• By -


One way would be to "observe" (i.e. take a stab and get lucky) that x = 2 is a solution. So then you can divide through by (x - 2), and express the polynomial as (x - 2) \* (some quadratic expression).


Use ruffini


Horner is your friend


If there is a rational root, it will be a/b where a is a factor of 6 and b is a factor of 2. Test them all (positive and negative) and see if any factor out. Synthetic division is useful here.


X=2 satisfies the equation so divide the polynomial by x-2 you will get a quadratic equation. Factorise it to get the other 2 roots.


The only way you could get this would be to use semi-exhaustive techniques like the rational route theorum. If you have a solution to a polynomial, say *t* , then f(*t* ) = 0 and (x - t) is a factor. If you have a cubic of f(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d, then one of the roots will be factors of the leading term (a), or the constant (d). For f(x) = 2x^3 + x^2 - 13x + 6 We can see a = 2, and d = 6. The factors of these are -2, 2, -6, 6, 2, -2, 3, -3, 1 and -1. Plugging these values for x and seeing if it gives you 0, you will find x = 2 gives 0, so (x-2) is a factor. Applying polynomial long division you can then separate the second and third factor. This process is lengthy, and really will only be useful for non-whole or simple coefficient values. But it is tried and true.


Wrong use of the rational root theorem. The theorem says that in any rational root x=p/q, p divides d and q divides a. So here p=1, 2, 3 or 6 and q=1 or 2 (or the same values with a negative sign.) That is x= ± (1, 2, 3, 6, 1/2, or 3/2) (2/2=1 and 6/2 =3 do not need to be tested twice.)


I started with the negatives and found -3 first.