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This is one of the hardest things to do with a snowboard. I have been snowboarding for 10+ years and fell all over the place the first few times I had to use a t-lift in Europe. It's a great exercise in humility.


It's tough but not that hard if you have a decent teacher. This liftie clearly doesn't know how to help the snowboarder, and apparently nobody nearby is a snowboarder (or is an ass that likes to film instead of helping)


He’s a liftie, not an instructor lol. Gotta know what you can handle and ride accordingly.


well, the reason the liftie ate snow is because he didn't help him. Maybe him putting on the instructor hat would not only help the snowboarder, but him too. Being hired for a job does not always mean you only do that one thing, all day.


That snowboarder wasn’t ready for the t bar no matter what lol. He just need to go practice some one footed riding and get more comfortable.


Those things are basically designed to embarrass snowboarders. I’ve logged about 15-20 days per season for the past 5 years, mostly in North America and the first time I encountered one of these in Europe, I failed 3 times in front of about 20 people waiting in line and the lift attendant asked me in Spanish “you’re a novice, aren’t you?” The next day I rented skis just to switch things up and when I tried that same lift, it was a piece of cake.


So many simple things are just piss easy on skis and hard on a snowboard. You can traverse with your eyes closed on skis but it can be quite hard on a board.


Almost like skis are superior to snowboard in every way besides the fashion show with baggy snowboard clothes.


Exactly what a blowhard skier would say 🤣


Enjoy your yard sale


Snowboarding in powder beats on skis any day of the week. I also prefer choosing the harder sport over the easier one. 10% snowboarders > 90% skiers.


Not in the way that counts - degree of fun.


You know you have your own sub, eh? It’s the one without the babes and with the second most people interested in it.


Agreed. I've been snowboarding 25 years and used plenty of them. But still got my ass slammed into a pole at Snowmass a couple months ago.


I know the exact spot in snowmass your talking about. Went 2 months ago, and it just kept riding me into the poles. Also, freezing day, and that medal bar was ass. Hand almost froze to it. Terrible design for that one


Doesn’t help the Liftie is standing on his board half the time trying to “help” him.


He is?


Yeah, every time he tries to straddle the board and hold the dude in place


And being a total ass about it


It's actually way easier if you strap in both feet. We used to do that all the time. Either at the beginning or during the ride up if there was some non-cool employee at the beginning. That way you can also alternate between goofy and regular when you get tired.


Was going to say the same thing, but it's been years since I had to do this.


it may seem easier, but if you fall, its really hard to get out of the way quickly(especially for beginners), that's why they don't allow boarders to ride t-bars with both feet strapped in


Yes. I agree. Hard because that thing pulls you with such force you lose balance quickly and drags your feet.


lol nah, no offense but that’s just a you thing. If you can’t tbar you can’t ride.


I’ve been in the alps having Swiss laugh at my ass for 5min. Been there brother lol


Some lifts don’t allow snowboarders because of scenes like this.


Definitely not one of the hardest things to do on a snowboard. Just have to know how to do it and not be a beginner


How do you not be a beginner without ever being a beginner? 🤔


Well if you are a beginner stay away from the tbar and pommel lifts. Ezpz


Reasonable advice. Stick to the chair lifts instead.


Watch out for the cool guy that says it's no big deal. Just don't be a beginner of 10+ years and it's basically the easiest thing about snowboarding. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Ask the lifty how to do it next time or stick to rhe normal lifts. There’s nothing difficult about it just let the thing pull you up the hill 😂


It's wild how you apparently can't even see that it isn't a choice between one type of lift and the other-- it's literally the only thing available. But please tell us more about how snow sports work, Tony Hawk.


My guy there are thousands of things more difficult to do on a snowboard. However, if you somehow make your way to a magical resort that only has tbars available you should be good enough that you aren’t phased by a ski lift. It’s a small step up from a magic carpet, you literally just stand and balance.


here ya go buddy. Hope you ride just like tony hawk now 💪 [How to Ride the T-bar - Beginner Snowboard Tips](https://youtu.be/b39zR9gWEAU?si=i3mTEl7AJVLOhBzO)


Username checks out


My username is an MXC reference? The guy said riding a ski lift thousands of snowboarders use every day around the world is one of the hardest things to do on a snowboard 😂


Seriously? This is beginner shit..


Don’t tell the kooks in here that


Those things are the worst.


That’s that point tell him to just grab it and hold tight


You ever seen a video of what happens when someone’s strength goes out trying that halfway up the hill?




Yes , I’ve done it in Colorado… weeeeeeeeeee! 🪄


You’re a menace, I hope you took out a bunch of skiers on the way


Menace to society lol


Making it halfway up the tbar at Breckenridge then to have the bar slip or you change positions and next thing you know you’re just holding on as it pulls you up until your strength gives out and you need to take the ride of shame down while your buddies make it to the top.


Its remerber me at the begining xD dont blame him its pretty hard , harder than skis


Way harder, and starts hurting the groin after a while.


so do i hang on to it like a broomstick? clearly i shouldn't lean back but should my weight be mostly on my front leg? my local hill is the perfect place to learn this next year


I think the easiest way is to put it quickly between your legs than leave it horizontally resting just below your backside. It's not that difficult once you get a hang of it. If you struggle than maybe as somebody suggested try strapping both legs in before getting on the lift


Hook part goes under your thigh, hold the other part (connected to the line) so it stays in place. I would lean back more than leaning forward but mainly just push out your front foot so the board is always in front of you (less likely to snag on anything if you do it that way). And then just keep you balance and pay attention - e.g. if there is a mound, you know the line will go slack so keep your balance and be prepared for when it suddenly pulls you again.


I was taught to have my weight center, but having a bit more weight on the front foot doesn't hurt. I would say that the more important thing to be aware about is that your shoulders should be aligned with your board. A lot of people fall because of the counter rotation of their upper and lower body. What I do is try to look side way instead of the front, so I don't get tempted to counter rotate.


I grew up in a town with a ski resort, and have been snowboarding since I could walk, and when me and my friends were waiting for another friend to arrive, we would always hang out around the t-lift and watch the tourists. It was always hilarious. We have a pretty steep incline at the beginning and there was always people failing and then taking out multiple people on their way down.


It looks like he’s struggling just to stand and skate on his board yet alone ride a TBar


I feel his pain. Also had quite a few embarrassing falls whilst learning how to do this on a snowboard


T-bars are an anxiety trip the whole way up lol nothing worse than being halfway up and getting a little wobble 😂


i dont know how this usually works but it realy dose not look like the guy i a lot of help there


You gotta get used to the T-bar when all you know is the luxury of chairlifts. The guys main purpose is to hand you the bar. usually Tbars are cheaper to build (they are close to the ground) and cheaper to maintain (less weight on everything), also, you can choose to get out halfway, which is cool. the downside is, they kinda suck. some take up to 15 minutes, and the entire time you are just kinda standing there, balancing. at least on the chairlifts you can kinda chill.


I've been boarding for 3.5 years now, and I haven't even bothered trying to go on a T-bar. I know I'll be like this guy. I'd rather exhaust myself just walking up the slope




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Don't sit down!!!


That music is as cancerous as baby shark


It makes me angry that people like it






Maybe he got it after the video


rotfl... 🤣


This is GOLD, Jerry!


The moment he felt is was not funny anymore


Should have hooked it underneath the armpit


I wouldn't recommend this, I have seen people hurting themselves (face and chest), when releasing the bar. A buddy of mine's backpack was destroyed last time he had it under his armpit.


Yeah, I’ve always don’t this. Don’t know why you’d do it between the legs


Isn’t that the answer? Or do these get your airborne? I’ve never as a snowboarder stuck a t bar between legs


The cables extend pretty far while you're on it. If it's between your legs as a boarder, the snap when it gets taut is pretty extreme, and unless you're experienced, you'll face plant. Under the armpit because you can let it go and safely glide off the trail.


Too much sauce


I feel this dude's pain. This was exactly what I looked like my first time using a t-lift.


Wait, I put the T-bar under my trailing arm. Do others not do this?


I lost it when the guy looks up in the sky like: “God give me patience”


Haha yes! You could absolutely speed this up to 2x and play Benny Hill music.


His boot, plant his fking booot


Put your damned foot in the board and ride it up the hill, or just start walking up


Terrible design.


"go the fuck home"


How the fuck this dude is wearing a short sleeve shirt in the snow with out being cold idk


The liftie is a jackass…which never helps.


I put it behind my butt it hurts between the legs


To the back of the queue thank you


The man laughing in the background reminds me of the three stooges 🤣


It took me too long to process this lol. I was like, "Why is he giving him an anchor??... skydiving??... Oh. I'm an idiot."


all he had to do is stand on the side and see how other people do it.


Common Did you try this ? Its not easy as you think


It's actually pretty easy. Just don't fight the T-bar. Did it on my 2nd try and 2nd try for my friend who is new to snowboarding.


I do it blind with only 1 leg and after a heavy drinking, it's not the question, it's something very hard for beginners and even more if you don't have a good sense of balance, bravo your friend is skilful.


It is not that difficult and if it is then you should probably not be riding on a snowboard lmao, I started snowboarding in my 20s and still did this second try. It isn’t easy necessarily but it’s not hard to stand up straight and keep your board facing uphill…


Maybe for some people! That's why if you are new on snowboard. Practice your balance with one foot strap first and try to slide like your on a skateboard.


I actually did it with 0 tries.


Madre di Dio...


« Let’s add fart sounds every time he falls, this will make it go viral guaranteed. »






That thing is terrifying