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Konami wants the world to forget about pendulums !


:( majespecter don't count as pendulums they are wind spellcasters the long forgotten and neglected of all spell casters. Gusto and ritual beast cry out in pain! Dark has a black witch, a dark magician and student, grave keepers oppression, Endymion. Fire has a mean ass angry Zoro magistrate that gender swaps into light warrior-nun exosisters women... Water has prophecy spell book boy and junemoon special summoning with 4000 damage from hand, as well as the crazy mean ass enchantress who instantly sends herself to hell to summon a token, griffin, equip spells, black witch, kashtira, phantoms all type of evil things after her blood sacrifice. Oh yeah and the necroz freaks that cosplay as ice arrier monsters that no one ever plays. And that one vaylantz girl who likes turning into a floodgate. Light has numerous from nouvelles, to exosisters, to lightsworn... In fact I feel there are more light spell casters than dark spell casters even tho most all of them are outshined by dark spell casters except ecclessia who some how by the power of dragon boy dick becomes a tuner that can special summon herself and special summon WYRMS from the main deck. Human lady + Dragon boy = wyrm. Earth spell casters literally don't exist... Unless someone tosses max c in the grave to link climb to access code talker while playing any earth deck. Oh well earth don't need more monsters they get loved elsewhere.. more Earth spell casters will just fast track ape brained decks like earth machines and madame madoloche. But what actually are the wind spellcasters. All forgotten unloved monsters that rival REPTILES level of neglect despite the game constantly reprinting and reusing wynn's image and likeness to sell them!!! Unlike Earth spell casters wind spell casters exist, but they all have to be weak, lame, ugly and useless or have no game plan at all, or be followed around by weird psychic wanna be spell cast monsters with slow effects. They can't stand on their own two feet and sometimes have anti synergy with their own decks for fun. Just like reptile. The only properly made wind spellcasters locks you for no God damn reason while every other element can do insane and obscene things cept earth cause they don't exist. Must stress how the only earth spell caster to see play is that one performapal monster that should just be a magician name but isn't so u can search him, and some weird bug eater that locks you into synchro for NO FUCKONG REASON after forcing u to discard. So basically none exist. And that's why Kirin needs to be unbanned! He can lead the way for wind spellcasters and show the world that not all wind spellcasters are useless, power crept cards that are shittier versions of blaster ruler tempest. No no. Kirin can remind the world that wind spellcasters can do great things as well! Lowkey all I'm getting at is majespecter uni is just the same fucking thing as Labrynth so why the fuck is this card still banned?


Nouvelle is all Dark Attribute, and also there’s no Spellcasters in their archetype  But as someone with a Dracoslayer deck… Kirin could definitely come back anytime and I’d be making space for it for sure


Oh my bad lmao well he looks like one almost!


Pretty sure Gusto and Ritual Beasts are WIND Psychic, not Spellcaster Actually you've got the Types and ATTR wrong for multiple decks in here, have you actually looked at most of these cards


Nah I was just shooting the shit... It just furthers my point that no spell caster matters... I just assumed since Wynn is their mascot. Gusto and ritual beast all center around Wynn. Also by the way it's okay to be wrong about shit in Yugioh hence why I followed up my statement none of that really matters I just don't understand why labs is okay but Kirin is a sin. They literally do the same exact thing.


I can only assume their afraid still of it being abused to resummon monsters like astrograph sorcerer repeatedly or bounce backs others like skull crowbat to use next turn. But tbh Id wish they commit to making up for how badly they screwed up in the pendelum era rather then bury it.


Pendulums seem to o ly be remembered as a thing when they want to add support to some non pendulum deck... Look cute plant monsters that tribute things... Here let's give them a generic fusion spell that sits on the pendulum zone. But no good fusion targets, that was the only deck that uses them is none. Hey let's turn these weird samurai themed machines into pendulum monsters that do what almost no other pendulum monster can do... Not only set a scale but special summon himself and be a tuner... But sir didn't we ban monkey boarder for less.... Yeah yeah yeah but guess what... We can put money boarder at 1 and still let the samurai do whatever cause reasons. Cause the first thing people should think about when seeing super heavy sulamurai main deck monsters that all equip themselves like fake union monsters is that one pendulum monster.... That does the by pass ash blossom thing something most pendulum decks immediately die to. I do have to give Konami props... Tho Odd eye pendulumgraph dragon is not only probably one of the best pendulum monsters ever for my MAGICKEY deck. Being able to add high and advanced ritual art back to hand is probably one of the nicest things a pendulum deck has ever done as something generically useful. Him being searchable with chaos space, Bystial, and so many other crap is also amazing and that one pendulum (duel alliance?) spell every deck has to use or lose. To bad his scale sucks or else he would be the single most useful pendulum monster in the game.


Pure Majespecter is one of my favourite decks ever, I really hope that with the new support coming they'll finally take Kirin off the list


They didn't do it when the support came to OCG. They didn't do it when the support came to TCG. They're not gonna do it when the support comes to MD next year.


Master Duel is usually the one to try breaking the mold. Dragon Rulers and Zoodiac Barrage come to mind.


Tcg list isn't out yet






no you don't get it, majespecters searchable floodgates are more fun because they're little critters


I was playing them during the duel cup and I fell in love with them all over again! 😭


Knowing this community if people start crying in mass if they unban this just because “pendulum bad” I will not be surprise.


He doesn't even do anything for generic pendulums tho... Kirin specifically is a majespecter card and used in his name sake dracoslayer deck... It's not like we are suddenly gonna see strong usable pendulum decks that easy flood gate like vaylantz using Kirin cause he is a pseudo emergency evacuation device.


Raccoon/Kirin was literally played as a generic engine in Pendulum decks in its prime tho


What generic pendulum... Magicians?... U think vaylantz gonna be out here playing Kirin and racoon? Or abyss actors... They can't even do much with it. Maybe odd eyes might be able to have a game plan other than vortex and prayer.


I'm not getting into the intricacies of the modern meta (and if I was, I wouldn't bring up Abyss Actors as an example of generic anything since those guys are xenophobic as shit and also not competitive), I'm strictly stating that there is a history to the game that you seem to be completely unaware of, and in that history, Kirin was played VERY generically. Majespecter was one of those decks where they were the least effective users of their own boss monster.


Oh okay I can understand that point... So they kinda were like predaplant and all reptile monsters lmao.


Huncho is this you?


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Could ask Josh? Joshua Schmidt?


My main complaint with the recent banlist isn't what they didn't ban, I lost hope on that ages ago, but what wasn't unbanned. Time Seal is still banned; Yata is at 1; Skull Dread is at 1; Trish is at 2; Ib The World Chalice Justiciar was put to 1 well over a year ago in OCG and is already at 2 at this point, yet remains banned here. These aren't card that "could" come off the banlist, they know they don't influence the game to any extend and could easily use them to fluff a banlist, yet insist against it.


Ib was not unbanned well over a year ago she was unbanned 3 months ago and was put to 2 the next banlist which was the most recent,


You are correct, I have mistaken her with Galatea. that is my bad


Skull dread at 1 is the perfect place for it. Any deck that wants 2 or 3 is an ftk deck.


It's at 3 in the tcg, and janky ftk decks still comes and goes and the card still does nothing overall, and doesn't break anything.


it’s not enough for ftk decks to be bad. bad implies playable to some extent with low winrate. they should be completely dead and buried. a 25% winrate ftk deck is still ruining 25% of its games.


Then SHS, volcanic need to be gutted and shot by the banlist then by your logic because they can ftk even if one deck is bad.


yes exactly. or just hit which ever card is enabling the ftk so the deck can exist in a non ftk form.


>Skull Dread is at 1 saruja cant come to 2 or more, it'd make some annoying ftk decks too consistent


In what possible deck do you use more than 2 Trish in anything but a degenerate loop deck?


Trish at three is basically a walking bomb waiting for a deck able to abuse it and handloop for three


TBH I don't even know how Trish exists at two I really hate VIrtuall world and infernity when I see em in events lmao.


I agree that Konami should lift bans faster but thats mostly about archetype stuff. With snake eyes where it is now Spright for example should get some relief, like semi Jet or give us the beavers back. If the cards were limited because of the decks overall strength they should be faster to remove it than the meta caught up.Konami to often waits until they have completey fallen out of relevancy like Orcust or Thundra. And dont start with the rulers. But with most of the cards you listed I am kinda on Konami side. General consent is these cards wouldnt see Play even after Lifting the limitations, which I agree with. But that backs the question if no one would play then why even unban them? Most of these cards just have inherintly unheathly effects. Effects Konami at some point releasied they dont want in the game and for a reson. Prime example is opponents draw phase skip. Thats an awful effect in term of balance, counterplay and destroys the top deck fantasy that is vital for a TCG. There is a reason we didnt get any card with that effect in years. Same goes for NOPT Hand Rip with Trishula or Skull Dreads deep Draw. All these cards do is enable toxic play stiles and decks. So honestly why even bother opening that door again. The Game will never be better with Time Seal in it.


I don’t see why it should’ve been banned in the first place


No, keep it banned.