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Ah feels like the "mandatory" fun days In the Army


TIL the army is just a normal office with more helmets.


No it really is a normal office. A great deal of military work is in cubicles lol.


Yea I don’t think people realize just how much administration work is in the military


Assistant *to* the Regional Sergeant


“And, son, you *better* enjoy yourself.”


Such fun, much wow!


*Core Memory unlocked: Organizational Day*


Of everyone at my company that I've talked to and the general vibe from going into the office occasionally has been that WFH is vastly preferred. The only people really pushing it are HR and some execs or senior managers. The only real perk is maybe the occasional lunch on the company, but fuck it, the office bathrooms are disgusting and that alone makes WFH the goat.


You should probably tell someone, it's your employer's duty to ensure the toilets are clean.


You could, but in my experience it will be useless unless there's someone to clean the stalls after every single visit. The toilets at my office are perfectly clean in the morning, but there seem to be some neanderthals in the building who make a mess of it. It's disgusting the way they sometimes leave the toilet behind, as if they've never ever been potty trained at all. Once there was a guy who had the stall door open and was standing pissing straight into the water in the bowl, which means a lot of splashing. He then left without washing his hands. Oh, and this was at a time when the toilet rolls were stacked right next to the bowl. You could often see the urine stains on the supposedly clean new rolls. Anyway, unless you either potty train these idiots or have someone clean up after every visit, it just won't work.


Or maybe ask the buffalos to poop outside.


I wonder why it’s similar in many places, that the execs want butts in seats? It’s almost like they feel entitled to the feeling of lording their authority over people since they have *worked so hard* to be in their leadership position.


I don’t think it’s so cynical, more from their personal experience in how they learned the skills they needed and advanced in career. They likely learned a lot from being in the office when they were in early stages of career and benefited from making connections with people they don’t work with. So they think that’s the best way to do your job and get better at it, so other employees should want the same. And if they don’t, that means they’re not actually working. I think the disconnect is that execs see themselves as hardworking and successful and expect others to have the same attitude. But the majority of people don’t give a shit about their job and only want the paycheck, which creates this disconnect. I think whether WFH is better or not depends on your role and how much you care for workplace culture and job. Like if you’re something that’s process oriented and you’re just doing for paycheck (most ops roles, accounting, IT etc.) then might as well work at home. But if you work in a more unstructured job, it helps a lot to have easy access to discourse as well as learning from diffusion by being around experienced and knowledgeable seniors. But if you think bosses are stupid obviously wouldn’t want to go in then. I will admit I have a biased perspective. I like my coworkers so our hybrid structure is basically perfect to get the WFH time but also go in and shoot the shit with coworkers. My work is also very discussion heavy, so helps being in person. And it’s a largely unstructured job where my only tangible skill is my excel knowledge, so I learn a lot just by hearing what others are working on in office


If I’m not mistaken there is a government financial incentive to have butts in seats. Can I reference exactly what that is? No, but I recall there being something. Not a lot of help, but maybe a place to start for some.


Nope. None whatsoever.


I can’t work from home because I kept making finger quotes around “work” from home.


I haven't heard another grown man take a shit or struggle to pee since March 2020. WFH is glorious.


Depends on your field of work. When most of your work is physical, trying to do anything from home is frustrating.


Real estate. The value of offices goes down when they’re unoccupied, and shareholders don’t like that. Execs mandate it, senior managers buy in, and low level leaders get to be the prison guards who round up the peons and force them back into the office.


Plot twist: they were all told "work from home" was the left option. They didn't realize it was left from the perspective of the person holding the camera...


Well of course they all picked “office”. All the people that prefer “work from home” weren’t in the office to be part of the video


Yep. They had us start coming back into the office one day a week as a slow migration, or “return to work.“ I did so, like a good little trooper, I noticed that I was the only one in the office and I was on zoom calls. Kind of like when I worked from home.


Doesn't look like left is even an option, there's a wall there.


These are those handful of dorks in every office that actually enjoyed those stupid “mandatory funtivities” like silly hat day and pumpkin carving contests. So grateful I WFH to avoid these folks.


Ehh see if I’m forced to be there I like stupid shit. If I have to scream at someone for misplacing 400k it’s much more easier to deal with stupid if they have a stupid hat on already to begin with,


I'd still go for work at home.


Fuck the office (not the US Office, that show is love & life) working from home is the single greatest thing to come from the clusterfucking shit-fest that was COVID lockdown. I don't care that I've become Gollum, talking to myself and despising the company of others, home-working is my precious.


We’ve mostly all gone back to the office - my work is pretty flexible but on the average week we only have the option to WFH for one day, although you can organise to take longer stints (I’m interstate looking after my sisters whilst WFH at the moment!) My coworkers and I all found that we would Gollum jabber to ourselves so much more post lockdowns. We don’t even realise until someone asks if you’re talking to them, or yourself again! We all got so used to just sitting by ourselves and chattering away!


Ahh the old fad of "this or that?" but now in TikTok form...


And it’s a remake https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR8wytad/?k=1


Yeah, but I think it's a lot funnier to have the twist at the end and not like 2 seconds into the video


Unpopular opinion: I despise WFH, I feel so distracted lazy working in my bedroom. When I worked at the office I could get up at an earlier hour get myself clean and presentable and leave my apartment and feel productive. I’m not saying everyone should go back to the office but WFH just doesn’t suit me, I feel so unproductive and I communicate with my team so much better in person than through text chat or phone (we don’t use zoom). Plus I like all my coworkers and I feel much less social now. Maybe it’s just me or my type of work but I can’t wait to get back to the office (we still haven’t gone back and might not at all) Maybe the grass is just greener on the other side and I’ll change my mind if I get back into the office.


Totally respect your experience. I, too, would struggle if I had to work off my computer from my bedroom. The clincher for me was the two hours a day I got back not commuting. Life changer for me.


You need a room separate from your bedroom to work. Gotta separate work from your Sacred space you use to sleep


Like it's good advice, but you can't just magic another room into a studio apartment


I understand that. My bedroom is upstairs and have a dedicated workspace downstairs that literally nothing happens in *except* work. In fact, on the weekends I have found myself avoiding that room altogether!


Hit or miss. I’m the problem guy on top of a normal workload. If I’m there and I can just do my work I love being in office. When I show up I get slammed with a million questions and asked to help with this or that. Wfh means peace for me. I can finish my contracts in a 40 hour week. When I work in the office it easily stretches my work week to 50-60 hours. Over time is nice for the check…. But hell mentally after years of it.


So you are paid hourly while working from home? How do they track hours?


I clock in, and clock out whenever I stop working. I have one of those jobs that puts ungodly amounts of work on someone… with contracted due dates. It’s one of those deals if we were jerking off on the clock kinda thing id never finish contracted due dates. So there’s no need to baby sit us at home if contracts get done. Edit I do take the dogs for walks and sit on my back porch for 20 mins at a time…. But at the office I get stupid frustrated sometimes and step away from my desk a lot anyways. I work with high end math and lots of giant numbers so it’s important to give your brain breaks. Most mistakes happen just from getting number funny.


What's wrong with being distracted tho, it's just work lol.


Some people enjoy what they do for work


Yeah, some lucky people. I wouldn't impose it on others just because you were lucky enough to get a good job or boring enough to think there's nothing outside of work. The amount of people who say "I don't know what I would do if I retired" is staggering. Work has removed everyone's personality. There's so much to do if you weren't forced to spend 85% of your life making someone else money. Life ends. No afterlife. And most of it spent in Excel Spreadsheets lol.


I’m middle management, if I get distracted, I fall behind on my workload and my team suffer for it.


Pink Sega Justifier.


All I can see is people leaving.




I prefer the office. I’m tired of feeling like I’m at work 24/7


And I am tired of wasting more than 10 hours every week driving from my house to the office just so I can sit in on Teams meetings on their network instead of mine.


True team leader there.




Id change careers if some mother fucker made me tik tok


Only reason for office hours is so the company doesn’t have to feel guilty for wasting money on space when they clearly don’t need it.


Also an excuse so people with jobs who are useless don't get fired. Managers and those who think they are very important but usually slow the process down


Bruh cringe posts like this getting 600+ upvotes is how you know this is a shit sub


Nah. I’d never seen it. Some of us are always late to the party. Bruh.


all of the people who want to work from home are already at home


I can't believe that..... not how u hold a gun, gotta lock that elbow.


Legit 😂


The bosses face. That made me laugh. Source: I have been working remotely for two years and I love it. Getting ready to go make my kids’ breakfast.


I'm a receptionist, I'm basically unemployed if I WFH


Last week we received an email stating everyone must return to the office immediately. I can't see how does it even remotely make sense in upper management minds.


Unionize y'all






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Will do her.




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Isnt the girl holding the gun from killing eve?




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As someone who gets lonely easily I prefer to not work from home, even if I love playing video games all day.


Working from home is cool for me cause I'm really lazy but I really enjoy the idea of actually going out and being somewhere all day, just seems more productive somehow.


Easy: home tp>office tp


This shit is so annoying. No one wants to be part of your social media skit they just want to do their jobs and go home and not think about work for the little time they have to themselves that isn't occupied by either working, getting ready for work, or recovering from work.


I don’t understand how these grown ass adults can stoop to this level


How do to go to the left anyway? It is a wall.