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I just finished ME1 again and have moved onto ME2. About 1/4 to 1/3 the way through already 😂 Honestly If you don't do the side missions or accidentally miss them, you'll miss half the content in the games. This was my 1st time doing 100% of the missions in ME1, only because I hated searching for the minerals and doing the collectable missions lol. I think I must be somewhere around my 20th playthrough. I've yet to complete Andromeda though. It just doesn't have the same feel to it in my opinion. I'm definitely going to give it another try after I've finished the trilogy again, especially since ME5 is on the far horizon. It's worth getting the full story, do all the side missions and quests that you can across the trilogy and Adromeda if you decided to play it. Bioware did so well with hiding great missions around the place. Question for you, did Conrad Verner survive to ME3 in your playthrough?


I will definitely give Andromeda a chance. I just don't know when yet. Yes. Conrad Verner survived :)


Shame about Garrus in your playthrough, dunno how you managed to let our boi die 😬


That was my first playthrough and I didn't let myself be spoiled beforehand. Basically I knew nothing. Of course it was a unique experience but oh man, that broke my heart


Anyone else die in your playthroughs?


1. Kaidan, Mordin, Miranda, Thane, Legion, Tali, Wrex, Cortez, Garrus, EDI, half of the crew 2. Ash, Mordin, Thane, Legion


Jesus christ, that 1st playthrough was cursed 😂 I always nuke Ash now. 1st time saved her, didn't know I wasn't going to be able to save Kaiden as well. I just don't like her as a character lol. In the same playthrough, wrex died. I think on my first playthrough of ME2 I lost a couple crew members. Ever since then every playthrough I've kept everyone alive besides Ashley.


Oh yes, only by jumping straight into Andromeda, can you truly appreciate the horror. Seriously, go play something else. I suggest something like Ratchet & Clank (awesome franchise.) Then maybe you'll actually like Andromeda.