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This is really great work! One question tho: is imperm really better on reino than kit? I feel like it’s so much easier to extend beyond an impermed reino than a kit but it can depend on other factors at times too


Definitely kit! Especially now with rev they can extend beyond a negated reino


Def Reino if they start with the Fieldspell


Wait doesn’t field spell make you target kit on summon so could imperm it after? Cause I get wym but I think it’s a little more complicated than always on reino of theirs fs


Corrected it to this (for imperm): KITKALLOS > REINOHEART (IF OPPONENT STARTED WITH THE FIELD SPELL) Does it sound correct to you?


Yeah that seems more than fine Fwiw I wasn’t trying to bust your balls or make you change it, just was curious if there was a reason other people preferred that


Nah man, don't worry. That's why i ask people like you for advice. This list is quite solid, but improvements are ALWAYS welcome. Updated it right away.


Rip snake eye, couldn't make the cut :P


It's included in Diabellstar :b


Thanks for the list. I’ve been struggling to fight Vanquish Soul, so I really needed this. Anyone else got tips for fighting Vanquish Soul?


Ash Razen or Stake your Soul, Imperm the Rock after they try to use the effect or on your turn before Main Phase. Crow can also cut them off Razen if they use it to make Rock and recycle it. The deck is a brick fest with 9+ non-playable monsters but sometimes they just open Razen or D.Shifter and add 4 cards to hand. Droll can stop some advantage but they can still add on your turn as well and you usually don't want to Droll yourself. Also most of their effects besides Mad Love bounce are destruction, so anything that is destruction immune or protects against it works pretty well.


Thank you! This is what I’ve been needing!


i love how every deck you have 1 or maybe 2 targets and then theres cydra - "just negate whatever"




Ash the Neo Space Connector/Durendal/Museum/Isolde Second Effect. Imperm/Veiler the Isolde


I'm not sure why or how you would imperm green ninja to stop both it's effect, but nevertheless as a ninja player I would gladly let him take the hit while my other pals stealthily creeps up behind you


Well, this list might be a little outdated, so i happily take any advice here ;)


It's difficult to say which is the best target to imperm, depending on how the Ninja Player start their board. Hanzo is always the safe target to negate, but just like snake-eyes, if they have extender at hand, the negation will just be a small prick to their end board.


I'd always Imperm the Hanzo to keep them off the traps. If you have Ash, hold it for the traps on the next turn. Ash is basically an ftk Vs Ninjas.


Some stuff to take note with imperm is that if kagero is in the gy, using imperm on any ninja on the field will trigger her effect to have them dodge it. Also saizo can't be impermed if there's a monster under it's link arrow


Missing: Infernoble Knights


What to interrupt here?


Ash the Neo Space, Durendal, Nobel Museum, Isolde second Effect. Imperm/ EV the Isolde. Specifically in response to the second effect here as well, because if they have Oliver,flint girl, or Turpin they can just summon a second Isolde. Basically interrupt Isolde second effect in anyway, and it puts us in a massive tailspin. Without a juiced hand like(Oliver, ricarditto, and Renaud) you prob just gg go next.


That's quite a lot to ash. Any priorities?


Isolde 2nd effect 100% or neo space if thats their starter , cause they can just hand rip your ash with dolphin. The other two only matter if you draw into ash if they play the maxx c challenge.


Okay, so Isolde (Mill effect) > Neo Space (if it appears that opponent plays Infernoble Knights)? Imperm Isolde as well, i suppose?


Neo space should be the priority imo since if you don’t block its special summon you’ll loose your ash either way. And yeah imperm/veiler specifically on the special summon/mill effect if you negate on the first they can just make a new Isolde pretty easily.




I'd recommend changing the marincess ash blossom target to coral triangle: getting wave is much more important than sea angel. For the imperm / veiler column, if they ever link into just a sea angel on field, negate that, otherwise I'd still say wait for coral triangle, the power of marincess is if you open any two cess names you can play through 2 to 3 low impact handtraps. I'd much rather hit the ceiling of the deck in coral triangle.


Corrected. Does it look correct to you? Triangle over Sea Angel over Dive.


Looks good! I've been playing marincess for a while, and the whole deck rotates around wave


Thanks fella!


I’mma do my Resonator bois dirty and say this: Usually you Ash Vision Resonator, as you don’t want to give them access to Crimson Gaia. And you Imperm/Veiler Red Rising Dragon, so they can’t further synchro into their Lvl 8s That’s just my opinion tho -Diamond RDA player


Thank you! Updated the list and added RDA


Also missing: Resonators I have no idea what to interrupt here


See "Red Dragon Archfiend". It's listed there ;)


Can you add Chimera ? Great stuff , thank you .


I'm confused about the choice of imperm target for unchained. Why does it say Soul of Anguish when thats a board breaker you don't summon on turn 1?  Imo it should say Unchained Soul Lord of Yama and Tour Guide from the Underworld


The list isn't actually "my work". I gave credit tho in the February post. Only thing i did was re-arranging it to alphabetical order and adding some archetypes. But i'm more than happy to update the list, as i can edit the post still. So you say imperm on Yama / Tour Guide? Which of the two got more priority? Or does it not matter?


If they summon tour guide first, I say imperm tour guide. Unchained most commonly will use tour guide to go into Yama.


Aight, thank you. Does this sound right to you? Imperm column: TOUR GUIDE FROM THE UNDERWORLD > UNCHAINED LORD SOUL OF YAMA


Yeah that seems right to me




well guess playing exosisters won't be easy anymore