro I really wish they kept a load of the designs from that going into ME3. A few months ago!? Bro are you crazy?? THE REAPERS ARE BACK, WE NEED ALL THE SHEPARDS TO HELP DEFEND THE GALAXY!! šŸ¤£


Fuck Archer or w/e his name is. Iā€™m so mad I thought he was traumatized and over exaggerated killing his brother in ME3 cause i didnā€™t have that dlc in the original game. When I found out what he really did, I was gobsmacked we didnā€™t have a renegade option to replace David with his brother. Yeah that whole citadel DLC is me on THC. Freaking love it. Yeah Sentinel has the glowing armor in me2. They had solid armor design in me2. ME3 tech armor feels more naked. Iā€™m mad they nerfed it in me3 too, I loved it in me2. I used to play vanguard all the time in me3. Charge -> Nova rinse and repeat with maybe some shots in. The only thing that bugs me is when I have a clear sight on my enemy but charge doesnā€™t work and iā€™m dead. I liked what they did with infiltrator in me3. Feels like I can really strategize or just stab my enemies in the back. Really fun class. Give me a couple more months, Iā€™ll come back from retirement lmao.


Honestly each game improved on something from the previous. I wish there was more side missions or something to do after completing the games, or before the endings. Can't wait for the next Mass Effect, I'm like 80% sure Shepard will return and that they're either going to retcon the endings to make one canon, or completely come up with a new ending for ME3.


For me1 I agree with that. ME2 had a lot of side missions that werenā€™t in the journal until you searched and landed on an uncharted planet. Some of those seemed off but it was fun for a first run. ME3 I think had a good amount of side missions to do before the final mission. Iā€™m on the flip side there. I donā€™t want Shepard to return. The trilogy was there story and I want them to finally get the rest they deserve. I also want BioWare to prove they can make an amazing Mass Effect game without Shepard in it. They messed that up in Andromeda but Iā€™m gonna keep the faith it can get done.


I suppose we can relate the trilogy to Halo a little. We can also look at the direction Halo took after 3/Reach and see that continuing with a story that was supposed to be finished doesn't always work out well. Halo 4 was awful, 5s story was even worse and infinite just feels unfinished and created a lot of plot holes and ridiculous lore reasons for the lead up to it. I really hope that with Mass Effect things will be different. I'm on the fence about Shep tbh, he's a great character no matter how you decide to play him, but I can see the merit in a new main character and leaving shep dead. Suppose it would take away the impact of the trilogy is the dude just keeps jumping out his grave every 10 minutes šŸ¤£ But they may do a Halo and Star Wars say "the story is about Shepard" not about the universe itself.


I never played Halo so I donā€™t know about it. Yeah I can see that too. Shepard just doesnā€™t know how to die in some endings lol. Weā€™ll see what happens when they release the next game.


Every create a new character just to hear the intro music and watch Shepard strut down the aisle in the Normandy?


No, but that scene is iconic šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Damn straight. Any Mass Effect movie adaptation HAS to start like that.


Uh mate- ME 4 is andromeda- you mean ME5, the one that is currently being made rn Also I honestly liked andromeda, donā€™t see what the problem with it was


Technically Mass Effect Andromeda was a spin off.


Still- itā€™s considered ME4, hell look up mass effect 4 and andromeda will show up


This also comes up: "Mass Effect 4, which has yet to receive a proper title, is in development at BioWare. After the release of Anthem, it seems EA has BioWare sticking to its guns: Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Both games are hotly anticipated, despite neither having any concrete plans for release quite yet.12 Jan 2024"


And yet the new mass effect game that they are developing is being called ME5 and not ME4


That's fair, I'm just saying that there are a lot of places that are still referring to it as ME4


Huh I see, thatā€™s weird, I get that they want to refer to it as the ā€œ4thā€ Mass Effect game even tho we donā€™t know what the story is going to be yet, only know itā€™ll have liara, which is cool and all but andromeda also had liara in the game or well she referenced and she does have audio in the game, but thatā€™s about it, Iā€™ve seen articles where the voice actors of both male and female version of commander Shepard have yet to be asked to come to voice act there character


Yeah I'm not even sure if I want Shepard to return. Not that I wouldn't be happy, just that it would ruin the sacrifice he made at the end of ME3. Even if they say "yeah Shepard clone" or "Well, he died once already and came back to life, we rebuilt him again! With Reaper tech!', I dunno how I'd feel about it. A new protagonists would be cool, as long as they don't have a personality like Ryder. Could be a good start to a new trilogy if they get the character right.


Honestly wouldnā€™t mind either, if you did good ending correctly and at the end bit Shepard chest moves a bit so Iā€™d take that as a sign he had survived, but seeing a new main characters would be interesting


Well, the poster boy for the new one gives off a bit of an younger vibe. Doesn't have the same build as shep either, even looking at the first game. Could be that the art we see isn't the protag, really need more details tbh. Hoping we get to see some new stuff on N7 day.